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Mechanics and transport characterization of

bioengineered tissue microenvironment platforms

Elizabeth Elena Antoine

Dissertation submitted to the faculty of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in

partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Doctor of Philosophy


Mechanical Engineering

Marissa N. Rylander, Co-Chair

Pavlos P. Vlachos, Co-Chair

Rafael V. Davalos

Raffaella De Vita

Carla V. Finkielstein

Cameron D. Tropea


Blacksburg, Virginia

Keywords: collagen hydrogel; extracellular matrix; mechanical properties;

microstructure; particle image velocimetry

© 2014, Elizabeth E. Antoine

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Mechanics and transport characterization of bioengineered tissue microenvironment


Elizabeth Elena Antoine


The tissue microenvironment is a complex living system containing heterogeneous mechanical

and biophysical cues. Cellular components are surrounded by extracellular matrix and interstitial

fluid, while transport of nutrients and biochemical factors is achieved via the vasculature. Each

constituent of the tissue microenvironment can play a significant role in its ability to function

normally. Many diseases including cancer have been linked with dysfunction in the tissue

microenvironment; therefore an improved understanding of interaction between components of

this complex system is needed.

In vitro platforms mimicking the tissue microenvironment appear to provide the most promising

avenue for studies of cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions as well as elucidation of the

mechanisms leading to disease phenomena such as tumor metastasis. However, successful

recapitulation of all three primary components of the tissue microenvironment in three

dimensions has remained challenging. In particular, matching mechanical cues and biochemical

transport to in vivo conditions is difficult because of lack of quantitative characterization of the

physical properties and parameters of such platforms.

In this work, extensive characterization of collagen I hydrogels, popular for use as extracellular

matrix mimics, was performed in order to enable tuning to specific in vivo conditions.

Additionally, perfusion of blood in a 3D tissue microenvironment platform fabricated using

collagen hydrogels was characterized to enable future advances in in vitro modeling of the in

vivo microenvironment. Finally, the tissue microenvironment platform is modified to enable

biochemical gradients within the hydrogel and used to examine directed migration (chemotaxis)

of human breast cancer cells in response to gradients in growth factor combined with varied

stiffness and pore diameter of the extracellular matrix.

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If I have learned one thing as a graduate student, it is that research cannot be performed in a

vacuum. Many individuals and organizations have supported and encouraged me during these

years at Virginia Tech. I regret that I cannot list by name everyone who has influenced my

development as a scientist and as a person; however several people deserve special mention.

This work would not have been possible without the support of my research advisors, Dr.

Vlachos and Dr. Rylander. I am grateful for their constant guidance and mentoring throughout

my graduate studies, without which I would have been lost. I would also like to thank my

committee members Dr. Davalos, Dr. De Vita, Dr. Finkielstein, and Dr. Tropea for their

insightful comments and discussions.

I would like to thank all of the members of the AEThER lab and the TENCR lab for all of their

help finding equipment and building experiments, willingness to troubleshoot data analysis and

proofread manuscripts, but more importantly, the community and friendship that only fellow

graduate students can provide. I especially would like to thank Dr. Cara Buchanan who taught

me how to function in a tissue engineering lab and was instrumental in helping me develop

impactful research questions.

These acknowledgements would be incomplete without special recognition of my team of

outstanding undergraduate volunteers Akshata, Corbin, David, and Jiffin, whose efforts made it

possible to acquire the massive amount of data presented in Chapter 4. Beyond that, your

unfailing energy and excitement about research have inspired me more than you know.

Above all, I am indebted to my husband, Guillaume, who has encouraged, inspired, centered, and

loved me through every step of this journey.

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This dissertation is composed of an introduction, literature review, three main chapters, a

conclusion, and an appendix. Each of the main chapters represents an original manuscript

published, under review, or in preparation for publication as a journal article, while the appendix

contains a fourth manuscript in preparation. The first of the three main chapters (Chapter 3) is a

review, while the other two chapters are research articles.

Dr. Pavlos P. Vlachos, Ph.D., Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Biomedical

Engineering, Purdue University, is a committee co-chair and has provided advice and insight for

the work described in each chapter. Dr. Vlachos is a co-author on each of the papers.

Dr. M. Nichole Rylander, Ph.D., Associate Professor in Mechanical Engineering, Virginia

Tech, is a committee co-chair and has provided advice and insight for the work described in each

chapter. Dr. Rylander is a co-author on each of the papers.

Dr. Cara F. Buchanan, Ph.D., Scientist, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, developed

the original collagen microchannel system and helped acquire the data for the work presented in

Chapter 5. Dr. Buchanan is a co-author on Chapter 5.

Dr. Kamel Fezzaa, Ph.D., Physicist, Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory,

assisted with data acquisition at the ANL Advanced Photon Source and contributed to

discussions of x-ray phase contrast imaging for Chapter 5. Dr. Fezzaa is a co-author on Chapter


Dr. Wah-Keat Lee, Ph.D., Photon Sciences Staff, National Synchrotron Light Source II,

Brookhaven National Laboratory, assisted with data acquisition at the ANL Advanced Photon

Source and contributed to discussions of x-ray phase contrast imaging for Chapter 5. Dr. Lee is a

co-author on Chapter 5.

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Table of Contents

1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................ 1

1.1 Motivation ......................................................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Objective ........................................................................................................................................... 2

1.3 Dissertation Overview ....................................................................................................................... 3

1.4 Scientific Merit ................................................................................................................................. 3

2 Literature Review ............................................................................................................................................... 4

2.1 Basics of the Tissue Microenvironment ............................................................................................ 4

2.2 Engineering the Tissue Microenvironment ....................................................................................... 5

2.3 Quantification of the Tissue Microenvironment ............................................................................... 8

2.3.1 Materials Characterization ................................................................................................................8

2.3.2 Transport Characterization ................................................................................................................9

References ........................................................................................................................................................ 11

3 Review of Collagen I Hydrogels for Bioengineered Tissue Microenvironments: Characterization of

Mechanics, Structure, and Transport ........................................................................................................................... 15

3.1 Abstract ........................................................................................................................................... 15

3.2 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 16

3.3 Collagen Hydrogel Fabrication Parameters .................................................................................... 17

3.3.1 Collagen Source and Solubilization ................................................................................................ 17

3.3.2 Collagen Concentration ................................................................................................................... 20

3.3.3 Polymerization Temperature ........................................................................................................... 22

3.3.4 Polymerization pH .......................................................................................................................... 23

3.3.5 Ionic Strength .................................................................................................................................. 26

3.4 Collagen Hydrogel Characteristics.................................................................................................. 27

3.4.1 Polymerization ................................................................................................................................ 27

3.4.2 Mechanics ....................................................................................................................................... 29

3.4.3 Structure .......................................................................................................................................... 32

3.4.4 Transport ......................................................................................................................................... 36

3.5 Concluding Remarks ....................................................................................................................... 38

3.6 Acknowledgements ......................................................................................................................... 39

3.7 Appendices ...................................................................................................................................... 40

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3.7.1 Appendix A: Supplementary Tables ............................................................................................... 40

3.7.2 Appendix B: Experimental methodology for data presented in Figure 3-4..................................... 46

References ........................................................................................................................................................ 47

4 Tunable collagen I hydrogels for engineered physiological tissue micro-environments.................................. 53

4.1 Abstract ........................................................................................................................................... 53

4.2 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 54

4.3 Experimental Methods .................................................................................................................... 55

4.3.1 Preparation of Collagen Hydrogels ................................................................................................. 55

4.3.2 Polymerization Kinetics Experimental Methodology ..................................................................... 58

4.3.3 Stiffness Experimental Methodology .............................................................................................. 59

4.3.4 Stiffness Analysis ............................................................................................................................ 59

4.3.5 Fiber Structure Experimental Methodology .................................................................................... 61

4.3.6 Fiber Structure Analysis .................................................................................................................. 62

4.3.7 Diffusivity Experimental Methodology .......................................................................................... 63

4.3.8 Diffusivity Analysis ........................................................................................................................ 64

4.3.9 Statistical Analysis .......................................................................................................................... 64

4.4 Results ............................................................................................................................................. 65

4.4.1 Polymerization Kinetics .................................................................................................................. 65

4.4.2 Compression Modulus .................................................................................................................... 66

4.4.3 Fiber Structure ................................................................................................................................ 67

4.4.4 Diffusivity ....................................................................................................................................... 69

4.5 Discussion ....................................................................................................................................... 71

4.5.1 Correlations between fabrication parameters and functional properties ......................................... 71

4.5.2 Empirical linear regression for predictive modeling of hydrogel properties ................................... 74

4.6 Implications for design of hydrogels ............................................................................................... 76

4.7 Acknowledgements ......................................................................................................................... 76

4.8 Appendix: Characterization Data .................................................................................................... 78

References ........................................................................................................................................................ 83

5 Flow Measurements in a Blood-Perfused Collagen Vessel Using X-Ray Micro-Particle Image Velocimetry 86

5.1 Abstract ........................................................................................................................................... 86

5.2 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 87

5.3 Materials and Methods .................................................................................................................... 89

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5.3.1 Microvasculature models ................................................................................................................ 89

5.3.2 Working fluids and flow condition ................................................................................................. 90

5.3.3 Phase-contrast X-Ray Imaging ....................................................................................................... 91

5.4 Results ............................................................................................................................................. 92

5.4.1 Effect of Image Preprocessing on Image Signal-to-Noise Ratio and PIV Accuracy ...................... 92

5.4.2 Effect of Robust Phase Correlation on PIV Accuracy .................................................................... 97

5.4.3 Sum-of-Correlation for Improved Correlation Accuracy ................................................................ 99

5.5 Discussion ..................................................................................................................................... 101

5.6 Limitations and Future Directions ................................................................................................ 101

5.7 Conclusions ................................................................................................................................... 102

References ...................................................................................................................................................... 103

6 Conclusions .................................................................................................................................................... 106

Appendix: Interactive roles of growth factor gradients and matrix mechanics on breast cancer chemotaxis in three

dimensions ................................................................................................................................................................. 107

A.1 Abstract ......................................................................................................................................... 107

A.2 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 108

A.3 Materials and Methods .................................................................................................................. 109

A.3.1 Hydrogel design and fabrication ................................................................................................... 109

A.3.2 Tumor microenvironment platform ............................................................................................... 110

A.3.3 Time-lapse imaging....................................................................................................................... 112

A.3.4 Image analysis for migration quantification .................................................................................. 112

A.4 Results ........................................................................................................................................... 114

A.4.1 Confirmation of gradient linearity ................................................................................................ 114

A.5 Anticipated results and outlook ..................................................................................................... 115

References ...................................................................................................................................................... 117

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List of Figures

Figure 1-1: Diagram of the tissue microenvironment illustrating the dissertation objective. ........................................ 2

Figure 3-1: Overview of collagen I sources and solubilization methods. .................................................................... 19

Figure 3-2: Collagen concentration ranges used in the tissue engineering literature. .................................................. 21

Figure 3-3: Collagen hydrogel configurations used in the tissue engineering literature. ............................................. 25

Figure 3-4: Dependence of hydrogel pH on NaOH fraction and absolute collagen concentration. ............................. 26

Figure 3-5: Diagram of a typical spectrophotometric measurement for quantification of polymerization. ................. 28

Figure 3-6: Modes and physical scales of collagen hydrogel mechanical characterization. ........................................ 31

Figure 3-7: Representative SEM image of collagen hydrogel (34) annotated to indicate commonly quantified fiber

structure parameters P (pore size), D (fiber diameter), and Ø (orientation). ............................................................... 33

Figure 3-8: Representative images of collagen hydrogels using various modalities. .................................................. 34

Figure 4-1: Hydrogel configurations for characterization. .......................................................................................... 57

Figure 4-2: Representative turbidity profile annotated with quantitative metrics........................................................ 59

Figure 4-3: Analysis of compression data from four representative hydrogel samples. .............................................. 61

Figure 4-4: Implementation of fiber analysis. .............................................................................................................. 63

Figure 4-5: Kinetics of collagen hydrogel polymerization. ......................................................................................... 66

Figure 4-6: Compression modulus of collagen hydrogels at 0.1%/s deformation rate. ............................................... 67

Figure 4-7: Fiber structure images obtained from confocal reflectance. ..................................................................... 68

Figure 4-8: Pore and fiber diameter of collagen hydrogels.......................................................................................... 69

Figure 4-9: Representative FRAP image sequence...................................................................................................... 69

Figure 4-10: Rate of diffusion of dextran in collagen hydrogels. ................................................................................ 70

Figure 5-1: Diagram of blood-perfused collagen vessel bioreactor. ............................................................................ 90

Figure 5-2: Schematic of x-ray PIV in collagen vessel bioreactor. ............................................................................. 92

Figure 5-3: Sample images of blood flow in the collagen microchannel. .................................................................... 94

Figure 5-4: Effect of image preprocessing on PIV accuracy. ...................................................................................... 95

Figure 5-5: Comparison of image signal-to-noise ratio before and after image preprocessing. .................................. 97

Figure 5-6: Effect of PIV correlation method on PIV accuracy. ................................................................................. 98

Figure 5-7: Contours of SCC and RPC correlation planes. ......................................................................................... 99

Figure 5-8: Effect of sum-of-correlation on PIV accuracy. ....................................................................................... 100

Figure 5-9: Contours of RPC instantaneous and sum-of-correlation planes. ............................................................. 100

Figure A-1: Tumor microenvironment platform. ....................................................................................................... 111

Figure A-2: Image preprocessing and registration. .................................................................................................... 113

Figure A-3: Dextran perfusion for gradient measurement. ........................................................................................ 115

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List of Tables

Table 3-1: Polymerization temperature of collagen hydrogels used for tissue engineering. ....................................... 23

Table 3-2: Collagen I sources and solubilization methods. ......................................................................................... 40

Table 3-3: Collagen concentration in hydrogels used for tissue engineering. ............................................................. 41

Table 3-4: Polymerization pH and components in collagen hydrogels used for tissue engineering. ........................... 42

Table 3-5: Review of collagen hydrogel mechanical characterization. ....................................................................... 43

Table 4-1. Sensitivity of key hydrogel material properties to fabrication parameters. ................................................ 76

Table 4-2: Polymerization kinetics (mean ± SE). ........................................................................................................ 78

Table 4-3: Compression modulus (mean ± SE). .......................................................................................................... 79

Table 4-4: Fiber structure metrics (mean ± SE). .......................................................................................................... 80

Table 4-5: Diffusivity (mean ± SE). ............................................................................................................................ 81

Table 5-1: RMS deviation of experimental mean velocity profile from volume-adjusted theoretical solution,

normalized by volume-adjusted theoretical maximum displacement. ....................................................................... 101

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List of Abbreviations

3D three-dimensional

3PG three-point Gaussian

AFM atomic force microscopy

APS Advanced Photon Source

BSA bovine serum albumin

CFM confocal fluorescence microscopy

CI chemotactic index

CRM confocal reflectance microscope

dH2O distilled water

dSLR digital single-lens reflex

DMA dynamic mechanical analysis

DMEM Dulbecco’s modified eagle’s medium

ECM extracellular matrix

EGF epidermal growth factor

FEP fluorinated ethylene propylene

FITC fluorescein isothiocyanate

FRAP fluorescence recovery after photobleaching

GAG glycosaminoglycan

GFP green fluorescent protein

µPIV micro-particle image velocimetry

PBS phosphate buffered saline

PDMS polydimethylsiloxane

PEG polyethylene glycol

PEGDA polyethylene glycol diacrylate

PEI polyethyleneimine

PEO polyethylene oxide

PLGA poly(lactic-co-glycolic) acid

PIV particle image velocimetry

PRMSR peak-to-root mean square ratio

PTFE polytetrafluoroethylene

RBC red blood cell

RMS root mean square

RPC robust phase correlation

SCC standard cross correlation

SEM scanning electron microscopy

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SHG second harmonic generation

SNR signal-to-noise ratio

TEM transmission electron microscopy

TPF two-photon fluorescence

UOD universal outlier detection

VEGF vascular endothelial growth factor

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1 Introduction

1.1 Motivation

The tissue microenvironment is a complex system containing three major components occupying

the same three-dimensional space: interstitium composed of structural matrix and surrounding

fluid, vasculature, and cells. Each of these components can be comprised of multiple

subcomponents: for example, extracellular matrix is primarily composed of collagen in soft

tissues, but also contains varying levels of elastin, proteoglycans, and other macromolecules.

Moreover, the spatial distribution of microenvironmental components is highly heterogeneous.

Each of these elements of the microenvironment can have a profound impact on tissue function


The tissue microenvironment is coming under close scrutiny as a potential avenue for study of

disease and design of new disease therapies as well as tissue regeneration. An outstanding

question in current cancer research is the importance of the link between tumor malignancy and

abnormalities in the tumor microenvironment – tortuous, leaky vasculature, high protein

deposition in the extracellular matrix (ECM), and poor oxygenation and nutrition due to limited

perfusion and diffusion [2-4]. Stem cell differentiation and proliferation are known to be

regulated by site-specific cues from the microenvironment including elasticity, ECM

composition, and capacity of the microenvironment to transport signaling molecules between

cells [5-7]. Drug delivery therapies depend strongly on the ability of the treatment to penetrate

the microenvironment and reach the disease location.

Across these and other applications, similar challenges face all attempts to engineer an in vitro

tissue microenvironment. Although in vitro models are extremely popular for investigation

specific cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions, few such devices recapitulate all major components

of the tissue microenvironment. Furthermore, those devices which do contain interstitium,

perfusion, and cells seldom replicate the three-dimensional spatial arrangements of in vivo

tissues. This limitation of current engineered tissues is widely recognized and there is a need for

in vitro tissue microenvironment platforms with increased physiological fidelity.

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1.2 Objective

The objective of this work was the development of a three-dimensional in vitro tissue

microenvironment platform. This was achieved through integration of tissue engineering,

experimental design, materials characterization, and particle image velocimetry (PIV) strategies.

The in vitro tissue microenvironment platform was developed through design and

characterization of two of the three primary components of the microenvironment as illustrated

in Figure 1-1: collagen I hydrogels with precisely tunable mechanics and mass transport

properties mimicking the interstitium and perfused microchannels with well-characterized

physiological flow mimicking the vasculature. In ongoing work, the third and final component of

the tissue microenvironment has been introduced to the platform in the form of human breast

cancer cells. This complete microenvironment platform is being used to investigate interactions

between the three components of the tissue microenvironment.

Figure 1-1: Diagram of the tissue microenvironment illustrating the dissertation objective.

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1.3 Dissertation Overview

This dissertation is organized as follows: Chapters 1 and 6 provide the introduction and

conclusion to the work. Chapter 2 presents an in-depth literature review of the tissue

microenvironment to inform the reader about the main objectives of this work. Each of the main

chapters (3-5) represents an original work, presented as a complete manuscript formatted for

journal publication. Chapter 3 is an extensive review of current methods used for fabrication and

characterization of collagen I hydrogels for tissue engineering, while Chapter 4 is an original

research paper which addresses the challenges identified in Chapter 3 through measurement and

analysis of collagen I hydrogel functional properties. Chapter 5 presents flow characterization of

blood perfusion of a thick collagen tissue model using x-ray µPIV. Finally, the Appendix

provides a fourth manuscript in preparation which investigates tumor cell response to growth

factor gradients in the microenvironment platform.

1.4 Scientific Merit

This work, integrating measurement and instrumentation with tissue engineering, materials

characterization, and flow analysis, provides the development and characterization of a novel

tissue microenvironment platform with physiologically relevant mechanics, flow and mass

transport. First, we investigated the mechanical and transport properties of collagen I hydrogels

commonly used to mimic tissue interstitium. We reviewed the literature and found that the

current characterization of hydrogel functional properties lacks coherence and is insufficient for

use in design of complex engineered tissues. To address this obstacle to tissue microenvironment

design, we developed an experimental data set, comprehensive sensitivity analysis and predictive

regression models which can be used to tune hydrogels to mimic the interstitium of a broad range

of in vivo tissues. Finally, we quantified blood flow within a perfused collagen hydrogel device

using x-ray phase contrast particle image velocimetry, enabling future development of the

system to utilize whole blood perfusion. In ongoing work, a parallel-perfusion microenvironment

platform was developed for investigation of the role of interactions between matrix stiffness and

epithelial growth factor (EGF) gradients on motility and directed migration of human breast

cancer cells (MDA-MB-231). Ultimately, this platform will serve as a tool for experimental

studies of interactive processes within the tissue microenvironment.

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2 Literature Review

2.1 Basics of the Tissue Microenvironment

The tissue microenvironment is composed of three primary components: interstitium,

vasculature, and cellular components [8]. Each of these can play a role in various diseases; for

example, it is theorized that many of the physiological differences between the tumor

microenvironment and that of healthy tissue stem from irregularities in the tumor vasculature and

low perfusion rates [2, 9]. Therefore, these components must be considered in any study of the

tissue microenvironment.

The arterial tree contains several orders of magnitude of vessel diameter and perfusion flow rate.

Many tissue functions have been demonstrated to be affected by flow rate; in particular,

endothelial cells only develop tight junctions and normal barrier function when exposed to

physiological shear stresses [10, 11]. Perfusion conditions can also affect the availability of

oxygen and nutrients to cells within the tissue.

The interstitial space is composed of extracellular matrix (ECM) and interstitial fluid which is

transported through the lymphatic system. The ECM is the structural basis of tissue and

primarily contains macromolecules including fibrous proteins (collagen and elastin) and

polysaccharides such as hyaluronan and proteoglycans [1]. The composition and structure of

these macromolecules varies significantly with tissue type and can be altered by disease. As a

result, the mechanical properties of the interstitium can vary widely. Stiffnesses of soft tissues

can vary between 102 Pa and 10

8 Pa [12], while the structure of the protein network can exhibit

pore sizes from the nanoscale to the microscale. Furthermore, the extracellular matrix and

surrounding interstitial fluid form a porous network which regulates diffusion of nutrients,

oxygen, and other molecules in tissue. Diffusion-driven concentration gradients in biochemicals

in the tissue microenvironment cam stimulate cell response and migration.

Depending on the tissue, cellular components can be numerous and exhibit complex intercellular

signaling. Cell response to both mechanical and chemical aspects of the microenvironment can

be described in terms of biochemical response, such as gene and protein expression, or

mechanical response, such as morphological changes, proliferation, and migration.

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2.2 Engineering the Tissue Microenvironment

The three fundamental approaches to research – analytical, numerical, and experimental – have

been applied to study of the tissue microenvironment with varying levels of success. Tissue

dynamics have generally been considered to be too complex for analytical techniques to be

practical. Computer models based on numerical techniques, or in silico models, are increasingly

being used as computational resources become more available, and show promise for prediction

of tissue microenvironmental dynamics such as cell migration patterns [13]. In silico models

have been used, for example, to suggest that hypoxia and acidification are key mechanisms in

tumor malignancy [9]. Although in silico models are promising, they are cannot be used

independently as they are strongly dependent on input parameters and prioritization of

mechanisms, both of which must be obtained experimentally [13]. Additionally, numerical

models must be validated with experimental data. Future advances in our understanding of the

tissue microenvironment will likely be based on complementary numerical and experimental

models [9].

Experimental techniques fall under two broad categories: in vivo, in a living human or animal,

and in vitro, laboratory experiments using tissue reconstructed using live cells. While in vivo

models duplicate the clinical environment better than in vitro models, and always form a

necessary stage in the development of new treatments for various types of disease, the in vivo

tissue microenvironment remains too complex for individual mechanisms be easily quantified

and characterized. In vitro models offer more precise control of input parameters than in vivo

models, while their lower complexity allows isolation of individual mechanisms.

