The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

1 THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, FRIDAY, JULY 30, 1948 5 GROUND IS LOST BY INDUSTRIALS FROM OPENING End 1.58 Down; Rails, Firm in Early Afternoon, Also Drop at Close By R. 1. BARNUM New York, July 29 Industrial stocks lost ground today from the opening to the close ending down 1.58. Rails, firm to 2 o'clock ended down 056. Aside from the administration's proposed legislation Nor checking inflation submitted to the Senate group, there was nothing definite or specitic in the day's news to account for further decline in stocks.

The administrations inflation bill introduced in the Senate by Barclay includes steps by the Federal Reserve that would make for Armer money. Volume again today was 750,000 shares. last Word in Size When the United States Steel Corp. was formed at the beginning of this century by merging a lot of steel companies that already represented mergers on top of mergers, United States Steel was generally considered in this country as the last word in size and earning power. To a large extent that impression still exists.

United States Steel is today one of the country's large corporations as revealed in yesterday's earnings, reported for a the three months ended with June and the half year. For the six tenths ended with June, sales of United States Steel mounted to $1.134,000,000. That's a lot of business. a or When United States Steel was formed in 1901, the automobile industry was in long baby clothes. General Motors, at the beginning of this century, did not exist even in dream form.

Today's General earnings report for the three months ended with June and the half year, however, put those of United States Steel in class of "small brother." For the three months ended with June, General Motors sales were $1.145,000,000 against $941.000,000 for the second quarter of 1947. For the half year sales were $2,234.000,000 against $1- 716.000,000 for the first six months of! 1947. Other details in today's General Motors report are equally staggering. Current assets, for example on June 30 were $1,690.000,000 with total current liabilities only $659,000,000, leav00, compared with at the ing net working capital at 0 end of 1937. Cash, respectively was $104,000,000, and 269,000,000.

In addition to the foregoing, on June 30, 1918, General Motors owned 000 par value of United States Government securities purchased in the open market. General Motors profits for the first half of 1948 increased 50.3 per cent over those of the like period of 1947. For the first six months of this year General Motors earned $1.55 a share for its common stock against $2.97 a share for the corresponding period of last year. Earnings In News With General Motors earnings in the news before the opening of the stock market this morning, General Motors transactions was at up The current annual dividend rate on General Motors is $3. That is roughly an income return of 5 per cent, a high yield compared with existing open market money rates.

Why is General Motors selling at its current price in the face of the company's earning power as reported today? The answer to that question is uncertainties existing in the domestic situation here at home and in the situation abroad. Business conditions here at home are not being improved by the presidential election campaign being carried on by the administration at Washington, the latest development being the overnight news from Washington that the Department of Justice is launching a -wide search for collusion on the part of corporations in violations of antitrust laws, especially those prohibiting agreements on price making. If there is one industry where competion exists today it is in the automobile industry. But uncertainties in the situation abroad overshadow those existing here as home. As the financial district here sees it, when and if there is war in Europe it will come from actions by Russia.

As of today, Russia is stronger than the United States in military power. Stalin has earned the reputation of going to any lengths in gaining what he wants. What the financial district here has in mind today in connection with General Motorg is the enormous cost to the company of shifting from civilian to war production in 1942 and back from wartime to peacetime production starting with 19455) Stock Market Net Galea in 100's High Low Close Chg. -A- Abbott Lab 7213 traus 12 Acme Sti 52 Adams Exp 20 21) 20 Addressog-M 39 41 1 Admiral Corp 15 Air Reduction 23 21 Alaska Juneau 1 Aldens Inc 18 18 18 13 Alleghany Corp Do pf 51 51 51 000 Alleg Lud Stl 29 28 29 Allen Industries 8 Al Chem Dye 185 183 183 2 Allied Kid Allied Mills 74 Allied Stra 33 17 Allia-Ch Mig 34 Do pi 921 911 Amal Leather Amerada Pet 52 Am Airlines 771 3 Do pi 55 55 55 10 Am Bank Note 26 26 46 Am Bosch 36 Am Broadcast 9 9 Am Cable Rad 5 3 Am Can 84 1 .40 Do pf. 170 170 Am 4414 Am Am Crystal Sug 2034 38 Am Cyanamid 38 01 Do pf 1 Am Distill 36 36 36 Am Encaus Tiling 614 Am European 10 Am For Pow pf Am-Ilawail SS Am 6 6 14 Am Home Prod Am Ice Am Invest Ill 10 Am Am Locomotive 16 A Am DE Am Metal 33 32 News Co 32 Am Pow Lt 142 Do pt S9 S9 89 Sales in 100' High Low 1 Do 5 pf Ani Safety cor Am Seating 261 1.10 Am Ship Bldg 43 6 Am Smelt 40 Do pf 148 12 Am St1 Fdra 30 291 Am 51 Am Tobacco 61 .70 Do pf 139 1:8 Am Viscose Do pi 119 Am Wat Wke 20 Am Woolen Do Am Zinc LeS 8 25 Anaconda Cop 3.60 Anacon .80 Anchor 100 100 Ander-Prich Oil 293 6 Arch-Dan-M 2914 283 Armco 79 28 .21) Do pf 993 994 8 Armour Co 13 3 Armstrong Cork 544 1.20 Do 4 pi 113 1 Artloom Carpet 17 17 Asad Dry Goods .10 Do 1 pt 104 104 .10 Do pt ...101 101 28 Atch 114 4 Du pt 3 ATE Inc 177 8 Atl Coast Line 39 58 4 Atl Indies 25 Atl Refining .90 Do pi 9 Atlas Corp .40 Atlas Powd 53 .20 Do pf 106 106 Aust Nich 3 Autocar Co 11 11 1 Autom Canteen 34 Aveo Mfg 1 Do pt 42 42 I 43 Bald Loco 30 Balt Ohio 151: 147 Do pf 26 26 Bangor Ar Do pl SO 11 Barber Oil 1 Barker Bros 9 Barnsdall Oil 40 Bath Ir Wiks Bayuk Cigars 20 20 1 Beatrice Foods .10 Do pf 1 Beaunit Mills 20 20 Beech Airc 13 13 Beech Nut Pack 361: 361 1 Belding Hen 1 Bell Howell 29 Bendix Aviat 32 8 Bend Home Ap 15 6 Benef Ind Ln Do 4 pt 102 102 Best Co.

