Just a Bite - Chapter 3 - BunnyWitch2022 (2024)

Chapter Text

Gregory's eyes lit up in wonder. You could tell how excited he was just by looking at his face, what you didn't expect to happen, was him getting out of the car and running inside the plex. You groan in exasperation, running your hands down your face. You wished your son would have waited for you, but his excitement got the best of him.

Getting out of your car, leaving everything, you make your way to the pizzaplex, shock overcoming you as you walk through the front door. So many children with their families roamed the building, and you couldn't find Gregory in the crowd at all. Walking up to the front desk you get ready to ask how you can find your missing son when the woman interrupts you. "Hi, Miss im wondering if-" "Its straight down the hall, take a left don't get lost, take a right, then you should see a set of stairs past the living area, go up them, the manager's office is on the left" She says in one breathe, causing irritation to bubble up slightly. You grit out a thank you, stalk past the desk and start looking for your son in the crowd once more.

Scanning the crowd you see a Tall bear Hybrid, with light orange fur, coming your way, a strange glint in his electric blue eyes. You decide to take your chance and ask him for help, when he is within close enough range that the noise from all the people won't muffle your voice, you muster up the sweetest "Excuse me, sir, do you have a moment" The bear turns around, and thats when you get a close up of all the face paint and lightning bolt in his fur. You space out alittle, admiring the job done, when a deep baritone voice dripping with honey snaps you out of your thoughts. "Yes, what can i do for you sir?" The bear asks. "I seem to have lost my son, Gregory.... he ran in here before i had any time to react... Is there someone i can speak to about this?" You ask with worry. The bear sighs in irritation? Worry? You didn't know but he answered you. "Yes go up to the atrium, take a left, continue straight until you see a giant slide, go down it, that is the Superstar daycare, if your son is missing one of the daycare attendants probably have found him, have a nice day" The bear says, you struggling to remember everything he says. You turn around multiple times to see what direction the bear went, but he disappeared. Huffing you just go with the crowd, and end up at the Atrium.

Gregory's eyes lit up in wonder. You could tell how excited he was just by looking at his face, what you didn't expect to happen, was him getting out of the car and running inside the plex. You groan in exasperation, running your hands down your face. You wished your son would have waited for you, but his excitement got the best of him.

Getting out of your car, leaving everything, you make your way to the pizzaplex, shock overcoming you as you walk through the front door. So many children with their families roamed the building, and you couldn't find Gregory in the crowd at all. Walking up to the front desk you get ready to ask how you can find your missing son when the woman interrupts you. "Hi, Miss im wondering if-" "Its straight down the hall, take a left don't get lost, take a right, then you should see a set of stairs past the living area, go up them, the manager's office is on the left" She says in one breathe, causing irritation to bubble up slightly. You grit out a thank you, stalk past the desk and start looking for your son in the crowd once more.

Scanning the crowd you see a Tall bear Hybrid, with light orange fur, coming your way, a strange glint in his electric blue eyes. You decide to take your chance and ask him for help, when he is within close enough range that the noise from all the people won't muffle your voice, you muster up the sweetest "Excuse me, sir, do you have a moment" The bear turns around, and thats when you get a close up of all the face paint and lightning bolt in his fur. You space out alittle, admiring the job done, when a deep baritone voice dripping with honey snaps you out of your thoughts. "Yes, what can i do for you sir?" The bear asks. "I seem to have lost my son, Gregory.... he ran in here before i had any time to react... Is there someone i can speak to about this?" You ask with worry. The bear sighs in irritation? Worry? You didn't know but he answered you. "Yes go up to the atrium, take a left, continue straight until you see a giant slide, go down it, that is the Superstar daycare, if your son is missing one of the daycare attendants probably have found him, have a nice day" The bear says walking away leaving you struggling to remember everything he says. You turn around multiple times to see what direction the bear went, but he disappeared. Huffing you just go with the crowd, and end up at the Atrium.