The potential of three-dimensional (3D) in vitro tissue models for quantitative studies of normal

and diseased microenvironments and evaluation of drug efficacy is widely recognized [14, 15].

However, the value of an in vitro model is dependent on its reproduction of complex temporal

and spatial interactions as found in the physical microenvironment [1, 15]. An engineered in

vitro tissue microenvironment should incorporate the spatial configuration, structure, and

dynamic response of in vivo tissues [1, 16]. Finally, the in vitro tissue microenvironment must be

designed so that control and response parameters can be accurately measured. Quantification of

the tissue microenvironment is addressed in the concluding section of this literature review.

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The benefits of 3D in vitro tissue models over two-dimensional systems have been well

documented [17, 18]. It has been shown that cells exhibit significantly non-physiological

morphology and behavior in two-dimensional cultures [1, 19]. Cells grown in two dimensions

develop a flattened morphology with flat lamellipodia and form adherent single layers. Migration

in two dimensions can occur only within the plane; however, it is unrestricted due to the lack of

structural matrix [20, 21]. In contrast, cells grown in three dimensions are surrounded and

supported structurally by ECM in a fiber network, which forces them to form a spindle-shaped

morphology with cylindrical pseudopodia [19, 22]. The presence of the ECM permits cells to use

different attachment mechanisms than in two dimensions [23, 24], and three-dimension

migration aided by proteolysis-induced ECM remodeling is possible [25]. The ECM fiber

structure regulates cell motility, with the optimal pore size slightly smaller than the cell diameter

to permit cell migration in three dimensions through the structure while inhibiting slow one-

dimensional migration [24, 26, 27]. Similarly, it has been shown that ECM stiffness leads to

stability of the scaffold, stimulating cell motility [28, 29]. Cells exhibit migratory response to

stiffness gradients (durotaxis) as well as density gradients (haptotaxis) [1, 17, 19, 30, 31].

Transport of nutrients, oxygen, metabolites, and signaling molecules in three-dimensions is

diffusion-limited and triggers cellular biochemical response while two-dimensionally cultured

cells obtain chemicals through direct contact with culture media [17, 32].

Since the development of tissue engineering, most studies of the interaction between cell and

substrate have been in two dimensions [26, 27]. Only recently has the relevance of three-

dimensionality for cell motility and ECM interaction been noted. To achieve 3D in vitro tissue

models, cells can be grown on scaffolds representative of ECM. Because the in vitro

microenvironment must not only permit physiological cell migration and adhesion, but must also

accommodate fabrication, scaffold materials must be carefully selected. Key structural

parameters of an in vitro scaffold are dimension, pore size, and stiffness [13, 26]. Previous 3D

tissue models have used scaffolds including Matrigel, paper, native type I collagen, collagen-

glycosaminoglycan (GAG), polyacrylamide (PA), polyethylene oxide (PEO), polyethylene

glycol (PEG), fibrinogen, poly(lactic-co-glycolic) acid (PLGA), and more [1, 18, 25, 26, 30, 31,

33, 34]. Of these, type I collagen is favorable for use as a tissue scaffold because it is a major

component of native ECM, provides a natural, remodelable environment for many types of cells

during proliferation and migration, is readily available via isolation from animal tissues such as

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porcine skin or murine tails, and can in theory be reconstituted with tailored density, fiber

structure, stiffness and diffusivity for specified particles [1, 35, 36]. One drawback is that

collagen exhibits a low elastic modulus relative to synthetic scaffold materials, which makes

microfabrication challenging; however, several groups have successfully fabricated

microstructures within collagen using various techniques [37, 38].

The presence of a perfusion mechanism which captures the dynamics of the vasculature is

necessary to enable continuous mass transport through the engineered tissue and sustain a

physiological nutrient supply [32, 39]. Transwell assays, which can contain quasi-3D scaffolds

such as a collagen layer across the well, have high throughput and permit measurement of gene

and protein expression, but are static cultures and therefore unable to reproduce the dynamics of

biological tissues [40]. Recently, microfabrication techniques have been developed to produce

high-resolution 2D and 3D microchannels in elastomers such as polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)

or hydrogels such as alginate, Matrigel, and collagen, producing perfusable devices that can

sustain cell proliferation [1, 33, 37, 39, 41-45].

Perfused 3D systems permit temporal control of convection-driven gradients in the

microenvironment for better physiological accuracy [19]. State-of-the-art microfluidic devices

for tissue engineering are primarily based on microchannels formed by soft lithography in PDMS

and sealed with glass coverslips for imaging [40, 44, 46-50]. Although such systems can provide

3D scaffolds for cell culture and complex planar geometries with varied cell density and

perfusion characteristics, and have proven to be relatively robust, the space limitations inherent

to silicon-molded microfabricated designs restrict dynamic cellular processes in the

perpendicular dimension, so although such systems can have 3D ECM, dynamic processes occur

in 2D. Furthermore, the influence of artificial boundaries imposed on the cells at the PDMS and

glass interfaces and the effect of limiting the scaffold thickness to only a few cells [51] are likely

significant [52] but yet unknown. There remains wide variation between experimental

approaches and devices for the in vitro study of the tissue microenvironment [53]; furthermore,

no device yet exists which is capable of mechanical and/or chemical microenvironmental

gradients with true 3D dynamic geometry and dynamics.

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2.3 Quantification of the Tissue Microenvironment

This section describes technology currently available for measuring the range of parameters

relevant to the hypothesis described in the previous section. These include quantitative

techniques for measurement of microenvironmental factors such as tissue material properties and

relevant transport characteristics including diffusion, velocity distribution and wall shear stress.

2.3.1 Materials Characterization

Complete characterization of biological tissues is a monumental task. However, certain material

properties are of particular relevance for tissue engineering and several techniques have been

developed for their measurement. Chapter 3 provides an extensive review of fabrication

parameters and characterization techniques for collagen I hydrogels in particular; however, here

a brief generalized overview is provided.

Tissue elasticity varies in nature and magnitude across various biological tissues. Soft tissues

have strongly nonlinear elastic properties as they are generally both viscoelastic and anisotropic.

Much variation exists between groups with regards to the definition used for reported stiffness as

well as measurement technique [54]. Some stiffness measurement methods of interest include

tensile and compression testing, rheometry, atomic force microscopy (AFM) and

nanoindentation. Tensile testing, while the classic approach to stiffness measurement, often fails

for extremely soft tissues and hydrogels. Uniaxial compression testing involves displacing a

sample between large plates while measuring the resistive force, and can be extremely robust but

requires relatively large, isotropic samples and provides only a mean stiffness measurement.

Rheological testing provides information on shear modulus which has limited applicability for

most hydrogels. AFM stiffness measurements are performed by prodding the sample with a

nanoscale cantilever of known stiffness and measuring the tip displacement with a laser. While

this provides measurements with high spatial resolution, the difference in stiffness between

available cantilevers and soft tissues and the variability in cantilever geometry results in low

measurement accuracy. Furthermore, AFM is poorly suited for measurement of bulk properties

of heterogeneous matrices. Nanoindentation is a similar approach with similar advantages and

disadvantages. For all contact-based techniques, surface tension can lead to significant error for

low-stiffness samples. Because each method has different advantages and disadvantages, the best

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method for a particular sample depends on that sample's properties and in vivo loading


The structure of tissue extracellular matrix is most often quantified by analysis of some type of

image of the fiber network to obtain fiber diameter, pore size, and fiber density [54]. This is

challenging because of the small scale of both the fibers and the fiber network. Scanning electron

microscopy (SEM) is often considered the gold standard for nanoscale imaging as it can provide

images with better than 1 nm resolution; however, because conventional SEM requires an

electrically conductive sample under high vacuum, it cannot be used to image hydrated samples.

Biological samples are often fixed, dehydrated, and sputter-coated with gold in preparation for

SEM; however, it is unknown what effect each of the actions may have on the properties of the

fiber network so it is not suited for hydrogel characterization [55]. Even environmental SEM,

which was developed to permit imaging of samples under low pressure rather than high vacuum,

cannot be used for hydrated tissues and hydrogels. AFM is another technique often used for

generating topographical images; however, the hydration of the tissue is again a problem as the

liquid layer on the sample surface limits the capacity of the AFM cantilever to reach the fiber

network and furthermore reduces measurement resolution. The most popular option for imaging

tissue and hydrogel fiber structure is confocal reflectance microscopy [56]. Using a high

magnification high-numerical aperture lens and small pinhole, high-resolution images of

collagen fibers can be obtained. Some studies indicate that fluorescent labeling of the collagen

fibers can be used to further enhance image quality [33]. The key advantage to this technique is

that it can be applied to fully hydrated tissues and gels and requires no sample preparation or


2.3.2 Transport Characterization

The rate of diffusion of a particle in a hydrogel is dependent on the particle size, tissue fiber

structure, and hydration medium. It is tempting to estimate diffusivity indirectly from porous

media theory and known tissue structural parameters; however, this estimate requires precision

of prior measurements and is accurate only for strictly hom*ogeneous materials. Therefore, direct

measurement is generally required. As with structure characterization, diffusion characterization

is usually performed using optical methods. Generally, the diffusing material is fluorescently

labeled and imaged in real-time as a concentrated sample diffuses into surrounding tissue.

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Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching, or FRAP, is a modification of this technique in

which the fluorescently labeled probe is hom*ogeneously distributed in the sample and

photobleached in a central small region using a laser or other high-intensity light source. Images

are recorded as the bleached and unbleached materials diffuse into one another. In both cases, the

intensity distribution in the recorded images can be used to compute the rate of diffusion [57,


Conventionally, hydrodynamic characterization of biological tissues is restricted to measurement

of the mean flow rate and an assumption of Poiseuille flow is used to estimate shear stress. This

is because of the difficulty in obtaining accurate high-resolution experimental measurements.

Particle image velocimetry (PIV) is a technique for measuring velocity flow fields that is gaining

popularity for flow measurements in biological tissues not only because it produces temporally

and spatially resolved information, accurate measurements, but also because it is a noninvasive

technique and therefore suitable for measurements in tissues and cell cultures. In a typical PIV

measurement, a pulsed laser sheet illuminates tracer particles seeded throughout the fluid, which

are imaged by a high-speed camera. Cross-correlation of pairs of images is used to calculate the

statistical particle displacement, which can be used with the time delay between images to

compute the velocity field. Micro-particle image velocimetry (microPIV) is an adaptation for

microfluidic applications that uses fluorescent tracer particles and imaging through an inverted

epifluorescent microscope. In a paper coauthored with Dr. Cara Buchanan, we describe the

application of microPIV for the first time to obtain wall shear stress measurements in a

cylindrical perfused collagen hydrogel [38]. The primary disadvantage of PIV for biological

applications is that the technique requires optical access to the flow of interest as well as

refractive index matching at all non-planar surfaces; these require that in vitro tissue

microenvironments be carefully designed if microPIV is to be performed. Recent work has

demonstrated the feasibility of x-ray PIV for accurate flow measurements in opaque flows [59-

62] and this may become a viable option for in vitro microenvironment models in the future.

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3 Review of Collagen I Hydrogels for Bioengineered Tissue Microenvironments:

Characterization of Mechanics, Structure, and Transport*

Elizabeth Antoine1, Pavlos Vlachos

2, M. Nichole Rylander


1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA

2 School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA

3 VT-WFU School of Biomedical Engineering and Sciences, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA

3.1 Abstract

Type I collagen hydrogels have been used successfully as 3D substrates for cell culture and have

shown promise as scaffolds for engineered tissues and tumors. A critical step in the development

of collagen hydrogels as viable tissue mimics is quantitative characterization of hydrogel

properties and their correlation with fabrication parameters, which enables hydrogels to be tuned

to match specific tissues or fulfill engineering requirements. A significant body of work has been

devoted to characterization of collagen I hydrogels; however, due to the breadth of materials and

techniques used for characterization, published data are often disjoint and hence their utility to

the community is reduced. This review aims to determine the parameter space covered by

existing data and identify key gaps in the literature so that future characterization research can be

most efficiently conducted.

This review is divided into three sections: (1) relevant fabrication parameters are introduced and

several of the most popular methods of controlling and regulating them are introduced, (2)

hydrogel properties most relevant for tissue engineering are presented and discussed along with

their characterization techniques, (3) the state of collagen I hydrogel characterization is

recapitulated and future directions are proposed. Ultimately, this review can serve as a resource

for selection of fabrication parameters and materials characterization methodologies in order to

increase the usefulness of future collagen hydrogel-based characterization studies and tissue

engineering experiments.

* In revision for Tissue Engineering Part B: Reviews.

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3.2 Introduction

Three-dimensional (3D) scaffold-based culture models represent a rapidly growing niche in

tissue engineering because they more closely mimic in vivo conditions than traditional cellular

monolayers [1-4]. The class of materials known as hydrogels, which ranges from synthetic

molecules such as poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) to native proteins such as collagen and fibrin, has

been demonstrated to be well-suited for use as 3D scaffolds [5-9]. Collagen-based hydrogels are

gaining widespread popularity as scaffolds for tissue engineering due to the abundance of

collagen in natural extracellular matrix (ECM). Collagen makes up 25% (by dry weight) of total

protein in vivo [10, 11]; of the various types of collagen, type I is the most prevalent and is by far

the most popular for tissue engineering due to its ease of extraction and adaptability for multiple


Although collagen I is a viable scaffold for a wide range of applications [12-15], comparison

between studies is difficult due to significant variation in hydrogel fabrication protocols used by

different research groups. It is well known that scaffold material properties play an important

role in cellular behavior [10, 12]. One of the main drawbacks to using collagen hydrogels as

scaffolds for tissue engineering is that these properties are highly variable and dependent on a

large number of fabrication parameters such as collagen source or gelation pH, resulting in a vast

design space [10, 16-20]. The need for quantitative characterization of collagen hydrogels is

recognized within the scientific community as a prerequisite for quantitative studies, tissue

optimization, and comparative research [14, 17, 18].

Recent publications have aimed to characterize collagen material properties; however, the

majority of previous studies have investigated relationships between isolated fabrication

parameters and material properties without considering the influence of the full design space on

material properties. Furthermore, just as there is wide variation in fabrication protocols

implemented by each group, there is little overlap between fabrication parameters employed.

Since fabrication parameters and material properties are coupled in collagen hydrogels, the data

available in the literature form a set of scattered measurements that cannot be extrapolated to

form a complete multidimensional data set. Because of this, the results of such studies are

difficult to interpret and only qualitatively useful to other research groups.

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This review aims to provide a guide to the collagen characterization data available in the

literature to facilitate identification of the most relevant studies for design of future experiments.

In this review, only fabrication parameters previously identified as having a significant effect on

one or more hydrogel properties are discussed in detail. These parameters include collagen

source, solubilization method, polymerization pH, polymerization temperature, ionic strength

and collagen concentration [11, 14, 21, 22]. The hydrogel properties covered in this review,

spanning polymerization, mechanics, structure, and transport, have previously been

demonstrated to regulate cellular response [9, 10, 22-24].

For information on molecular characterization of collagen, the reader is directed to articles by

Abraham et al. and Miller and Rhodes [14, 25]. Enhanced crosslinking techniques and composite

hydrogels, most often used to enhance the strength of low-concentration collagen gels, are

beyond the scope of this review as it focuses on basic hydrogel fabrication and properties.

However, some works involving enhanced crosslinking are cited here in the context of their

fabrication techniques and characterization methodologies. For further information and examples

of enhanced crosslinking of collagen hydrogels, the reader is directed to reviews [10, 11] as well

as several experimental studies [21, 26-30]. For the reader interested in dynamic remodeling of

ECM, excellent reviews by Lu et al. (general perspective on ECM degradation and remodeling)

[31] and Baaijens et al. (collagen-specific remodeling) [32] are recommended.

3.3 Collagen Hydrogel Fabrication Parameters

Most collagen hydrogels are prepared using type I collagen, which comprises 90% of the protein

in human connective tissues [14, 20] and is easily extracted from animal tissue with minimal

contamination by other collagens or proteins. Type I collagen is a triple helical protein formed of

67-nm periodic polypeptide chains with a total molecular weight near 300 kDa [14, 33].

Collagen fibrils self-assemble at neutral pH into bundled fibers typically 12-120 nm diameter

that cross-link to produce a matrix structure [11, 34-36] which ultimately forms a hydrogel in the

presence of a water-based solvent.

3.3.1 Collagen Source and Solubilization

Several groups have demonstrated that the collagen source (e.g. rat tail tendon, porcine skin,

bovine skin) influences hydrogel properties [12, 20, 37]. Relationships between collagen source

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and polymerization kinetics, hydrogel mechanics, and fiber structure are discussed in more detail

in Sections 3.4.1-0. Furthermore, the method by which collagen is extracted from tissue has been

shown to alter the molecular structure of the collagen fibrils as well as the kinetics of assembly

[12, 38]. Acid solubilization is most commonly used for minimally cross-linked collagens such

as rat tail tendon, while a combination of neutral salt solution with proteolytic extraction (pepsin

digestion) is often used in order to fully denature highly cross-linked collagens from bovine or

porcine skin [11, 20]. Many combinations of collagen sources, solubilization techniques, and

solvents are in use for preparation of collagen stock solutions. Furthermore, collagen stock

solutions, even those produced commercially, have been found to have significant batch-to-batch

variation [12, 14]. A review of some of the collagen stock solutions referenced in the literature

reveals that there is little consistency (Figure 3-1).

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Figure 3-1: Overview of collagen I sources and solubilization methods. Source data can be found in the

Appendix (Table 3-2).

Figure 3-1 shows the distribution of collagen source, solubilization, and stock solution

concentrations obtained from a survey of over 50 research articles, listed in Appendix A (Section

3.7.1, Table 3-2). While it was not possible to include all collagen hydrogel-based publications in

this review, this sample size is large enough to provide information representative of the field. In

Figure 3-1(a), each bubble corresponds to a source species with the bubble diameter

corresponding to relative frequency of experiments using that source. Vertical bubble placement

indicates to what extent each tissue type (tendon or dermis) is used from each source species.

Figure 3-1(a) shows that rat tendons represent the primary source of collagen I for hydrogel

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research, although the contribution of bovine dermal tissue is comparable. Porcine tendon and

dermis are infrequently used. Figure 3-1(b) provides a breakdown of extraction methods used for

each tissue type (regardless of species).

Figure 3-1(b) indicates that collagen denaturation methods in use are relatively consistent with

the degree of crosslinking for each source tissue: minimally-crosslinked collagens sourced from

tendons are denatured using acid alone, while dermal collagens, with their high crosslink density,

require pepsin digestion or other complex denaturation procedures.

Finally, Figure 3-1(c) is a histogram of stock solution concentrations reported in the literature.

Whether extracted in-house or obtained commercially, stock concentrations are most commonly

in the range 1-5 mg/ml which is lower than the collagen content of many native tissues. As noted

in the following sections, this limitation has implications for the utility of collagen hydrogels as

tissue mimics.

3.3.2 Collagen Concentration

Collagen concentration in vitro and in vivo influences tissue mechanical properties, thereby

regulating cellular behavior [39-41]. It is suggested to play a role in tumor malignancy, as

cancerous tissue contains 9-45 mg/ml (0.9-4.5% wt.) collagen in the interstitium while normal

tissue contains significantly less [19]. Most research characterizing collagen hydrogels examines

limited and disjoint ranges of collagen concentration, as demonstrated by Figure 3-2, which

presents the distribution of collagen hydrogel concentrations found in the literature (Appendix A

(Section 3.7.1): Table 3-3). The majority of these studies were performed within the last decade.

In this plot, bubble location corresponds to the range of concentrations examined by each source.

If only a single collagen concentration was used for a study, the bubble falls on the dashed line.

Studies investigating broader concentration ranges are represented by bubbles centered further

from the dashed line. Bubble diameter is not linked to concentration range, but rather indicates

number of publications with identical conditions. Bubble color indicates bubbles of the same

size. Each red bubble represents a single study. The large blue bubble, located at 2 mg/ml,

represents the majority of publications.

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Figure 3-2: Collagen concentration ranges used in the tissue engineering literature.

Source data can be found in the Appendix (Table 3-3). 1 mg/ml = 0.1% wt.

Although most tissue mimics have been fabricated using hydrogels with low collagen content (<

4 mg/ml), as shown in Figure 3-2, they have limited value for mimicking 3D tissues due to their

non-physiological strength and microstructure, which result in an inability to support

microfabrication as bulk gels [42, 43]. Their use in characterization experiments is likely because

most commercially available formulations are provided at low concentrations (see Figure 3-1(c),

Appendix A (Section 3.7.1): Table 3-2). Conversely, gels with extremely high collagen content

(>20 mg/ml) form a fiber structure too dense to permit cell migration and viability [43]. Finally,

Figure 3-2 reveals that, as most previous works use single-concentration hydrogels (represented

by the bubbles centered along the dashed line), the majority of the literature provides no insight

into the effect of varying collagen concentration on gel characteristics and cell response. Notable

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exceptions include Ramanujan et al. and Erikson et al., who examined the influence of collagen

concentration over practical ranges (0-45 and 2-20 mg/ml, respectively) on both diffusivity and

fiber structure and found a decrease in diffusion rate and decrease in fiber length and

organization with increased collagen concentration [19, 27]. Cross et al. performed an in-depth

study of the relationship between collagen concentration and hydrogel properties including

stiffness and fiber structure, as well as cellular response [43]. For further information on

correlations of collagen concentration (as well as other fabrication parameters) with hydrogel

properties, the reader is directed to the subsequent sections.

Control of collagen concentration in hydrogels is most easily and accurately achieved using

lyophilized collagen, as the reconstitution step permits accurate weight measurement of dry

collagen and volume measurement of solvent to obtain the stock solution concentration. The

Sirius Red colorimetric assay [44] is commonly used to measure the quantity of soluble collagen

in stock solutions [45].

3.3.3 Polymerization Temperature

Along with collagen content, temperature of polymerization significantly affects hydrogel

properties. Because reaction kinetics are temperature-dependent, self-assembly of collagen

molecules occurs more rapidly at higher temperature and results in fibers with a lower number of

bundled fibrils, resulting in a less ordered structure [26, 46] and consequently altered

mechanical, structural, and transport properties as discussed in later sections. While most

previous studies have used hydrogels polymerized at 37°C to facilitate cell seeding and viability,

polymerization at room temperature (20-26°C) or below is not uncommon but generally inhibits

inclusion of cells within the hydrogel. Chrobak et al. found inconsistent hydrogel formation at

polymerization temperatures below 19°C [42]; however, as other groups have successfully

polymerized collagen hydrogels at temperatures down to 4°C, this is likely unique to their

experimental protocol. Yang et al. and Raub et al. varied polymerization temperature between 4

and 37°C to control fiber structure without necessitating variation in concentration and noted that

polymerization at low temperatures produced the most desirable pore size for cellular

proliferation [26, 46]. Similarly, Chrobak et al. found that gels formed at room temperature can

be used to create microchannels with better stability and less degradation over time than those

formed at 37°C [42]. Table 3-1 summarizes polymerization temperatures found in the literature.

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Polymerization temperature

(°C) Reference(s)

Single temperature

4 (refrigeration) [31]

20-26 (room temperature) [16, 29, 33, 39, 46-48]

37 [13, 14, 17, 20, 22, 28,

35, 38, 42, 49-75]

Range of temperatures

4, 21, 37 [34]

4, 14, 24, 37 [27]

12-37 [76]

23, 37 [41]

Temperature gradient during polymerization

4 -> 37 [77]

(4, 26, 35) -> 4 -> (4, 26, 35) [37]

(22, 27, 32) -> 37 [45]

Table 3-1: Polymerization temperature of collagen hydrogels used for tissue engineering.