Best Foods 24 Beth Steel 36 Rigelow Sant 331 0:300 Black Blaw-Knox Decker 03 1 Blias Laugh 1612 6 Bliss EW 31 30. Boeing Airplane 8 Hohn Al Brass .10 Bon Ami A 79 79 1.90 Do 40 41 Bond Strs 4 Borden Co Borg- Warner Boston Maine Braniff Airw 13 Rridgeport Brass 101: 7 Briggs Mfg Bristol-Myers Do pi 20 1) Rklyn Un Gas 20 20 14 Brown Bige Brown Shoe 31 Bucyrus-Erie 20 .10 Do pt 124 10 Budd Co 101 Buffalo Forge 37 37 Bulova Watch 4014 11 Burling Mills 23 6 Burr Add Mach 16 16 Bush Terminal 9 9 .10 Do pf 1 Byers Rutte Cop (AM) Zinc 3 5 Byron Jackson 31 5 Calif Packing 36 26 Callahan 2-Ld $16 Calumet Hec 63 Can A .30 Do pi 10514 .10 Can Sou Ry 41 41 44 Canad Pacific .10 Cap Adm pt 1 Capital Airl 6 Carpenter Sti 38 38 Carrier Corp Do pi 37 37 Carriers Gen Case (JI) Co 45 .40 Do pf 145 145 Tractor 24 Celanese Corp .30 Celanese 7 pi ...133 133 Celotex Corp 30 Cent Cent Aguirre 93 Foundry Cen Ga Ry Wi 9 Cen Hud 12 Cen GaRy pf Wi 363 Cent 25 Cent Violeta Sug 11 Century Rib 10 10 Cerro de Pas 23 Certain-teed Prod 177 17 Chain Belt Champ 24 23 .20 Do 987. 1 Checker Cab 16 Ches Ohio 384 16 Chicago Corp 16 Chicago Corp 6 Chi Il1 3 Do A 3 Chi Grt West 101 10 Do pi Chi Ind LA 13 Chi Ind I.B 32 Ch Chi NW 00 Do pi 451 1 Chi Pneu 3 pi 54 34 8 Ch. RI Pac 8 Do pf 67 Childe Co .50 Do pf Chrysler Corp 61 Cin 29 281 C.I.T, Finan 45 45 City Ice Fuel 30 30 3 City Stores 18 Clark Equip 37 37 Clev El Illum 39 .20 Do pf Clev Graph Br 274 4 Climax Molyb 153 2 Clinton Ind 26 263 3 Clopay cCorp 8 8 3 Cluett Peabody 36 16 1 Coac-Cola Colgate-Palm-P 1631 .20 Do pf 89 89 Aik 10 Colonial Mills 25 19 Col Fuel Ir Coi pf Col South 17 Colum Br'east A 26 26 Do 26 26; 28 Gas 13 Colum Pict 914 Do pf 707 1 Colum Carbon Col SO E. Com! Credit 30 50 Do pi 100 33 Coml Solvents 23 36 Com'with Edis 26 333 Com'with Do pf Conde Nast 10 Congoleum-Nairn 341 34 Consol Cigar 28 Cons Coppermin 16 Cons Edison 24 Do pf Cone Grocers 9 Cons Nat Gag 43, ConsolRR Cuba pi 23 Cons Textile 134 131 Cons Vultee Consum Pow 3.20 Do pf 99 Container Corp 35 17 Cont Bak 16 Cont Can 35 Cont Ins 36 13 Cont Motora 24 Cont OIl Del 6214 61 .20 Do pf 54 54 Cooper-Bess :10 Copperweld Sti 18 18 1,50 Corn Exchange 8 Corn Products 1 Cornell-Dub El 11 Corning Glass 19 Coty Inc Coty Internat 2 12 Crane Co 34 3 Creameries Am 10 11 Crown Cork 1 'Do of 10 Crown Zeller Do pf 115 Crucible Steel 25 Cudahy Pack Cuneo Press 13 Curtis Publishg Do pr pf 57 57 141 Curtiss Wright 12 14 Do A 4 Cutler Hammer 48 -D- 1.

1 Dana Corp Davega Strs pt Davison Chem Dayton .20 Do pf A 88 88 10 Dayton Rub 12 Decca Records Deep Rock Oil 37 35 19 Deere Co. 39 Do pl 31 5 Del Iludson 47 1 Del Lack 11 34 8 Do pf 11 Detroit Edison 21 21 2 Det-Mich Stove 12 Det Stl Corp 8 A 23 3 Diamond Match Do pf 5 Diam Motor 12 Dist. Corp-Seag Dixie Cup 37 37 2 Dr Pepper Doehler-Jarvis 36 36 11 Dome Mines 3 Douglas Airc 56 12 Dow Chem 454 Do pf 4 Dresser Indust Dunhill Int Duplan Corn 151 du l'ont le 00 Do pf Close Che. 13 2614 43 148 2914- 151 188 6615 1194 71- 34 8 39 100 247 29 A 12 11 1134 104 101 114 58 Sales la 100' High -E- 5 Kagle P'ich 25 Eastern A 1 .10 1 Do pl ..160 Eastman Kodak 42 Eaton Mfg 63. 8 Edis Broa Sirs Do pt 40 2 Elico Prod 6 El Auto Lite 19 Elec Boat 0 EI Mus Ind 14 El Power It Do $7 15t El .139 El Storage Bat 321 Elliott Co El Paso Nat Gas 3 Emerson El 19 Emer Rad Ph Empire El 16 .70 Equit Off Bidg 12 Erie RR Eureka Wms Evans Products 16 Eversharp 9 1 Ex-Cell-0 17 Fajardo Sugar 30 2 Falstaff Brew 22 43 Farns Tel Rad 36 Fed Ang Smelt 41) Fed-Mogul Fed Mot Truck 9 Fed Ferro Enam Stra 1 7 Firestone 49 First Nat Stre Flintkote 351 Florence Stove Florida Pow 13 1 15 16 Hollanshee StI 3014 Food Fair Stra Food Mach 3934 .10 Do pt 100 Foster Wheel 341 .60 Do pi Francisco Sug 157 Frank Sure 83.

