Trying Viral New York Desserts | Finding the Best Bakery in New York City - Dining and Cooking (2024)

American Recipes

May 31, 2024

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Are these sweet treats the best desserts in the world? I visited some of the most iconic dessert shops and bakeries in New York City, including Magnolia Bakery, Milk Bar and Levain Bakery. I was determined to try all the tik tok famous foods, like the magnolia bakery banana pudding, milk bar compost cookies and birthday cake and levain chocolate chip cookie. I hope you enjoy this mini bakery tour of new york, and see if these viral new york foods are worth the hype!

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so I am in New York and if thereā€™s one thing I know about New York is that it is a good food destination I have absorbed so much New York food content whether itā€™s from like bonati going out and doing like taste tests of like famous restaurants or Tik toks of like the most viral new bestest place to eat in New York and if thereā€™s one thing about me I love a little treat I do so now that Iā€™m in New York okay I want to try and taste these things and see if they are like actually good Iā€™ve been prepar preping for the video I just feel like with big cities like New York I kind of am thinking youā€™re going to be good because the rent is expensive thereā€™s a lot of people a lot of mouths and if youā€™re not good you wonā€™t make it so for the places that have you know made it what what whatā€™s the deal but before we jump into tasting all of those sweet treats letā€™s make some sweet treats and have some delicious fun with the sponsor of this video love and pies I donā€™t think you understand Iā€™m actually so genuinely hyped for this sponsorship okay I have been playing for months okay Iā€™ve made some serious progress look level 28 I just got this pizza oven so everyone please say thank you trail mix thank you trail mix because Iā€™m the perfect person to talk about this game okay the game is completely free to download and during the move it has been the perfect little thing to just break up all of the stress and just relax and enjoy playing this cozy little game so let me fill you in love and pies is all about Amelia she is a single mom and sheā€™s just inherited her momā€™s Cafe except her M has gone missing and the cafe has just been burned down in a mysterious fire so itā€™s up to you to rebuild the cafe and kind of figure out all the Mysteries around the town and thereā€™s a lot of Gossip okay thereā€™s a lot of drama and maybe thereā€™s even a little unexpected romance in there as well so the aim is to match ingredients to make pies and other tasty treats which you then serve to your customers and then you use those earnings to upgrade and decorate your Cafe and you can also choose like the style youā€™d like to decorate your Cafe in and on that can I just say I am really really impressed by the art style itā€™s giving high quality itā€™s giving premium the color palette is the diversity of the characters design is so if youā€™re anything like me and you just crave that cute and cozy gameplay then you can download love and pies for free on IOS and Android and for any of my audience who download love Empires within one week of this video dropping via the unique link below if you play the day three you will receive a super sweet gift by the in-game inbox I hope you love and enjoy it as much as I do thank you again so much to love and pies for supporting this Channel and letā€™s get back into testing those sweet treats so yesterday I went to the first place that was on my list because itā€™s just resided in my brain forever mainly because okay I donā€™t know if anyone else can relate to this did anyone else have like a baking phase specifically if youā€™re like Millennial gen Z cusp that era where cupcakes were trendy there was just like this period in like 2009 I want to say where like baking blogs and like TV shows specifically about cupcakes like Cupcake Wars Cake Boss as a result of that kind of cupcake craze I became Iā€™m very like interested in particular like famous bakeries and one of those bakeries is of course Magnolia Bakery I feel like Magnolia Bakery kind of blew up because it was featured in an episode of Sex in the City they got their little cupcakes from Magnolia and they were eating them and then suddenly everyone was going to Magnolia Bakery to get these cupcakes now Magnolia Bakery has like expanded they have multiple locations I think they even have them like around the world none in Australia or none that Iā€™ve been able to visit until now theyā€™re for like their like little icing SWR on their cupcakes but I feel like more recently I feel like theyā€™ve been very very famous for their banana pudding so yesterday I went to the original location to get a cupcake to get some banana pudding and you are going to see that [Music] now when ordered sustain some mild psychic damage