Polymerization temperature is difficult to control accurately, as temperature-dependent fiber self-

assembly initiates as soon as the solution is neutralized. Most groups work with solutions on ice

or in an ice chamber to slow polymerization until the hydrogel is well mixed, at which time it is

moved to a chamber at the appropriate polymerization temperature. Therefore, the exact

temperature of the hydrogel during the initial stages of polymerization is heterogeneous and

regulated by convection and conduction. These effects cannot be strictly controlled in practice;

however, if fabrication procedures are consistent, mixing is performed rapidly, and the

polymerizing solution is moved immediately from ice to a temperature-controlled chamber, the

properties of the final hydrogel are typically reproducible.

3.3.4 Polymerization pH

pH during fabrication strongly influences both structural and mechanical properties of the

collagen hydrogel [34, 46, 47]. Yamamura et al. created hydrogels with pH ranging from 5-10

and found a strong positive correlation between pH and compression modulus [13], and Raub et

al. found similar trends with hydrogels polymerized at pH in the range 5.5-8.5 [34]. Sung et al.

and Gobeaux et al. studied the influence of pH on fiber size and organization across pH ranges of

7.1-8.3 and 6-12, respectively, as discussed in detail in Section 0 [47, 48]. Although gels

polymerized at extreme pH may provide favorable properties for tissue mimics, for practical

purposes pH of cellularized hydrogels is restricted to 7.4-8.4, as cell viability suffers outside this

range [48, 49]. Achilli and Mantovani bypassed this restriction by first polymerizing hydrogels at

pH = 10 and subsequently rinsing with buffer to return the pH to 7.4 before seeding cells on the

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surface of the gel [35]. Although adequate cell viability was achieved with this method, it is not

realistic for experiments in which cells must be seeded throughout the gel [21].

Figure 3-3 provides an overview of collagen hydrogel compositions in the literature (Appendix

A (Section 3.7.1): Table 3-4). Similarly to Figure 3-2, Figure 3-3 (a) is a bubble plot indicating

pH of collagen hydrogels, where bubble position shows pH values and range (if any), bubble size

represents frequency in the literature, and bubble color indicates bubbles of the same size. Many

publications did not report pH values for their hydrogels, but instead stated that the solution was

at “neutral” or “physiological” pH. For graphical purposes, these studies were grouped together

and plotted in Figure 3-3 at pH = 7.4 (green), but kept separate from those studies in which pH

was specifically noted to be 7.4 (blue) so that the distinction could be visualized. Figure 3-3 (b),

(c), and (d) show the breakdown of buffers, neutralization agents, and other components found in

collagen hydrogels, respectively. The most common component in each class is highlighted in

bold in the legend.

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Figure 3-3: Collagen hydrogel configurations used in the tissue engineering literature.

a) pH ranges. b-d) Distribution of non-collagen hydrogel components. Components in bold occur most

frequently and match the commercial BD/Vitrogen hydrogel preparation protocols. Source data can be found

in the Appendix (Table 3-4).

Since early hydrogel studies have been primarily concerned with comparison of cell response in

two-dimensional vs. three-dimensional culture, hydrogels have typically been polymerized at a

physiological pH at or near 7.4 (Figure 3-3). As a result, published protocols and manufacturer

guidelines use “recipes” for proportions of reagents required to obtain hydrogels at pH 7.4.

Because pH is a fabrication parameter that can be exploited, at least within the range of cell

viability (7.4-8.4), for design of tunable hydrogels, a single recipe is no longer adequate and

calibration experiments must be performed.

pH of collagen hydrogels is not only dependent on the ratio of neutralization agent) to acid-

solubilized collagen, but also buffer type and preparation, dilution ratio of collagen in hydrogel,

and even absolute collagen concentration. Figure 3-3 indicates that one reagent stands out in

each category: 10X phosphate buffered saline (PBS) as the concentrated buffer, sodium

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hydroxide (NaOH) for neutralization, and distilled water for dilution. However, this unique

combination of parameters was used in less than one-fourth of the studies surveyed for Figure

3-3 (Appendix A (Section 3.7.1): Table 3-4). Because of the variation in reagents comprising

hydrogels used by different research groups (Figure 3-3), pH should be verified for each

individual configuration. A sample pH calibration for the reagents used by our group, with

varying collagen concentration, is provided in Figure 3-4. Details of the experimental

methodology used to obtain the data for Figure 3-4 are provided in Appendix B (Section 0).

Figure 3-4: Dependence of hydrogel pH on NaOH fraction and absolute collagen concentration.

Collagen hydrogels are often fabricated using culture medium containing phenol red, which

provides a useful visual indicator of pH. pH paper is also valuable for estimation of hydrogel pH,

especially those fabricated using phenol red-free media or PBS, although it lacks sufficient

accuracy for studies which require precise pH regulation. Electronic pH probes provide the most

accurate measurements; however, they require immersion of the electrode tip in solution and,

therefore, large sample volumes which may be impractical for some applications.

3.3.5 Ionic Strength

Finally, ionic strength has been demonstrated to affect hydrogel polymerization and subsequently

structural and mechanical properties as described in later sections [46]. Gobeaux et al. varied

ionic strength from 24-1300 mM for very high concentration gels (>75 mg/ml) polymerized at

pH of 7.4, and measured resulting changes in hydrogel optical and structural properties [47].

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Achilli and Mantovani varied ionic strength over a much smaller range, from 64.2-174 mM, but

still found a significant effect on polymerization and mechanical properties [35].

Although few publications directly report ionic strength of collagen hydrogels, most recipes

utilize 10X buffers (media or PBS) diluted to 1X strength in the final hydrogel in order to obtain

hydrogel ionic strength similar to that of standard buffer solutions (Appendix A (Section 3.7.1):

Table 3-4). Reported values using such recipes fall within the range 130-300 mM [12, 21, 34, 46,

50-54]. Finer control of ionic strength has been achieved by adjusting the concentration of

phosphate in the buffer or adding sodium chloride (NaCl) to the hydrogel [35, 47, 54]. Ionic

strength is seldom measured directly for collagen hydrogels, but rather calculated from known or

estimated concentrations of all ionic compounds present in solution [54].

3.4 Collagen Hydrogel Characteristics

The following sections describe polymerization, mechanics, structure, and transport of collagen

hydrogels. Each section provides a brief overview of the importance of the parameter for tissue

engineering as well as information about current measurement techniques. Finally, correlations

of each property with fabrication parameters as well as other properties are described.

3.4.1 Polymerization

As noted in previous sections, the kinetics of collagen fiber network assembly, a multi-step

process including fibril formation, fiber nucleation and development, and cross-linking, is

dependent on almost all fabrication parameters [12, 26, 38, 46, 47, 54]; furthermore, the addition

of external crosslinking agents also affects fibrillogenesis [21, 55]. Polymerization kinetics

provide insight into the molecular processes linking controllable fabrication parameters with the

final state of the hydrogel. For example, Kreger et al. examined how collagen source and

extraction method affect material properties [12]. Under identical polymerization conditions,

they determined that acid-solubilized collagens polymerize more rapidly than pepsin-digested

collagens and noted that these results are consistent with previous research indicating that

telopeptides, which are damaged or destroyed by pepsin digestion, play a key role in fiber

nucleation [12].

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The importance of characterization of polymerization becomes clear when one considers that the

ideal polymerization temperature or pH to achieve target structural or mechanical properties may

not align with optimum conditions for viability in cell-seeded gels. In particular, lag time before

polymerization begins and duration of polymerization are critical parameters for the design of

mixing and incubation protocols to maximize viability.

Fibrillogenesis is frequently measured through spectrophotometric measurements of hydrogel

turbidity, which have been demonstrated to correlate with degree of polymerization [12, 38].

Most previous works have measured turbidity at 313 nm [21, 38, 54] or 405 nm [12, 55] using

standard spectrophotometric equipment with temperature controlled sample chambers. Total

change in absorbance (ΔAbs) as well as three temporal parameters – lag time (tL),

polymerization rate (dAbs/dt), and half-time (t1/2) – can be easily quantified from typical

turbidity data (Figure 3-5). Duration of polymerization (twice the half-time) is strongly

dependent on temperature but is typically on the order of 10 minutes to several hours [12, 35] for

most applications.

Figure 3-5: Diagram of a typical spectrophotometric measurement for quantification of polymerization.

The polymerization half-time t1/2 is defined as the time at which half of the total change in absorbance ΔAbs/2

is attained. The rate of change of absorbance at the half-time is defined as the polymerization rate dAbs/dt,

while the lag time is defined as the zero-absorbance intercept of the line with slope dAbs/dt and intersecting

(t1/2, ΔAbs/2) .

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3.4.2 Mechanics

The influence of ECM stiffness on cell biology – including morphology, cytoskeletal stiffness,

adhesion, migration, and proliferation – has been well-established; however, these effects have

not yet been quantified for many cell types [9, 18, 39, 56-59]. The relationship between tissue

elasticity and cell signaling and response has significant implications for many types of disease,

especially cancer. In fact, increased ECM stiffness, along with elevated collagen concentration,

is a hallmark of many tumors [60-62]. ECM stiffness has also been linked with endothelial

integrity and consequently regulation of angiogenesis [13, 63-65]. The link between tissue

stiffness and cell response has two major implications for tissue engineering using collagen

hydrogels. For in vitro hydrogels meant to mimic specific tissues, hydrogel mechanical

properties must be matched to the corresponding in vivo tissue properties in order to obtain

physiologic behavior of cells in the hydrogel. Alternatively, hydrogel mechanical properties must

be varied in a controlled fashion in order to answer outstanding questions about cell behavior in

normal and disease states.

While the term “stiffness” is used in the preceding paragraph in a general sense to describe the

mechanical resistance to deformation of a material (tissue or hydrogel), it cannot be used for

meaningful discussions of material properties because it is strictly an extrinsic, structure-

dependent property. Mechanical properties must first be defined in terms of specific types of

deformation: tension, compression or shear. All of these deformation modes are commonly used

in practice for characterization of biological tissues and care must be taken to avoid attempts to

compare measurements obtained in different deformation modes. The elastic moduli of

biological tissues have been reported to range from 102 Pa (brain) to 10

8 Pa (tendon) [66].

However, due to the different deformation modalities used to obtain these and similar in vivo

data (elastic modulus can refer to either tensile or compression modulus), comparisons can

seldom be drawn between such measurements [17, 58, 66, 67]. Furthermore, because soft

biological tissues as well as collagen hydrogels are nonlinear viscoelastic materials, mechanical

properties are both time- and strain-dependent. If only a single value is reported for an

experimental study, an implicit approximation of linear elasticity (whether acknowledged or not)

is made, and special attention must be paid to the experimental conditions under which the

measurement was obtained.

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Characterization of collagen hydrogel mechanical properties must be performed so that resulting

measurements can be matched with in vivo data: this implies matching both deformation

modality and temporal/strain characteristics. Although full mechanical characterization of

viscoelastic parameters under all three deformation modalities is possible using dynamic

mechanical analysis (DMA) in tension, compression, and torsion; this is not practical for many

researchers and furthermore corresponding data for in vivo tissue is seldom available. As an

alternative, if the physiologically relevant type of deformation, strain range, and timescale can be

identified, more limited characterization may be sufficient for adequate ECM matching. For

example, tendon and muscle often undergo rapid tension, relatively high strains, and are

furthermore anisotropic. In contrast, physiological deformation of brain or breast tissue is more

commonly quasi-steady-state compression. Fortunately, most tissues undergo relatively small

strains under physiological conditions and exhibit linear behavior within this regime, simplifying

analysis [67].

A significant amount of literature exists for mechanical characterization of collagen hydrogels

covering a wide range of measurement methodologies, time and strain scales. Figure 3-6

provides a comparison of experimental settings used to estimate tensile, compression, and shear

moduli. The inverse of the strain rate is plotted on the abscissa as a characteristic time, while the

strain (expressed in %) is plotted on the ordinate as a characteristic length. As an example,

Yamamura et al. performed confined compression of collagen hydrogels deforming at 0.01 (1%)

strain/s from 5-15% strain; this study is plotted at (100s, 10%) with a bar extending to (100s,

15%) to indicate the strain range used to estimate compression modulus [13]. From the figure, it

is clear that tensile and compression tests are generally performed with long time scales and at

relatively high strains in order to best estimate relaxation moduli, while oscillatory shear

measurements are performed at much shorter time scales and smaller strains in order to obtain

additional information about the viscous component of deformation. Chandran and Barocas

provide an excellent review of experimental methodologies for each deformation mode,

discussing underlying physics and highlighting advantages and limitations of each [68].

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Figure 3-6: Modes and physical scales of collagen hydrogel mechanical characterization.

Data points corresponding to studies investigating a range of scales are centered at the mean value and

plotted with a bar extending to the upper bound of the range investigated. Because of the log-log scale, lower

bounds are not plotted. Source data and application notes can be found in the Appendix (Table 3-5).

In all deformation modes, it is critical to maintain sample integrity by humidification or

immersion in a buffer solution during measurements; furthermore, high-resolution load cells

must often be used in order to resolve the small forces associated with compliant hydrogels.

Tensile tests in particular require simultaneous imaging of the specimen gauge region in order to

quantify the cross-sectional area obtain an accurate measurement of true strain. In tension, failure

stress and strain are often of interest in addition to the elastic modulus. Compression testing can

be performed using either confined or unconfined samples. In both cases, accurate positioning of

the platen at the sample surface to avoid sample preloading can be difficult. Surface tension at

the interface can further complicate matters; this effect has previously been minimized through

the use of a porous platen (especially for confined compression) [43, 68] or hydrophobic platen

[69]. Oscillatory shear measurements generally require initial frequency and shear sweeps to

determine the boundaries of linear response; most of the literature has concluded that

approximately 1 Hz and 5% strain produce linear response in collagen hydrogels. Although

atomic force microscopy (AFM) is extensively used for localized tissue and cell mechanical

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measurements [7, 58], it is poorly suited for measurement of bulk properties due to the

heterogeneity of collagen hydrogels [70].

The effect on mechanical properties of each of the fabrication parameters described in this

review has been quantified. Both collagen source and solubilization affect hydrogel mechanics

[12]. All studies investigating the effect of collagen concentration on hydrogel elastic and shear

moduli demonstrate positive correlation [12, 40, 43, 51, 53, 63]. Similarly, increasing pH

increases all metrics of collagen hydrogel modulus [13, 34, 35, 51]. The relationship between

ionic strength and compression modulus is less straightforward, and appears to be interdependent

with pH and temperature [35]. Crosslinking agents, by design, increase mechanical properties of

hydrogels [15, 21, 26, 28, 30, 40, 59].

In general, there is poor agreement between quantitative mechanical measurements in the

literature, not only due to differences in deformation mode and timescale but also variation in

hydrogel fabrication parameters. This becomes especially apparent when conflicting correlations

are found; for instance, Achilli and Mantovani determined that increasing polymerization

temperature from 4 - 37°C decreases mechanical properties, with negligible correlation at pH = 7

but strong correlation at pH = 10 [35]. These results contradict the findings of Raub et al. several

years earlier [26] where mechanical properties increased by two orders of magnitude over the

same temperature range, but at a pH of 7.4. Differences between these studies such as collagen

concentration ([26]: 2 mg/ml; [35] 4 mg/ml) and deformation mode ([35] characterized tensile

and compression moduli while [26] investigated only shear modulus) may explain the

discrepancy; however, further characterization is clearly necessary to fully understand the

relationship between hydrogel mechanical properties and polymerization temperature.

Furthermore, more detailed reporting of hydrogel fabrication protocols in order to highlight

similarities and differences would assist the reader in accurately interpreting mechanical

characterization data.

3.4.3 Structure

It is well known that the fiber structure of extracellular matrix can regulate cellular morphology,

proliferation, migration, and gene expression [9, 13, 39, 46, 60, 71], and is therefore an important

parameter for hydrogel characterization. Fiber structure in collagen gels is complex and often

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defined quantitatively in terms of parameters such as mean fiber diameter D, fiber density (or

volume fraction), pore size P, degree of cross-linking (or number of cross-links per fiber), and

orientation Ø (Figure 3-7). These parameters can be used to help elucidate the cellular

characteristics described above; for example, fiber orientation describes anisotropy of the

material and can therefore be a predictor of directionality of cell migration.

Figure 3-7: Representative SEM image of collagen hydrogel (34) annotated to indicate commonly quantified

fiber structure parameters P (pore size), D (fiber diameter), and Ø (orientation).

Scale bar 500 nm. Figure reproduced with permission of the publisher.

Several methodologies for measurement of hydrogel fiber structure are available. AFM has

similar limitations for fiber structure imaging as for mechanical characterization: measurements

are too localized for accurate estimation of bulk network properties. Historically, collagen

hydrogel fibers have been imaged using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) [50, 52, 72] and

transmission electron microscopy (TEM) [38, 54] for qualitative/semi-quantitative analysis of

network and fibril structures, respectively. Although these methods provide high-resolution

images and preserve relative information about fiber dimensions [26], they require significant

sample manipulation, drying, and chemical processing. These can lead to shrinkage and collapse

of the fiber structure, which prevent quantitative analysis of 3D fiber structure and SEM images

[14, 20, 26, 34, 48]. While more advanced electron microscopy techniques such as cryo-SEM

and environmental SEM have been developed which do not require sample dehydration, these

still necessitate high vacuum or sample fixation which can alter the structure of the hydrogel.

Although electron microscopy remains in use for high-resolution imaging of hydrogel topology

where quantitative results are not necessary, its limitations have led to the development of optical

imaging techniques for fiber structure measurement of fully hydrated, unmodified hydrogels.

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These include two closely related techniques, two-photon fluorescence (TPF) and second

harmonic generation (SHG), as well as confocal reflectance and fluorescence microscopy

(CRM/CFM), all of which have become popular modalities for recording fiber structure as they

can be used to obtain images of gels in the hydrated state [20, 26]. Figure 3-8 provides a

qualitative comparison of sample images acquired using each of these modalities.

Figure 3-8: Representative images of collagen hydrogels using various modalities.

a) TEM (38) (scale bar 500nm) b) SEM (34) (scale bar 500 nm) c) SHG (34) (scale bar 50 µm) d) CRM (34)

(scale bar 50 µm). Figures reproduced with permission of the publishers.

TPF and SHG are both based on two-photon laser excitation and therefore have the advantages

associated with near-infrared illumination: i.e. high penetration depth and low phototoxicity.

Furthermore, the use of fluorescence or second-harmonic generation provides good signal-to-

noise ratio due to suppression of background light. However, they require high laser power and

have difficulty penetrating dense tissue [20]. CRM, although somewhat noisier than TPF or SHG

due to non-specificity of reflected light, is more commonly used, most likely due to availability

of necessary equipment. CRM is an established technique in which images are formed by the

light reflected from collagen fibers. Because reflected light does not undergo a spectral shift,

CRM requires replacement of the microscope's fluorescent excitation filter with a beamsplitter

(typically 80/20) and removal of the emission filters. This permits the reflected light to reach the

microscope detector, which is usually a photomultiplier tube for laser-scanning confocal

microscopes. CRM has been successfully performed across a range of wavelengths (405-543

nm) and magnifications (40-63X using water or oil immersion objectives).

For all three optical modalities, the distance of the focal plane into the hydrogel is a critical

parameter. It has been demonstrated that collagen fibers form a significantly different network at

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the surface of the coverslip than within the gel; therefore, images acquired too close to the

coverslip produce misleading information and are likely a source of inconsistencies in fiber

structure data in the literature [39]. Therefore, the distance of the focal plane from the sample

surface should be clearly reported with all fiber structure data. Furthermore, the overall hydrogel

thickness has been shown to influence hydrogel network formation for gels at or below 1.5

mg/ml collagen concentration [39]; although hydrogels for 3D tissue engineering generally

require higher concentrations at which this effect is negligible, this dimension should nonetheless

be clearly stated in experimental methodologies.

Regardless of imaging modality, quantitative analysis of fiber network images is necessary for

extraction of structural parameters. Although many researchers have investigated collagen

hydrogel network structure, no standard automated image analysis technique has yet emerged

and therefore wide variation exists in published structural characteristics. Approaches in recent

publications utilize algorithms exploiting a wide range of image segmentation and thresholding

techniques [12, 21, 26, 27, 34, 40, 43, 46, 53, 55, 73], grid-based estimation [27, 39, 73], and

even Fourier transforms and autocorrelation [34, 39, 74]. Furthermore, manual estimation of

dimensions of user-identified fibers and pores is not uncommon [12, 13, 21, 34, 37, 50, 72, 75].

Finally, existing algorithms do not appear to be robust enough to accurately analyze images with

a high density of fibers, a parameter primarily regulated by collagen concentration. For example,

although Kreger et al. investigated polymerization kinetics and mechanical properties of 0.5-4

mg/ml hydrogels, fiber structure data is notably absent for samples above 3 mg/ml [12]. With

one exception [43], which presents fiber structure images inconsistent with other publications, no

studies have been found which present fiber structure analysis of collagen hydrogels >4 mg/ml

collagen concentration. This is a significant limitation, as collagen hydrogels below this

concentration, while initially widely studied, have not been successfully matched to in vivo

tissues and in particular lack sufficient structural integrity to support microfabrication and

perfusion [19, 42, 43, 76].

All collagen fabrication parameters discussed in this review have been demonstrated to influence

one or more metrics of fiber structure. Increasing collagen concentration has been correlated with

increased fiber density and reduced pore size but has no effect on fiber diameter [12, 19, 40, 47,

51, 52, 55, 72, 77]. However, increasing pH or temperature promotes electrostatic interactions

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and fiber nucleation, accelerating polymerization and produce fibers with reduced diameter and

networks with small pore size [26, 34, 35, 46, 48, 51]. Similarly, decreasing ionic strength of the

hydrogel produces decreased fiber diameter and pore size [35, 47].

Although correlation between collagen source and fiber structure is difficult due to differences in

collagen extraction and hydrogel preparation, it has been shown that the monomer/oligomer ratio

can be used to control the degree of crosslinking within the collagen network [53]. In a review by

Wolf et al., it is shown that pepsin-digested collagens, most often those produced from bovine

tendon or porcine skin (Figure 3-1, Appendix A (Section 3.7.1): Table 3-2), produce fiber

networks with long fibers and large pores compared to non-pepsin treated collagens such as that

extracted from rat tail tendon (Figure 3-1, Appendix A (Section 3.7.1): Table 3-2) [20]. They

conclude that this due to the reduction in fiber nucleation sites due to telopeptide removal [20].

Carey et al. suggested that the culture medium used in hydrogel fabrication (PBS, MEM, DMEM

or M199) influences hydrogel fiber structure but that this relationship is negligible relative to the

effect of other fabrication parameters [39]. Sung et al. indicated a difference in fiber shape

depending on the neutralization medium used to fabricate the hydrogel (HEPES or NaOH) [48].

Fiber structure has often been measured in conjunction with other material properties such as

polymerization kinetics [12, 21, 38, 47, 54, 55], mechanical properties [12, 13, 16, 21, 26, 30, 34,

35, 40, 43, 46, 50, 51, 53, 78, 79], or diffusivity [19, 27, 73, 79]. The goal of such experiments is

usually development of predictive models which eliminate the need for time-consuming,

expensive measurement of all relevant properties. However, because of the interdependence of

properties on fabrication parameters, such correlations have value only under limited conditions.