3 Freeport Sulph 43 1 10 Fruehauf Tra -G- Gabriel Co 8' 11 Gair (Robert 8 3 Gar Gaylord Wood Cont Ind Gen Am Invest 163 Gen Am Trans Gen Baking Gen Bronze 123 Gen Cable 2.20 Do 1 pl 80 Do 2 pf 42 .31) Gen cCigar pt .130 50 Elec Gen Foods 39 22 Gen Instrument Gen Mills 481 69 Gen Motors 63 Do 5 pf Do 33 pf Gen Out Advt 15 Gen Port Cem Gen Prec Eq 15 Gen l'ub Service 22 Gen Pub Util 133 Gen Ry Signal 233 Gen Util 13 Gen Refract Gen Shoe Gen Tel Gen 13 Gimbel Bros 20 Gillette Saf 3378 Glidden Co Goodrich (BF) 1 Goodall-Sant 6 Boodrich (BF) 571 10 Goodyear Do pf 101 36 Gra'm-Paige Mot Grand Union Grant (WT) Do pf 961 Grayson-Robin Nor Ir Ore 10 Gt Northn Ry pf Gt West Sug 20 .10 Do pf Green 1 Greent 26 Greyhound Corp 121 Gruin Airc En 5 Guantan Sugar Gulf Mob Oh 18 Do pt Oil 6 Gulf Sta Ut 1 Hall Hamil WF Watch Print 13 5: .10 Hanna MA pi Harb Walker 1 Hart Sch 9 Hayes Mfg 5 Hercules Powder 3 Hershev Choc .40 Do CV pi 1 Heyden Chem 3 Hilton 5 Holland Furn 26 13 Holly Sugar 26 1 Homestake Min 36 1 19 Houd-Hershey 1514 1.80 Household Finpf 3 Houston 18 Houston Oil 33 Howe Sound 11 1 Hudson Man 4 6 Hudson 413 13 Hudson Motor 9 2 Hupp Corp 2 Idaho Power 323 10 Illinois Central .10 Do LL 97 8 Ill Power 27 9 111 Term RR 6 Indpls Pa Lt Indust Rayon Inger-Rand Inland Steel 06 Inspirat Con Cop 20 Interch Corp pf 89 Intercon Rubber Interlake Iron Int Bus Machine Do pi 1663 Int Harvester Int Hydro- Elec A Int Minerals Ch 31 Int Mining 26 Int Nick Can 31 Do pi 15 Int Paper Int Ry Cen Am .50 Int Ry CenA 91 4 Int Shoe 3 Int Silver 63 1 Do pf 35 22 Int 13 3 Do for ct 13Z 4 Jacobs (F. 72 Jaeger Mach 4 Johns-Manville 2 Johnson John 19 Jones Sti 35 Do pi 91 CI Joy Mfg 34 Kalam Stove Kan City South 42 Kayser (J, 16 Kelsey-H Do 21 Kennecott Cop Kern Land 3 Keystone 4 Kimberly-Clark .20 Do pf 10)4 Koppers Co 33 Kresge (88) 1 Kregs (SH) 54 .10 Do pi 48 6 Laclede Gas 1 Lane Lambert Bryant Co 12 1 Lane- Wells Lee Rub Tire Lees Sons 7 Lehigh 14 Lehigh Val Coal 2 Do ni 3 De pf 9 2 Leh Val RR 4 Lehman Corp 1 Lehn Fink 4 Lerner Stores 8 Lib-O-F Glass 12 Libby, McN 10 6 Liggett Myers Lily Tulip 41 3 Lima Hamil 2 Link- Belt 65 3 Lion Oil 47 16 Lockheed Airc 22 37 Loew's Inc. 3 Lone Star Cem 64 41 Lorillard 2 Long Bell A 8 Lowenstein 32 4 Louis Nash 47 Louisv EA 24 18 Mack Trucks 2 Macy rh 3 Manat! Sugar 9 Maracaibo Oil 1 Marine Midland Mark prpf 6 Marshall Field Martin (GL) Martin-Parry 18 Masonite Corp Mathieson Ch May Dept Strg Do pf Maytas Co McCall Corp 29 122 Do pf rt McCrory Stry McGraw Eec 38 3 Porc 49 9 McKess Rob 33 McLellan Stra McQuay-Norris 20 Mead Corp .20 Do pf 93 3 Melville Shoe 23 4 Mengel Co 17 6 Mercant Strg 17 2 Merck Co 61 9 Miami Copper 7 Mid-Cont Pet 1 Midland StiProd 14 Minn- Honey Reg 43 .50 Du pf 6 Minn-Moline 10 Minn StLRy Jinn 121 Minnesota 69 Mission Corp 1-6 0-Kan-Texas 17 D- pr Carpet 39 1 13 Alch 8 Monsanto Chem Net Net Low Close Chg. Sales in 100'1 High Low Close Chg. 23 Montgom Ward Moore-McC Lin 15 15 15 Motor Wheel 20 20 41 Motorola 161 66 Mulins Mueller Mfg Brass 30 20: Murray Munsingwear Inc 1214 90 90 Corp 49 49 16 Nash Kelvinator .50 Naal Chat SL 24 23 1 Nat Acine Nat Airlines 156 139 156 139 9 Nat Auto Fib 12 12 Nat Aviation 24 211 Nat 33J Nat Biscuit 29 185 6 Nat Can 14 Nat Cash Reg 44 1 9 Nat City Lines 13 13 100 Nat Nat Cylinder Container 11 12 15 614 15 9 32 ti 5 Nat Nat Nat Nat Nat Lead Dairy Dept Gypsum Distillorg Strs P'rod 29 19 19 17 19 177 6 33 33 .20 100 pt A 170 22 30 Nat Linen Sve 24 244 15 Nat 39 40 Natl Steel 95: 97 17 17 Nat Sug Ret 2: 10 Nat Supply 22 22 281 .10 Do pi 69 1 Nat Tea 26 Neigner Bros 9 New EnglElsys 11 11 Newmont Min 61 60 60 1 33 3.3 Newport Indust 20 13 Newpt News Shp 29 29 29 15 NY Air Brake 39 Central BR 17 NY Louis 833 81 2 398 391 NYC Omnibus 19 100 NY NH Hart 341 Do pt 38 38 38 NY Pw Ltpt 91 NY Shipbuilg 1318 Noma Elec 83; 1 Noblitt-Sparks Nort Western 60 60 Do pf 27 23 No Am Aviation 33 North Amer Co 16 Nor Nat Gas Pacific 33 33 14 Northern 234 5 814 8 .10 Nor Northwest Sta Airl pi 12 167 .10 Do Northwest pf Tel 36 36 1 Norwich Pharm 1 Ohio Edis 32 SO SO 21 Ohio Oil 39 38 Oliver Corp 34 130 130 .60 Do pl 105 105 105 3 Omnibus Corp .30 Do pf 96 96 1 18 Otis Elevator 48 63 48 8 20 2 Owens Outboard Ill Glass AI 18 18 122 15 15 Pac Am Fish 13 A 8 l'ac Mills 204 20 Pac Elec 35 34 .70 Pac Tel Tel .10 Do pi .139 139 139 l'ac West Oil OU 49 44 3 27 69 14 l'an Packard Amt Motor Airways 10 6 1 l'an l'anhand Am Petrol EPL 62 62 62 174 .10 Do pi 98 93 98 Panhandle 91 9 9 19 20 Paraffine Cos pi 1035 Param Pictures 217 Park UtahCon 67 3 Patino Mines 16 16 6 Parke Davis Penick Ford 32 32 32 104 104 3 13 Penney JC 4 3 Penn 14 14 381 38 1 Cement 5 Penn 19 23 Penn RR 14 123 14 1 Peoples 45 Pet Milk 261 32 d'epsi-Cola 1401 .30 Pet Milk pt 36 3 Pfizer 1 Pfeiffer Brew 143 13 Phelps Dodge 1178 1.30 Phila Co 6 pf 53 .10 Do $6 pt 99 94 53 4.3 pt 103 1051 10 Phila Elec 2: P'hila EI pf 109 21, 18 177 17 P'hilco Corp 42 Philip Morris 34 Phillips Pet 59 69 69 Pillsbury Mills 1 ,10 dDo pi 122 Pitt Con Coal 34 34 34 .50 Pitt Ft Way pt Pitt Plate GI 34 3.3 4 521 3 Pitt Bolt 83: 271 3 Pitt Steel 161; 16 122 1.60) Do pf 87 87 4 Pitt West Va 23 22 11 11 2 Pittston Co 26 Plymouth Oil 46 23 1 Pond Creek Poc 45 45 45 17 Poor de Co 13 25 Potomac El Pw 14 SH 89 6 Pressed Stl Car 7 Procter Gam 687 687 32 3 1 Pub Svc Colo 387 3878 38' 401 1012- 12 Pub Svc 211 4: 11 Pub 27 151- .30 Pullman Do pf 85 84 85 3 Publicker Indust 22 Pure Oil 36 36 1 Purity Bak 32 97 97 57 Radio Corp 12 -K- 261, 261 Do pf 3 23 Radio-k-Orph 40 Ralston Purinapt 94 94 91 Do pf 34 34 34 37 Rayonie: Inc 3512 35 43 Reading Co 04 20 Reeves Bros 143 99 99 Reis (R) pr pf 101 78 30 Reming Rand 12 32 Repub Avia 111 11 11 143 1431 003 Repub Pict 166 Do pt 9 9 Repub Steel 253 28 Do pf 31 Revere B.

