Go! Kaiju Precure! - Chapter 1 - kai_awase - 怪獣8号 (2024)

Chapter Text

It’s precisely on Hoshina’s fourth parry against a Yoju that he miscalculates and pays dearly for it with a slash to the face. There isn’t enough time to parry the next hit and retrieve his mask, so Hoshina settles for drawing a wide berth between himself and the Yoju, his pride stinging more than the cut on his cheek.

He has half a plan formed in his head when he hears a very distinct and very male voice say—

“Kaiju Crystal!”

“Heart, shine!”

A flash of pink blinding light descends upon the ruins of the shopping district.

Hoshina squints his eyes, confused. Ribbons and sparkles appear out of nowhere, wrapping around a distinctly human-shaped figure.

“Embrace the shining future without Kaiju!”

Even the Yoju pauses in its attack to stare at the ball of pink light in surprise—a rare display of camaraderie between humans and Kaiju.

“Supporting everyone, the Pretty Cure of Sunshine!

“Cure Kaiju 8 has arrived!”

From beneath the layers of pink and ribbons, emerges a man in a frilly skirt. He walks from the light armed with a heart-shaped trinket on his head and on his gloved hands is a thin dainty stick, that is, Hoshina guesses it right before he sees it completely, pink with a large heart at the base.

In other words, a magical girl— man?— stands before him and the Yoju.

A pregnant pause settles in the air.

Hoshina stares at the magical man, the magical man stares at the Yoju and the Yoju stares at Hoshina and the magical man as if a second look would somehow give it the answers that eluded it the first time.

“Um,” Hoshina begins, settling for pragmatism. “Are you lost, sir? The evacuation shelter is at the other end of this street.”

“I—What, no?” The magical man splutters as he straightens out his very short skirt with his free hand. Hoshina can’t help it when his gaze tracks his movement. “Didn’t you see my transformation sequence?”

It was frankly hard to miss, but Hoshina has no time to humor a civilian’s cosplay hijinks, pretty man or otherwise. “You should really head to a shelter. Cosplaying outdoors when there’s an active Kaiju attack puts you in harm's way.” Hoshina says with an authoritative tone. He sees a quick blur from the corner of his eyes and immediately blocks the Yoju’s pincers with his sword.

Clearly, the thing had gotten over its initial confusion and had decided to do what it did best—maim and kill.

“I’m a little busy here, so if you could just wait somewhere out of the way that’d be great!” Hoshina shouts in between slashes. He could have finished the Yoju sooner but the magical man’s presence made it harder to go all in.

And it isn’t because Hoshina is distracted by the way the man’s pink and white lacy skirt flutters against his shapely thighs.

Nope, not one bit.

“Oh okay…Wait, no! I’m here to help!” The man shouts, drawing the Yoju’s many eyes to himself. Hoshina is fast enough to land a few more hits but the magical man is somehow faster and appears next to him in a flash.

“Hey!” Hoshina stretches his arm to push the man away, but his assistance is unnecessary because at the next second he hears a very loud, “KAIJU PUUUUUNCH!”

Hoshina isn’t even sure how he’ll explain what just happened in his report later on. All he knows is that a barrage of pink hearts appears at the same time he hears the man shout. A flash of pink hearts later and all that remains is a pair of hind legs without a body to support and a large splatter of red on the wall.

A few specks of the Yoju’s blood manage to land on Hoshina while the magical man is drenched in it.

The magical man looks shocked, horrified even, more so than Hoshina should be feeling at the moment. “ Oh my god,” He tries to shake off the blood on his hands but all it does is smear more blood on his skirt. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to hit it, I mean, I did , but not that hard! I didn’t know this would happen! I’m so sorry, this is my first day.” He deflates at the apology, the ribbons behind him drooping ever so slightly as if to mirror his mood.

Hoshina isn’t entirely sure what to make of the magical man, Cure Kaiju 8 , but the sequence of bizarre events one after the other and the comical decimation of the Yoju make all tension leave his body.

So he cackles, a loud obnoxious sound that makes Cure Kaiju 8 positively blush to the tips of his ears. It’s the most precious thing he’s seen in his life and he can’t help but want to tease the man a little. “What kind of magical girl beats monsters with their fists?”

“...I didn’t know how to use my wand. I, uh, haven’t gotten any practice…”

Hoshina bends over, wheezing.

“Stop laughing!” Cure Kaiju 8 wails in despair. His face turns red just like a cooked lobster, and that makes Hoshina laugh even harder.