3.4.4 Transport

Oxygen, nutrients, and other soluble bioactive molecules in avascular tissue are primarily

transported by diffusion [27, 80]. Quantification of diffusion processes is a key step to

understanding transport limitations within tumors [19, 62] as well as designing effective drug

delivery strategies [27]. Because diffusion requirements are application-dependent, thorough

characterization of the transport properties of collagen hydrogels is necessary before hydrogels

can be designed to match desired properties [10].

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The diffusive capacity of a hydrogel, characterized by the diffusion coefficient D, depends on

both the gel fiber structure and the size and shape of the diffusing species [10]. The effective

diffusion coefficient of a molecule in a collagen hydrogel can be estimated from the diffusion

coefficient of the molecule in the interstitial fluid if the fiber structure (permeability and fiber

shape characteristics) is known [8, 19]; however, a far more reliable estimate can be obtained by

direct measurement using the method of fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) [19,

80-82]. FRAP is an well-established experimental technique in which a fluorescent probe is

hom*ogenously distributed in the diffusion medium, locally bleached, and imaged in a time series

to produce an intensity decay profile from which the diffusion coefficient can be measured based

on Fick’s second law. Using a confocal microscopy, high-resolution data can be obtained and no

calibration is necessary. For further details on the method and analysis, see Seiffert and

Opperman [81].

The fluorescent probe used in FRAP measurements in collagen hydrogels is often an easily

labeled model protein such as dextran [19, 27, 73, 80] because it is available in a wide range of

molecular weights and thus can be matched to a molecule of interest. Bioactive molecules in

ECM range from small soluble cytokines and growth factors, with molecular weight on the order

of 100

- 101 kDa [10, 80, 83, 84], to large insoluble macromolecules such as glycosaminoglycans

and proteoglycans, with molecular weight on the order of 102 - 10

3 kDa [80]. Examples of other

molecular probes which have been used for FRAP diffusivity measurements include bovine

serum albumin (BSA) and lactalbumin [19]. It should be noted that care must be taken when

performing FRAP using a molecule different than the molecule of interest as molecular weight

matching may not be sufficient to mimic all ECM interactions [80].

For FRAP measurements, the thickness of the hydrogel is typically limited to several hundred

microns to limit out-of-plane diffusion and background noise. It should be noted that, due to the

possible dependence of fiber structure on gel thickness [39], this may introduce error when

extrapolating FRAP diffusion measurements to thicker hydrogels. FRAP samples are usually

formed between coverslips, on special multiwell slides, or in similar molds [19, 27, 73]. The

fluorescent probe can be introduced during hydrogel fabrication [73] or by soaking the

polymerized gel in probe-containing medium for 12-72 hours [19, 27, 79, 80]. FRAP in collagen

hydrogels has most often been performed using laser-scanning confocal microscopy. While wide

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variation exists in the literature in choice of imaging parameters such as resolution,

magnification, and bleach region size and shape, most measurements require use of all available

lasers at full power to obtain sufficient bleaching.

Ramanujan et al. successfully used FRAP to measure the diffusion coefficient of dextrans with a

wide range of molecular weights (4-2000 kDa) in collagen hydrogels and correlated decreased

diffusivity with an increase in collagen concentration [19]. Erikson et al. performed similar

experiments with 2000 kDa dextran in collagen supplemented with decorin or hyaluronan [27],

and Gillette et al. measured the diffusion coefficient of 3-500 kDa dextrans in collagen/alginate

hydrogels [73]. Stylianopoulos et al. predicted using numerical models that the ionic strength of

the hydrogel solution can affect the diffusion of charged particles [85]. To our knowledge, the

effects of collagen source and solubilization, hydrogel pH, and hydrogel polymerization

temperature on diffusion rates in collagen hydrogels have not yet been experimentally


3.5 Concluding Remarks

Significant progress has been made in recent years towards characterization of polymerization,

mechanical, structural, and transport properties of collagen hydrogels. However, the full

potential of many aspects of hydrogel characterization is yet to be realized. The community has

not yet reached consensus on a deformation modality for mechanical characterization, even

within specialized applications such as microvascular tissue engineering or tumor engineering.

Because individual studies are often restricted to measurements using a single deformation

modality, it remains unclear how different modalities correlate with one another. With respect to

fiber structure characterization, accurate methods for quantification of structural parameters in

hydrogels above 3 mg/ml are generally not available. This is a significant limitation, as the

current trend is towards the use of higher concentration hydrogels due to improved replication of

the properties of in vivo tissue. Furthermore, data for diffusion of bioactive molecules in collagen

hydrogels remains extremely limited. The relationships between hydrogel transport properties

(diffusivity) and many fabrication parameters including collagen source and concentration,

polymerization temperature, and polymerization pH, have not yet been investigated. Finally, a

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physics-based predictive model for one or more material properties, based on fabrication

parameters, would be of great benefit to the entire community working with collagen hydrogels.

In this review, we note that the literature appears to contain contradictions with respect to

material properties of collagen hydrogels, which we trace back to differences in fabrication

protocols and characterization techniques. In order to minimize such ambiguities, it is necessary

that researchers report fabrication and measurement protocols in increased detail, including

seemingly inconsequential information. Such transparency will improve interpretability of the

data on collagen hydrogel characterization, and facilitate future research efforts in this promising


3.6 Acknowledgements

We would like to thank Dr. Raffaella De Vita for illuminating discussions of hydrogel mechanics

and viscoelastic characterization. Funding for this study was provided by the National Science

Foundation Early CAREER Award CBET 0955072, a National Institute of Health Grant

IR21CA158454-01A1, a Clare Boothe Luce Graduate Fellowship, a Virginia Space Grant

Consortium Graduate STEM Research Fellowship, the Virginia Tech AEThER Lab, and the

Virginia Tech Tissue Engineering, Nanotechnology, and Cancer Research Lab. We gratefully

acknowledge support provided by the MBEDS (Multiscale Bio-Engineered Devices and

Systems) Center of the Virginia Tech Institute of Critical Technologies and Applied Sciences


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3.7 Appendices

3.7.1 Appendix A: Supplementary Tables

Table 3-2: Collagen I sources and solubilization methods.

Source Manufacturer (if applicable)

Solubilization Solvent of final solution

Stock collagen concentration




Advanced BioMatrix (Vitrogen 100/PureCol)

pepsin digestion 0.01-0.012N HCl ~3 mg/ml [12, 16, 19, 27, 29, 55, 71, 72, 76, 79, 86-88]

Roche (Collagen S)

0.5M acetic acid unknown unknown [14]

Sigma acid-salt precipitation

0.01M HCl n/a (lyophilized) [12, 51]

Organogenesis unknown acid unknown 2.2 mg/ml [68, 78]

Tendon Sigma sodium phosphate precipitation

0.01M HCl 10 mg/ml [36, 89]



in-house extraction

HCl + NaN3, pepsin digestion

0.5M (3%) acetic acid

10 mg/ml [30]

in-house extraction

acid-salt precipitation

0.01M HCl n/a (lyophilized) [12, 53, 90]


Nitta Gelatin, Inc. (Cellmatrix Type 1-A)

unknown acid unknown 3 mg/ml [13]

in-house extraction

NaCl + HCL, pepsin digestion

0.01N acetic acid n/a (lyophilized) [89]

Rat Tail


BD Biosciences “low concentration”

0.5M acetic acid 0.01-0.02M acetic acid

3-4 mg/ml [48, 60, 63, 88, 91-94]

BD Biosciences “high concentration”

0.5M acetic acid 0.01-0.02M acetic acid

8-11 mg/ml [12, 21, 26, 34, 40, 42, 46, 73, 85, 95, 96]

Sigma 0.1M acetic acid 0.1M acetic acid 2 mg/ml [77] in-house extraction

0.1% acetic acid 0.1% acetic acid 8-30 mg/ml [43]

in-house extraction

unknown acid 0.017M (0.1%) acetic acid

10 mg/ml [39]

in-house extraction

acid-salt precipitation with 0.5 M acetic acid

0.5 M acetic acid 0-500 mg/ml [47]

in-house extraction

acid-salt precipitation and pepsin digestion

0.005M acetic acid

0.20-0.21 mg/ml [54]

in-house extraction

acid-salt precipitation and pepsin digestion

0.5M acetic acid 2 mg/ml [38, 97]

in-house extraction

0.5M acetic acid 0.02M acetic acid 5 mg/ml [21]

in-house extraction

0.5M acetic acid HCl 4.29 mg/ml [28]

in-house extraction

0.02M acetic acid 0.02M acetic acid 1.4-44 mg/ml [35, 50, 52]

in-house extraction

acid-salt precipitation

unknown 5 mg/ml [15]

in-house extraction

0.01M HCl 0.01M HCl 12-20 mg/ml [98]

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Table 3-3: Collagen concentration in hydrogels used for tissue engineering.

1 mg/ml = 0.1% wt.

Collagen concentration (mg/ml)


Single concentration 0.5 [16] 1 [46, 60, 73, 78] 1.3 [48] 1.5 [16, 63, 88] 1.67 [29, 71]

2 [35, 60, 74-76, 86, 87, 91, 92, 94]

2.4 [13, 79] 2.5 [99] 2.8 [35] 3 [28, 63, 68, 93] 3.5 [100] 4 [21, 26, 34] 5 [15] 7-7.5 [95] 8 [98] 9.15 [85] 10 [30]

Concentration Range 0-45 [19] 0.08-0.39 [38] 0.1-0.6 [50] 0.13-1.8 [55] 0.023-0.094 [54] 0.3-1.0 [52] 0.3-1.08 [77] 0.5-2.75 [53] 0.5-3 [90] 0.5-4 [12] 0.67-2.5 [72] 1-3 [51] 1-4 [40] 1.5-3 [39] 1.5-4.5 [96] 2-20 [27] 3-6.5 [42] 3-20 [43] 40-300 [47]

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Table 3-4: Polymerization pH and components in collagen hydrogels used for tissue engineering.

pH Concentrated buffer

Neutralization agent

Other components


Single pH

~7.0-7.5 10X PBS NaOH H2O, sodium bicarbonate

[42, 95]

7.0 none NaOH DMEM, MEM, RPMI, M199, PBS



10X M199 HEPES H2O, sodium bicarbonate


10X DMEM NaOH/HCl none [79]

10X MEM none sodium bicarbonate



10X PBS NaOH H2O [12, 19, 26, 27, 53, 63, 73, 93, 94] (BD, Vitrogen protocol)

10X PBS NaOH 1X PBS [21]

10X MEM none sodium bicarbonate, FBS


10X MEM NaOH, HEPES 1X M199 [76] 10X MEM NaOH, HEPES 1X PBS [68] 10X MEM NaOH, HEPES FBS [78]

none NaOH 1X DMEM, agarose


10X DMEM NaOH 1X DMEM [96]

10X DMEM NaOH, HEPES H2O, sodium bicarbonate, FBS


10X M199/RPMI

NaOH, HEPES H2O, sodium bicarbonate


10X HBSS NaOH 1X DMEM sodium bicarbonate


neutral/ physiological (exact pH not specified)

10X M199 NaOH 1X M199 [43] 10X MEM NaOH 1X M199 [87] 10X PBS NaOH H2O [29, 40, 55, 86] 2X PBS HEPES none [60] 10X PBS NaOH, HEPES 1X PBS [75] none NaOH none [85]

8-8.5 10X DMEM NaOH none [28]

8.4 10X DMEM NaOH 1X DMEM [98]

8.9 10X DMEM NaOH H2O [92]

pH range

5-10 10X MEM NaOH/HCl, HEPES

none [13]

5.5-8.5 10X PBS NaOH dH2O [34]

6-9 modified 10X PBS

none none [51]

6-13 modified PBS NaOH none [47]

6.5-8.0 modified 2X PBS

NaOH/HCl none [54]

7-10 none NaOH, HEPES H2O [35]

7.1-8.3 4X or 2X PBS NaOH or HEPES none [48]

7.4-11 10X PBS NaOH H2O [91]

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Table 3-5: Review of collagen hydrogel mechanical characterization.

Deformation mode

Time scale of deformation

Strain scale of deformation

Parameters varied

Highlights of Study Ref.

Single-mode studies


0.067%/s 30-50%

Collagen concentration, polymerization pH

Fiber structure imaging (confocal reflectance) during strain application; longer, thinner fibers correlate with higher strain


0.07%/s 0-10%

Addition of polymers (including collagen) to PLGA hydrogels

Collagen strengthens PLGA hydrogels


0.67%/s 8-18% (break)

Addition of GAGs, fibroblasts to collagen hydrogels

GAGs increase tensile modulus; fibroblasts reduce modulus


0.8%/s 17-56% (break)

Addition of various crosslinkers to collagen hydrogels

Crosslinkers increase tensile strength but reduce extensibility


1.67%/s not stated Collagen concentration

Studied EC traction in constrained or floating hydrogels; found larger capillary structures in constrained gels


5%/s (step) followed by relaxation


Addition of agarose (varying concentration) to collagen hydrogels

Agarose slows hydrogel relaxation and reduces hydrogel compressibility


Compression (unconfined)

0.167%/s 2-5% Addition of GAGs GAGs increase compression modulus


Compression (confined)

0.1%/s 0-10% none

Anisotropy measurement during strain application; find that interstitial flow and fiber bending regulate stress response


1%/s 5-15% pH

Compression modulus increases with pH; ECs grown on rigid hydrogels migrate less but form deeper networks


Step (rate unspecified) followed by relaxation

3-20% Collagen concentration

Compression modulus increases with collagen concentration


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Table 3-5 (continued): Review of collagen hydrogel mechanical characterization.

Deformation mode

Time scale of deformation

Strain scale of deformation

Parameters varied

Highlights of Study Ref.

Single-mode studies (continued)

Shear (oscillatory)

0.016-16 Hz 2% Addition of protein supplements

Collagen breaks down under shear with oscillation frequency above 3 Hz


0.1 Hz 0.5%

Collagen concentration, addition of glutaraldehyde

G’ increases with concentration but pore size decreases; decoupled pore size and shear modulus and found cell spreading and migration depend primarily on pore size


0.1-1 Hz not stated Addition of protein supplements

Fibronectin or laminin supplements at high concentration reduce G’ and G” of hydrogels


0.1-100 Hz 5% Temperature, addition of glutaraldehyde

G’, G” frequency-independent at 5% strain; shear moduli increase with temperature, addition of GA


0.4 Hz 5% Addition of agarose

Agarose increases G’ but leaves gross fiber structure unchanged


0.5-1 Hz 5% Collagen vs. fibrin

Fibrin stiffer than collagen at same concentration


1 Hz 0.8% Polymerization temperature

Modified temperature and measured shear moduli throughout polymerization; final G’, G” decrease slightly at higher temperatures


1.6 Hz 5% Polymerization pH

G’, G” frequency-independent at 5% strain; shear moduli increase with pH


0.1-10 Hz n/a (0.5 Pa) Addition of GAGs

Chondroitin sulfate increases ECM void fraction, decreasing shear modulus; dextran does not affect mechanical properties


Shear (creep) n/a n/a (9.5 Pa) Addition of glutaraldehyde

GA increases shear modulus; Voigt-Kelvin model describes creep test well


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Table 3-5 (continued): Review of collagen hydrogel mechanical characterization.

Deformation mode

Time scale of deformation

Strain scale of deformation

Parameters varied

Highlights of Study Ref.

Multi-mode studies

Tension 0.03-0.04%/s 0-40%

Polymerization temperature, pH, ionic strength

Tensile and compression moduli increase with pH; fabrication at physiological temperature and pH does not result in physiological strength


Compression (unconfined)

3.6%/s 15-30%

Tension 0.6%/s 20-80%

Collagen source, concentration

High oligomer content may be linked to increased hydrogel strength

[12] Compression (unconfined)

2.76%/s 15-60%

Shear (oscillatory)

1Hz 1%

Compression (unconfined)

2.76%/s 10-30%

Collagen concentration, molecular weight

Compression and shear moduli are positively correlated with oligomer content (molecular weight); effect is stronger than than of concentration


Shear (oscillatory)

1 Hz 1%

Compression (confined)

0.08%/s for ramp tests



Creep, ramp, and sinusoidal compression as well as oscillatory shear. Found that collagen hydrogels exhibit Maxwell behavior in both shear and compression with similar timescales; shear modulus is larger than compression modulus.


Shear (oscillatory)

0.016-16 Hz 1%

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3.7.2 Appendix B: Experimental methodology for data presented in Figure 3-4

Collagen I was obtained from rat tail tendon by solubilization in 0.01M HCl at 4°C overnight.

Subsequently, the solution was centrifuged for 45 minutes at 30,000 g and the supernatant was

removed, frozen, and lyophilized. Stock collagen solutions of 0- 20 mg/ml were obtained by

reconstitution of lyophilized collagen in 0.01M HCl. Multiple stock solutions were prepared so

that hydrogels of varying concentration could be fabricated while maintaining a 2:1 dilution

factor for each.

Collagen hydrogels were fabricated by combining acidic collagen with a concentrated buffer

(10X DMEM, no supplements, Sigma), neutralization agent (1N NaOH, Fisher), and

physiological buffer (1X DMEM supplemented with glucose, sodium bicarbonate, and L-

glutamine, Sigma). The volume fraction of each component was as follows: acidic collagen =

0.5, 10X DMEM = 0.1, NaOH = kNaOH = 0.0107-0.0267 (control variable), 1X DMEM =

0.373-0.389 (remaining volume).

3 mL hydrogels were prepared by combining all components over ice and stirring with a spatula.

The data in Figure 4 were obtained at room temperature (23°C) using a glass pH electrode

(Thermo) submerged in each hydrogel.

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4 Tunable collagen I hydrogels for engineered physiological tissue micro-


Elizabeth Antoine1, Pavlos Vlachos

2, M. Nichole Rylander


1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA

2 School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA

3 VT-WFU School of Biomedical Engineering and Sciences, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA

4.1 Abstract

Collagen I hydrogels are commonly used to mimic the extracellular matrix (ECM) for tissue

engineering applications. However, the ability to design collagen I hydrogels to match the

functionality of physiological tissues has been elusive. This is primarily due to the relative

unavailability of quantitative correlations between fabrication parameters and resulting material

properties. This study aims to enable informed design and fabrication of collagen hydrogels in

order to reliably and reproducibly mimic a variety of soft tissues. We developed empirical

predictive models relating fabrication parameters with material and transport properties. The

models were obtained through extensive experimental characterization of these properties, which

include stiffness, pore and fiber diameter, and diffusivity, within a large fabrication parameter

space. Fabrication parameters were varied within biologically relevant ranges and included

collagen concentration, polymerization pH, and polymerization temperature. This study

elucidates previously unknown fabrication-function relationships; namely, we found that the

effects on the compression modulus and the fiber structure of the fabrication parameters

considered herein are each significant but independent of one another, while the concentration

and polymerization temperature interactively regulate polymerization half-time with no

significant contribution from pH. All fabrication parameters had a small but significant effect on

diffusivity. The equations resulting from this study permit informed a priori design of collagen

hydrogels with prescribed properties and functional performance. By enabling hydrogel

fabrication by design, this study has the potential to greatly enhance the utility and relevance of

collagen hydrogels for developing physiological tissue microenvironments for a wide range of

tissue engineering applications.

* In preparation.

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4.2 Introduction

Hydrogels using collagen I obtained from native tissues are in widespread use as scaffolds for

3D cell culture and tissue engineering. Historically, while desirable for tissue engineering due to

their natural biocompatibility and similarity to native extracellular matrix (ECM) [1-3], collagen

hydrogels have been at a disadvantage when compared with synthetic ECM mimics because of

their complex nature [4, 5]. In order to effectively use collagen hydrogels for tissue engineering,

the ability to optimize hydrogel material properties to better match those of the target tissue is

essential [5, 6]; however, this is challenging because the properties of collagen hydrogels depend

on a broad range of fabrication parameters, including but not limited to source tissue,

solubilization method, pH and temperature of polymerization, solution components, ionic

strength, and collagen concentration [7].

In recent years, significant effort has been devoted to characterization of functionally relevant

bulk properties of collagen hydrogels in order to enable hydrogel design for specific applications.

Functional properties including stiffness, fiber structure, and diffusivity of bioactive molecules

have all been subject to investigation [8-13]. Stiffness is one of the key bulk properties used for

tuning engineered scaffolds, as it regulates cell membrane stiffness, adhesion, differentiation,

morphology, migration, and more [14-19]. The stiffness of hydrated biological tissues varies

from 102 to 10

6 Pa [20]; therefore, characterization of collagen hydrogels with stiffness spanning

a similar range is desirable. Fiber structure, another important factor for designing tissue-

mimicking hydrogels, regulates cell morphology and migration [11, 15, 21-24]. In collagenous in

vivo tissues, pore size is generally heterogeneous and can vary from 1 to 20 µm [11]. Nutrient

transport and drug delivery within tissues are generally limited by diffusivity, which depends on

both the tissue and the diffusing molecule.

Correlations of these functional properties with various fabrication parameters have been

demonstrated; however, due to wide variation in fabrication protocols and characterization

techniques used by different groups, the data is difficult to interpret and often in disagreement

[7]. Furthermore, the relative influence of different fabrication parameters on hydrogel properties

cannot be easily determined from the existing data, making it difficult to choose an optimal set of

fabrication parameters for any given application.

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In this study, we aim to fill this gap and measure the response of a set of hydrogel functional

properties to three important fabrication parameters, varied within ranges that correspond to

biological applications. The fabrication parameters under consideration here were (1) collagen

concentration, (2) polymerization temperature, (3) polymerization pH, and (4) molecule size (for

diffusion measurements). Concentrations of 4, 6, 8, and 10 mg/ml (0.4, 0.6, 0.8, and 1.0% wt.)

were studied because this range has been shown to support microfabrication and cell culture

while matching concentrations which are found in natural tissues [8, 25, 26]. Temperatures of

23°C and 37°C were selected because they are easily attainable in tissue engineering laboratories

and support cell viability during polymerization. A pH range of 7.4-8.4 was selected because it

represents the range over which cell growth can be maintained [27, 28] and several previous

studies have suggested that pH can be a valuable tool for controlling hydrogel material properties

[10, 13, 15]. Finally, fluorescently labeled dextrans with hydrodynamic radii mimicking

cytokines and other bioactive molecules (1.4, 4.5, 6.0, and 8.5 nm corresponding to 4, 40, 70,

and 150 kDa) were used for diffusion studies.

The functional properties characterized for this study were stiffness measured in confined

compression, fiber structure evaluated in terms of fiber diameter and pore size and measured

using confocal reflectance microscopy (CRM), and diffusivity measured using fluorescence

recovery after photobleaching (FRAP). Furthermore, polymerization kinetics were measured

using spectrophotometry in order to link and provide temporal metrics for design considerations

such as device assembly time or dependence of cell viability on time spent at suboptimal

temperature. These data were used to develop empirical models of the fabrication/function

relationship for collagen I hydrogels as well as sensitivity analysis to understand the relative

importance of each fabrication parameter for each functional property.

4.3 Experimental Methods

4.3.1 Preparation of Collagen Hydrogels

Type I collagen was acid-extracted as follows: Tendons removed from rat tails were added to

0.01 M (pH 2.0) hydrochloric acid (HCl, Sigma) at 4°C, with a volume of approximately 30

mL/tail. The solution was placed in an ice bath and stirred overnight using a magnetic stir plate.

Subsequently, the solution was centrifuged at 30,000 g for 45 minutes to remove insoluble

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components. The supernatant was frozen and lyophilized to obtain pure collagen protein.

Lyophilized collagen was stored up to 6 months at -20°C.

For reconstitution, a mass of lyophilized collagen was weighed and added to an appropriate

volume of 0.01 M HCl to achieve monomeric solution concentrations of 8, 12, 16, and 20 mg/ml.