during that process if you do happen to go to the one in the original location just know that thereā€™s a different ordering thing to the count anyway itā€™s fine itā€™s fine also sorry I just wanted to interject uh briefly you he mentioned that like the interaction was weird and I donā€™t want to get like anyone in trouble it was actually not very busy I was fully prepared for there to be like a huge line I was like really shocked and surprised that we could literally just like walk in so they had the little fridge with the banana puddings and I had seen someone in reviews talk about like you need to take the banana pudding out of the fridge and bring that to the counter so I knew to do that but so then the person at the counter was like oh you ready and I was like yeah sure so I had like the banana pudding in my hand and I went up and I was like I just want to get this small banana pudding and I would like to get a cupcake please and they didnā€™t I donā€™t they were like oh you canā€™t get a cupcake here and I was like oh okay sorry do I go get it from over there and she was like yeah you have to order it over there and I was like okay and then do I bring it back here and they were like yeah and then I was like oh okay and they were like I donā€™t know how to and my boyfriend Max was with me and after this interaction I was like was there like signs to direct you to like where to go because like if so then thatā€™s like obviously totally on me and he was like no there was not that was like that was really awkward I feel like they would get so many people coming in and I get that that would be annoying but if thereā€™s no signs and your bakery setup is like you have to do like go to different places to get things I feel like maybe instead of just being like thatā€™s wrong you could maybe be like you have to go like I I had to like so do I get it and theyā€™re like yeah you order it from there and I was like and then do I bring it back here and they were like mhm and I was like I donā€™t know psychic damage anyway and I took the cupcake and then I brought it back over to the counter and I was like sorry I like didnā€™t know the ordering system and they were just like sorry and Iā€™m being like really like thank you so much and theyā€™re just like mhm anyway I think a lot of people who would be visiting because itā€™s a very famous bakery that people would be visiting cuz itā€™s like kind of a tourist attraction would not know to do that so anyway if you go to Magnolia Bakery the original location just know that you have to get the cupcake from the cupcake person and then you can pay for it at the counter cuz I did not know that anyway taste test time we got a couple of things let me show you got the banana pudding and then one of the Little Cupcakes all right Iā€™m going to try little cupcake B very cute little swelly but weā€™ll see how we go got chocolate donā€™t know if chocolate vanilla is bad out lot letā€™s see I mean yeah itā€™s a really good cupcake there a lot of frosting but itā€™s not too sweet itā€™s just kind of like fluffy chocolate cake is good itā€™s not like remarkable but I think itā€™s a really good cupcake I can see why if they were like OG SL when I was like obsessed with cupcake stuff when I was like 15 and I would read making blogs and I would like read about my family bankery that would be like the thing but yeah just good cupcake I see what famous yeah itā€™s a good cupcake right yeah it is like 40% frosting frosting is nice though so yeah thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying I havenā€™t had a frosting thatā€™s like I donā€™t know itā€™s like more fluffy than it is like buttery or sugary oh it kind of matches my nails those are really grown out anyway um yeah good I know everyoneā€™s like all about the banana pudding but I think itā€™s this is like the classic I should try it and Iā€™m kind of like kind of into it thatā€™s really good Iā€™m actually really impressed by that I really like cupcakes but I do think itā€™s hard and a lot of like even good cupcake places have frosting thatā€™s like way too sweet or too like buttery but thatā€™s like a really nice whipped frosting I donā€™t really like my desserts like too sweet and they often do on that side so that kind of SCE make sure weā€™re not covered in like frosting or cupcake but that was surprisingly really good I kind of just got that because I was like I want to try the classic as you know an old school baking blog cupcake craze fan I donā€™t even know what to call that era of like the internet SL like Comedia and that wasnā€™t like the main thing that everyone says is like you know the viral like hot sweet treat but I thought that was really good so if you like cupcakes you should definitely get one but now we have the main event allegedly the banana pudding just going to try and I donā€™t know if I can get this with one hand I need some help thank you ooh okay vanilla pudding banana bits Wafers letā€™s