God. Hoshina hasn’t had a good laugh like this in a while. Okonogi detects a change in his vitals and worriedly pings him through their comms but he waves her away.

“Geez, you’re a pretty dang interesting fellow, y’know?” Hoshina says, dropping all pretence of politeness. “I’d invite you to join the force but cosplay isn’t allowed while on duty.”

“This isn’t cosplay!” Cure Kaiju 8 retorts, offended. His frills and ribbons flap around him and he must have noticed the way Hoshina doubtfully stares at his ornaments because he follows it up with, “I’m Cure Kaiju 8, the Pretty Cure of Sunshine!”

”Yeah, so you’ve said.” Hoshina replies placatingly in an unconvinced tone, the grin never leaving his face. “Still, I haven’t seen anyone beat a Yoju to a pulp like that without a suit from Izumo tech. Except for, well, let’s not talk about that guy.” Stepping over the remains of the Kaiju, Hoshina inspects the fabric of the other man’s dress. The material feels cheap and looks provocatively sheer, doing little to hide the contour of the man’s body. “Huh. Wait, you’ve got a little something on you here.”

Hoshina will forever maintain that his intentions for Cure Kaiju 8 at that moment were purely professional. (Never mind his later impure intentions for Kafka.) He had seen a bit of red on one of the many underlayers of his skirt and had thought to help the clearly aghast man by rubbing it off.

He just hadn’t realized that he’d tugged his skirt hard enough to raise the fabric up to his waist.

Hoshina blinks.

There are two moles on the inside of the magical man’s thigh, just a few centimeters below the lace of his pink panties.

“Oh. That’s kinda cute.”

Cure Kaiju 8 squeaks before promptly smacking him in the head with his wand.




Cure Kaiju 8 implies the existence of Cure Kaiju 1 to 7, but Hoshina has never heard of a numbered Pretty Cure, whatever that means, and even the operations team had little data on the magical man after over a month of research.

“His readings are strange. Cure Kaiju 8 appears human but our intel indicates a brief spike in fortitude level when he appears.” Okonogi says, frowning at the data they’ve managed to gather so far. The text ‘WHO IS CURE KAIJU 8?’ is written in big bold letters at the center of the operations team’s evidence board.

Privately, Hoshina thinks that it resembled a rabid fan’s conspiracy board more than anything. He can’t tell how knowing Cure Kaiju 8’s three sizes and top three fan cafes would be of any help. Not to mention, he’s personally seen Okonogi’s acrylic stand of the guy.

He doesn’t say anything about it, but he’s also seen officers have a picture of the man squirrelled somewhere deep in their lockers.

“All surveillance recordings we have of him are likewise strange. His face is always a blur in both pictures and videos, it’s like the cameras always malfunction when he’s there.” Okonogi continues, unaware of Hoshina’s misgivings. After a brief contemplative hum, she adds, “The forensic artist’s been having a hard time sketching his likeness too, none of the witnesses can give specific details of what his face looks like.”

Hoshina is a direct testament to that. Despite prolonged contact with Cure Kaiju 8, he could recall, albeit vaguely, that the man had a shapely pair of legs with twin moles on his right thigh. But when the memory of Cure Kaiju 8’s face tries to surface in his mind, everything turns hazy.

“I wonder if it's the law of magical girls,” Okonogi pipes up, unprompted.

“The law of what now,”

“Um, it’s like how in magical girl anime where the character’s identity is never exposed unless they purposely reveal it…” She trails off, gauging Hoshina’s reaction. She takes his silence as a cue for her to continue and shyly adds, “Part of a magical girl’s power is to alter the perception of those around them to conceal their persona…I think.”

Hoshina’s gaze sharpens. “So a mind-altering Kaiju then? Sounds dangerous.”

”No, no, nothing like that!” Okonogi splutters, hastily opening a laptop to pull out a video of Cure Kaiju 8’s latest battle. “He may be a bit strange and we’ve yet to determine just who or what he is, but there’s no doubt that he’s on the side of humanity!” She pushes the laptop close to Hoshina’s face. But all he sees is a series of filtered shots of the mystery man to the tune of a trendy pop song.

Hoshina raises a concerned brow as he sees a very suggestive shot of Cure Kaiju 8’s skirt flipping dangerously high.

“Oops. Wrong video.” She clicks the next button and a more professional video plays on the screen.