You're out of breath by the time you manage to reach the superstar daycare. You stop to take a breather. Finally able to take a few calming deep breaths you manage to go down the giant slide, ending up in a ball-pit. 'A ball-pit..... a ball-pit.... nevermind do not question it, find your son, and go to your interview' You think to yourself as you get up, making sure to dust yourself off, leaving the ball-pit.


Well you found your son, and other children, all playing with what you assumed were the three daycare attendants. You pause and take a good look at their appearances. The sun looking jester has a wide grin, and sun-rays poking out of his head, his eyes a bright white. He is wearing a light beige shirt, pants with maroon stripes, frills at his waist, that have beige and maroon stripes, and large elf like shoes, with a crescent moon symbol on each of them. You then turn your eyes to the one wearing blue. He has a nightcap on his head, his face looks like that of a crescent moon, half of it white and the other half of it black, stars decorate his royal blue colored pants and shirt. His waist frills a deep blue color, a bell adorns each wrist, his nightcap, and his large brown elf shoes, that come up to a point, that have a bell drooping towards the end of the point. Finally you turn your attention to the largest of the three. The first two had to be atleast nine feet tall, but this one was even taller. He is dressed similar to the other two, the big difference was that his outfit consisted of reds, oranges, and yellow's. He also didn't have the waist frill's or the bells. His face was yellow and black, adorned with bright orange eyes. He also had two sets of sun-rays. A larger yellow set, going around his face, then a smaller dark red set in between each of the much larger set.

You stop gawking at what the attendants and come towards your sun. "Gregory, there you are! Do you have any idea of how dangerous what you did was?" You come towards him parent mode on. The tallest of the three seemed to have heard you, as he ushers Gregory towards you, sending the other two off with the kids. "Hello Starlight, you must be this little guys parent. I found him wondering the plex, so i took him with me. Im Eclipse, one of the daycare attendants here, pleasure to meet you" The tall Attendant holds out his hand for you to shake, which you gladly do, introducing yourself. "Im Y/N! Thank you so much for finding my son" You tell Eclipse a genuinely smile gracing your features. It was most likely relief at your son being safe. "Y/N? What a lovely name, but i think i'll continue to call you Starlight, it suits a face such as yours" Eclipse does a dramatic twirl, causing you to beam.

An alarm sounds out from your pocket. You pull out your phone, your eyes nearly bug out of your head. "I have to go Gregory, stay here please. Ill be back to fetch you after the interview." You say in a rush, nearly not finding the entrance. You curse yourself silently as you didn't have to go down the slide. 'You enjoyed it though' You think to yourself and there is no arguing with your inner most thoughts, because you agree.


Following the directions the lady at the front desk gave to you, proved to be unhelpful and you eventually had to ask a staff bot much to your embarrassment. The cute little bot led you to the office, where you were jumped scared.

"PLEASE TAKE A MAP" The map bot appeared out of nowhere holding a map, scaring the living daylights out of you, a "OH MY GOD" to be heard in a high pitch. Putting a hand to your chest, you try to steady your breathing. Pretty sure your possible future boss might've heard you. Yanking the map away from the bot, which seemed to satisfy it enough for it to leave you alone, you knock on the door. "Come in!" Is heard on the other side. Grabbing the handle and twisting you swing open the door. There is the same bear hybrid that gave you directions earlier, sitting in a chair across from the manager. You walk in, the door shutting behind you with a click, slightly startling you again. "A little jumpy on your first day, are we?" The man says. it left you feeling confused. The man looked to be in his thirties, wearing a nice suit and tie, slicked back hair and a beaming smile. He was attractive to say the least. He motioned for you to take a seat, which you did.