Collagen and acid were mixed thoroughly and allowed to reconstitute overnight at 4°C.

Subsequently, the solution was mixed again and centrifuged for 60 seconds at 1800 g to remove

bubbles. Monomeric collagen solutions were stored up to 6 weeks at 4°C.

Hydrogels were prepared by combining acidic monomeric collagen with concentrated buffer

(10X Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle’s Medium (DMEM), Sigma), physiological buffer (1X DMEM

supplemented with glucose, sodium bicarbonate, and L-glutamine, Sigma), and neutralization

agent (1N sodium hydroxide (NaOH), Fisher) according to the following recipe (by volume): 0.1

units 10X DMEM, 0.5 units monomeric collagen solution, kNaOH units 1N NaOH (dependent on

desired pH and absolute collagen concentration, Equation 4-1), remaining units 1X DMEM. In

order to obtain consistent hydrogel pH, a monomeric solution with twice the final hydrogel

concentration was always used. A calibration formula for pH was obtained by adjusting absolute

collagen concentration (maintaining the 2:1 dilution ratio) and NaOH fraction in hydrogels and

measuring pH of the resulting solution:

028.000051.00052.0 CpHkNaOH

Equation 4-1

where kNaOH is the volume fraction of 1N NaOH in the hydrogel and C is the collagen

concentration in the hydrogel, in mg/ml.

For fabrication of all hydrogels, 10X DMEM, 1X DMEM, and 1N NaOH were mixed over ice.

After the monomeric collagen was added, the solution was mixed thoroughly using a spatula,

taking care to avoid bubble formation. The hydrogel was transferred to an application-specific

mold (Figure 4-1) and incubated at either 23°C or 37°C for a duration at least twice the

polymerization half-time as determined by kinetics measurements (described in the following


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Figure 4-1: Hydrogel configurations for characterization.

a) capped cuvette for spectrophotometric kinetics measurements, b) cylindrical mold for confined

compression measurements (confining plug not shown), c) multi-well slide for fiber structure and diffusion

measurements. Samples shown are 4 mg/ml hydrogels polymerized at pH 8.4 and 37° C.

Hydrogels for polymerization kinetics measurements were prepared directly in polystyrene

spectrophotometric cuvettes (Schaumaplast 10 mm lightpath, Fisher) (Figure 4-1a). After

mixing, cuvettes were capped, placed into a spectrophotometer sample block preset to the

desired incubation temperature with a Peltier device, and data recording begun immediately.

Hydrogels for stiffness measurements (confined compression) were prepared in 15mL centrifuge

tubes. After mixing, 600uL volumes were dispensed using a syringe into cylindrical molds (Ø

9.5 mm, height 9.35 mm), sealed with coverslips to prevent evaporation, and polymerized in an

incubator set to the desired temperature. The resulting cylindrical hydrogels had diameter 9.5

mm and height 8.5 mm (Figure 4-1b). After polymerization was complete, distilled water was

placed on each sample to ensure full hydration.

For confocal imaging, solutions were prepared similarly to those for stiffness measurements but

pipetted into multi-well slides (Shandon Multi-Spot Slides, Thermo) to obtain hydrogels

approximately 100 um thick with diameter 6 mm (Figure 4-1c). Furthermore, during solution

preparation, a portion of the 1X DMEM (1% of the total hydrogel volume) was replaced with an

aqueous dextran solution (50 mg/ml for 1.4, 4.5, and 6.0 nm dextrans; 40 mg/ml for 8.5 nm

dextran) for a final dextran concentration in the hydrogel of 0.4-0.5 mg/ml. The Stokes’ radii RH

for FITC-dextrans (1.4, 4.5, 6.0 and 8.5 nm for 4, 40, 70, 150 kDa), which scale almost linearly

a) Cuvette for spectrophotometry

c) Multi-well slide for confocal imaging

b) Cylindrical mold for compressiontesting

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with the square root of the molecular weight, were obtained from the supplier (Sigma Product

Information Sheet FD-4).

Fabrication parameters which can affect functional properties but were not varied in this study

were selected to match those most prevalent in the literature. They include collagen source and

solubilization (hydrochloric acid-extracted rat tail tendon), solution components (DMEM and

NaOH), and ionic strength (~130 mM). The numerical data presented in this study should be

interpreted in the context of these fixed parameters.

4.3.2 Polymerization Kinetics Experimental Methodology

Before characterization of functional properties, the kinetics of collagen self-assembly was

measured. In this study, polymerization kinetics was quantified from spectrophotometric

measurements of light absorbance in the sample during self-assembly, a parameter which has

been shown to correlate with degree of polymerization [12, 29].Turbidity of the hydrogels was

recorded throughout polymerization using a Cary 5000 UV-Vis-NIR spectrophotometer (Varian)

equipped with a Peltier temperature controller. Absorbance at 405nm, zeroed against a reference

sample of deionized water, was recorded every 3.6 seconds for up to 2 hours. Following Kreger

et al. [12], four parameters were measured from the absorbance profiles: total change in

absorbance ΔAbs, polymerization half-time t1/2 (measured at the time at which half the total

change in absorbance was achieved), polymerization rate dAbs/dt (measured as the slope of the

absorbance profile at the half-time), and lag time (tL) (measured as the initial-absorbance

intercept of the line intersecting [t1/2, ΔAbs] with slope dAbs/dt) (Figure 4-2).

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Figure 4-2: Representative turbidity profile annotated with quantitative metrics.

Data shown is for 8 mg/ml collagen polymerized at pH 7.9 and 23°C.

4.3.3 Stiffness Experimental Methodology

Here we assumed that slow small-strain compression is the most relevant deformation mode for

tissues mimicked by collagen hydrogels and that the hydrogel is linear elastic under such

deformation; therefore we measured the stiffness of collagen hydrogels in quasi-steady uniaxial

confined compression. Hydrogels were prepared as described in Section 4.3.1. Before

compression, the coverslip was removed from each sample, a confining nylon plug (8 mm

diameter, 6 mm height) was placed on the surface of the hydrogel and the entire sample

assembly was placed on the lower platen of a mechanical load frame (Electroforce 3100, Bose)

fitted with either a high-resolution low-force transducer (250 gf, Honeywell) for 4 mg/ml

samples or a low-resolution high-force transducer (22 N, Bose) for 6-10 mg/ml samples. The

upper platen was lowered approximately to the upper surface of the plug and displaced 1.7 mm

at a rate of 0.0085 mm/s. With a sample height of 8.5 mm, this protocol achieved 0.1% strain/s

over a range of 0-20% strain. Stress was calculated from force response divided by the area of

the nylon plug (50.3 mm2). The radial gap between the nylon plug and sample confinement

cylinder (0.75 mm) was designed to permit fluid to escape during confined compression. All

measurements were performed at room temperature (23° C).

4.3.4 Stiffness Analysis

Due to inhom*ogeneities inherent in collagen hydrogels, escape of bubbles during compression,

and imperfections in alignment of system components, stress measurements were not always

0 5 10 15 200







Time (min)



Turbidity Profile

Raw Data


dAbs/dt Estimation


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linear. Therefore, data filtering was necessary to obtain accurate stiffness estimates from slow-

displacement measurements of collagen (Figure 4-3). As this has not been explicitly addressed in

previous studies, we have developed a robust algorithm for an automated and fully objective

analysis of compression data using MATLAB. First, initial contact of the upper platen with the

sample was identified as the position at which the signal from the load cell deviated from the

initial value by more than 5 times the sensor RMS noise (Figure 4-3a). Samples with greater than

5% thickness variation from the nominal value of 8.5 mm (425 µm), as determined by contact

position, were discarded. Next, a robust loess-smoothing filter with a large kernel (75% of the

data) was applied to minimize the effect of outliers and nonlinearities in the measurements and

force/position were converted to stress/strain measurements (Figure 4-3b). Subsequently, a linear

regression was performed on the robust loess-smoothed data between 5-15% strain (Figure 4-3c).

At this point, samples with negative slope were discarded, as physics require that stiffness be

positive. Finally, poroviscoelastic theory and previous experimental characterization indicate that

collagen hydrogel compression modulus is nearly constant between 0 and 20% strain at low

displacement rates [14]. Samples with strong nonlinearities due to experimental artifacts,

identified as those with regression R2 below 0.5, were discarded as unreliable.

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Figure 4-3: Analysis of compression data from four representative hydrogel samples.

All samples are 4 mg/ml, pH 8.4, 37°C. a) Identification of contact position, marked by a filled circle. b)

Robust loess smoothing. c) Linear regression of smoothed data from 5-15% strain. Sample 1 (green) is

discarded after step (a) because the sample thickness, determined from the contact position, is 6.9% (585 µm)

less than the nominal thickness. Sample 2 (blue) is discarded after step (c) because E = -8617 Pa < 0. Sample 3

(red) is also discarded after step (c) because the regression R2 = 0.065 < 0.5. Sample 4 (black) is considered

valid and returns a compression modulus of 3320 Pa which contributes to the mean stiffness calculated for

this fabrication condition.

4.3.5 Fiber Structure Experimental Methodology

In this study, confocal reflectance microscopy was used as it requires no sample preparation or

drying and therefore provides accurate dimensional information of samples in the hydrated state

[11]. Fiber structure images were acquired using a laser-scanning confocal microscope (LSM

510, Zeiss) configured with a 40X water immersion objective (C-Apochromat, NA=1.2), pinhole

set to 1 Airy unit, and 80/20 beamsplitter to record reflected light from a 543 nm HeNe laser.

The image size was set to 112.5 x 112.5 µm with a field of view of 2048 x 2048 pixels for a

pixel resolution of 54.9 nm. Images were acquired in the center plane of the hydrogels in multi-

well slides in order to maximize the distance from artificial boundaries.

0 0.5 1 1.5







Position (mm)


e (


a) Contact Position Estimation from Raw Data

Sample 1

Sample 2

Sample 3

Sample 4

0 5 10 15 20-500





Strain (%)


ess (


b) Robust Loess Filtering

Sample 2

Sample 3

Sample 4

0 5 10 15 20-500





Strain (%)


ess (


c) Linear Regression

Sample 2: E = -8617; R2 = 0.942

Sample 3: E = 469; R2 = 0.065

Sample 4: E = 3320; R2 = 0.964

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4.3.6 Fiber Structure Analysis

In order to accurately evaluate fiber structure images for the relatively high collagen

concentrations investigated in this study, an algorithm based on the Frangi vesselness

enhancement filter [30] was implemented in MATLAB using the Image Processing Toolbox as

well as algorithms available on the MATLAB File Exchange [31, 32]. Processing steps are

demonstrated in Figure 4-4, beginning with a subset of a sample raw image (Figure 4-4a). First,

histogram equalization histeq was applied to the fiber structure image. Subsequently, the Frangi

vesselness filter was applied to enhance fibers (Figure 4-4b). The parameters for the vesselness

filter were selected as follows: the first correction constant, which represents the deviation of the

fibers from a blob-like structure, was set to 0.5 as suggested by Frangi [30]. Similarly, the second

correction constant, which provides scaling based on the image intensity distribution, was

selected as suggested by Frangi to be half the maximum Hessian norm for the image [30].

Finally, the range and step size of vessel scales in the filter kernel were specified based on an

expected vessel diameter Dexp of 0.4 µm [12]. The scale range was set to 0.5 Dexp - 2 Dexp with a

step size of 0.5 Dexp.

After enhancement of fiber structures using the Frangi vesselness filter, the image was binarized

to obtain white fibers on a black background using Otsu’s method for thresholding (Figure 4-4c).

Subsequently, small objects which were unlikely to represent fibers were removed. The object

size threshold for removal was the area corresponding to a circular region with diameter Dexp.

Finally, morphological artifacts such as holes in fibers and small tendrils were eliminated using

imopen and imclose with a disk-shaped structural element with diameter Dexp /4 (Figure 4-4d).

To determine fiber size, a distance map of the white regions (fibers) was computed using bwdist

and skeletonized using bwmorph with option skel. The remaining pixel values, representing the

distance of the central pixel of each fiber from the nearest background pixel, were taken as a

measure of fiber radius. The distribution of fiber diameter is Figure 4-4e. Similarly, pore size

was obtained from a distance map of the black regions (pores) followed by a shrink operation

using bwmorph with option shrink. The remaining pixel values, representing the distance of the

central pixel of each pore from the nearest fiber pixel, were taken as a measure of pore radius.

The distribution of pore diameter is shown in Figure 4-4f. The mean fiber and pore diameter

were used as representative metrics for each image.

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Figure 4-4: Implementation of fiber analysis.

Sample shown is a 1024x1024 pix subimage of a 4 mg/ml hydrogel polymerized at pH 7.4 and 37° C. Scale bar

10 µm.

4.3.7 Diffusivity Experimental Methodology

FRAP is a well-established technique in which a region of a sample containing fluorescent

molecules is bleached using a laser-scanning confocal microscope; the subsequent exchange of

bleached molecules with fluorescing molecules due to diffusion is imaged and used to calculate

the rate of diffusion [8, 9, 33, 34]. Diffusivity measurements using FRAP were acquired at the

same sample locations as fiber structure images. The confocal microscope was reconfigured for

fluorescence imaging of the FITC-labeled dextran (488 nm beamsplitter/505 nm longpass) with

the same 40X water immersion objective and pinhole of 1 Airy unit. The image size was set to

225 x 225 µm with a field of view of 512 x 512 pixels for a pixel resolution of 0.439 µm. Images

were acquired every 1.5 s using bidirectional scanning to minimize acquisition time. Five pre-

bleach images were acquired using 488nm Argon laser at 1% power in order to obtain a

a) Raw Image b) Frangi Enhancement c) Otsu Thresholding

d) Refinement

0 1 2 30





e) Fiber Diameter Distribution

Fiber Diameter (m)

Count (x



0 1 2 30








f) Pore Diameter Distribution

Pore Diameter (m)

Count (x



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background image. Subsequently, all available lasers and wavelengths (Argon 458/488/514 nm,

HeNe 543 nm, HeNe 642 nm) were used at full power to bleach a horizontal region in the center

of the sample with a height of 10 pixels and width of 768 pixels. The width of the bleach region

was set to 150% of the image width in order to eliminate diffusion edge effect. After bleaching, 5

post-bleach images were recorded using the pre-bleach image settings. FRAP was performed at

room temperature of 24 ± 1°C.

4.3.8 Diffusivity Analysis

Analysis of FRAP images to obtain diffusion rates was performed using the MATLAB-based

algorithm developed by Seiffert and Oppermann [35]. Briefly, this algorithm fits a Gaussian

distribution to the fluorescent intensity profile in each post-bleach image and estimates the

diffusion rate from the decay of the Gaussian over time. Pre-bleach image subtraction was

implemented to minimize the effect of background heterogeneity mentioned previously, while a

high threshold of 0.8 was selected as the maximum acceptable change in Gaussian standard

deviation between frames in order to capture the rapid diffusion of 1.5 nm (4 kDa) dextran.

FRAP samples with an overall regression R2 below 0.9 were discarded. In particular, the

diffusion rate for the 1.5 nm dextran was near the limit of what could be captured with the

confocal microscope used here, and a significant number of samples were discarded based on

this criterion. Measurement of diffusion of smaller molecules would require either more

powerful lasers or a spinning disk confocal.

4.3.9 Statistical Analysis

All statistical analysis was performed using JMP software (SAS). A two-way ANOVA was

applied to data from each characterization method to identify statistically significant interactions.

Tukey’s HSD means comparison was used to determine the degree of significance (p-value) of

interactions. In all subsequent figures, p-values are denoted with either asterisks (*) or pound

symbols (#) as follows: * or #: significant at p<0.05, ** or ##: significant at p<0.01, *** or ###:

significant at p<0.001, and **** or ####: significant at p<0.0001.

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4.4 Results

4.4.1 Polymerization Kinetics

Regardless of fabrication conditions, polymerization of all samples followed the characteristic

sigmoid function measured as early as 1960 for collagen fibril formation [36] (Figure 4-2). Early

in the polymerization process, nucleation events begin to occur and absorbance increases slowly.

The increase in absorbance accelerates as fibrils formed at nucleation sites assemble into fibers

and the network develops, and finally slows to a saturation level at which no unpolymerized

collagen remains. Figure 4-5 summarizes the mean and standard error (SE) of polymerization

half time and lag time across the range of fabrication conditions in this study. All polymerization

kinetics data, including polymerization rate and total change in absorbance, are tabulated in the

Appendix (Section 0, Table 4-2) Figure 4-5 reveals the strength of correlation between

temperature and time scales of polymerization (p-value of temperature means comparison

indicated with # in Figure 4-5). Increasing collagen concentration contributes to more rapid

initiation of polymerization (shorter lag times) as well as shorter half-times at room temperature

(23°C); however, the effect of concentration on polymerization time scales becomes insignificant

at the higher temperature (37°C). No significant relationships between pH and polymerization

kinetics metrics were found (p>0.05) except for total change in absorbance (p<0.0001).

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Figure 4-5: Kinetics of collagen hydrogel polymerization.

Blue square symbols with dashed lines represent hydrogels polymerized at 23°C while red triangle symbols

with solid lines represent hydrogels polymerized at 37°C. As the effect of pH was statistically non-significant

(p>0.05), data is averaged over all three pH groups. Data shown are mean + SE with N=6-12. Significance was

calculated for pH-averaged groups: temperature means comparison is indicated with # while concentration

means comparison is indicated with *. At 37°C (solid red lines), concentration had no significant effect on

either polymerization half-time or polymerization lag time.

4.4.2 Compression Modulus

The slope measurements from all valid data sets for each fabrication condition were averaged to

obtain the mean compression modulus, with a total of 4 to 16 valid runs for each fabrication

condition. The results for all fabrication conditions are shown in Figure 4-6 and tabulated in the

Appendix (Section 0, Table 4-3). Unlike polymerization kinetics, which was independent of pH

and only dependent on concentration at low temperature, compression modulus was found to

increase with all three fabrication parameters (pH means comparison and significance not


4 6 8 100





Collagen Concentration (mg/ml)






n H







###### #



4 6 8 10








Collagen Concentration (mg/ml)






n L



e t

L (






** ***

23C half time

37C half time

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Figure 4-6: Compression modulus of collagen hydrogels at 0.1%/s deformation rate.

Blue bars with dashed lines represent hydrogels polymerized at 23°C while red bars with solid lines represent

hydrogels polymerized at 37°C. pH is indicated by color saturation. Data shown are mean + SE with N = 4-16

per bar. Significance was calculated for pH-averaged groups (N = 12-48) as indicated by horizontal black

bars. Temperature means comparison is indicated with # while hydrodynamic radius means comparison is

indicated with *.

4.4.3 Fiber Structure

Fiber images obtained using confocal reflectance microscopy were qualitatively similar to those

previously reported [28]. However, our images exhibited somewhat denser, less organized

networks because our hydrogels contained higher concentrations of collagen than those imaged

in previous studies. Hydrogels polymerized at low temperature exhibited more network-like

structures (Figure 4-7a-b), while those polymerized at high temperatures produced more

hom*ogeneously distributed fibers with a smaller mesh size (Figure 4-7c-d). High-concentration

hydrogels polymerized at low temperature were often very heterogeneous despite careful sample

preparation and mixing (Figure 4-7b); this effect, although still present, decreased at high

temperature (Figure 4-7d). The wide distribution of pore and fiber diameter within a single

image can be seen in Figure 4-7e-f. Fibers in reflectance images often appear discontinuous

4 6 8 100










Collagen Concentration (mg/ml)


ess (





#### ##





23C pH 7.4

23C pH 7.9

23C pH 8.4

37C pH 7.4

37C pH 7.9

37C pH 8.4

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because some reflected light is blocked by near-field (out-of-plane) fibers and does not reach the


Figure 4-7: Fiber structure images obtained from confocal reflectance.

Images shown are for hydrogels polymerized at pH 7.4. Scale bar 25 µm.

The results of fiber structure image analysis for all fabrication conditions are shown in Figure

4-8 and tabulated in the Appendix (Section 0, Table 4-4). While pH and concentration had no

significant impact on fiber structure, increasing temperature reduced both pore and fiber

diameter significantly (p<0.0001). The mean pore diameter at 23°C was 2.54 ± 0.37 µm while

the mean pore diameter at 37°C was 1.63 ± 0.23 µm. The temperature dependence of fiber

diameter, although statistically significant, had a far smaller magnitude as the mean fiber

diameter was 404 ± 26 nm at 23°C and 355 ± 12 nm at 37°C.

4 mg/ml 10 mg/ml

37 C

23 C

a) b)


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Figure 4-8: Pore and fiber diameter of collagen hydrogels.

Blue symbols with dashed lines represent hydrogels polymerized at 23°C while red symbols with solid lines

represent hydrogels polymerized at 37°C. Data shown are mean + SE with N = 12. Significance was calculated

for pH-averaged groups. At each concentration, the difference between means at T=23°C and T=37°C is

significant at p<0.0001 for both pore diameter and fiber diameter.

4.4.4 Diffusivity

FRAP measurements were successfully obtained for all dextrans and fabrication conditions.

Figure 4-9 shows a sequence of sample images from a FRAP data set. Many data sets (especially

those with high MW dextran) contained some heterogeneity in the level of background

fluorescence, including the sample shown in Figure 4-9. Diffusion occurred rapidly for all

dextrans, as reflected in Figure 4-9 where high contrast is seen in the bleached region in the first

post-bleach image, but little to no contrast remains in the image acquired 18 seconds post-bleach.

Figure 4-9: Representative FRAP image sequence.

Data shown is for 40 kDa dextran in 10 mg/ml collagen hydrogel polymerized at pH 7.4 and 23°C. Left to

right: Prebleach; t = 0 s, t = 6 s, t = 12 s, t = 18 s. Scale bar 50 µm.

4 6 8 100





Collagen Concentration (mg/ml)


re D



r (


4 6 8 100.3






Collagen Concentration (mg/ml)








23C pH 7.4

23C pH 7.9

23C pH 8.4

37C pH 7.4

37C pH 7.9

37C pH 8.4

prebleach t = 0 s t = 6 s t = 12 s t = 18 s

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Figure 4-10 shows the dependence of diffusion rate on dextran size and polymerization

temperature (tabulated data, including concentration and pH dependence, can be found in the

Appendix (Section 0,Table 4-5)). The data are plotted as a function of the inverse of the Stokes

(hydrodynamic) radius RH of the dextrans considered rather than their molecular weight.

Figure 4-10: Rate of diffusion of dextran in collagen hydrogels.

Blue square symbols with dashed lines represent hydrogels polymerized at 23°C while red triangle symbols

with solid lines represent hydrogels polymerized at 37°C. Data shown are mean + SE with N = 72. Each

measurement is averaged over pH and concentration. Significance was calculated for pH- and concentration-

averaged groups: temperature means comparison is indicated with # while hydrodynamic radius means

comparison is indicated with *.

A nearly linear relationship between diffusivity and RH -1

is revealed, similar to that predicted by

the Stokes-Einstein relation for diffusion of spherical particles in a hom*ogeneous fluid (Equation


0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.80










-1 (nm




ity (












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Equation 4-2

where kB is Boltzmann’s constant, T is temperature (K), and η is the kinematic viscosity of the

fluid. Two-way ANOVA indicates relationships between diffusion rate and all fabrication

parameters and inverse Stokes radius as well as second- and third-order interactions between

control parameters. Although means comparisons confirms the significance of hydrogel

fabrication parameters, their influence on the diffusivity was negligible compared with the

influence of dextran size. Interestingly, the diffusivities of 70 and 150 kDa dextran were

statistically indistinguishable at each temperature, despite the 40% difference in Stokes radius.