“You’re a big fan of the guy huh, Okonogi-chan?” Hoshina asks. Despite his…questions…about Okonogi’s homemade video—and he’s certain it’s her work because there’s no way a civilian would have access to some of those clips—he can’t deny the artistry behind it. “Well. It’s not like I can’t see the appeal. But unless we’ve eliminated all possibilities of him bein’ an enemy, we gotta be careful.”

Okonogi nods, crestfallen.

“Oh and Okonogi-chan…”

“…Yes, Vice Captain?”

“I’m confiscating your laptop.”

“That’s not fair!”

“If it were up to Captain Ashiro, I bet she’d be less forgiving of your use of confidential data for non-JAKDF purposes.” Frankly, Okonogi’s breach of conduct is already deserving of a write-up, but Hoshina doesn’t want to deal with the headache of having to explain why to his boss's boss.

“Can’t I give it to you tomorrow?” All semblance of self-respect leaves the captain of the operations team. She clings to Hoshina’s leg like her life depends on it as she begs, wailing. “I worked so hard on this! Leader-san promised that we would have a theater screening of Cure Kaiju 8’s next battle if I made this for him!”

“That sounds an awful lot like confessing to leaking data.”

“I can’t tell you all the details but I swear it’s all completely legal, see, I have the proper documentation for it!”

To Okonogi’s credit, the paper she brandishes looks legitimate with all the proper stamps of approval included. There’s also a startling amount of redacted names and signatures hidden under a black Sharpie. Whoever it is behind Okonogi’s pet project doesn’t want to be known anytime soon. She’d referred to someone as Leader-san and Hoshina briefly wonders who exactly in their ranks was brave (foolish?) enough to do such a thing.

A mop of black and pink hair flashes across Hoshina’s mind.

Captain Narumi can do little to surprise Hoshina at this point. But Hoshina’s almost impressed by the man’s ability to pick up a laptop and draft a proper request form like this, given his chronic laziness and apathy towards even the most basic of self-care tasks.

“Alright then,” Hoshina replies, satisfied that his colleague was not in fact breaching any protocol.

Before he leaves however, he looks over his shoulder one last time and asks, “...Could you email those videos to me too?”

“Will you be conducting your own investigation?” Okonogi blinks, her face brightening soon after. “Wow. Vice Captain Hoshina, you’re so dedicated, you’re such a big inspiration for us here in the operations team!”

“...Yeah, something like that. It might help jog some of my memories.”




It doesn’t help jog Hoshina’s memory at all. Another month later and all he has to show for it is an embarrassing amount of Cure Kaiju 8 videos stashed on both his personal and work laptop. He doesn’t understand how the man has consumed his every waking thought. Even when he’s in the middle of a fight against a Kaiju, he can’t help the disappointed feeling that bubbles in his chest when he doesn’t see the familiar glitter of pink in the horizon.

Oh who is Hoshina kidding? He’s always been fond of simple and funny guys like him. Watching the JAKDF’s footage of Cure Kaiju 8 is so much better than any variety show on television. The clips he has of Cure Kaiju 8 have him cackling so much that Captain Ashiro had begun to express concern on why he was almost tardy to meetings, arriving all breathless with his hair tousled.

“Are you rendezvousing with a lover at the supply closet?” Captain Ashiro frowns at him, her tone full of admonishment. “You do remember the last time that the chief of staff caught some officers there.”

To a certain degree, Hoshina thinks that having a secret lover in the force was a more socially acceptable explanation than say, spending his entire lunch break guffawing at Cure Kaiju’s 8 latest display of clumsiness. The former, while unprofessional, implies that Hoshina actually had a life outside of the JAKDF. The latter is just indicative of Hoshina’s spiraling obsession over Cure Kaiju 8.

But it isn’t an obsession, not really, because Hoshina can stop anytime he wants.

(And if he replays the clip of Cure Kaiju 8 resolutely picking himself up after having tripped face first and ass out before unleashing his Kaiju Beam, well, that’s between Hoshina and his YouTube history.)

“Not to worry Captain, I just got caught up with some paperwork,” He lies, one fang peeking out his lips. “I’ll be early next time.”

Captain Ashiro stares at him. She’s never seen anyone so happy at the prospect of paperwork before. Well then, she supposes that she’ll just have to pass more administrative duties to Hoshina if it makes him this happy.

Never let it be said that Captain Ashiro is ignorant of her subordinates' joys.




Hoshina stares forlornly at the mountain of paperwork on his desk and then at his phone. It’s almost time for the livestream of Cure Kaiju 8’s battle.