"Hello, Y/N! I am Manager Daven, its a pleasure to meet you. This here is Freddy! Also known by his stage name as Glamrock Freddy" Daven gestures to the bear. Now you have a name to put to the face. You look over to Freddy, who gives you a bone-chilling glare. You slightly flinch under his gaze, but Daven seems unaffected by his Attitude. "Now, Freddy this is the glamrock band's beast handler, as well as the Daycares handler. Please be nice to them They are-" You cut Daven off. "I....I'm sorry, did you say beast handler? I don't even know what position i applied for, it just said to gather my things and come to the plex. I wasn't even aware i got the 'job'...." Daven smiles a wide toothed smile. "Of course you did Y/N! Anyone who applies usually gets the job, we don't really say what position your getting because your trained for it, if it happens to be out of your skill set. Now, your position is Beast Handler. As you know hybrids were just accepted into society, as infuriating as that is, when they should've been accepted all along... Anyways let me get back onto the matter at hand. You will be managing the entire glamrock band, making sure they get to their duties and responsibilities on time. Also so i do not forget, Here is your apartment key. Please get settled in, then come back and see me for all your paperwork" He says handing you your key, and dismissing you.


Deciding not to fetch Gregory just yet, and instead fetch your things from the car, it wasn't too difficult, as you guys barely brought anything. Just some clothes, and hygienic products, of course the electronics that you spent so much on, such a TV, and Nintendo switch. Setting all your things outside of your apartment, you took a deep breath, having not even opened the door. Inserting the key into the door, and turning, the door opening with a 'click'. Walking in with your things, setting them in the entrance you take a look around. You gasp at how spacious the apartment is. Three bedrooms, fully equipped with appliances, a spacious living room, dining room and kitchen. You explore, and find the other two bedrooms on the second floor, which shocked you more.... a two story apartment... this was to good to be true. Grabbing the things, and setting them in the living room, you lock the apartment back up, and head back to the manager's office. Approaching the door you hear voices, getting loud. You stop outside the door to listen to them.

"You know damn well that we don't need a handler to manage our affairs, Daven... You know we aren't like the rest.... Bringing that little whatever in here, they reek of magick-" Daven interrupts Freddy. "I know, im well aware... However there is no proof they are any sort of Magickal being, someone can be born with no power at all, but have a completely supernatural family. Give them a chance." Daven pleads. You decided now was the perfect time to knock, having heard enough. Freddy didn't even want to give you a chance, because he deemed you were inadequate. It made you feel things, ugly things. However you buried them deep and entered the office once you were given permission. You stood tall. "Alright, im ready to get started." you say in a matter of fact tone, honey dripping like venom from every word. You hear Freddy suck in a breath. "Great! Here is the paperwork." Daven says, presenting the paperwork. You stand there and read through it all, especially the fine print. Some of it caught your eye, to which you raised a brow at.

'All employee's are owned by Fazcorp Entertainment, and therefore not allowed to die. Our employee's own their souls, but we revive them via-a resurrection chamber should something happen. We are also not responsible for for work place injury, compensation will be provided however, should you feel you need it.'

Reading that last part spooked you a-little bit... this place doesn't let their employee's die, instead make sure they never stop working. You looked down at the part which held the signature section. Yanking a pen from the jar you signed your signature, then handed the paperwork back to your manager. You straightened your posture even more, then turned directly at Freddy. He wore a bored expression. Seeing that made you smile. He may have been two feet or more taller than you, but you had tricks up your sleeve. "Well Freddy, i can't wait to work with you and your band. I'll see you all soon..." You jabbed your finger into his muscular furry chest, and god if you didn't know this hybrid was a rude ass you would be smitten. "Try anything funny, and you'll regret it" You kept your tone even, but your voice dangerously low. Freddy Smiles and bends down next to your ear.

"I'll break you before you even get a chance, Superstar" His voice sickeningly sweet. He leans back up, straightening his posture. You look up at him with a smile, and a glint in your eyes. "We shall see, Mr.Fazbear. I'll see you and your band after close." With that, you walk out of your manager's office to get your son, not noticing the glare Freddy was burning into the back of your head.