Increasing polymerization temperature resulted in a decrease in diffusivity for all dextran sizes

except 4 kDa. This data set had the largest uncertainty due to the measurement limitations of

laser-scanning confocal microscopy for FRAP of high-diffusivity molecules, which has been

previously noted [34, 35]. Increasing concentration also correlated significantly with decreased

diffusivity (data not shown); the absolute effect was similar in magnitude to the effect of

temperature and much less than the effect of molecule size.

4.5 Discussion

The results presented here demonstrate characterization of functional properties of collagen I

hydrogels as well as polymerization kinetics over a range of collagen concentration,

polymerization temperature, and polymerization pH. The following sections discuss in detail the

correlations found between fabrication parameters and functional properties; furthermore, an

empirical model predicting functional properties from fabrication parameters and a sensitivity

analysis are presented.

4.5.1 Correlations between fabrication parameters and functional properties

Polymerization Kinetics

The time scales of polymerization, specifically half time and lag time, were inversely correlated

with polymerization temperature and collagen concentration while the polymerization rate

generally increased with temperature and concentration. This is in good agreement with previous

studies [12, 13, 37, 38] as well as basic polymer chemistry and collision theory. At the higher

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temperature (37°C), the correlation with concentration vanishes. This indicates that thermal

energy is likely the rate-limiting factor at the low temperature condition, while a different factor

(e.g. steric hindrance) becomes the rate-limiting factor at the higher temperature condition.

Quantitatively, the measurements obtained in this study agree well with those previously

published [12].

There is some disagreement in the literature with regards to the correlation between pH and

polymerization kinetics [13, 36, 37]; however, differences in other fabrication parameters are

likely the cause of discrepancies. Here we report no significant correlation of kinetic metrics

with pH; however, this is unsurprising considering the limited range studied here (7.4-8.4).

Although increased pH has been reported to correlate with decreased polymerization rate under

fabrication conditions similar to those used here, this was for a large pH range (7-10) [13]; Over

the pH range used in our study, no significant correlation has been previously demonstrated.


The positive correlation between hydrogel concentration and stiffness demonstrated here is well-

known [12, 19, 38-40]. However, the relationship between polymerization temperature and

compressive modulus has not been well characterized, and previous studies present contradictory

findings [7]. The relationship seems to be dependent on pH and concentration ranges, and

possibly deformation mode and rate as well. In this study, a significant positive correlation was

found between temperature and compressive modulus. We hypothesize that, although no

significant interaction between temperature and concentration was found within the ranges

examined in this study, the effect of temperature may indeed be enhanced as concentration

increases, and that the high absolute concentration studied here, relative to previous studies,

enables the conclusive correlation of stiffness with temperature found here. The positive

correlation of pH with stiffness found in the present study is supported by previous studies [13,

41] and likely due to the effect of stronger intermolecular forces as suggested by Rosenblatt et al.

[42]. Despite the limited data available in the literature for confined compression of collagen

hydrogels, which does not enable direct comparison due to differences in fabrication parameters

as well as experimental parameters such as deformation rate, our numerical data are qualitatively

in good agreement with previous studies [13, 15].

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Fiber Structure

In this study, no correlation was found between collagen concentration and fiber diameter, a

conclusion supported by previous studies [12, 39]. We measured a weak, but statistically

significant (p = 0.032 at 23°C, p = 0.0035 at 37°C, pH-averaged), positive correlation between

collagen concentration and pore diameter which contradicts previous studies [39, 43]; however,

the absolute change in pore diameter was less than 0.5 µm over an increase of 6 mg/ml collagen

content. Both decreased fiber diameter and decreased pore diameter were correlated with

increased temperature due to faster precipitation and the presence of more nucleation sites, as

demonstrated previously [11, 13, 23, 41]. Although previous studies identified a similar

relationship with pH [10, 13, 28], no correlation was found with pH in this study, likely due to

the limited range. Our results are in good agreement with previous studies, especially when

sample shrinkage and resulting negative measurement bias is taken into consideration for data

acquired using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) [11, 12, 39, 44].


The overall inverse relationship between diffusivity of dextrans in collagen hydrogels and their

hydrodynamic radii matches that predicted by the Stokes-Einstein equation (Equation 4-2),

although that equation is only strictly valid for spherical molecules diffusing in a hom*ogeneous

fluid. Surprisingly, the 150 kDa dextran did not continue this trend, but instead diffused at the

same rate as the 70 kDa molecule. We note that an interaction between inverse hydrodynamic

radius and pH was found by ANOVA to be significant for diffusion (p<0.0001), and hypothesize

these may be related phenomena. Because intermolecular forces are strongly pH dependent and

molecule shape depends on the balance of those forces, we hypothesize that the hydrodynamic

radius of dextran also varies with pH and that the unexpectedly high diffusivity measured for 150

kDa dextran is in fact due to this deviation of RH from the nominal value reported by the

manufacturer (a measurement for which the pH was not specified). In support of this hypothesis,

FRAP images with 150 kDa dextran in hydrogels polymerized at high pH (8.4) often contained

small (several pixel) regions with high fluorescence intensity, indicating a degree of aggregation

of the FITC-dextran (data not shown); this phenomenon only occurred for this particular

combination of parameters.

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The influence of hydrodynamic radius on diffusivity was far stronger than the influence of any

hydrogel fabrication parameters, reinforcing previous observations that the hydrogel fiber

structure does not significantly impede diffusion of particles with hydrodynamic radius (here:

1.4-8.5 nm) significantly smaller than the pore size of the network (here: 1.6-2.5 µm) [8, 34].

However, weak correlations were found between each parameter and diffusion rate. Increasing

concentration resulted in reduced diffusivity, similarly to results published by Ramanujan et al.

and Erikson et al., who examined concentration ranges of 0-45 mg/ml and 2-20 mg/ml,

respectively [8, 9]. To our knowledge, the relationship between diffusivity and hydrogel

polymerization temperature and pH has not been previously measured. Here, we report a small

but statistically significant (p = 0.002) negative correlation between polymerization temperature

and diffusivity. We also measure a positive but small relationship between pH and diffusivity. In

fact, the effect of pH on diffusivity was ultimately most significant in the interaction with

hydrodynamic radius.

4.5.2 Empirical linear regression for predictive modeling of hydrogel properties

The objective of this study was not only to elucidate the relationship between collagen material

properties and a broad range of fabrication conditions, but also to generate a set of equations that

can be used to optimize fabrication conditions to obtain a target functionality or in vivo tissue

model. Multiple linear least squares regression was performed on the characterization data to

obtain the following system of equations covering polymerization half-time (Equation 4-3) as

well as functional properties compression modulus (Equation 4-4), pore diameter (Equation 4-5),

and diffusivity (Equation 4-6). Regression equations for other parameters can be provided upon














Equation 4-3

Equation 4-4

Equation 4-5

Equation 4-6

where t1/2 is in minutes, E is in Pa, ØP is in µm, and D is in µm2/s. C, T, pH, and RH

-1 have been

transformed from the experimental domain to nondimensional parameters C′, T′, pH′ and (RH-1


each spanning a domain of 0-1 in order to enable comparison (Equation 4-7 - Equation 4-10):

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Equation 4-7

Equation 4-8

Equation 4-9

Equation 4-10

where C is in mg/ml, T is in °C, pH is unitless, RH is in nm, and MIN and MAX denote the extents

of the experimental ranges (4-10 mg/ml, 23-37°C, 7.4-8.4, and 1.4-8.5, respectively). It should

be noted that, if the equations are used as a predictive model to estimate the required fabrication

condition to obtain desired properties, it remains strictly valid only within the experimental

ranges, i.e. where the nondimensionalized fabrication parameters remain between 0 and 1.

Values outside this range represent extrapolation of the data and should be used with caution.

Using the full set of raw data, higher-order optimization can be performed using functions

available in statistical software. For example, the Prediction Profiler in JMP can be applied to the

multivariate data set in conjunction with a set of desirability functions in order to find a

fabrication condition which maximizes overall desirability. For the reader interested in

performing such analysis, the raw data set can be provided upon request.

A sensitivity table demonstrating the relative influence of each fabrication parameter and

interaction term on each functional property was derived from these equations (Table 4-1). By

normalizing to the largest coefficient, the utility of each parameter for control of functional

properties is elucidated. Here, the relationships examined in detail earlier in the discussion can be

easily seen; for instance, the lack of correlation between polymerization half-time and pH

contrasted with the strength of the interaction between concentration and temperature, which is

comparable to the concentration term and nearly as great as the temperature term. This table is

meant to be used as a quick guide for preliminary design of fabrication parameters for collagen


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Table 4-1. Sensitivity of key hydrogel material properties to fabrication parameters.

Sensitivities are obtained from the multiple regression coefficients, normalized to the largest coefficient in

each model. The R2 of the multivariate fit is indicated for each property. Analysis was performed on

transformed (nondimensionalized) parameters. Only factors with p<0.01 (ANOVA) are shown.

4.6 Implications for design of hydrogels

This work has quantitatively measured the sensitivity of a variety of collagen hydrogel functional

properties, including stiffness, pore size, and diffusivity, to fabrication parameters varied within

biological ranges. The characterization equations given here provide good coverage of functional

properties within the domain; stiffnesses from 540 Pa to 10700 Pa and pore sizes from 1.2 to 3.2

µm can be obtained through optimization of all three parameters. While these ranges are not as

large as those found in vivo, this represents the broadest range of functional properties

demonstrated to be feasible for a single type of collagen hydrogel.

For the first time, we report here the sensitivity of hydrogel properties to multiple fabrication

parameters. Although diffusivity depends most significantly on molecule size and is not strongly

influenced by hydrogel preparation, the other properties measured here show significant

correlation with multiple fabrication parameters. We expect that the results of this study will

serve as an invaluable tool for tissue engineers across a range of applications, and hope that it

will aid in standardization of hydrogel protocols between research groups.

4.7 Acknowledgements

We would like to thank the Biomedical Optical Devices (BODy) laboratory under the direction

of Dr. Christopher Rylander for use of their spectrophotometer and mechanical load frame, as

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well as Dr. William Vogt for his assistance with the equipment. We also wish to thank Akshata

Ladwa, David Morris, Jiffin Sebastian, and Corbin Vara for assistance with experiments. We are

grateful to Dr. Sebastian Seiffert for kindly sharing his MATLAB software “Automatische

FRAP Auswertung” which we used for analysis of FRAP data. Finally, we acknowledge the

support of the National Science Foundation Early CAREER Award CBET 0955072, a National

Institute of Health Grant IR21CA158454-01A1, the Virginia Tech AEThER Lab, the Virginia

Tech Tissue Engineering, Nanotechnology, and Cancer Research Lab, and the MBEDS

(Multiscale Bio-Engineered Devices and Systems) Center of the Virginia Tech Institute of

Critical Technologies and Applied Sciences (ICTAS).

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4.8 Appendix: Characterization Data

Table 4-2: Polymerization kinetics (mean ± SE).












Lag Time



Rate (min-1)


Change in


4 23 7.4 30.05 ± 1.86 19.78 ± 1.89 0.085 ± 0.008 1.75 ± 0.17

4 23 7.9 27.90 ± 0.43 19.17 ± 0.33 0.089 ± 0.002 1.56 ± 0.06

4 23 8.4 29.30 ± 1.32 20.53 ± 1.10 0.080 ± 0.001 1.40 ± 0.03

4 37 7.4 7.32 ± 0.06 5.13 ± 0.29 0.337 ± 0.006 1.47 ± 0.18

4 37 7.9 7.41 ± 0.18 5.42 ± 0.20 0.326 ± 0.003 1.30 ± 0.02

4 37 8.4 8.02 ± 0.65 5.82 ± 0.30 0.306 ± 0.038 1.32 ± 0.04

6 23 7.4 19.80 ± 6.93 14.23 ± 4.18 0.426 ± 0.167 2.97 ± 0.22

6 23 7.9 20.12 ± 6.04 14.41 ± 3.77 0.460 ± 0.197 2.54 ± 0.27

6 23 8.4 11.42 ± 1.46 9.43 ± 1.35 0.639 ± 0.071 2.48 ± 0.03

6 37 7.4 7.05 ± 0.37 5.49 ± 0.09 0.896 ± 0.391 2.44 ± 0.40

6 37 7.9 5.37 ± 1.05 4.23 ± 1.05 1.199 ± 0.107 2.71 ± 0.24

6 37 8.4 6.48 ± 0.74 5.24 ± 0.69 0.933 ± 0.062 2.31 ± 0.06

8 23 7.4 12.22 ± 0.22 9.32 ± 0.57 0.571 ± 0.064 3.16 ± 0.15

8 23 7.9 11.89 ± 1.06 10.52 ± 0.81 0.635 ± 0.076 2.83 ± 0.10

8 23 8.4 13.46 ± 0.99 11.09 ± 0.99 0.558 ± 0.054 2.60 ± 0.13

8 37 7.4 6.76 ± 0.21 5.58 ± 0.17 1.265 ± 0.150 2.98 ± 0.25

8 37 7.9 6.16 ± 0.85 4.86 ± 0.85 0.969 ± 0.019 2.51 ± 0.04

8 37 8.4 7.46 ± 0.46 5.94 ± 0.42 0.830 ± 0.037 2.51 ± 0.05

10 23 7.4 12.04 ± 2.61 7.95 ± 1.42 0.467 ± 0.099 3.02 ± 0.12

10 23 7.9 12.63 ± 2.91 5.91 ± 1.12 0.320 ± 0.114 2.78 ± 0.09

10 23 8.4 15.37 ± 3.93 5.26 ± 1.19 0.218 ± 0.085 2.51 ± 0.04

10 37 7.4 7.16 ± 1.08 5.45 ± 0.35 0.819 ± 0.365 2.25 ± 0.04

10 37 7.9 7.92 ± 0.38 5.94 ± 0.12 0.511 ± 0.037 2.00 ± 0.12

10 37 8.4 7.51 ± 0.53 5.58 ± 0.19 0.570 ± 0.146 2.10 ± 0.18

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Table 4-3: Compression modulus (mean ± SE).









Modulus (Pa)

4 23 7.4 538 ± 270

4 23 7.9 1794 ± 634

4 23 8.4 1834 ± 666

4 37 7.4 1473 ± 432

4 37 7.9 2576 ± 700

4 37 8.4 3933 ± 875

6 23 7.4 1501 ± 368

6 23 7.9 1954 ± 186

6 23 8.4 2991 ± 446

6 37 7.4 2399 ± 303

6 37 7.9 3641 ± 940

6 37 8.4 4578 ± 1498

8 23 7.4 1826 ± 700

8 23 7.9 3569 ± 985

8 23 8.4 4269 ± 1309

8 37 7.4 6158 ± 2256

8 37 7.9 9134 ± 1725

8 37 8.4 10517 ± 1298

10 23 7.4 4747 ± 1499

10 23 7.9 7088 ± 779

10 23 8.4 6111 ± 718

10 37 7.4 5655 ± 1001

10 37 7.9 9652 ± 846

10 37 8.4 10691 ± 1020

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Table 4-4: Fiber structure metrics (mean ± SE).








Fiber Diameter


Pore Diameter


4 23 7.4 0.422 ± 0.009 2.01 ± 0.12

4 23 7.9 0.377 ± 0.006 2.46 ± 0.17

4 23 8.4 0.378 ± 0.006 2.99 ± 0.46

4 37 7.4 0.353 ± 0.008 1.57 ± 0.11

4 37 7.9 0.357 ± 0.005 1.59 ± 0.08

4 37 8.4 0.362 ± 0.004 1.73 ± 0.09

6 23 7.4 0.451 ± 0.013 2.07 ± 0.12

6 23 7.9 0.415 ± 0.012 2.54 ± 0.26

6 23 8.4 0.422 ± 0.010 2.43 ± 0.17

6 37 7.4 0.358 ± 0.007 1.59 ± 0.13

6 37 7.9 0.367 ± 0.012 1.17 ± 0.03

6 37 8.4 0.348 ± 0.010 1.38 ± 0.08

8 23 7.4 0.399 ± 0.007 2.22 ± 0.09

8 23 7.9 0.381 ± 0.006 2.69 ± 0.15

8 23 8.4 0.374 ± 0.008 2.25 ± 0.37

8 37 7.4 0.335 ± 0.004 1.49 ± 0.09

8 37 7.9 0.333 ± 0.004 1.56 ± 0.15

8 37 8.4 0.351 ± 0.008 1.71 ± 0.16

10 23 7.4 0.403 ± 0.008 2.75 ± 0.15

10 23 7.9 0.378 ± 0.002 3.28 ± 0.34

10 23 8.4 0.445 ± 0.608 2.83 ± 0.24

10 37 7.4 0.361 ± 0.008 1.73 ± 0.16

10 37 7.9 0.370 ± 0.009 1.92 ± 0.16

10 37 8.4 0.367 ± 0.007 2.07 ± 0.17

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Table 4-5: Diffusivity (mean ± SE).


MW (kDa)

Stokes (Hydrodynamic)

Radius (nm)




Temperature (°C)





4 1.4 4 23 7.4 220 ± 14

4 1.4 4 23 7.9 302 ± 19

4 1.4 4 23 8.4 387 ± 29

4 1.4 4 37 7.4 234 ± 21

4 1.4 4 37 7.9 277 ± 9

4 1.4 4 37 8.4 324 ± 14

4 1.4 6 23 7.4 202 ± 9

4 1.4 6 23 7.9 252 ± 8

4 1.4 6 23 8.4 225 ± 11

4 1.4 6 37 7.4 232 ± 7

4 1.4 6 37 7.9 233 ± 42

4 1.4 6 37 8.4 236 ± 19

4 1.4 8 23 7.4 255 ± 14

4 1.4 8 23 7.9 313 ± 19

4 1.4 8 23 8.4 262 ± 62

4 1.4 8 37 7.4 232 ± 15

4 1.4 8 37 7.9 293 ± 32

4 1.4 8 37 8.4 324 ± 33

4 1.4 10 23 7.4 233 ± 28

4 1.4 10 23 7.9 276 ± 31

4 1.4 10 23 8.4 267 ± 26

4 1.4 10 37 7.4 169 ± 9

4 1.4 10 37 7.9 185 ± 11

4 1.4 10 37 8.4 269 ± 43

40 4.5 4 23 7.4 69.2 ± 1.8

40 4.5 4 23 7.9 67.1 ± 2.3

40 4.5 4 23 8.4 72.2 ± 1.5

40 4.5 4 37 7.4 62.6 ± 3.1

40 4.5 4 37 7.9 61.1 ± 2.1

40 4.5 4 37 8.4 57.6 ± 0.7

40 4.5 6 23 7.4 71.4 ± 2.0

40 4.5 6 23 7.9 75.3 ± 1.1

40 4.5 6 23 8.4 77.8 ± 4.8

40 4.5 6 37 7.4 69.7 ± 2.4

40 4.5 6 37 7.9 62.5 ± 2.0

40 4.5 6 37 8.4 74.4 ± 3.2

40 4.5 8 23 7.4 59.2 ± 1.3

40 4.5 8 23 7.9 67.4 ± 2.5

40 4.5 8 23 8.4 63.4 ± 1.7

40 4.5 8 37 7.4 41.7 ± 1.6

40 4.5 8 37 7.9 50.2 ± 1.7

40 4.5 8 37 8.4 63.9 ± 3.0

40 4.5 10 23 7.4 55.7 ± 2.0

40 4.5 10 23 7.9 48.9 ± 1.3

40 4.5 10 23 8.4 51.0 ± 0.9

40 4.5 10 37 7.4 46.1 ± 2.5

40 4.5 10 37 7.9 44.3 ± 1.8

40 4.5 10 37 8.4 47.0 ± 1.1

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Table 4-5 (continued): Diffusivity (mean ± SE).


MW (kDa)

Stokes (Hydrodynamic)

Radius (nm)




Temperature (°C)





70 6.0 4 23 7.4 50.5 ± 1.6

70 6.0 4 23 7.9 57.4 ± 5.7

70 6.0 4 23 8.4 51.2 ± 4.0

70 6.0 4 37 7.4 50.7 ± 1.3

70 6.0 4 37 7.9 46.7 ± 1.4

70 6.0 4 37 8.4 50.8 ± 5.2

70 6.0 6 23 7.4 45.0 ± 0.4

70 6.0 6 23 7.9 49.1 ± 2.8

70 6.0 6 23 8.4 40.9 ± 0.6

70 6.0 6 37 7.4 45.6 ± 1.6

70 6.0 6 37 7.9 29.2 ± 0.3

70 6.0 6 37 8.4 41.9 ± 2.8

70 6.0 8 23 7.4 53.9 ± 1.4

70 6.0 8 23 7.9 55.5 ± 0.7

70 6.0 8 23 8.4 48.7 ± 1.3

70 6.0 8 37 7.4 38.4 ± 1.0

70 6.0 8 37 7.9 39.4 ± 2.6

70 6.0 8 37 8.4 50.4 ± 1.8

70 6.0 10 23 7.4 38.7 ± 2.0

70 6.0 10 23 7.9 35.9 ± 1.4

70 6.0 10 23 8.4 38.0 ± 1.5

70 6.0 10 37 7.4 30.6 ± 1.8

70 6.0 10 37 7.9 29.9 ± 0.7

70 6.0 10 37 8.4 29.5 ± 1.9

150 8.5 4 23 7.4 50.2 ± 2.3

150 8.5 4 23 7.9 51.9 ± 2.5

150 8.5 4 23 8.4 51.5 ± 2.7

150 8.5 4 37 7.4 59.0 ± 8.6

150 8.5 4 37 7.9 43.9 ± 2.3

150 8.5 4 37 8.4 42.1 ± 0.9

150 8.5 6 23 7.4 52.6 ± 2.1

150 8.5 6 23 7.9 56.4 ± 3.2

150 8.5 6 23 8.4 54.4 ± 2.4

150 8.5 6 37 7.4 48.9 ± 1.6

150 8.5 6 37 7.9 42.1 ± 1.3

150 8.5 6 37 8.4 42.2 ± 2.6

150 8.5 8 23 7.4 43.9 ± 2.5

150 8.5 8 23 7.9 49.3 ± 1.8

150 8.5 8 23 8.4 41.0 ± 1.4

150 8.5 8 37 7.4 41.9 ± 1.7

150 8.5 8 37 7.9 32.3 ± 3.1

150 8.5 8 37 8.4 39.7 ± 2.2

150 8.5 10 23 7.4 40.5 ± 2.7

150 8.5 10 23 7.9 38.0 ± 1.5

150 8.5 10 23 8.4 41.6 ± 3.8

150 8.5 10 37 7.4 32.1 ± 3.4

150 8.5 10 37 7.9 34.4 ± 1.6

150 8.5 10 37 8.4 29.6 ± 1.6

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5 Flow Measurements in a Blood-Perfused Collagen Vessel Using X-Ray Micro-

Particle Image Velocimetry*

Elizabeth Antoine1, Cara Buchanan

2, Kamel Fezzaa

3, Wah-Keat Lee


M. Nichole Rylander1,2

, and Pavlos Vlachos4

1Department of Mechanical Engineering, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA

2VT-WFU School of Biomedical Engineering and Sciences, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA

3Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois, USA

4School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA

5.1 Abstract

Blood-perfused tissue models are joining the emerging field of tumor engineering because they

provide new avenues for modulation of the tumor microenvironment and preclinical evaluation

of the therapeutic potential of new treatments. The characterization of fluid flow parameters in

such in-vitro perfused tissue models is a critical step towards better understanding and

manipulating the tumor microenvironment. However, traditional optical flow measurement

methods are inapplicable because of the opacity of blood and the thickness of the tissue sample.