Rexall Drug 71 Reynolds Metals 03 1374 137 Reynolde Spring 9 55 38 33 3 Rheem Reynolds Mfg Tob 55 Richfield Oi: 401 Ritter Co 22 62 62 Roan Ant Cop 37 33 Rob Fulton Con 1 Ronson Alt MW 21 13Z Royal Type Ruberoid 63 83 2 8 Ruppert (J 14 14 23 12 Safeway, Stores 181 18 29 1 ..110 110 110 St. Joseph Lead 54 54 91 91 18 St SanFran 14 3634 Do pi 13 43 43 2:3 St. Regis Fap 12X 1.30 Do pf 40 90 90 17 Savage Arms 131- 16 16 Schenley Distil 30 29 29 24 Scott Paper 471 47 47 21 2 Scranton Elec 6 Seab AL RR 461 Do pi 55 534 43 Seab Finance Sears Roebuck 37 104 10 Seeger Refrig 11 11 11 33 33 Servel Inc 12 12 34 Shamrock 3314 33 34 Sharon Sti 10 Sharp Dohme 25 3 Shattuck (F G) 13 12 Shell Union Oil 11 1 SheratonCorp 48 48 6-- 4 Silver KingCoalit 4 Simmons Co 30 29 381 5 401 343 81 Sinclair Oil 27 Smith (A) Sons Do pf 96 96 .10 Do pt 84 8 63; Socony -Vacuum 20 Solvay Am pf 4914 Sou Am 101- Sou Caro 8 So Rico Sug 10 40 535 1 Do pf 41 ME Sou Nat Gas 893 6 Sou So'east Cal Edison 30 29 8 Southern Pacific 63 65 Southern Ry 461 45 17 Spalding Withing Bros 6 6 16 1614. Spear Co ti4 2.50 Do pf Kell 79 69 69 2 8 Spencer Sperry Corp 27 21 10 Spiegel Inc Square 1) 31 31 Squibb Sona .30 Do pf 13 Stand Brands 26 Std $1 pf 23 35 Do $6 pr pi 9 Do $7 pr pt 11 11 Std Oil Cal 26 Std Oil -Ind 6 Std Oil Ohio 30 30 64 Std Oil 81 80 80 Std Sti Sprg 18 18 Sterchi Bros St 13 13 Sterling Drug 371 39 Do pt Stevens P) 314 31 Stewart- -Warn 14 Stokely- Van 141 29 Stone Web 16 16 16 33 Studebaker 26 24 3 Sun Chem 38 38 Sun Oil 69 69 69 31 Sunray Oil 13 323 33 11 Do pl 22 09 Sunshine Bisc 39 20 20 Superheater 25 3 Superior Steel 171 93' 93 Sutherland Pap 39 39 39 23 23 Swift Co 33 17 Swift 13 17 17 Sylvan El Prod 60 1 Syming-Gould 6 6 6 41 36 3 Tan Texas Corp Co 6014 1 431 6 Tex Gulf Prod 891 Tex Gulf Sulph 145 16 Tex Pac 31 13 9 Tex Pac Trust 37 36 12 69 69 10 Thatch Do pi GI Mfg 18 18 2 Do pt 29 09 29 8 8 Thermoid Co 28 .80 Do pf 39 Third Ave Tran 11 13 Thompson Pr 35: 28 2 Da Thomson pf Star 28 28 Net Sales in 100's High Low Close Chg. 1.10 Do pi 104 2O Tide A 29 Timken Det A 6 Timken Bear 49 1 1 Transamerica 4 Trans A 3 Tranaue will 17 17 17 31 Twent 20 1912 18 Tri Cont Corp 3 Truax-Trar 1 Twin Coach 10 -U- 3 Underwood 54 Un Ash Rub 11 11 14 Union Bag de 34 33 66 Union-Carbide 40 40) Un El Mo apt 19 Union Oil Cal Union Pacific 89 Union Tank Car 38 Do pl 30 30 United Air Lines 1: Do pf 78 78 78 United Aircraft 4 6 United Biscuit 1 Unit Board 1 United Carbon 35 35 35 1 Unit-Carr Wast 34 34 34- 13 ,50 Un Do Cig- pf Wh Stra 49 $9 49 52 United Corp Do nt 45 45 45 .10 United Dye pi 70 TO 70 1 10 U'nited Elec Coal 25 2431 1 United 30 United Fruit 03 53 1 US United FoUr Sec 1:7 17 United Gas Imp A 3 US Gypsum 103 1033 103 1 Mach 12 US Indus Chem 313 34 US Leather 10 US Lines 1414 11 Pioe Plywood Fdry 34 Rubber 46 1 39 Steel 79 79 79 US Tobacco per 18 4 US Steel pf 75 Un Do pf Wallpaper 4 27 Univ-Cyclops Stl 18 17 Univ Lab 8 3 Univ Pict 101 .10 Do pf 63 12 63 1 63 2 Van Raalte 11 Vertient 8 Vic Chem Wka Va Caro Chem Do pi 2 Visking Corp -V- 1 Waldorf Sys .40 Walgreen pt 8 Walker 4 Walworth Co 16 Ward Baking 34 Warner Bros Warren l'et Wash (as Lt Wayne l'ump Webster Tob Wesson dDo pi 15 West Ind Sug 10 Weat Penn El Do 6 pl Do pf Va Coal Pulp Western Air 1.