To say Freddy was enraged would be an understatement. First Daven finds them a handler when they are more than capable of handling their own schedules. He would have possibly came around to the idea eventually, but when they came in, and reeked of magick, he was pissed. He hired a Witch.... someone he knows is a witch to. 'I can smell the witch blood in their veins....' Freddy must've been so deep in thought because Bonnie's voice broke him out of the trance. "What's got you scowling Freddy? Did you miss out on your meal again? Did the employee somehow break away from your hypnosis?.... Again" Bonnie chuckles at the end, causing Freddy to scowl even more. He looked up at his band members, and grit his teeth. "No, i just met our new 'Handler' and they..... they reeked of magick... Daven knows but refuses to acknowledge it." The news causes the male glamrocks to scowl, and growl slightly. Roxy looks at her appearance, and Chica squeals with delight. "Oh this sounds to exciting! I cannot wait to meet them!" Chica jumps and down for joy. "Chica, babe, chill out please. We'll meet them soon enough."

Speak of the witch and you shall appear. You walk up to the glamrock band, all dressed up. You walk up to them Wearing a black dress, hugging your waist but loose at the bottom. The dress is Knee length, with a slit on both sides. A Pair of platform stiletto's hide your feet, giving you more height. "Hello, you must be the Glamrock's! Pleasure to meet all of you, i am Y/N! I will be your handler. I must go now, i'll see you in the Fazcade, after closing, until then!" You say with a small wave, Gregory tugging on your hand. "Come on, lets go! i wanna play some video games" Gregory says excitedly, causing you to throw your head back and chuckle. "Of course, lets go" you say walking off, leaving the Glamrocks with their thoughts.

"Omgeeeeee! They were so cute! Also that outfit was hawt! I would totally smash!" Chica squeals excitedly, earning a growl from Roxy. "Oh Roxy, you silly wolf, i would not replace you" Chica says hugging onto Roxy, pressing a kiss into the side of her snout, causing the Wolf to blush. "Well this should be interesting. That must be their son..." Monty wonders out loud, causing the others to look at him. "What are ye planning Monty?" Foxy ask's, seeing the mischievous glint in his fellow bandmate's eyes. "I was thinking that if we make it to where their job is nearly impossible, they might do a us favor and quit" Monty's idea was good, the guys loved it why the girls were not exactly on board.


You made it to the fazcade just as the announcement came on, saying the plex was closed. You choose to sit at a table watching your Son continue to play the arcade games. "Hello Starlight! We are so excited to see you" A voice comes from behind you, causing you to slightly jump. You crane your neck to look up at the three daycare attendants giving them a soft smile. "Hi its-" "New friend! How nice it is to officially meet you! Eclipse has told us many things! Isn't that right Moony?" The one who you assumed was Sundrop, grabbed you with his large hands spinning you around, his energy was infectious, that was for sure. The one who Sun called Moony, coughed into his hand. "Sun let them down, before you crush them" His voice came out low and raspy. You were grateful to, because any more tight hugging and you would've passed out from the lack of oxygen. Setting you down on the floor, you pretended to dust yourself off, before looking up at Sun, and Moon... "What a greeting! Hello to you guys to!" You said, with an excited tone.

"Yeah, Yeah, Baby you rock my world" Followed by a slight bass drop, sounded off in the fazcade, shocking you slightly. Your eyes followed the sound, and settled on the giant spider like animatronic which you could only assume was DJ Music Man.... You waved your hand in greeting! "Nice to meet you to DJ!" Your voice echoed. A Larger bass drop sounded off, and Sun leaned over to let you know that meant he was happy to see you to. You let out a hearty laugh. "Now we just wait on the glamrocks" it was said with a Sigh. "We've been here" A Deep chuckle sounds off in your ear, causing you to jump up, turn around and on reflex, slap the offender across the face. Fortunately for you, its only Bonnie. "Ow! Damn, you pack a mean swing, i'll remember not to sneak up on you again" The Rabbit said, holding his cheek, walking back towards his bandmates. You put a hand to your chest, feeling your heart race. What is it with everyone scaring the sh*t out of you. "Everyone please sit, or stand, whichever you prefer" You call out. The glamrocks all sit at a table, but the Daycare attendants choose to stand close to you, which doesn't exactly put you at ease, but you have to deal with it. "So its nice to see everyone all in one place, now the reason for this meeting is so i can discuss your new and upcoming schedules with you. So lets start shall we."