In order to overcome the limitations of optical method we demonstrate the feasibility of using

phase-contrast x-ray imaging to perform microscale particle image velocimetry (PIV)

measurements of flow in blood perfused hydrated tissue representative microvessels. However,

phase contrast x-ray images significantly depart from the traditional PIV image paradigm, as

they have high intensity background, very low signal-to-noise ratio, and volume integration

effects. Hence, in order to achieve accurate measurements special attention must be paid to the

image processing and PIV cross-correlation methodologies. Therefore we develop and

demonstrate a methodology that incorporates image preprocessing as well as advanced PIV

cross-correlation methods to result in measured velocities within experimental uncertainty.

* Published as Antoine E, Buchanan C, Fezzaa K, Lee W-K, Rylander MN, Vlachos P. (2013) Flow Measurements

in a Blood-Perfused Collagen Vessel Using X-Ray Micro-Particle Image Velocimetry. PLoS ONE 8(11): e91198.

doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0081198. Reprinted under the Creative Commons License.

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5.2 Introduction

Three-dimensional (3D) engineered microfluidic tissue models have recently emerged as

valuable tools for the study of the progression of disease such as cancers, the development of

therapeutics under controlled conditions, and regenerative medicine [1-9]. Three-dimensional

tissue models are not only superior to two-dimensional cultures that poorly reflect the

pathological microenvironment, but are also inexpensive and easily controlled in comparison to

animal models and clinical trials [3, 8-13]. Collagen I has become one of the most popular tissue

models, as it forms the basis of natural extracellular matrix and can be easily formed into a 3D

substrate for cell culture [14, 15]. Because fluid shear stress is known to play a pivotal role in

several disease development processes such as tumor cell expansion, angiogenesis and metastasis

[5, 16] as well as hemolysis and thrombosis formation [17], microfluidic vascular models are

superior to static cultures. Characterization of the flow within perfused bioreactors in order to

quantify fluid shear stress is critical towards understanding fluid-cell interactions [7, 18]. Particle

image velocimetry (PIV) is a well-established noninvasive optical flow measurement technique

that has been successfully used within various biological systems [19-21]. Our group has

recently developed a novel in-vitro 3D perfused collagen-based tissue model for the study of

cancer development and metastasis and successfully measured flow in this platform using

microscopic PIV (µPIV); our initial studies have provided new insights into tumor-endothelial

crosstalk under dynamic conditions [22].

A key challenge in tissue engineering is the transition from simple devices to more

physiologically representative platforms. For example, vascular tumor models should be

perfused with whole blood rather than cell culture media to better reproduce biological

conditions of the in-vivo vasculature. However, because conventional PIV requires optical access

to the region of interest, its use is limited to thin-walled transparent tissues perfused with a

transparent fluid. Lima et al. have produced groundbreaking work in the development of μPIV

techniques for blood flow measurement using a spinning-disk confocal PIV system [23-27].

Although their method has provided measurements at higher hematocrit and flow rates than were

previously achieved, it is still restricted to measurement of flow in non-tissue transparent

materials (PDMS or glass capillaries) with narrow channels (less than 100 μm along the optical

axis) and sub-physiological flow rates (Re<0.025). Therefore the implementation of μPIV in

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whole blood-perfused cellularized thick tissues necessitates the development of a new

methodology for μPIV.

Phase-contrast x-ray PIV is a recently developed variation of standard optical PIV that permits

measurement of flow within opaque vessels [28-31]. In contrast to other technologies for flow

measurement in opaque systems, such as magnetic resonance imaging and nuclear imaging, x-

ray PIV has high spatial and temporal resolution [32]. For conventional PIV measurements,

tracer particles seeded within the flow of interest are illuminated by laser light and imaged with a

high-speed camera. Subsequently, image pairs are correlated to calculate a velocity field with

high spatio-temporal resolution [33, 34]. X-ray PIV replaces optical imaging with phase contrast

imaging of x-ray-illuminated particles in the fluid volume. As such, the method is well-suited to

characterization of in vitro and in vivo biological flows and a limited number of initial efforts

have demonstrated PIV measurement in blood flows [35-38].

A significant limitation of phase-contrast x-ray imaging is that it provides extremely low signal

to noise ratio (SNR) images that are generally inadequate for PIV cross-correlation. Several

groups have developed complex techniques to improve the quality of x-ray PIV, including

optimization of experimental conditions [38, 39], alternative image processing algorithms [40],

and application of various correlation algorithms [37, 41]. However, the techniques previously

published are application-specific. Furthermore, previous work in x-ray PIV has focused on thin-

walled rigid vessel geometries as well as in vivo measurements in very small microvessels near

the tissue surface [32, 36-38]. It is hypothesized that that quality of phase-contrast x-ray images

obtained in thick-walled tissues or tissue models will be still further decreased and require

additional consideration for PIV processing. To our knowledge, no data have yet been published

demonstrating successful measurement of blood flow in a thick-walled perfused tissue

representative such as collagen.

This work demonstrates the feasibility of accurate x-ray phase contrast PIV in a thick tissue

model and contrasts with data acquired in thin-walled rigid vessels. Experimental data is

acquired in a blood-perfused collagen hydrogel, and a methodology is presented for PIV analysis

of the resulting low SNR images using advanced methods. These include image preprocessing

for enhancement of the signal-to-noise ratio as well as the use and advanced phase correlation

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approach to obtain more accurate velocity measurements. The following sections include

descriptions of the experimental procedure used to obtain x-ray phase contrast images,

discussion of advanced image processing and correlation techniques that are used to improve the

PIV measurements, presentation of an optimal methodology, and evaluation of the results and

performance of these methods.

5.3 Materials and Methods

5.3.1 Microvasculature models

Three sets of experimental conditions with varying experimental complexity were considered.

The most basic condition was a rigid polymer polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) channel (756 μm

diameter) perfused with a glycerine solution. The second channel (867 μm diameter) was rigid

fluorinated ethylene propylene (FEP) perfused with whole bovine blood. Finally, the most

complex experiment used a collagen I vessel bioreactor (742 μm diameter) perfused with whole

bovine blood. PTFE and FEP are similar semi-rigid polymers that are non-reactive with blood,

and tubing made of these materials is readily available with dimensions similar to

microvasculature. Collagen I was selected for this experiment because it comprises the majority

of tissue extracellular matrix, can be easily extracted from rat tail tendon, and is widely used as a

matrix substrate for in vitro engineered tissues [42]. The collagen hydrogel provides mechanical

and chemical stability while supporting cellular growth, organization, and structural remodeling

similar to that found in vivo [14, 15].

The collagen vessel was fabricated as described previously [22]: type I collagen stock solution

was prepared from rat tail tendons dissolved in pH-2.0 HCl and combined with 10X Dulbecco’s

Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM), 1N NaOH and deionized water to prepare a solution with 10

mg/mL collagen. The collagen solution was injected into a 5 cm long, 3 mm diameter cylindrical

FEP shell fitted concentrically with a 5 cm long 22 gauge (711 μm) stainless steel needle and

sealed at the ends with acrylic sleeves. The solution was cured for 30 minutes at 37°C, after

which a cylindrical microchannel was created in the collagen hydrogel by removal of the needle.

1.27 cm long stainless steel needles were inserted into the acrylic sleeves at the ends of the

collagen vessel to provide luer interfaces for connection with the flow system. Figure 5-1 depicts

the collagen microchannel (not to scale). The PTFE and FEP channels were perfused with the

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same flow system using identical needles inserted into the ends of 5 cm sections of tubing and

sealed with silicon adhesive.

Figure 5-1: Diagram of blood-perfused collagen vessel bioreactor.

5.3.2 Working fluids and flow condition

Two working solutions were used for these experiments. A 50% v/v solution of water and

glycerine was perfused in the PTFE channel. This solution was chosen because it closely

matches the viscosity and density of blood and could therefore be perfused at the same rate as

blood to achieve the same Reynolds number for flow similarity. The matched density also

permitted the same neutrally buoyant tracer particles to be used in both blood and the glycerine

solution. Fresh whole bovine blood (Bovine Blood in Citrate Anticoagulant, Quad Five) was

perfused in both the FEP and collagen channels. The difference in source species between

hydrogel and fluid (rat vs. bovine) is not expected to significantly affect the results as the

hydrogel is formed after denaturation and reconstitution of tendon. Experiments were performed

within 48 hours of the time that blood was drawn, and all procedures involving blood were

performed under sterile conditions and using equipment washed with phosphate buffer solution

(PBS). Blood was kept refrigerated until shortly before experiments were performed, at which

time it was heated to room temperature (22 C). The dynamic viscosity of whole blood was

measured to be 8.15 cP ± 5% and the viscosity of the 50% v/v water/glycerine solution was

measured to be 9.5 cP ± 5%. Measurements were taken at 22°C and a shear rate of 30 s-1

using a

Brookfield DVII+ Pro cone-plate viscometer. Because bovine red blood cells (RBCs) do not

form rouleaux as do human RBCs [43], and the addition of citrate anticoagulant further reduces

the shear dependence of viscosity, blood viscosity was assumed to be shear-independent in this

study. The density of whole blood (1.06 g/cm3) [44] is nearly that of water, while that of a 50%

v/v water/glycerine solution at 22°C is slightly higher at 1.14 g/cm3


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The fluids were seeded with ~4% v/v neutrally buoyant hollow glass microspheres (Sphericel,

Potters Industries) with 10 μm nominal diameter. Hollow glass particles were selected because

the density interface between air and glass creates high contrast for x-ray imaging; furthermore,

they are suitable flow tracers as they are neutrally buoyant at a diameter of 10 μm. Because the

negative surface charge acquired by glass immersed in water can activate the platelets in whole

blood and initiate coagulation, it was necessary to first treat the glass microspheres with blood

plasma to provide a protective protein coating on the glass surfaces before making a suspension

of whole blood and particles. Whole bovine blood was centrifuged and the plasma supernatant

was extracted. 220 mg of dry neutrally buoyant particles were suspended in 1 mL of plasma and

incubated for 24 hours at 37° C. Finally, 5 mL whole blood was added to the plasma solution for

the final working solution: blood seeded with 37 mg/mL neutrally buoyant hollow glass

microspheres. For the water/glycerine working fluid, the highly concentrated filtered particle

solution was diluted with distilled water to approximately twice the concentration of the whole

blood solution and mixed with an equal volume of glycerine to obtain the second final working

solution: 50% v/v water/glycerine seeded with approximately 40 mg/mL neutrally buoyant

hollow glass microspheres.

Flow was generated using a syringe pump (Harvard Apparatus, PhD). Prior to flow

measurements, the vessel was primed with the working fluid and flushed for several seconds at

5mL/min to clear adhered and aggregated particles from the vessel. During flow measurements,

the fluid was perfused steadily through the vessel at a flow rate Q = 5 μL/min for a theoretical

peak velocity of 0.3-0.4 mm/s depending on vessel diameter. The Reynolds number was

approximately 0.03 for all experimental cases.

5.3.3 Phase-contrast X-Ray Imaging

X-ray particle images were acquired at the X-ray Science Division beamline 32-ID of the

Advanced Photon Source (APS) at Argonne National Laboratory. For each experiment, the

vessel (PTFE, FEP, or collagen microvessel) was fixed in the path of a monochromatic x-ray

beam with 1 mm2 cross-sectional area. The x-ray source was the standard APS undulator A, set

to 15.5 mm gap. The energy of the beam, controlled by a cryogenically cooled double crystal

monochromator (DCM) (Si 1 1 1) with energy band pass dE/E~10-4

, was 18 keV. The beam was

converted into visible light by a 100 µm thick YAG:Ce scintillator crystal and magnified with a

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5x lens (LWD objective, Mitutoyo) for imaging (Figure 5-2). 1.2 megapixel 8-bit images were

recorded at f = 20 or 30 Hz (depending on the experimental case) with a machine-vision camera

(AVT Pike F-505B). Images of a 400-mesh gold transmission electron microscopy (TEM)

reference grid were recorded and used to measure the effective pixel size of 1.32 μm/pixel. A

minimum of 2000 images was collected for each experimental case.

Figure 5-2: Schematic of x-ray PIV in collagen vessel bioreactor.

5.4 Results

5.4.1 Effect of Image Preprocessing on Image Signal-to-Noise Ratio and PIV Accuracy

While fluorescent particles used in optical μPIV are excited by and emit high intensity light, in

phase-contrast x-ray imaging intensity variations are generated due to material density

differences that result in changes in the index of refraction for propagating monochromatic x-ray

beams. Particle images in optical PIV ideally have a Gaussian intensity distribution, while

particle information in x-ray phase contrast images is manifested by interference patterns in the

intensity distribution, such as a bright center and dark circumference for a hollow glass sphere

[46]. Furthermore, phase-contrast x-ray images can exhibit high and non-uniform background

intensity due to artifacts in the incident beam and image formation process, and experimental

conditions can lead to the presence of particle aggregation and further artifacts, as shown by a

representative image in Figure 3A. Hence, image pre-processing is essential.

Typical image processing involves background removal using subtraction of the mean image

generated by averaging across the whole dataset [47]. For the data presented here, this procedure

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was modified and a temporal mean background subtraction [48] with a window of 10 images

was performed. In temporal mean background subtraction, at each time point the mean image

subtracted from the current frame is computed as the average of frames in a temporal window

centered on the current frame. This processing technique was used to overcome particle

aggregation effects: despite the plasma treatment, glass flow tracers form aggregates that roll

slowly along the walls of the channel, not following the flow and biasing the velocity

measurements. The particle aggregates move sufficiently during recording of a data set (>2000

frames) that they do not contribute to the mean of the entire data set and are retained in

traditional background subtraction; however, they remain stationary in a 10-image mean and can

thus be effectively removed. In contrast, flow-tracing particles, even those near the vessel walls,

move sufficiently during the 10-frame window that they are retained after background

subtraction and their signal is not lost.

Subsequently, a high-pass frequency-domain Gaussian filter was selected to equalize

illumination across the image, revealing intensity fluctuations due to the flow tracers or other

density variations. Finally, the process of manufacturing the collagen microchannels produces

unavoidable micro-bubbles in the hydrogel. Given the high density difference between the

collagen and the micro-bubbles and the volume integration nature of x-ray image recording, such

artifacts can completely obscure the flow. This was addressed by applying a binary mask to the

image so that correlations would not be performed in the regions where the image is known to

have no meaningful information. Here, the mask was manually drawn over collagen inclusions

based on visual inspection of the raw images.

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Figure 5-3: Sample images of blood flow in the collagen microchannel.

A: Raw image after reorientation and cropping to vessel diameter. B: Processed image (sliding mean

background subtraction, high-pass filter, and mask). Image B has been brightness- and contrast-enhanced for


The effect of image processing is shown in Figure 5-3B. In comparison with the raw image in

Figure 5-3A, individual particles can be visually identified in the processed image and, although

contrast enhancement is necessary for visualization for Figure 5-3B, it is clear that the contrast

between particles and background is significantly higher. Furthermore, near-wall particle

aggregates have been effectively removed and low-frequency intensity variation across the

image has been successfully eliminated. Masked regions are shown in solid black in Figure 5-3B.

From Figure 5-3B however, it is evident that the resulting images are more representative of a

speckle pattern. Furthermore, the particles exhibit a degree of longitudinal "smearing" due to

their displacement during the camera exposure. The images therefore do not resemble

conventional PIV images.

To determine the effect of image processing on velocity field accuracy, PIV was performed on

both raw and processed images. Correlation windows of 4x64 pixels with 75% overlap were

selected to satisfy the optimization conditions published in [49] for the case of uniaxial high-

shear flow. Single-pass standard cross-correlation (SCC) with zero-mean windows and three-

point Gaussian (3PG) peak detection was applied and correlations were validated using a median

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universal outlier detection (UOD) scheme [50] with a 9x9 stencil and velocity thresholding.

Secondary peaks were interrogated as potential replacements for invalid vectors. Instantaneous

vector fields were averaged in time for post-processing; the results are shown in Figure 5-4. The

volume-adjusted velocity profile used as a reference for comparison with the volumetric PIV

data is computed by integration of the axisymmetric Poiseuille solution along the x-ray beam

path through the channel. This results in a parabolic profile with two-thirds the magnitude of the

centerline velocity profile [31]. For all three experimental cases, the unprocessed images result in

severe underestimation of the velocity field, with root-mean-square (RMS) deviation of the

velocity profile from the true value near 60% for all cases. Image processing significantly

increases the accuracy of the velocity field, resulting in vector fields with only 10-30% RMS

deviation from the true value. Although this error is still significant and further improvement of

data processing is necessary, this result demonstrates that basic image processing alone can

reduce the error in mean PIV velocity fields by over 50%.

Figure 5-4: Effect of image preprocessing on PIV accuracy.

Mean velocity profiles obtained using standard PIV correlation applied to raw images (dashed blue lines) and

processed images (solid black lines) are plotted with the volume-adjusted Poiseuille solution (dashed red lines)

for each experimental case. The uncertainty based on measured flow rate and vessel diameter is plotted for

the theoretical solution (upper and lower dashed red lines). The 95% confidence interval on the mean for the

experimental data is not distinguishable from the mean. Left to right: glycerine-perfused PTFE, blood-

perfused FEP, and blood-perfused collagen. Data shown is averaged in time and along the length of the vessel

and is normalized for each experimental case by the vessel diameter and theoretical maximum velocity.

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The improvement in correlation accuracy after image processing is expected to be due to

removal of the non-moving background and artifacts, or “noise”, which were correlating far

more strongly than the weak signal provided by the particles. Removal of this background,

artifacts, and error-generating intensity fluctuations should have increased the signal-to-noise

ratio, resulting in correlation peaks closer to the true particle displacement. To determine

quantitatively the effect of image processing, the SNR of each image set was examined before

and after image processing.

In microPIV applications, SNR has previously been calculated as the ratio of the peak intensity

of a typical particle to the mean background intensity [51]. This definition not only assumes that

the particle images have a Gaussian distribution, but also requires that individual particles be

readily identified. Neither of these conditions is met by x-ray phase contrast images, requiring

the use of an alternative definition of SNR. Here we calculate SNR using the peak-to-root mean

square ratio (PRMSR) as described by Kumar et al. [52], where the signal component is

represented by the magnitude of the image autocorrelation peak y0 and noise component is the

RMS of values outside the correlation peak yRMS (Equation 5-1). Here, following Kumar et al.,

the threshold to separate the peak from the noise is chosen to be 50% of the peak magnitude.

This SNR provides an estimate of image quality with no dependence on external experimental

parameters or assumptions about image properties.



yPRMSR Equation 5-1

The PRMSR was calculated for 32x32 pixel blocks of each image and the median value of all

blocks was taken as the SNR of each image. Finally, the SNR of each experimental case was

computed as the mean SNR of all images in the data set, for both the raw and processed images.

The results, shown in Figure 5-5, confirm the hypothesis that the image processing significantly

improved image quality: the SNR for the processed images is at least 7 dB higher than the SNR

for the raw images. This higher SNR for the processed images corresponds to the improved

accuracy of the corresponding velocity fields in Figure 5-3, indicating that this definition of SNR

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can be a good predictor of relative correlation accuracy even though it contains only single-

image intensity information.

Figure 5-5: Comparison of image signal-to-noise ratio before and after image preprocessing.

The mean SNR of all images (>2000) is plotted for each data set.

5.4.2 Effect of Robust Phase Correlation on PIV Accuracy

The benefit of image processing to improve SNR for low-quality images has been established;

however, even improved images give inaccurate results using SCC. This is because the images

still contain significant noise levels, and the correlation peaks are too broad for accurate peak

detection. Eckstein et al. developed an advanced correlation technique known as robust phase

correlation (RPC) which applies an SNR filter to the image cross-correlation [53, 54]. The SNR

filter is a spectral filter weighted based on a theoretical SNR, which assumes that the signal is

composed of Gaussian particles with a specified input diameter, here defined as 2.8 pixels.

Typically RPC provides a sharper peak with better peak detectability than SCC and results in

higher accuracy for velocity measurements.

PIV correlations are typically performed in the Fourier domain to improve computational

efficiency; however, the application of Fourier transforms to discrete data introduces error. A

50% Gaussian windowing filter, which has been shown by Eckstein et al. to increase

measurement resolution and accuracy by minimizing this error [55], was applied in the Fourier

domain to 8x128 pixel regions to obtain post-filter correlation windows of 4x64 pixels, the same

dimensions as used for SCC processing. Single-pass RPC with 2.8 pixel particle diameter was

applied using the same zero-mean windows, 3PG peak detection, and validation scheme as used

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for SCC processing, and the resulting vector fields were subsequently time-averaged. Figure 5-6

shows both the original SCC and the new RPC velocity profiles. For all three experimental cases,

the application of RPC and the windowing filter has a smoothing effect on the velocity profile

but has little effect on the magnitude of the velocity profile. In fact, for the case of blood-

perfused collagen the addition of RPC and windowing negatively biased the resulting velocity


Figure 5-6: Effect of PIV correlation method on PIV accuracy.

Mean velocity profiles obtained using standard cross-correlation (solid black lines) and robust phase

correlation with 2.8 pixel diameter (dashed green lines) applied to processed images are plotted with the

volume-adjusted Poiseuille solution (dashed red lines) for each experimental case. The uncertainty based on

measured flow rate and vessel diameter is plotted for the theoretical solution (upper and lower dashed red

lines). The 95% confidence interval on the mean for the experimental data is not distinguishable from the

mean. Left to right: glycerine-perfused PTFE, blood-perfused FEP, and blood-perfused collagen. Data shown

is averaged in time and along the length of the vessel and is normalized for each experimental case by the

vessel diameter and theoretical maximum velocity.

To examine the effect of RPC on correlation accuracy, SCC and RPC correlation planes from a

representative correlation region positioned midway between the centerline and wall were

plotted for each experimental case (Figure 5-7). Although RPC provides sharper peaks in the

correlation plane, multiple peaks of similar magnitude can still be present. This indicates that

while subpixel accuracy is improved for RPC over SCC, the peak corresponding to the correct

displacement may not be accurately determined.

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Figure 5-7: Contours of SCC and RPC correlation planes.

The contour indicates relative correlation magnitude. Only the central 50% window is shown for RPC

correlation planes.

5.4.3 Sum-of-Correlation for Improved Correlation Accuracy

As demonstrated in the previous section, even with the use of RPC, multiple peaks remain in the

correlation planes, leading to invalid vector detection and contaminating the mean velocity

profiles. Sum-of-correlation, also known as ensemble correlation, is a technique which can be

applied to steady or periodic flows and is performed by averaging instantaneous correlation

functions prior to peak detection rather than after estimation of velocity fields [56, 57]. This

technique increases correlation accuracy and resolution by effectively increasing the signal in

each correlation, and has been used to enable accurate measurements in flows with low seeding

and/or low SNR. Because of this, sum-of-correlation is ideally suited to this experimental data.

Image pairs were correlated using a single-pass RPC sum-of-correlation algorithm. All other

parameters were identical to the previous processing algorithm, including 50% Gaussian

windowing, window dimensions, RPC diameter, zero-mean windows and 3PG peak detection.

Validation was again performed using a 9x9 UOD scheme and thresholding with secondary peak

replacement. Because sum-of-correlation uses the temporal component of the data in the

correlation, a single vector field resulted, which was subsequently averaged along the length of

the vessel. Figure 5-8 compares instantaneous and sum-of-correlation velocity profiles. For all

three experimental cases, sum-of-correlation increases the magnitude of the velocity profile,

increasing its accuracy.

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Figure 5-8: Effect of sum-of-correlation on PIV accuracy.