W'est Auto Sup 6 Maryland West Pac pt West Un Tel 17 Westing Air Br 31 Westing Elec Westvaco Chem .20 Wheel Erle Wheeling Steel 1.60 WheelingStl prpt White Diotor 6 White Sew Mach 3.10 Do pf Wilcox Oil 10 Do pf 19 Wilson Co Wilson-Jones 21 Wise El Pow Woolworth (FW) 6 Worthing 1.10 Do pr pi .10 Do pr pi 10 Wright Apo Wrigley (W) 60 Wyand Wwor 8 York Corp Youngst Sh 1 Do pf C1 Youngst Stl Dr 5 Zenith Radio 4 Zonite Product 21 13 24 24 40 40 1 117 116 116 14 14 14 11 11 1., 27 27 27 23 23 23 GA 62 8:134 63 237 18 108 1081 21 10434 109 109 39 71 71 A 987. 508 303 871 871 871 20 19 1 1213 61 61 61 20 20 84 74 1 68 96 104 46 46 81 81 18 18 18 5 5 Curb Market Curb Market Domest Credit Draper Corp TAi 76 16 38 38 33 East Sta Corp 1 East Sug AR 12 12 12 Do pf 57 57 57 Easy Wash MB 12 12 El Bond Sh 13 2 pf A 136 136 136 Equity Corp 2 Eureka Ltd 34 Cam 25 24 Fairchild Hansteer Met First York 3 3 Do pf 37 Ford Can Do Ft Pitt Brew 93 Fox (P) Brew 12 12 Garrett Corp Gellman Mfg 9 8 Gen Alloy's 01 Gen Build 4 54 Gen Finance Gen Plywood Gen Share pf 95 Glen Ald Coal Glean Harv 30 Glenmore Die 14 14 Globe-Union 15 13 Gobel Inc Goldfield Con Goodman DIf 57 Grand Rap 914 113 9. 9 Gt Atl nv 113 113 Groc Str Prod 8 Hamilton Brodse 7 Hammer Pap 161 14 46 Ray High Low (lose Adam Hat Ainsworth 133 13 Aireon Mfg Alum Alum Co Am Do pt Am Rant Car Am Fork Hoe 18 18 18 Ain Gas Fi Am Gen Do $21 pi 39 39 39 Ain Am Light Mtg Am Maracaibo Am Pot dc 31 31 Am Republics Am Superpow 1 SE Do pi 56 06 Am Writ Pap 61 Anch Post Oil Anglo Iran 151. Ang- Wupp 31 Appal El Pow pi 1023 Argus Ine de A 1 Ark Nat Gas Aro Equip Ashland Oil Aeso Tel Tel A 12 12. Atlantic C.

Fish Atlas Corp war Atlas Ply 28 28 28 Auto Mach 8 Babco*ck Wil 60 60 60 Baldw Loco pi 38 37 38 Baldwin Rub Barium St1 6 6. Basic Refract Bell Tel Can 146 147 Benson Hed 24 Blauners 134 13 18 Blue Ridge Bohack 1 pt 128 123 128 Braz Breeze Corp Br-Am Oil Brown-F Dist Brown Do Jr Rub pi Bruck Mills 1 261 Buckeye I 23 Bunk Hill 2:: 43 Burd Ring 16 16 16 Burma Ltd Burry Biscuit Cab EI Prod Can Marconi Carey Bax 19 49. Carnation 49 Carr 'Con Bisc 4 Catalin Am 6 54 6 Cen Ohio Stl Cen SW Corp Cen Sta El pi 75 75 Cesana Airc 4 Chamb Co Am Cherry-Burrell 20 20 20 Chief Cons Mng Cities Service 56 Clark Control 17 17 17 Clarostat Mfg 31 Claude Neon Clinch Coal 48 48 Colon Develop 6 Airl 678 Colonial Sd 6 6 6 Colo Fuel war Colts Mfg 34 34 34 Commod Hotel 4 Comwith So War Comm Svc 29 Cons GE Bal 641 64 64 Cons Gas Ut Cons Ang 101 Cons Royalty 4 cCone West 17 Cont Fdy Mch Copper Range Coro Inc Creole Pet 47 3 45 Conden Petro Croft Brew 1 Crowley Milner Crown Pet Crown Drug Crystal Oil Cuban Atl Sug 18 Davidson Bros 1 97 Dayton Rub A 32 34 Dennison Mfg A Derby Oil 29 28 28 Det Gray Ir 3 Diana Strs 7 Dobeckmun 8 High Low Close Hath Bak Hazeltine 1.4 14 Hecla Min 14 Holl Gold 7 Horn Hard 33 33 33 Hubbell (H.) Humble oil 81 81 81 Husssm Refr pi 411 4 Huyler', 28 Ill l'ow pi 54 54 54 Ill Zinc 12 12 12 Imp Oil Lid Imp O1 Ltd Rt Imp Oil Ltd reg Imp Tb CAn Int Cig mch Int Petrol Int l'et reg 12 12 13 Iron Firem vte 19 19 19 Kaiser-Fraz King Kingston Prod 33, pFet Kleinert Shore 9 Lakey Fay 8 8 8 Lamaon Corp 8 8 8 Leonard Oil Dev Le Tourneau 17 17 17 Line Material 19 Lionel Corp New Lone Star Gas 23 23 Long Is Ltg Louis 21 21 Lynch Corp 161 Alfg 4 McAleer Mfg McClanahan oil 1 McCord Corp 39 McCordCorppt McWill Dredg Mead John 19 19 Menasco Mig 2 2 war Mesabi Iron 5 Michigan Sug 2 Do pf Mid St J' Avtc 30 30 30 Mid St Bvtc Alid West Corp 10 10 10 Midi Oil cv uf Midvale Midwest Oil Mid- West Ref Miller -Wohl Mining Corp Can Molybdenum Monogram Pict Mont-Dak Ut 11 Morris PI Corp Musk PRing 11 11 Mount St Pow 33 -1 Nat NatBellasHese Brew 4 FL Nat Fuel Nat Pres Ck Nat Radiator Nat Trans Nat Un Rad Nelson (H) 12 12 12 Neptune Met New Eng 90 91 Zinc 70 68 Mex Ariz Id 7 7 NTSpbd fdsh 17 17 17 Niag Hud Tow 814 Nileg-Bem-P 101 Nor Am It Pow Nor Sta Pw A 41 41 Northrop Airc 12 1131 Ogden Corp 1 Ohio Rrass 33 42 42 Ohio Pow pf 102 102 11)2 Okla Nat Gas D'okiep Cop 43 Pac Can 9 Pac 6 pt 314 Pac Lpf 96 96 96 Pantepec Oil Parker Pen 26 Penin Tel pf 26 26 26 Penn Traffic 51 51 Pennroad 654 Pa-Dixie Cem war 4 3 Pa Pow Lt pf Pa Pow 465 46 Pepperell Pharis 4 4 Phila Co. 10) 101 Pioneer Gold Piper Airc Pitney-Bowes 73 PittsMetallu 19 Pratt Lam Pren-Hall Prod Corp 03 Pub Colo pf Pug 1. lyle-Nat Oats 92 RKO opt war Rwy Ct Inv A 54 Rath Pack Raym Conc 31 Raytheon Nfg Regal Shoe 4 41 Reis (R) ('o.