After some internal struggle, he pockets his phone.

He really should have kept his mouth shut then.




As time passes, the capture of Cure Kaiju 8 takes less of a priority.

Cure Kaiju 8, despite all odds and dubious origins, seizes the love and adoration of the masses. Half of it is due to his unwavering commitment to assisting the JAKDF in both extermination and clean-up of Kaiju. The other half is due to his cult-like status as an underground idol with a dedicated fanbase.

For those reasons, the higher-ups of the JAKDF are content to leave Cure Kaiju 8 to his own devices with some supervision. And supervision is putting it generously, if anything, it’s just an over-glorified fanclub of officers dedicated to following Cure Kaiju 8’s activities. They’re kind of like his personal bodyguard team, except their protection isn’t against Kaiju but against overzealous fans who ignored evacuation orders.

But Hoshina has to begrudgingly admit that it’s thanks to them that they get double the size of recruits that year. Hoshina tries not to pick favorites but he’s most charmed by the runt of the litter. Hibino Kafka is a silly man, but a hard worker despite all odds and Hoshina respects that.

The strangest thing about him, however, is that he looks at Hoshina with the most distrustful of gazes.

Hoshina is a little wounded. He’s not that intimidating. But Kafka makes him feel like a fox out for prey with the way he squeaks and hides when he so much meets his gaze.

“Morning, Kafka, Ichikawa.” Hoshina greets when he runs into them one early morning before breakfast. “You guys are up early today.”

”Good Morning, Vice Captain,” Ichikawa greets back.

“...Morning.” Kafka nods slowly. His eyes flick to Ichikawa before skittering behind the shorter man. Ichikawa barely conceals Kafka from Hoshina’s view but there’s a triumphant twinkle in his eyes as his gaze darts between Hoshina and Kafka.

There’s a competition here that Ichikawa thinks he’s won. Hoshina doesn’t know what it is but is delighted to be considered a threat.

(“Senpai that’s rude,” Ichikawa whispers. “You need to greet the Vice Captain properly, come on,”

“I know! I just, ugh, what if he remembers me?” Kafka whisper-shouts back.

“The Precure Light of Forgetfulness works on everyone, remember?”

“But you remember!”

“Senpai, that’s because you transformed in and out of your Precure persona in front of me.”

“It’s not my fault that you were peeking in on me!”

“…In any case, you can’t hide behind me forever, senpai.”

“I’m doing just fine now, aren’t I? And besides, he saw my…uh…I mean, it’s more reassuring to have you in front of me.”

“Senpai…you’re really…”)

Hoshina isn’t sure what’s annoying him more, Kafka’s inability to look at him properly or Ichikawa’s token half-hearted protests despite clearly enjoying the way Kafka was pressed close to his back. He can’t tell what it is they’re talking about but the small smile that Ichikawa is actively trying to suppress irritates Hoshina even further for no reason.

“…Good Morning, Vice Captain Hoshina,” Kafka reluctantly says after a beat. It’s an improvement over their typical exchanges but Kafka still doesn’t seem keen on letting go of Ichikawa’s shoulders.

Hoshina dismisses them with a wave of the hand but it does little to assuage Kafka’s caginess. Even when they leave for the mess hall, Kafka continues to sneak worried glances over his shoulder until Hoshina was completely out of sight.

What an odd fellow.

There’s little change, if at all, to Hoshina and Kafka’s interactions after that.

Kafka is still weird about Hoshina and there’s something about the way Ichikawa doggedly runs after Kafka whenever Kafka loudly declares that he needs to use the bathroom for a very long time and would most likely be back after half an hour tops, that makes Hoshina suspicious.

(“Senpai! Not inside the supply closet! We almost got caught there last time!”

“We gotta go somewhere a little more private then!”)

It isn’t Hoshina’s business if Ichikawa and Kafka are lovers, it shouldn’t be a problem as long as they’re discreet. But they’re not and Hoshina doesn’t want to deal with another incident report about handsy pent-up officers who couldn’t wait to go at it until their day off.

With Captain Ashiro oblivious to such courtship rituals within their ranks, it falls to Hoshina’s socially capable hands to play peacekeeper.

“So,” He says conversationally, sitting across from Kafka. The library is empty save for the two of them and Kafka’s textbooks on Anti-Kaiju Combat 101. “You and Ichikawa?”