see now I enjoy banana but Iā€™m not as big of a banana fan as BF is so weā€™ll see a nice good kind of SCP oh thatā€™s really good as well itā€™s not like super banany but again itā€™s like whipped creamy itā€™s not too sweet I donā€™t I got any wafer but that is so so good I think people really like this ban I donā€™t think itā€™s that banana Iā€™m EA a I didnā€™t get a banana slice I just got like pudding and like I got some banana taste but I didnā€™t get like a banana slice thatā€™s probably going to be more banana itā€™s good itā€™s like light fluffy creamy itā€™s not really like a j I would have that often or like not something I have I feel like banana pudding is maybe more of an American thing we donā€™t really Iā€™ve never like seen it around locally I trying to see if I could like recreate this I know people do like try and do it I kind of always want to say that the cupcake is like more impressive though because I think cupcakes can be so bad whereas I feel like this you could make a different version of this and have it also be in a similar realm of good maybe controversial take there I donā€™t know Iā€™m giving you all the hot takes that is magnoli Bakery Iā€™m actually really impressed it actually lived up to the hype and considering itā€™s like you know expanded and everything you could maybe think it would be not so good I did go to the original location if that helps but yeah pretty tasty the vanilla pudding is really good see you in the next one oh right look Bonkers uh little bonus round weā€™re going to go and get some bagels from popup Bagels so I had heard some Buzz about popup Bagels on Tik Tok for being the best bagels in New York City but after my trip I heard even more buzz and even saw these guys eating at the exact location I visited the team working there was super friendly and I felt sad it was just my boy I so we couldnā€™t sample more of the flavored cream cheeses but we ended up going with the limited flavor of the weekend which was the honey Chipotle cream cheese but ultimately I think the fresh warm Bagels themselves are the real star and the cream cheese is like a celebrity special guest itā€™s like steamy warm the whole thing is that you like rip the D the rip the bagels and then dip them in the cream cheese and apparently these are some of the best bagels so weā€™ll [Music] see thatā€™s really good itā€™s really well seasoned too cream Che is spicy just a little bonus round really just as a note because I did eat a fair few Bagels on this trip I think POA Bagels was the most delicious Bagel but in terms of my favorite like complete Bagel it was from Liberty Bagels in Midtown which was yummier than I expected specifically theyā€™re everything bagel with blueberry cream cheese do not judge me it is the one bagel I think about from this trip so next up is Levan Bakery dubbed New York Cityā€™s most famous cookies this one was a no-brainer to visit on my list started in 1995 this Bakery was founded by competitive swimmers and triathletes Pam weeks and Connie McDonald the famous cookie came around from their desire to make a delicious chocolate chip and walnut cookie to give them energy For an upcoming triathon and then they sold a batch in their Bakery and it was a hit L now has several locations across New York and I think a few others dotted around the US I have seen so many attempts to make the ultimate leevan cookie copycat recipe I think Iā€™ve even made a few of those recipes but how can I compare it without trying the real thing so letā€™s go do that now it is a little windy so I do apologize but I have the lean Bakery cookie the line was kind of long um but it moved very quickly this is like a $5 something like that cookie like 5 USD so in Australian dollars itā€™s like $8 9 so itā€™s not inexpensive but I will say itā€™s very Hefty okay itā€™s a big big boy heā€™s one big and chunky Iā€™m not going to chat too much because itā€™s quite chilly and I think this is like fresh out of the oven so I donā€™t want it to get cold so just going to pull it out a little bit so we can see itā€™s so windy I donā€™t have anyone to help me itā€™s just me at the moment but thatā€™s what it looks like you can kind of see my hand for scale itā€™s a really really large cookie sorry about the wind I donā€™t know itā€™s really cold and windy let me take a bite of this I had a few different flavors but I got the chocolate chip and walnut cuz thatā€™s the OG I feel like thatā€™s the fairest thing to judge some on Iā€™m still so shy when people walk past me thatā€™s good Iā€™m so awkward it was really hard to find a place to sit let alone chat but itā€™s also so busy but itā€™s also New York so itā€™s fine low key mortifying anyway I donā€™t know if you can see the outside is like super crispy and golden but the inside is like almost like not even baked itā€™s really good itā€™s not too sweet and the walnuts kind of like cut through the sweetness as well the wind is really [Music] help I had