You pick up the tablet that was given to you. You sign into the device, enter the password, and click on the app. "So, Freddy, tomorrow you have to appear at three birthday's back to back, before your second performance at 6pm. Bonnie, Foxy, and Monty, your schedules are free tomorrow, aside from your performances with the band. You are free to roam around the plex, or stay in your apartments. Roxy, you have the science fair winner's coming to your raceway tomorrow. There will be two different groups. One before your first show, and the second towards the end of the night. Chica you are also free to do whatever tomorrow." You say in one breath before turning to the Daycare attendants. "You guys are free tomorrow as well, the daycare will be closed tomorrow, so you guys can roam around, or just do whatever..." Its silent until Sun has a slight outburst. "CLOSED? What about all the children that need to be watched..." Sun puts his hands in his face, which makes you feel slightly bad. "Y-you... you can watch over Gregory..." Sun perks up at the offer. "Gregory! Come here" Sun calls out.

He rushes over to see why he was being called. "Im going to babysit you, while your parent is out at work! Doesn't that sound exciting" Sun says happily swinging Gregory around, who lets out a couple of chuckles.

"Okay well, we are out. We can manage our own schedules thank you." Freddy says coming up to, followed by the other male members. He leans down to your height again, but doesn't try to whisper this time. "Remember what i said in the office, i will break you..." You burst into laughter this time, wiping away an imaginary tear. You smirk up at him. "How Cute Freddy... It takes alot to even make me crack, you'll never break me. I'll see you tomorrow, mister Fazass." You say with a wide smile. A Growl Sounds off in Freddy's throat, he raises his paw above his head, claws elongated and shining in the light, you see his blue eyes start turning a crimson. You can feel your magick start to rise to the surface ready to protect you if necessary. The others pull him back, and you sigh, turning around to the daycare attendants. Giving a tight lipped smile "Well that could've gone better."


Once back at your apartment, you start unpacking some more, Gregory heads up to his room, to sleep. You wait until he is out of view, to walk up to your door, to do something you knew you would regret. You raised your hand, a light blue enveloping it. Whispering a protection spell, you ward the door to your apartment. Nobody with ill intentions can come through the door now. Walking away, you sit on the couch, the door's blue glow fading out of sight. Its only a matter of time before you pass out from using the spell. In...3...2...1... your body gets heavy, and you feel like you have cinder-blocks around your ankles. You lose consciousness. You don't awake until 10am the next day. Waking up with a stretch, your bones pop, and crack. Looking at the time you jump up, throwing on some casual clothes, and rush out the door, which is unlocked, meaning Gregory already left. Locking the apartment door, you rush off. You have to eat something, then find the band and make sure they are keeping up with their schedules. You settle for pizza, not the best breakfast, you know but you have no other choice until you go shopping.

Once finished you throw your trash away, and rush off. First order of business is finding Gregory, then finding the glamrocks. It doesn't take long to find your sun and the Daycare attendants who are surrounded by Children. Making your way towards them, they seem to perk up at the sight of you. "Good morning everyone!" You say cheerfully, the kids all say good morning back in such a perky way, it warms your heart. "Sun is Gregory with you?" You question. He smiles and turns around. Gregory is hiding on his back. It makes you tilt your head in confusion. How did you not sense your own son, but also not see him. Shaking your head slightly with a smile, you look at your son. "I'm heading off, I'll be with the Glamrocks should you need anything." With a wave your off. You make it to rockstar row, weaving through tons of people. You don't know which Glamrock you want to see first. Ultimately you decide on Monty. The hot-headed gator. You notice the room is pitch black, and the curtains are drawn, only leaving a small sliver to which you can look into.