Reliance Richmond Rad Rio Gr Val Roch pi 881 Rome Cable 101; Ryan Cons Pet 81 St. Lawrence Corp 9 St Lawrence pf Salt Dome Oil 10 36 108; Savoy Oil Schulte (DA) Scovill Mfg 3014 Scullin Seeman Sti Bros 18 173 17 Segal Lock Selby Shoe 21 I Selected Indus Do eV pf Do (al pf 80 80 XI Do pr pt Sentry Con TH 1 Shat-Denn 3 Shoe Corp Am A Silex 1433 Singer Mfg 237 237 734 Solar Airc 12 78 Sonotone 5 So Penn Mfg Soss 915 So Ed 14 4414 Oil So pt 24 14 14 South Pipe Royal 41 41 Stand Do 101; Stand pi 25 14 Stand Dredg 334 St Oil Forg St Ky 20 29 29 Pow Stand-Thom Lt Starrett Corp 3 4 Steel Stein Co (A) Can 67 67 Sterl Co 26 26 26 1 Sterl Brew Eng 5 1 5 Sterling Inc 6 1 Stinnes (H) 1 114 Stroock Co Sup Sunbeam Port Corp Cen 313 13 15 Sup Tool Tampa El 30 30 30 Toledo Tishman Realty 1414 Edis pi 99 99 99 Tri-Cont war Ulen Unexceleld Realiz 1 1 Chem 4 4 Union Can 6 6. Unit Airc Prod Unit Corp War Unit Gas 201 Unit It Rys 20 Unit Shoe 3 543 Do pt 39 39 397 US Air Cond 23 US Int Sec Int pf 941. Radiator 17 United Stores Univ Cons Oil 43 4: 43 Utah Venezuel Pet 8 8 8 Venez Syn Wagner Bakvte 11 11 Waltham Wat Ward Bak war 6 6 Warner Airc 2 Willson Prod 10 10 10 Wilson Bros 55 Winnipeg Elec 33 Woodley Pet Wright-Harg CURB DOMESTIC BONDS Appal El Pow 70 1044 As Elec 53. 101 As Bell Can 5s 60 110-4 Cen St EI 94 94 Cities Ser 53 66 Cities Ser 58 58 101 104 Do 3s 77 83 Con GEL Ba 62 104 104 East 63 Int Sec 79 57 27 27 27 Int Sec Ts 57E XC 27 27 Do 73 52 97 Do 18 52F XC 27 27 27 Inters Pow Deb Ctf 70 69 Midland Val 48 63 st 65 64 Milw Lt 67 104.

104 Ohio Pow 68 So Cal Ed 3g 65 So Cal Gas 70 Spalding 58 89 102 102 103 West Pa Tract 58 60 CURB FOREIGN BONDS Peru 1 1997 14 14 14 Russ 1921 216 Russian 1919 Dow Jones Averages Jones stock averages: Today High Low Close Changes 30 Ind. 184.66 183.28 183.10 183.37 off 1.58 21) Ra 61.23. 61.67 60.83 60.89 off 0.56 15 1tls. 35.06 33.14 31.85 34.90 off 0.29 65 Stke, 69.02 69.28 69.52 68.64 off 0.59 Transactions in stocke used in averages: Today Wed. Tues.

Ind. 71.700 71.100 47,900 Rails 29,000 45,400 48,300 65 Stka. 121,400 136,000 08 157,000 Utils. 17.700 20,400 22,800 Closing bond averages: 40 Bonds 99.47 off 0.03 10 Higher grade rails 104.19 up 0.03 10 Second grade rails 90.79 off 0.02 10 Public utilities 102.05 off 0.06 10 Industrials 100.84 off 0.10 New York, July 29 (INS)-Range of Dow CHARLES O. WINTER Hartford, July 29 -Funeral services will be held tomorrow for Charles 0.

Winter, 93, of Hartford, believed to be the oldest active insurance company employee in the country. Winter, who died yesterday, was hired in 1873 by the Aetna Insurance Co. for what was described as ct "temporary" job. He turned down repeated offers of retirement. Bond Market 58 73 59 95G 65 58 65 Os 2000 To cv 2010.

4g 90 90 SW 58 80 79 79 Bost Me 70 Bost Me 45 60 83 83 Brk CO 76 97 97 Brk UG Buf Dist ti4 Can 19 perp 9G Celan 38 ti5 102 102 Cen 38 590 31 11 Cen C11 38 45 73 Cen 1st 4g 49 CR RNJ 87 73 96D coO 961 CB 8Q 10. 98 inc 97 Chil Line 2003 12 73 CM SPY (V 2041 NW CRIP inc 2019 CRIP 43 94. 106 Cin 73 CCC SL Pitt 50D CI UT 77 ...102 102 80 51 Col 71. 100 100 Con Edis CV 38 '43 108 Cons Cuban 42r 38 Day P'L 73 Del HI 49 63 Det Ed 3970 2 Dow Chem Erie s2017 Firest TI ds61 Fla EC 3674 40 Gdrich 505 1001. Hud r5957 6:, 63 Do inc 3507 25 11 Bell 1C 4553 Do r4633 Do 86 $5 ICCSL Do 90 IntGN 37 37 Do 64 Int JIE 63 03 KC Sou 1375 LYNY Leh 46 Do 42 41 Do 4s200 st Sorillard 101 5 MSPSSM 4991 M-K-T 3802A TO 18 Do aj DO G8 08 Mo Do Do Ds78G 1 8:: Do 93 DO Mor Do 34 Nat Stl 3s82 NOTM 96 NYC 582013 78 Do 4 Do chis98 NYCHR 3 NYNH inc 4 47 NYNHH 4s2007 72 NYOW NorfS 082014 79 79 NorfW 4s9t NorP 4597 Do 352047 4848 OhivEd DO s73 97 95 OWRRN 3eti0 103 103 PacTY 100 3563 Do 3573 100 100 Pen RR 83368 111 111 PenRR sti5 Do Do 3 995 99 J'ereMI 34880 St.SF 61 00 Do 4597 88 StuSw SeAL inc s2016 Do 4896 102 ShellU "94 94 Skelly0 905 Soc-Vac 93 110 Sol'ac Do 97 Sol'ac Or 17 103 SoP'SFT SouRy Cn3s94 Do 8 1836 97.

Swell 95 100 StdOCal $66 ...102 TexCorp 3865 ThAve 61 875 97 97 Unoil Cal Unt'ac Do 9012 901 Va El low VaRy 3893 98 Wardb 105 Sh 482361 Mid 4s3? 101 W' l'ac WestUn 3500 W'hse El Wilson 3908 10212 WisCen 69 WisC 4sCD 36 Australia 102 102 Austral 88 Austral Belgium 118 108 Brazil as41 54 34 Canada 4960 in 1000e High Low CORPORATION BONDS Am PP 5g 2030 97 96 Am 57 113 Am 61 106 Am 70 90 Am 80 93 Ain 86 Am Tob 38 62. A.m Tob 38 69 AT SF 4g 95 ACL 1st 45 52 ACT. 64 105 1077 Canada sti1 Ohile 6gJantila Cotomb 3870 Copenh 5552 Dennik 6842 Denmk It P' Ut 1-3877 Italn 1-3sT7 17 17 Norway 4s63 80 80 Peru Peru 15 Pol 8 8 Local Wholesale Produce Market Mas. Dept. of Agriculture EXPLANATION Native Beana, green, bu.