one that was like double chocolate chip that seemed popular but I like the idea of the walnuts once of course you have a non allergy then maybe you wouldnā€™t enjoy the idea of the walnuts yeah good I feel like Iā€™ve tried to make a lean style cookie at home and it did not work or look like this so I donā€™t know I mean look at that little morsel itā€™s like perfectly gooey but then like crunchy golden on the outside theyā€™re kind of crazy to this one I know Iā€™m kind of I wish I had some warm milk but that just could be cuz Iā€™m cold right now little milk this could slap I donā€™t think thatā€™s overrated at all I was kind of expecting to be like disappointed by that or kind of feeling like it was overrated cuz Iā€™ve heard about it for so long and itā€™s kind of been loed as like the perfect chocolate chip cookie but like crispy outside soft inside melty chocolate chips nuts nice balance of flavor not too sweet I donā€™t know if you could make one much better than that obviously everyoneā€™s chocolate chip cookie preferences are different but in terms of making like an all round like most people would agree this is a perfect cookie kind of think Iā€™ve done it the wind is Iā€™m going to pack this up and get moving second opinion on the leevan cookie itā€™s interesting have you got like a crispy side you can try I would never describe it as crispy no thereā€™s a crispy bit on the like on the sides thatā€™s the middle Center um I think itā€™s too wet in my opinion too wet itā€™s too moist it feels like itā€™s undercooked which is a Vibe but Iā€™d prefer a hter biscuit what about the side there itā€™s like more cooked got a bit of crunch similar to magn a bakery if you were invested in the dessert craze of the early 2010s thereā€™s a solid chance you would know about Milk Bar started in 2008 it was actually originally part of momo f*cku before splitting up and becoming its own huge food brand championed by pastry chef and dessert World royalty Christina toy their whole vibe is like Nostalgia and sweet treats di up to a 10 so childhood favorites like sugary cereal and birthday cake become cereal milk ice cream Sundays and technicolored layer cakes but a little more complicated than the classic box mix and theyā€™ve also released cookbooks of famous treat but having tried to make some of those recipes myself they are not easy okie dokie donā€™t mind the noise Iā€™m actually back at Iā€™m actually in our hotel basem*nt itā€™s like a little uh kitchenette kind of thing with like a little vending machine and a microwave and an ice machine and all that but also a table and somewhere to sit because we are actually checked out itā€™s our last day but anyway as you saw I went to Milk Bar in SoHo SL noo still not 100% across all of the areas but also as you saw itā€™s not really like a sit down location itā€™s basically like a little walk up counter dealio got some steps in so now Iā€™m actually very hungry which is good because we have here H quite a large slice of cake itā€™s pretty chonkers this is the OG birthday cake also like The Milk Bar is really famous a lot of their recipes a lot of people try and imitate I have made Milk bar recipes multiple times myself so itā€™ll be very interesting to try the OG because their recipes are quite involved have lots of like specialty ingredients that at least for me are hard to get I donā€™t have at home home so I know whenever I make things that are Milk bar recipes theyā€™re always like almost what itā€™s meant to be but not quite so Iā€™m very keen to try I have the compost cookie which I have made this myself again not 100% how they make it and the upper mentioned cake and Iā€™m really excited to try the cake because this is something that I canā€™t really recreate at home we just donā€™t have these kinds of like rainbow sprinkles in Australia like look how bright and colorful they are so Iā€™m really really excited they describe it as inspired by box vanilla Funfetti cake that we loved as a kid I did not have that as a kid again we donā€™t have like Funfetti as a thing in Australia three tiers of heavenly rainbow flect vanilla birthday cake with creamy frosting and crunchy crumbs with rainbow sprinkles Iā€™m really really excited I hope itā€™s good Iā€™m trying to delay it cuz I donā€™t want to be disappointed but I think itā€™s going to be good I donā€™t know if you can you canā€™t really see but thereā€™s like little see thereā€™s like little crumb pieces on top okay here we go Iā€™m so happy itā€™s good cuz I saw some people in the reviews like SLE like itā€™s like overpriced weā€™ll get to the value proposition point but the flavor thatā€™s so yummy thatā€™s really good you can very much like see the inspiration from like the box kind of birthday party cake mix but itā€™s itā€™s a lot better than that in my opinion and theyā€™ve layered like the little crumblies and sprinkles all the way through so it has like a nice crunchy texture you can kind of like see it like