Kafka pauses for a long moment before he can decide his next move. He’s in the middle of doing some extra reading when Hoshina crashes into his study session. Hoshina can tell that his presence is unwelcome and Kafka looks torn between bolting from his seat and staying still in the name of decorum. Finally, he settles with, “What about Ichikawa, um, sir?”

“Oh, you know, the two of you are always together.” Hoshina grins meaningfully.

Kafka frowns. “Well, yeah, because we’re officers from the same division.”

“You guys going physical with each other?”

“Ichikawa’s a good sparring partner during combat practice.”

“Yeah, I bet you guys have a lot of practice with gland to gland combat.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“He creamin’ your donut?”

“Um? I…I don’t know..? I don’t really like cream donuts all that much…”

Kafka still doesn’t get it. There’s no other way to approach this other than brutal honesty. Hoshina will have to pull the proverbial band-aid and hopes this doesn’t count as sexual harassment. “You two f*cking in the supply closet?” Hoshina makes the universal sign for penetration.

“I, WHAT, HUH???” Kafka splutters, his indignation taking priority over whatever fear he has for Hoshina. He waves his arms in the air as he adds, “We’re not like that, oh my god, who told you that?! Was it Minase? I bet it was Minase! Darn it, I told her to stop being a gossip!”

“The two of you are always disappearin’ for long periods. Together .” Hoshina emphasizes before adding. “And he looks like he wants to jump your bones.”

“Now that’s just crazy! Ichikawa’s a stand-up guy—”

Yeah. Hoshina bets he is.

“—But there’s nothing between us. He’s just nice enough to help me with…some of my troubles…sir…” Kafka deflates. “Really, there’s nothing going on with me right now. I’m not like that with anyone.”

A beat passes before Kafka adds, “If anything I’m so unpopular that I don’t think that’ll be happening for me anytime in the future.” A dark cloud of despair settles on Kafka’s head. “Must be nice to be young and popular sir.”

Hoshina feels a little bad now. He didn’t mean to hit that far below the belt.

“Cheer up,” Hoshina says, clapping Kafka’s shoulder over the table. He thinks of the many motivational speeches Captain Ashiro has given over the years. “Stand up with pride and your head held high. You’re an officer of the third division now.” And for good measure, he adds, “I’m sure things will work out for you. You’re not so bad yourself Kafka.”

“You really think so?” Kafka sniffs with unshed tears in his eyes.

“Uh huh,”

For the first time, Kafka finally looks— properly looks—at Hoshina this time. There’s a familiar weight to his gaze and though Hoshina can’t remember why, he finds himself endeared to the wide-eyed hopeful expression that Kafka shows him.

But the spell is immediately broken once Kafka opens his mouth. “Wow. You’re so cool sir. I’m sorry for having doubted you. I thought you were just some weird Cure Kaiju 8 fan. ”

“And that’s fifty push-ups for giving lip to your commanding officer.”


“Alright let’s make it a hundred!”




Hoshina’s next meeting with Cure Kaiju 8 goes something like this.

A stray Yoju flees for the shopping district with Hoshina hot behind its heels. It’s a slippery thing that regenerates two tendrils for every one that Hoshina cuts. Speed and accuracy are key to defeating it, so Hoshina unleashes an even higher combat power.

But when he finally rounds the corner with his blades poised to strike, he’s greeted by a most unexpected sight.

There, above him, dangles Cure Kaiju 8 with his feet up in the air. Thick tentacles writhe around his body and under his clothes, keeping him in place.

Ah. Hoshina has seen hentai manga like this stashed deep in the recesses of Soichiro’s closet.

“Get off me!” Cure Kaiju 8 yells, completely oblivious to Hoshina’s presence. He strains to loosen his arms from the Yoju’s lecherous grasp. But all it does is provoke the Yoju into angrily secreting mucus that conveniently melts pieces of Cure Kaiju 8’s clothes alone, without breaking skin. “What is ha—OH MY GOD, WHERE ARE YOU TOUCHING, BAD TOUCH! BAD TOUCH!

The Kaiju ignores him and persists in bad touching.

Yep. Definitely just like Soichiro’s p*rn mags.

Hoshina should really be doing something right now, like maybe hacking and slashing away at the Yoju as per his job description. But when Hoshina sees Cure Kaiju 8 frantically moving an arm to cover his chest while his other hand clutches at his partially melted skirt to hide his underwear, his laughter comes out like a reflex and he drops to the ground, doubling over, wheezing.

“Ah. It’s you!” Cure Kaiju 8 exclaims, the relief palpable in his tone. “Vice Captain Hoshina!”