3.30-4.00, few fair 2.77- 3.00; Wax, bu. 3.50-1.00; fair 3.00; Shell, bu. 1.00-6.00. Beets, doz. Beet greens, bu.

bu. 1.25. Broccoli. doz. 1.25-1.50.

Cabbage, nat. rt. mostly 1.00: bu. Red, bu 1.73-2.23. Carrots, nat.

"doz. Corn, ct. of 60, 2.00-2.23. Cucumbers, bu. 1.10-2.00; med.

qual. 1.25-1.15. Endive, bu. 1.50-1.75: Escarole, bu. 1.23- 1.50.

Lettuce, Iceberg. ct. 18 heads 1.75-2.25: fancy 2.75-3.23 med. size and leafy 1.00-1.50. Onions.

50 lb. bag, 1.73-2.00; small 1.00- 1.25; 10 lb. sack Peppers, 16 qt. 8 qt. 1.10-1.23.

Radishes, box, bchs. 1.00. few 1.20. Rhubarb, doz. behs.

Scallions, doz. Spinach, bu. 1.00-1.25. Squash, bu. bu.

bakt. 1.00. Tomatoes 8 qt. bskt. outdoor, 2.73-3.25; med.

qual. 1.80-2.00 h. 25c a lb. Turnips, Purple Top, bu. med.

qual. Blueberries, qt. cultivated Currants Raspberries, red, a pint; Black, pt. Shipped in Produce: Beans, N. Y.

Wax, bu. 3.50-4.00; Green. bu. 3.50-4.00. Cabbage, ct.

1.00-1.25; Carrots, ct. 6 doz. Cal. Ariz. 5.00-6.00.

Celery, doz. doubles, 1.50-2.00: Cellophane doubles. 1.15-2.00; rough, ct. 3.00-3.50; ord. 2.30-3.00.

Corn. N. ct. 60, 2.25-2.30; Cucumbers. bu.

3.30-3.00. some 1.75-2.00. Eggplant, bu 3 Lettuce, Iceberg, ct. 6.50-7.00. Onions, 30 lb bag, Western.

Yellow, 2.73- 3.00; J. 2.00-2.25; red 3.25-3.75. Peas Wash. bu. 3.60-4.25; Peppers, bu.

3.25-3.75. Potatoes, 100 lb. bag, Cal. 5.00-5.30; N. 3.23-3.50; sweet.

bu. 3.00-3.50. Tomatoes, 10 one Ih. Gartons.of 1.60-2.00; lug, Md. Va.

Tenn. 3.25-3.73; Penna. 2.00-2.25. Apples, Williams, bu. 3.00-4.00: Pipping, Del.

bu. 3.60-4.00; Starr, bu. 3.50-4.00; Wealtuy, N. J. bu.

8.75-4.25. Cantaloupes, ct. jumbo 3tis, 6.50-7.50: 456, 6.00-7.50, 219. 5.50-6.50. Cherries, box, sweet, 4.30-5.25.

Honeydew melons, Cal. ct. 3.00-3.50. Lemons, box, 8.25-8.50: plain, 7.00-8.00. Oranges, Cal.

box, Valencias. 6.00-8.50; small 5.00-5.25; Fla. box, Peaches, bu. 4.00-5.00; bu. 2.25-2.50: Cal.

Elbertas, 60s, 1.50-2.00. Plums, various varieties and sizes, 4.50-| 3.50: Burbank. 3.50-4.00. Raspberries, pt. Watermelons, large 1.10-1.25; med.

EGGS: Local, doz. wholesale price, bulk sales, case lots: Extra large Candied extra large Large Candled large Mediums Candled mediums Pullets Candled pullets Peewees Cartons, add 3c. LIVER POULTRY: Wholesale prices: Fowl AVE. .36: Broilers Fryers ters A Roasting chickens Old RoosCHARLES W. PORTER Acting Market Reporter An upright line appears longer than a horizontal one of equal length, because it requires more effort to elevate the eyes than to move them from side to side.