itā€™s all rippled through thatā€™s fun let me try one of the little crumbly boys on the top crunchy little cookie like milky not good describing cookie crumbles but like vanillary cakey flavor Max would you like to try thatā€™s yummy itā€™s yummy right the icing I thought it was going to be really like fluffy sugary kind of like the Magnolia icing that was what I was assuming from what it looked like but itā€™s actually like a little bit of a cream cheese Vibe the slight tartness kind of offsets the sweetness itā€™s still very sweet and Iā€™m not hugely into like super duper sweet sweet I prefer something thatā€™s like a little more tempered in terms of the price point this was more expensive then Magnolia Bakery to be honest I donā€™t think the price point is heinous because it is like a teared cake itā€™s not just like a piece of banana bread or a single cake with a single bit of frosting I think itā€™s kind of fair maybe thatā€™s a bit outlandish for me to say but now we have the cookie and it comes like packaged this is the compost cookie and itā€™s called that because it has like a little bit of everything in it designed to be like used for like you know the last like handful of your chips and things like that I made a version of these before and actually Max you really like them when I made them theyā€™re like cuz itā€™s like Savory sweet never made them again Iā€™ll make them again for you when we get home I wonder if youā€™ll like this one so they describe it as the original sweet and salty kitchen sink cookie with chocolate chips in a deep vanilla base plus milk Barā€™s five recommended food groups pretzels potato chips grain crackers coffee oats and butterscotch so itā€™s kind of yeah a little bit of everything but I feel like and I could be wrong but I remember they published the recipe for this again and I think thereā€™s like corn meat or something there was like a an element to this cookie that I was like I donā€™t have that so letā€™s see this cookie was us $350 which I think is fine to be honest my perception of Valley was a little bit warped after being in New York for like over a week no I think everythingā€™s like slightly expensive with the conversion rate to AUD as well but like for a name brand Bakery cookie I donā€™t think thatā€™s too bad leanā€™s was like $5 something and that that one was really big this oneā€™s a little smaller makes sense here he is very see the little different bits in there kind of like a soft cookie all right letā€™s try wao they crazy for that one you know what this tastes like itā€™s like a um itā€™s like those chocolate chip musy bars but if theyā€™re like salty and in cookie it has that kind of like chewy bite H itā€™s quite salty but I think it balances out like the sweet elements quite well itā€™s good I donā€™t think itā€™s quite as impressive to me personally than the birthday cake slice but obviously itā€™s a cookie versus a layer cake so I think itā€™s not really fair to like compare no not into it heā€™s very tasteless but itā€™s about all the added but I barely got anys wait really do you like the ones I make but you donā€™t like this one no okay Iā€™m surprised so far that everything Iā€™ve tasted has been not bad I donā€™t know I was just like I feel like I have built up expect and maybe because of my expectations and because of the fame level these treats I kind of like tempered my expectations and you know set them low so that I wouldnā€™t be you know hugely disappointed but honestly I havenā€™t been that disappointed I at some more this cake I think the cake is yummy the cookie itā€™s also good but I think the cake is the real stand out for me look how like itā€™s just itā€™s very just delightful what a fun little cake um so yeah that is milk bar so I realized I never filmed a full conclusion so hereā€™s a quick wrap up on all of these viral sweet treats if I can only eat one one of these treats again I think it would actually have to be the Magnolia Bakery cupcake which isnā€™t the most viral treat I know but there was something about a classic perfected that really surprised me otherwise while it was tasty I do think the Magnolia banana pudding is a little bit overrated itā€™s not that itā€™s overpriced or anything like that itā€™s just kind of what you expect not worth going out of your way for in my personal opinion and then both Levain and milkbar I think were actually quite deserving of their hype leevan is far more for fans of the classics and milk far as like elevated Sweet Tooth although upon reflection I think if youā€™re going to go to Milk Bar just go for the over top really fun things like the cake or they have the cereal milk soft serve that I didnā€™t try and leave the things like the cookies to leevan but yeah I donā€™t know that little New York City cupcake just stole my heart I hope you enjoyed this little NYC adventure and as always thank you so so much for watching and Iā€™ll see you in the next one bye [Music] n [Music]