You knock on the door, and wait for an answer. When you don't receive one, you decide to go ahead and walk in. The door slams shut behind you, and darkness envelops you. You walk further in, stepping on what sounds like glass.

"Didn't anyone ever tell you, to not step into territory that isn't yours" Monty says in your ear, surprising you. Turning around your met with the gator hybrid who seems way larger than you remember him to be. He takes advantage of you being stunned, to pin you to the floor, both of your wrists in his paw above your head, his body on top of yours, his leg between yours, trapping you. "Mon Cherie...... Why would you come in here, uninvited..." He huffs, bringing his snout close to your face. He lets go of your wrists, you can feel them bruising, but he doesn't let you up. He puts both of his paws on either side of your head, and leans close to you.

You put your hands on his chest, knowing full well that wouldn't stop him from hurting you. You dig your nails into his scaly pecks, which halt his movement, white smoke starts appearing out of his snout. He looks down at where your hands are, and jumps up. "Get out..." He whispers lowly, and you don't need to be told twice. You dart out of there, the door slamming behind you. You run until your at Roxy's door. Stopping outside of it so you can catch your breath. Raising your hand to knock at Roxy;s door, it opens suddenly and she pulls you inside, baring her fangs at you. "Listen Newbie, fix my mane, its a mess" She throws a brush into your hands. "Don't mess it up either, or else" She growls. You brush out her mane with shaky hands, afraid to even let a single strand of hair fall out of place. The process takes about an hour, and you still have to get to Chica and Freddy.... "So is that everything Roxy?" You ask quietly, she merely nods her head, looking at herself in her vanity. You take your leave and decide to head to Freddy's room next, just to get it out of the way.

Leaving Roxy's room, you head to Freddy's. Raising your fist to knock on the door, it slides open, letting you inside. The lights are dim, not looking like a main stars room at all. The place is surprisingly well put together, just dark. "Hello? Freddy? I'm here to see you before the show... also to see if you need anything. You stand in the middle of the room, letting your mind drift off not paying attention to much of anything. "What are you doing here? I do not require your presence in my space." Freddy's voice is dripping with venom. You swallow hard, nervousness wracking through your body. "W-well i just thought...."

"That's the problem." He interrupts you "Your thinking..." His voice is enough to make you flinch. In the Blink of an eye, he has you pinned beneath him, on the couch. You swear you don't even see him move. In fact you don't remember being in this position. Freddy stares down at you, saying nothing. His Muscular body is pressed against yours, you could touch his pecs and abs if you wanted, that's how close he was. Freddy lifts a clawed finger, and tenderly strokes your cheek. He then proceeds to take his hand and tilt your head upwards, burying his snout into your neck. Freddy breaths deeply and then brings his head up, his eyes a glowing crimson, and his canine teeth elongated. He peers down at you, and huffs, stroking your cheek with his thumb again. He could snap your neck in a flash. "I could get rid of you... Nobody would even know, let alone miss you.... I think i'll play with you alittle while longer. Then i'll get rid of you" Freddy chuckles darkly.


You make your way to Chica's room. After Freddy said all those things, he disappeared before you in a flash, and you just accepted that it was the side effect of using that protection spell yesterday, that has imagination going haywire. Going into Chica's room, your head began to hurt from all the pink. She was eating a slice of pizza, and upon seeing you, stuffed the entire thing into your her beak and swallowed, to give you a bone crushing hug. "Hello Chickpea!!! Its so good to officially meet you!" She greets you, letting you down to breathe when you start sputtering and gasping for air. "T-thank you Chica, for such a warm welcome. I swear the others don't like me." You don't bring up the encounters with the other three band-mates you seen before her. "They just don't know you. I can already tell we are going to be the best of friends!" She exclaims clasping her feathered hands together. Chuckling at her words, you ask if there is anything you can do for her, and she answers with a no. So you decide to spend alittle time with her, before getting to go to the show.