Investing Companies Aeronaut Sec 5.18 5.69 Affiliated Inc 4.16 4.54 Amerex Hold 27.25 29.25 Am Rug Shrs 3.99 1.20 Axe Houghton Fd 7.81 8.51 Axe Houghton Fd 15.64 17,00 Blair Hold 3.50 4.12 Bond Inv Tr Am 97.23 99.20 Boston Fund Inc 19.40 20.97 Broad St Inv 16.74 18.10 Bullock Fund 17.97 19,69 Can Inv Fund 7.10 Century Shrs Tr 28.10 10,86 Chemical Fund 13.76 14.88 Comwith Invest 5.84 6.35 Delaware Fund 10.21 16.44 Diversitied Tr 6.83 7.85 Dividend Shrs 1.46 1.60 Hat How Bal Fd 24.51 26.20 Hat How Stk 15.81 16.97 Fidelity Fund Inc 27.08 First Boston Corp 29.75 kirst Mutual "Tr Fd 4,16 Fund Inveator: Inc 14.53; 13.92 Gen Capital Corp 44.40 17.64 Cien Investors 'Tr 5.12 5.71 Group Sec Agricultural 7.09 8. HA Group Sec Automobile 6.07 6.91 Group Sec Aviation 0.94 6.45 Group Sec Building 8.34 9.00 Group Sec Chemical 6.36 6.00 Group Sec Electric 10.74 11.44 Group Sec Foods 5.10 3.70 Group Sec Fully Adm 1.63 8.28 Group Sec Gen Bond 7.88 8.35 Group Sec Ind Meh 0.61 8.25 Group Sec Inst Bond 9.66 10.1+ Group Sec Investing 8.58 9,30 Group SPC Low Priced 6.71 7.28 Group Sec M'chandising 1.61 8.25 Group Nec Mining 5.39 4.07 Group Sec Petroleum 8.11 Group Sec Rit Bond 2.64 Group Sec Equip 4.47 4.84 Group Sec AR Stock 5.81 Group Sec Steel Group Sec Tobacco 4.13 Group Sec Util 5.02 Howe Plan Nd 4.43 Income Found Fa 1.68 Incorp Investors 23.33 Insti Sh Ltd Avia 8.61 9.50 Instl Sh Ltd Bank .74 Inst! Sh Ltd Insur .03 1.01 Instl Sh Ltd Stks Bds 13.10 17.01 Investment Co Am 27.14 Inv Tr of Boston 7.17 Keystone Custodn 27.33 08.51 Keystone Custodn 24,46 26.64 Keystone Custodn 3 16,42 17.91 Keystone Custodu 4.66 10.54 Keystone Custodn 17.07 18.61 Keystone Custodn 22.41 Keystone Custodn 26.56 28.01 Keystone Custodn 14.58 15.91 Keystone Custodn 12.84 14.01 Keystone Custodn 4 5.05 5.51 Knickerbocker Fund 5,115 5.91 Manag Fd Drug 3.56 A3 Fa El Equip 4.18 4.61 Manag Fd Paper 4.26 4.10 Fd Petro! 4.84 5.39 Manag Fa Steel 4.46 4.94 Manhat Bond Fund 7.37 8.30 Mass Invest Tr 26.05 28.16 Masa Invest 2d Fd Inc 12.05 13.06 Mutual Invest 14.63 Nation Wide Bal Fd 13.41 14.67 Natl Investors 9.16 9.90 Natl Sec Ser-Bond 6.67 7.40 Sec Ser-Low Bd 6.55 7.16 Sec Ser-Pref Stk 1.21 7.88 Sec Ser-Income 4.67 5.10 Sec Ser-Stock 4.07 Sec Ser-Ind Stk 7.17 Sec Ser-Low Stk 3.91 Sec Ser-Selected 1.87 Sec 5-Speculative 3.47 3.79 New England Fund 14.82 15.89 Stocks Agricul 10.22 11.20 Stks Automobile 6.38 Stks Aviation 7.84 Stks Bldg Supply 8.94 9.80 Stks Chemical 11.14 1.21 Stks Divers Indus 14.79 14.02 Stka Divers Inv 11.26 12.34 Stkg Div Pfd Stk 11.20 12.37 Stks Elec Equip 8,45 9.26 Stks Merchand 9.87 10.92 Stks Metals 9.46 9.93 Stks Oils 17.800 19.61 Stks Pac Cst 12.11 13.27 Stks Railroad 6.30 6.90 Stks RR Equip 1.43 8.14 I Stks Steel 8.64 9.17 Nor Am Tr Sh 1975 3.43 Nor Am Sh 1956 Putnam (G) Fund 10.16 3.04 16.30 3.31 Russell Berg Fd 26. 2 28.24 Repub Inv Fund Selected An Sh 11.10 48.41 51.30 12.01 State Trusteed industry Shrs .80 .89 Street Invest Union Union Bond Fo 19.59 Bond Fd A 21.62 Union pf Stk Fd 20.20 22.08 Union Bond Fd 6.36 Union com Stk F'd 7.64 18.65 8.57 Whitehall Fund 16.11 17.32 Wellington Fund 17.09 Bid Asked Sales 20 117 16 5 23 2020 11 3 1 16 9 12 64 10 12 7 8 8 10 2 18 13 11 15 15 20 3 20 10t; 9 11 3 14 11 09 3 2 3 15 10 -4 18 122 6 10 12 ti 1 1 10 30 5 9 14 11 10 10 85 27 19 00 12 01 8 5 10 G1 92 4 30 2 14 10 15 6 17 15 4 5 15 3 14 12 3 15 10 13 45 18 1 10 3 1 24 30 1 4 8 19 1 1 3 3 3 15 1 Close 9G 113 106 89 22 101 83 97 G4 102 11 1023 1003 53 53 106 11 42 1 15 26 $0 45 39 1 20 353- 20 13 361 32 15 24 14 102 35 331 163 31 79 40 G0 ST 30 12 20 20 124 6- 16 31 63 41 6 38 37 Fir 47 145 133 163 93, 27 117 10 17 251 1 10 13 35 54 67 61 30 28 51) 45 37 391- 15 A 35 89 tr 26 26 13 2 30 100 26 10 24 43 11 61 55 35 54 30 18 1 10 115 25 12 88 35 1 36 21 37 36 56 180 1 100 73 102 100 108 91 60 25 20 64 5 10334 46 11 :01 68 83 11 39 78 47 72 79 104 13 93 984 100 111 101 99 1011 102 94 3312 10234 10112. 35 100 102 97 110 98 1011 10214 A 102 881 108 51 10114 161 17 80 154 8 Employees Will Share Profits Fitchburg, July 29 (AP) -A wood products manufacturer today gave his 125 employees a 10 per cent pay boost and announced they would share 50-50 with him in net profits for the rest of the year. Frank Angel, head of the Angel Novelty said the main purpose of his plan was to "reach the common goal of improved production and wages." Bonuses will be given to everyone regardless of their job, he said, based on the number of days they work.

Angel said he wanted the workers to "share in the profits of their labor" and to improve relations all around-between labor and management, between foremen and workers and between the workers themselves within each department. DROWNED AT OSSIPEE Center Ossipee, N. July 29-A Malden, man drowned in Lake Ossipee as his wife watched helplessly from shore. Joseph Sugarman, 38, Boston overall mahufacturer. had arrived at the lake only a half -hour earlier with his wife for their acation.

Legal Notice Hampden as Probate Court COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS To all persons interested in the estate of IDA M. WARRINER late of Springfiend in said County. deceased: A petition has been presented to aid Court for probate of a certain instrument purporting to be the last will of said deceased by JENNIE 3. CHAFEE WARRINER of said Springfield and praying that she be appointed executrix thereof without giving a surety on her voud. If you desire to object) thereto, vou or your at'orney should file a written appearance in said Court at Springfield before ton day of August 1948, the return day of this o'clock the forenoon on a the seventeenth citation.

Witness, THOMAS H. STAPLETON, Es. quire First Judge of said Court, this teenth day of July in the one thousand nine hundred JOHN J. LYONE Register (July 23-30-Aug. 6) CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, MASS DEPARTMENT OF PURCHASE July 29, 1948 Sealed proposals for furnishing, at UNCA, (2) Vibratory Feeders complete with COn trols, and (2) Electric Vibrators for use at the Asphalt Plant, per bid will be received by the City Purchasing Agent, Administration Building, Springfield, up to Tuesday, August 3, 1948 at 2.00 p.

m. at which time they will be publicly opened and read in the Department of Purchase Bid Room. Specifications and Proposal forms can be obtained at the office of the City Purchas. ing Agent. The Purchasing Agent reserves the right to reject any or all bids.

CITY PURCHASING AGENT CHARLES M. HEALEY 36 COURT STREET July 29-30. Hampden $3 PROBATE COURT To all persons interested in the estate of ADA D. LANG, late of Springfeld, said The Purchasing Agent reserves the right reject any or all bids. OHARLES M.

HEALEY CITY PURCHASING AGENT 36 COURT STREET (July 30; Aug. 5-12) County, deceased. Court for probate of a certain instrument A petition has been presented to said purporting to he the last will of said deceased by Frank E. Button, of South Hadlex, in the County of Hampahire. and praying that he be appointed executor thereof without giving a surety on his bond.

If you desire to object. thereto. or your attorney should Ale a written Are ance in said Court at Springfield before ten o'clock in the forenoon on the seventeenth day of August 1918, the return day of this citation. Witness, THOMAS IT. STAPLETON, Esquire, First Judge of said Court, this twenty-sixth day of July in the year one thousand nine hundred forty-eight.

CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, MASS. DEPARTMENT OF PURCHASE July 30, 1948 'Sealed proposale for furnishing, at once. gym mats for Public School Syatem, per No. 1356, will be received by the City Purchasing Agent, Administration Building, Springileld, up to WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 4, 1048 at 2.00 .00 P.M..

at which time they will be publicly opened and read in the Department of Purchase Bid Room. Specifications and Proposal forms can be obtained at the office of the City Purchaning Agent..

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.