Hoshina is flattered that he even remembers him, never mind that he doesn’t recall ever having given Cure Kaiju 8 his name. But this must be what fans feel like when their favorite pop idol notices them.

Hoshina, though pleased, tries to play it cool.

“Ehhhhh. So it’s pink today too?”

Real smooth, Hoshina.

“ACK! Where are you looking?!” Both of Cure Kaiju 8’s hands move to cover his crotch. But the Yoju detects it as a form of resistance and consequently shoots even more tentacles to restrict his wrists and ankles, spreading him wide open for Hoshina to see. “No, no, no, why are you doing this to me?! I’m not a heroine of a p*rny manga! You can’t do this to defenders of love and justice!”

Hoshina laughs even harder.

“Stop laughing and just help me already!”

“Aww, but I wanted to see the Kaiju Beam in action.”


God. Hoshina’s so awful. But he can’t stop cackling, not when he sees the way Cure Kaiju 8 trembles in anger and embarrassment under the Yoju’s manhandling. Hoshina doesn’t think he’s ever laughed this hard before in his life.

“I hate you. You’re terrible. I’m here up in the air and you’re just laughing with a boner.” Cure Kaiju 8 mumbles, his power of super sight not eluding him even in his time of distress. He sniffs pitifully at Hoshina, much like an aggrieved puppy bereft of treats. “Come on. Just help me, please,”

Hoshina’s heart clenches.

If he was going to be like that, how was Hoshina to say no?

Without another word, Hoshina leaps for the Yoju, raising his swords to slash at it in quick succession until he finally pierces its core with a deep stab. It’s a messy job and Hoshina thinks he could have been a little neater about it given more time but Cure Kaiju 8 looks like he’s about to die of shame and Hoshina can’t have that happening on his watch.

Soon, gravity makes quick work of Cure Kaiju 8 and he shrieks, hurtling towards the ground at breakneck speed. Hoshina doesn’t need to catch him, he’s seen the man fall from greater heights and survive without a scratch, but it never hurts to score a few more brownie points.

Besides, he wants to know if Cure Kaiju 8’s thighs are as soft as they appear to be.

“I’ve got you!” Hoshina grunts as he secures a flustered Cure Kaiju 8 in his arms and— oh wow everything about the man is soft.

“Nice catch!” Cure Kaiju 8 grins, barely paying attention to the fact that they’ve both landed safely on the ground and that Hoshina has yet to put him down. “You’re so fast, I barely even saw you!”

“Not as fast as your Kaiju Punch from last time,” Hoshina teases.

Cure Kaiju 8 sheepishly looks up at Hoshina, “About that…that wasn’t very cool of me. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hit you back then, I just got a bit surprised. How’s your head feeling?”

A greater man would have been quick to soothe Cure Kaiju 8’s guilt, but Hoshina, though not a lesser man, is not above acts of petty trickery.

“Ehhhh, that wand of yours packs a mean hit you know,” Hoshina complains as he makes his face look as pitiful as possible. “It still hurts sometimes,” That was a lie. After an ice pack and a slap to the back, the division medic had immediately cleared him for duty.

“It does?!” Cure Kaiju 8 exclaims. Hoshina barely has any time to react when he brazenly takes Hoshina’s face into his hands to inspect him for injuries. “Let me see,”

Hoshina has to bite his lip to refrain from making any remark that’ll ruin this moment.

The gentle press of Cure Kaiju 8’s fingers against his scalp stirs something within Hoshina. He has half a mind to lean in close to his hands but startles when he feels his head being pushed nose-first into Cure Kaiju 8’s very naked and very ample chest instead. “Where is it? I can’t seem to find it…” Cure Kaiju 8 mumbles, his fingers prodding close to the base of Hoshina’s skull.

Hoshina inhales. Wow. He smells really nice. And his nipples were within sucking distance too.

Hoshina does his best not to be weird about it.

Cure Kaiju 8 withdraws from him. “I think your sword is poking my hip.”

Hoshina smiles at the same time Cure Kaiju 8 notices his blades sheathed in their holsters.

Cure Kaiju 8 heaves a deep sigh, burying his own face into his hands. “I’m ruined for marriage. I can’t become a bride like this,”

“How about becoming my bride then? I have a lot of savings.” Hoshina says as he squeezes his thighs in appreciation.

Cure Kaiju 8 scampers away.

Go! Kaiju Precure! - Chapter 1 - kai_awase - 怪獣8号 (2024)
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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Author information

Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.