"Attention Valued Customers! The Glamrock Show will start in ten minutes, please head to the Atrium" The announcer says over the loud speaker. "That's my cue! I'll see you at the show Y/N" She says, dashing out of her room. You decide to follow her lead, and head to the atrium. You don't see Gregory anywhere, but assume he is safe. Finding a seat in the Atrium was a little difficult, but when you managed to find one you quickly took it.

"Presenting the Glamrocks!!!!!" The announcer said in excitement over the loud speaker. Smoke appeared on the stage, covering the area in a white mist. The band's shadowy silhouettes seen. The crowd going wild, as Freddy started to sing. Freddy danced around on stage, with Monty and Bonnie, jumping and sliding, slaying vocals while Monty and Bonnie covered bass. Foxy provided backup vocals. Roxy had a keytar solo, followed by a duet with chica's star shaped guitar. The crowd ate it up like cotton candy, you enjoyed it slightly though you would never admit it to anyone. The show was soon over, the band disappeared back beneath the stage. You figured it would be a good idea to stop by the apartment to grab the tablet so you could check Freddy's schedule. Stopping in front of the door, you find that it is open, when you could've sworn it was locked.

"Oh come on Sun, just roll the dice, if you lose that's okay! We can play until you win" you hear Gregory, say. In the living room are the three daycare attendants at the coffee table, with your son, playing a board game. "What is going on in here" You ask deciding to make your presence known. The four of them look up at you sheepishly saying nothing. Sun starts to rub the back of his neck, Moon smiles at you bashfully, and Eclipse looks at you unblinking. "Mom..... Parent.... I invited them in here... Also i picked the lock to the apartment. That's how we got in" Gregory admits truthfully, proud of himself in a way. Chuckling to yourself, you grab the tablet, giving your son a quick peck on the cheek, and heading out the door. "Behave!" You call out from the other of the door.


Rushing to the room where the first party is held, that Freddy has to attend, is a hassle. Weaving through this many people is insane. The plex grows in popularity daily it seems. When you finally reach the room, you're out of breath. You start setting up the tables and chairs, and the gift bags with Freddy merch. 'I hope these kids are happy, with all of this. Its alot of hard work' You think to yourself.

Freddy walks in with Bonnie, and Foxy tailing him. They pause seeing everything done already, and you in the center, scribbling notes on your tablet and mumbling to yourself. "What....?" is all Freddy could say. He was shocked to see you standing there everything done. You up from your tablet, flashing him and the others a quick smile. "I couldn't sit around and do nothing, so i decided to set up for the first party, that's happening in the next fifteen minutes." You respond with a smile. Freddy however feels rage bubbling beneath the surface, but knows he has to play it cool, just in case the children walk in. "Wow..... how thoughtful..... of you...." He says through grit teeth. Oh you know it got under his fur, and you would be lying if you didn't say it thrilled you. 'Sweet, Sweet, Revenge, Freddy My love...... Don't underestimate me' You dare not voice that thought out loud. A beep from your tablet lets you know its lunch time. "Well Freddy, im off. its lunch time, have a nice time at the party." You grin, stopping when your right beside him. "We'll see how long you last trying to Break me Freddy.... i won't crack or break no matter how much you threaten me." You cackle, leaving the room.

It feels exhilarating to realize your own personal power, and not let others take that away from you. Once you let someone take away your personal power, they have full control of you. Not literally, but figuratively. You've seen this happen to many of your friends and family members. Once they relinquished control and let someone dominate their every thought and action, that was it. They had to re-realize their own personal power. Your stomach grumbles, and you remember that its lunch time, and you stopped right outside the room standing there, lost in thought. Heading to atrium, and finding other employee's eating there, you pick a random table in the back. a staff bot comes up to you. "Your order please" It says in a very robotic voice.