Mean velocity profiles obtained using instantaneous (dashed green lines) and sum-of-correlation (solid blue

lines) RPC applied to processed images are plotted with the volume-adjusted Poiseuille solution (dashed red

lines) for each experimental case. The uncertainty based on measured flow rate and vessel diameter is plotted

for the theoretical solution (upper and lower dashed red lines). The 95% confidence interval on the mean for

the experimental data is not distinguishable from the mean. Left to right: glycerine-perfused PTFE, blood-

perfused FEP, and blood-perfused collagen. Data shown is averaged in time for the instantaneous sets and

along the length of the vessel for all sets and is normalized for each experimental case by the vessel diameter

and theoretical maximum velocity.

As done previously to compare SCC and RPC, correlation planes were plotted for a

representative correlation region positioned midway between the centerline and wall to examine

the effect of sum-of-correlation on correlation accuracy (Figure 5-9). The effect of sum-of-

correlation is clear: where multiple scattered peaks are present in the instantaneous correlation

planes, the sum of all correlation planes at that location provides a single peak at the correct

displacement, indicating that this technique is very effective at removing random noise.

Figure 5-9: Contours of RPC instantaneous and sum-of-correlation planes.

The contour indicates relative correlation magnitude. Only the central 50% window is shown.

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5.5 Discussion

The experimental error for all analyses, calculated as the RMS of the error in the experimentally

measured velocity fields, is given in Table 5-1. These data quantify the improved accuracy

obtained by each successive modification of the PIV algorithm. For all experimental cases and

correlation schemes, advanced image preprocessing increases accuracy. For all experimental

cases, the optimal PIV processing scheme includes not only image processing, but also RPC

sum-of-correlation. For the glycerine-perfused PTFE and blood-perfused collagen cases, the

resulting velocity field has less than 10% error, which is less than the 14.6% uncertainty of the

theoretical solution. The FEP case deviates more strongly from the Poiseuille profile, with just

over 17% error. For this case, there is significant asymmetry in the measured velocity profiles;

this is most likely an experimental artifact due to slight curvature along the length of the vessel.

Table 5-1: RMS deviation of experimental mean velocity profile from volume-adjusted theoretical solution,

normalized by volume-adjusted theoretical maximum displacement.

Experimental Case Image Set PIV Processing Scheme RMS Error (normalized)

PTFE/glycerine Raw SCC instantaneous 0.5807

Processed SCC instantaneous 0.3092

RPC instantaneous 0.3087

RPC sum-of-correlation 0.0966*

FEP/ blood Raw SCC instantaneous 0.6062

Processed SCC instantaneous 0.3989

RPC instantaneous 0.3836

RPC sum-of-correlation 0.1732

Collagen/blood Raw SCC instantaneous 0.5719

Processed SCC instantaneous 0.1576

RPC instantaneous 0.2077

RPC sum-of-correlation 0.0890* * These values are within the uncertainty of the theoretical solution. The RMS uncertainty of the theoretical

Poiseuille solution was computed by propagation of error obtained from manufacturer-provided uncertainties of the

pump flow rate and tubing diameter and was determined to be 0.1461 (normalized by the volume-adjusted

theoretical maximum displacement).

5.6 Limitations and Future Directions

Due to limited access to the APS facility, multiple runs of these experiments were not feasible. In

particular, this limits the information that can be derived from the FEP case because of the

channel asymmetry. While the flow rate was lower than physiological in vessels of this diameter,

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this is not expected to detract from the results as it is still high enough to obtain shear-

independent viscosity and Newtonian flow characteristics. Finally, it is clear from the data that it

is not of sufficient fidelity for accurate near-wall flow measurements, but rather provides an

overall picture of the velocity magnitude and distribution across the channel. Although the

collagen hydrogel was not cellularized in these experiments, is it possible that their presence

could contribute to image noise; however, as they would be stationary during the duration of

experiments, this effect could be removed in the background subtraction stage of image


It should be noted that comparison of experimental data with the Poiseuille solution integrated

along the beam axis implicitly assumes that the experimental solution is derived from the

geometric mean of velocities within the correlation window. However, as demonstrated by

Fouras et al. [29], this is not strictly accurate as correlation peak detection returns a velocity

which represents the mode rather than the mean. Optimization of PIV methods could be used to

improve the velocity estimation. Similarly, the RPC filter, which was optimized for particles

with Gaussian intensity distribution in optical PIV, could be modified for more effective

application to x-ray phase contrast images. This would require assessment of x-ray phase

contrast image formation for development of a new SNR model to be used in the filter.

5.7 Conclusions

This work advances previous x-ray PIV technology by demonstrating for the first time flow

measurement in an opaque blood-perfused in vitro microvascular engineered tissue. We found

that the use of a thick, hydrated collagen tissue model has no effect on the quality of the phase-

contrast x-ray images, which is promising for future work in complex cellularized tissue models.

The methodology presented here outlines an approach for the design of PIV analysis to obtain

high-quality flow measurements for challenging data, paving the way toward future experimental

investigation of in vitro tissue vascular flow.

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6 Conclusions

This work provides a new in vitro tissue microenvironment platform which will facilitate future

studies of human biology, disease, and drug delivery optimization across a broad range of

applications. First, the dimensions and geometries within the device provide much better

reproduction of in vivo conditions than the current paradigm utilizing PDMS-based microfluidic

chips. The incorporation of ECM-mimicking collagen hydrogels with highly tunable mechanical

properties allows the platform to be easily tuned to mimic many in vivo tissues; the primary

limitation is that it can only be used to mimic soft tissues and not load-bearing tissue. Integration

of one or more perfusion channels with quantification of flow conditions enables well-defined

convective transport within the channels as well as diffusion transport between channels.

With this device, in-depth studies of tumor metastasis can be performed. In ongoing work, we

investigate the interactive roles of matrix stiffness and growth factor gradients on chemotaxis of

human breast cancer cells. This study is only the first of many that can be performed using this

system; with the introduction of an endothelium to the perfusion channels, intravasation of tumor

cells into the vasculature could be recapitulated. Variables such as perfusion rate, chemotactic

gradients, and matrix mechanics could be altered independently or simultaneously in order to

better understand the conditions which enable or prevent intravasation. Similarly, the platform

could be perfused with suspended tumor cells for investigation of conditions which favor

extravasation. In all such studies, the physiological accuracy of the platform could be enhanced

through introduction of additional cells such as fibroblasts and/or ECM proteins such as elastin

or fibronectin to the collagen hydrogel. The potential of this microenvironment platform is

limited only by time and resources available.

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Appendix: Interactive roles of growth factor gradients and matrix mechanics on

breast cancer chemotaxis in three dimensions4

Elizabeth Antoine1, M. Nichole Rylander

2, Pavlos Vlachos


1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA

2 VT-WFU School of Biomedical Engineering and Sciences, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA

3 School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA

A.1 Abstract

An important factor in tumor development and metastatic potential is directed migration of

cancerous cells. This migration can be driven by spatial and/or temporal gradients in the tumor

microenvironment, which differs significantly from the normal tissue microenvironment. Here

we investigate the role of epidermal growth factor (EGF) gradients in directed migration of

human breast cancer cells (MDA-MB-231) within a fully three-dimensional collagen hydrogel

microenvironment. We examine the effect of mechanics of the microenvironment, specifically

stiffness and pore diameter, on tumor chemotaxis. We quantify migration characteristics

including speed, path length, and chemotactic index of tumor cells in response to EGF

concentration ranges of 0-50 ng/mL and 0-100 ng/mL, corresponding to gradients of

approximately 70 pg/mL/µm and 140 pg/mL/µm in hydrogels with stiffness from 2000-4000 Pa

and corresponding pore size between 2.3 and 1.3 µm. These experiments will enable

identification of any nonlinear interactions between matrix mechanics and the steepness of the

EGF gradient on chemotactic index; furthermore, it will enable quantification of the relevance of

tuning the tumor microenvironment to in vivo conditions for chemotaxis studies.

4 In preparation.

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A.2 Introduction

Current research suggests that the altered tumor microenvironment may drive cancer aggression

and metastatic potential [1, 2]. One characteristic of the tumor microenvironment is the presence

of steep gradients in oxygen, nutrients, and other chemical components such as growth factors.

These gradients result from the combined effects of high interstitial fluid pressure, dense

extracellular matrix (ECM), and poor perfusion [3, 4]. It has been hypothesized that tumor

motility and aggressive migration may be caused in part by chemotaxis in response to these

gradients [1]. In particular, breast tumor cells are particularly susceptible to gradients in

epidermal growth factor (EGF) due to overexpression of EGF receptors and related proteins and

receptors [2, 5-8].

With recent advances in tissue engineering and microtechnology, fabrication of in vitro tissue

microenvironments containing temporally stable chemical gradients has become feasible, while

live imaging and cell tracking have enabled a distinction to be made between chemokinesis and

chemotaxis [9]. Using soft lithography-based two-dimensional polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)

perfusion chambers, studies have been performed investigating the effect of EGF concentration

on chemotaxis: Wang, Saadi, et al. found that the shape of EGF gradients (linear or nonlinear

polynomial) and the magnitude regulate chemotaxis of MDA-MB-231 metastatic human breast

cancer cells, while Mosadegh et al. found an interaction between uniform EGF concentration and

gradients in the chemokine CXCL12 [7, 10, 11]. [12] et al. measured chemotaxis of metastatic

rat mammary adenocarcinoma cells (MtLN3) in response to EGF gradients, while Abhyankar et

al. performed similar studies in a similar device but incorporated a three-dimensional hydrogel

[13]. Raja et al. designed a PDMS microdevice containing an EGF reservoir fabricated from

polyethylene glycol diacrylate (PEGDA) for controlled release of EGF to measure chemotaxis in

vitro or in vivo [14]. Polacheck et al. found relationships between interstitial flow velocity, which

alters chemokine concentration, and cell density (between 5 and 25 x 104 cells/mL) on

chemotaxis of MDA-MB-231 cells in a 3D collagen matrix [15].

Despite the importance of such studies, the complex mechanical, chemical, and perfusion

components of the tumor microenvironment have not yet been successfully recapitulated.

Previous studies have focused on understanding specific biological cues rather than improving

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the fidelity of the microenvironment platform. Experiments performed on 2D substrates, even

those treated with extracellular matrix proteins such as collagen or fibronectin, are unable to

provide the three-dimensional microenvironment which has been repeatedly shown to have a

momentous effect on cell morphology, signaling, and migration through mechanical and

structural interactions [16, 17]. Studies in three-dimensional matrices generally lack direct

perfusion of the microenvironment [13, 14, 18] and therefore cells are subjected to gradients in

all growth factors and nutrients. Furthermore, although the importance of the role of matrix

mechanics in tumor aggresion has been noted, previous chemotaxis studies have not considered

parameters such as ECM stiffness [9]. Interactions between microenvironment mechanics and

self-expressed chemical cues have been studied, but still at low cell concentrations relative to

those found in vivo [15].

In this study, we develop a novel tumor microenvironment platform incorporating a

physiological concentration of MDA-MB-231 cells in a collagen I hydrogel scaffold with a fully

three-dimensional geometry. The device is perfused at physiological flow rates using two

parallel channels with diameter comparable to microvasculature. We quantify chemotaxis in

response to EGF gradients of varying magnitude formed by diffusion of EGF from one channel

into the surrounding hydrogel; these gradients are expected to be linear in the plane between

channels but nonlinear in all other regions of the device. The linearity of the in-plane gradients is

confirmed experimentally. Finally, we measure the chemotactic influence of microenvironment

mechanics by altering stiffness as well as pore diameter for each EGF gradient. The experiments

are intended to generate information about the interaction of chemical and mechanical cues in the

microenvironment as well as the influence of cell-cell communication enabled by high cell


A.3 Materials and Methods

A.3.1 Hydrogel design and fabrication

Human breast carcinoma cells (MDA-MB-231) (American Type Culture Collection) are used in

this study. MDA-MB-231 cells are cultured in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium, nutrient

mixture F-12 (DMEM/F12) (Invitrogen) supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (Sigma) and

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1% penicillin/streptomycin (Invitrogen). Cell cultures are maintained in a 5% CO2 atmosphere at

37°C in an incubator; cells with passage number between 38 and 40 are used for all experiments.

Collagen hydrogels mimicking the tumor interstitium are fabricated as described previously [19].

The hydrogel characterization data published in Antoine et al. is used to estimate collagen

concentration, solution pH, and polymerization temperature necessary to obtain hydrogels with

specified functional properties [19]. The first hydrogel condition, designated “soft” is designed

for a compression modulus of 2000 Pa, corresponding to premalignant breast stiffness [20], and

has a pore diameter of 2.3 µm. The second hydrogel condition “stiff”, is designed with a

compression modulus of 4000 Pa and pore diameter 1.3 µm, corresponding to the increased

stiffness and reduced pore size of malignant breast tissue tumors [20, 21]. The required

fabrication conditions for these hydrogels are as follows: “soft” was 6 mg/ml collagen, pH 7.8,

polymerized at 23°C; “stiff” was 6 mg/ml collagen, pH 8.1, polymerized at 37°C.

Briefly, acid-extracted collagen I from rat tail tendon is lyophilized and reconstituted in 0.01M

hydrochloric acid to twice the final hydrogel concentration. A neutralization buffer composed of

10X Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium (DMEM) (Sigma), 1X DMEM supplemented with

glucose, sodium bicarbonate, and L-glutamine (Sigma), and 1N sodium hydroxide (Fisher) is

prepared according to the recipe in Antoine et al. to obtain the desired pH [19]. Neutralization

buffer is added to a pellet of MDA-MB-231 cells and mixed thoroughly but quickly in order to

avoid cell death due to the high pH of the buffer. An equal volume of acidic collagen is added to

the cell-buffer solution over ice and mixed carefully with a spatula to avoid introducing bubbles.

The resulting cell-collagen solution contains 2 x 106 cells/mL.

A.3.2 Tumor microenvironment platform

The hydrogel solution is used to fabricate a microfluidic platform similar to that described

previously [22] but containing two smaller microchannels (Figure A-1). Briefly, 15 mm long

fluorinated ethylene propylene (FEP) tubing with a diameter of 3 mm (McMaster) is stabilized in

a 35 mm Petri dish fitted with a coverslip base. The FEP is plasma-treated to activate surface

hydroxyl groups and crosslinked with 1% polyethyleneimine (PEI) in dH2O for 10 min followed

by 0.1% glutaraldehyde in dH2O for 20 min. Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) sleeves containing

two parallel channels are inserted in the ends of the FEP and sealed by slightly shrinking the

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tubing with a soldering iron. The cell-collagen solution is injected into the FEP via one of the

PDMS sleeves; subsequently, 1.5” long 26 gauge (464 µm) stainless steel needles are inserted

through the PDMS sleeves and through the collagen solution into the opposing sleeves (Figure

7-1 (a)). The assembly is placed at 23°C for the “soft” condition or 37°C for the “stiff” condition

and allowed to polymerize for twice the polymerization half-time, which is 18 min for the “soft”

condition and 6 min for the “stiff” condition. After polymerization, the needles are removed,

leaving parallel cylindrical microchannels separated by a region of hydrogel 700-800 µm wide in

the cross-sectional plane (Figure A-1 (b)).

Figure A-1: Tumor microenvironment platform.

a) FEP stabilized in Petri dish, fitted with PDMS sleeves, filled with collagen solution with tumor cells, and

containing microchannel-forming needles. b) Hydrogel containing parallel microchannels after removal of

needles. c) Device fit with perfusion needles and dish filled with water to eliminate refraction at interfaces. d)

Device in situ for time-lapse imaging. e) Schematic of device with cross-section depicting layout of cell-

containing hydrogel, perfusion channels, and EGF gradient.

Next, the Petri dish is filled with distilled water (dH2O) to enable refractive index matching

across curved surfaces for imaging [22]. The dish is covered with a flat acrylic plate and sealed

with vacuum grease at the interface to prevent evaporation of the water bath over the duration of

the experiment. For perfusion, ½” 26G needles are bent slightly and inserted through the PDMS

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sleeves into the microchannels (Figure A-1 (c)). These are connected via 1/16” ID silicon tubing

(Tygon) to a syringe pump and collection reservoir. A perfusion rate of 21 µL/min for both

microchannels was selected. Using an assumption of Poiseuille flow, which we previously

validated experimentally [22], this flow rate corresponds to a physiological wall shear stress of

0.4 Pa (4 dyn/cm2). The EGF gradient is induced by addition of 50 ng/mL or 100 ng/mL EGF

(human recombinant epidermal growth factor, Sigma) to one of the two perfusion syringes. The

diffusivity of EGF in collagen is estimated based on previous measurements of diffusion of

dextran in collagen hydrogels [19]. For diffusion estimation, the hydrodynamic radius of EGF is

assumed to be equivalent to that of dextran of the same molecular weight because both are

composed of similarly structured branched protein chains. Hydrodynamic radius has been found

to scale with the square root of molecular weight for dextrans (FD-4 data sheet, Sigma); this

relation was used to interpolate the dextran data and estimate a hydrodynamic radius of 1.7 nm

for EGF (6 kDa), which results in a diffusion rate of approximately 190 µm2/s for both the “soft”

and “stiff” hydrogels.

A.3.3 Time-lapse imaging

Cell migration is recorded using time-lapse imaging with an incubated microscope. The tumor

microenvironment platform is placed on the stage of a Zeiss Axiovert 200 equipped with a

PeCON incubation chamber and maintained at 37°C for the duration of experiments (Figure A-1

(d)). 50-megapixel images are obtained using a color digital single-lens reflex (dSLR) camera

(D7000, Nikon) in conjunction with a triple-band filter (ET-DAPI/FITC/Texas Red, Chroma)

and 10X magnification (0.41 µm/pix). A halogen lamp is used for brightfield illumination.

Images are acquired once every 2 min over a duration of 48 hours. After 48 hours, the

microchannel is disconnected from the perfusion system and stained with propidium iodide and

calcein AM to determine live/dead cell fraction.

A.3.4 Image analysis for migration quantification

Automated image preprocessing to correct for whole-image illumination and spatial shifts is

performed in MATLAB using the Image Processing toolbox as follows: First, the dynamic range

of all three color channels of each image is histogram-equalized to the red channel of the first

image in the sequence in order to maximize the signal contribution from both channels as well as

match intensities between images (Figure A-2 (a-b)). Next, the image is oriented to align the

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channel walls with the image plane and cropped to the illuminated region (Figure A-2 (c)).

Subsequently, particle image velocimetry (PIV) using standard cross-correlation is performed on

sequential image pairs using a large correlation region (2048 x 2048 pixels, windowed to 1024 x

1024 with a Gaussian filter) in order to quantify the bulk image shift from one frame to the next

(Figure A-2 (d)). The displacements estimated using PIV are combined with a final crop

operation to locate and extract only the region of hydrogel between perfusion channels from each

image (Figure A-2 (e-f)).

Figure A-2: Image preprocessing and registration.

a) Raw RGB image with visible central hydrogel and perfusion channel boundaries. The illumination source

is brightest in the red channel. b) Image after dynamic range correction across all color channels. c) Image

after rotation and preliminary crop. d) Subsequent image (32 minutes later) following same operations, with

visible horizontal shift in hydrogel location as registered by the displacement vector obtained using PIV

(vector length is scaled up by a factor of 5 for visibility). e) First image after crop to hydrogel region. f)

Subsequent image with shift correction applied during crop operation.

Next cell tracking is performing by applying particle tracking velocimetry (PTV) techniques to

preprocessed images. Cells are identified by a threshold-based blob identification scheme and

subsequently sized based on the intensity-weighted centroid. A particle tracking methodology

developed by Cardwell et al., which matches particles between frames based on a linear

weighting function incorporating displacement, intensity, and particle diameter, is applied in

order to track cell motion [23]. Distance between cells is given a weight of 1, while intensity and

diameter matching are each weighted as 0.5. From the resulting time-resolved cell tracks, the







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following parameters are calculated: path length (the sum of displacements between frames),

speed (path length divided by time), net displacement (distance between initial and final

position), net displacement towards chemoattractant (in this case, net displacement in the –x

direction), and chemotactic index CI (net displacement towards chemoattractant divided by

overall path length). Furthermore, any variations in cell size or shape can also be quantified.

A.4 Results

A.4.1 Confirmation of gradient linearity

It should be noted that the linear gradient of EGF exists only in the hydrogel in the central plane

between the microchannels; elsewhere, the gradient is strongly nonlinear. The profile of the

gradient within this plane has been confirmed experimentally. In an acellular hydrogel, 0.1

mg/mL fluorescein isothiocyanate labeled dextran (4 kDa FITC-dextran, Sigma) near the

molecular weight of EGF (6 kDa) was added to dH2O and perfused through one channel, while

the other was perfused with dextran-free dH2O, both at 21 µL/min. Images were acquired using

the system described in Section A.3.3 at a rate of 1 frame/min. The red channel (brightfield) was

used to monitor microchannel position while the green channel was used to record fluorescence

intensity of the dextran diffusing out of the perfusion channel into the surrounding hydrogel

(Figure A-3 (left)).

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Figure A-3: Dextran perfusion for gradient measurement.

Left: Fluorescence image. The visible vertical lines are the microchannel boundaries; the region between

them is collagen. The left channel is perfused with dextran-containing water while the right channel is

perfused with dextran-free water. Right: Stability of linear gradient over time. Each line represents the mean

intensity profile for a single image; position is measured from the left channel wall. Shading from blue to red

represents progression of time; the total duration plotted is 8 hours.

Dextran concentration was estimated from the fluorescence intensity in the images. Intensity in

the green channel was averaged along the length of each image to obtain a mean profile at each

time (Figure A-3 (right)). A linear gradient was obtained between channels within several

minutes of the start of perfusion (transient portion of data not shown) and maintained for the

duration of the experiment.

A.5 Anticipated results and outlook

Because both the “soft” and “stiff” hydrogel conditions are fabricated using the same

concentration of collagen (6 mg/ml), the same number of ligands is available for cellular

adhesion in each condition. Therefore, the chemotactic response to variations in matrix

mechanics which will be quantified in these experiments will not be dependent on number of

adhesion sites. Similarly, while migration in 3D is regulated in part by proteolysis and matrix

degradation [24], especially in matrices such as these with pore size significantly smaller than

cell dimensions [25], proteolytic activity should be comparable in both conditions. Although the

pore size differs between the hydrogel conditions, both mean pore diameters (2.3 µm and 1.3 µm

for 2000 and 4000 Pa, respectively) are significantly smaller than the characteristic length of

MDA-MB-231 cells (50 µm) [26]. As a result, we expect differences in migration speed between

0 100 200 300 400 500 6000






Position (m)



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the two hydrogels (under the same EGF stimulus) to result only from changes in cellular traction

forces. Traction forces normally are greater in stiffer matrices; we hypothesize that this will

result in faster migration.

A previous study performed in 2D suggests that chemotactic index is low with linear EGF

gradients, regardless of magnitude, but is significant in nonlinear EGF gradients [10]. They

hypothesized that the relative concentration difference across the cell is sufficiently altered due

to the inflection of the nonlinear gradient to stimulate stronger chemotaxis. The cell response to

linear gradients in 3D, as will be measured here, could conceivably be similar to the 2D case;

however, the activation of EGF receptors on all surfaces of the cell rather than only the contact

surface is likely to contribute in some way to chemotactic potential.

The proposed experiments will generate data that will help answer these outstanding questions

and further our understanding of interactions between the tumor microenvironment, chemotaxis,

and metastatic potential. Future work will include investigation of the chemotactic response of

tumor cells with greater or lesser metastatic potential to the same microenvironmental stimuli.

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