"yes, i'll have a fizzyfaz, anyone will do please. I'll also take a slice of pepperoni pizza, please and thank you" Remembering your manners, the bot doesn't say much except a quick "Thank you" before heading off. Pulling out your phone you check all of your social media, respond to messages you need to respond to. A Slam on the table makes you jump and look up from your phone. "Is there a reason, you didn't visit foxy and i, while you were making your rounds, Handler......" The last part Bonnie said with a sneer as you met his eyes. "Yes, i was busy with the other members" You respond giving a tight lipped smile. The two pull out chairs, and sit down at your table uninvited. You sigh, and rub your temples. "What can i do for you two. Your bandmates already hate me, minus Chica, but she is marshmallow fluff. Did you come to gloat how much you hate me as well?." You grit out. They look at one another then back to you. "Aye, matey... we just wish to keep you company." Foxy gives a convincing smirk, but you can see through the facade. "Nice Try love, do better next time." You get up, right as the staff bot brings you, your meal. "Hi thanks hun" thanking the bot, and taking your meal to go.

You don't look back but you can feel the heated glares from the two.


"Bonnie, Lad... who do they think they are......" Foxy turns to Bonnie who is glaring Daggers at you. Shaking his head, he gets up, brushing off his blue fur. "I don't know Foxy, but how dare he not just quit already. I think im more interested in how he is not falling for my charm. My Sexual appeal is very popular amongst the adults... A peculiar case indeed." Bonnie Hums, then chuckles. "I think we should follow them, Foxy. Standing up, Bonnie groans in pain, his stomach hurting. "What is it?" Foxy inquires worry in his voice. Bonnie waves him off. "Just feeding time, i'll be back. Let me go see which one of these employee's i can seduce, and blow some steam off. Foxy watched as his friend stalked off, shaking his head with a chuckle, he decides to go find Freddy. He should be done with the Birthday Parties. He makes a quick appearance, signs some autographs, then leaves. The Kids eat it up. Its no surprise to Foxy when he finds that Freddy already did all the birthday parties today, and is currently somewhere else. 'Probably in his room, might as well pay him a visit' Foxy thinks to himself. He makes his way to his friend's glam room pretty quickly. He knocks, and waits. When he doesn't get a response, he just waltz in. "Hey Fredster how is it" Foxy's cheerful tone drops as he see's Freddy with an employee on his lap, his face buried in their neck, body limp, blood dripping down their arm, to their fingertips to the floor, making a small puddle. "Aye sorry Mate. Didn't realize it was meal time" Foxy sighs. The employee Freddy was feeding off was very cute. 'Poor Lad, Not many can resist Freddy's charm..' Foxy thinks to himself. When Freddy was done, he retracted his fangs, his snout stained red. He Stands up, making sure to pick up the employee bridal style, turning around them gently setting them down onto the couch. They let out a small sound of pain, causing a chuckle to rise out of Freddy. "I...im surprised you didn't kill them, Freddy. You usually do. Then they have to be taken to the chamber, not remembering a damn thing, Matey." Foxy chuckles to himself.

"That Damn Handler... has my senses going crazy. I nearly attacked them earlier. i don't know how much longer im going to be able to contain myself. In the meantime, i suppose i can keep this employee as my personal bloodbank. Anyways, where are they now?" Freddy questions. Foxy honestly didn't have the answer. "No Idea, Matey, they stalked off after Bonnie and I gave them a hard time before they ate their lunch." It Amused Freddy how easily they could get under your skin. "Well, looks like we'll just keep doing what we are doing until they give in" Freddy chuckles Darkly.

Just a Bite - Chapter 3 - BunnyWitch2022 (2024)
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Author: Domingo Moore

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Author information

Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.