  1. Trying Viral New York Desserts | Finding the Best Bakery in New York City - Dining and Cooking (1)

    @LucyLivinYT 4 days ago

    Download Love & Pies here: Play until level 3 to receive a free gift to your in-game inbox within seven days. Thanks to Love & Pies for sponsoring! šŸ„§šŸ’• (p.s. I'm level 31 now lol)

  2. Trying Viral New York Desserts | Finding the Best Bakery in New York City - Dining and Cooking (2)

    @lahcutts 4 days ago


  3. Trying Viral New York Desserts | Finding the Best Bakery in New York City - Dining and Cooking (3)

    @N_0968 4 days ago

    Good looking treats! Luckily I was having my dinner when watching the video so I wasnā€™t too hungry. šŸ˜ŠšŸ’–

  4. Trying Viral New York Desserts | Finding the Best Bakery in New York City - Dining and Cooking (4)

    @Amelia-kq1ck 4 days ago

    Gosh, the cakes and bagels look delicious šŸ°šŸ„Æ!

  5. Trying Viral New York Desserts | Finding the Best Bakery in New York City - Dining and Cooking (5)

    @Junes.dreams.uk_ 4 days ago

    Looove this video! You need to do something similar now thatā€™s youā€™re in Sidney šŸ˜šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–

  6. Trying Viral New York Desserts | Finding the Best Bakery in New York City - Dining and Cooking (6)

    @sweetReaper 4 days ago

    I can attest to the fact that there are a few employees there who are less than friendly lol

  7. Trying Viral New York Desserts | Finding the Best Bakery in New York City - Dining and Cooking (7)

    @tecsiederp 4 days ago

    i think i got second hand psychic damage from the magnolia cupcake story šŸ˜‚ i'd never go back

  8. Trying Viral New York Desserts | Finding the Best Bakery in New York City - Dining and Cooking (8)

    @belindagritter1572 4 days ago

    So you have Aldi in AU? It is a sister store to Trader Joeā€™s. They have a cookie called the Kitchen Sink cookie which I think you would like much better. Itā€™s not too salty and there are no pretzels in it. Yummy! They also have a maple French toast bagel that I am addicted to. Half a bagel with strawberry cream cheese and topped with fresh strawberries or raspberries is my favorite breakfast.

  9. Trying Viral New York Desserts | Finding the Best Bakery in New York City - Dining and Cooking (9)

    @eye_smile2much224 4 days ago

    Yes, I was in the baking phase. I wanted an easy bake oven for the longest as a kid!šŸ˜…

  10. Trying Viral New York Desserts | Finding the Best Bakery in New York City - Dining and Cooking (10)

    @melissadenomy6816 3 days ago

    The Canadian exchange rates are garbage too. We pay something like 25-30% more for american stuff.

  11. Trying Viral New York Desserts | Finding the Best Bakery in New York City - Dining and Cooking (11)

    @Jessyie_ 3 days ago

    They gen z cusp millennial 2009 era of cupcakes is so real I had multiple cupcake books

  12. Trying Viral New York Desserts | Finding the Best Bakery in New York City - Dining and Cooking (12)

    @Ghostkittyart 3 days ago

    you can get though type of sprinkes in aus I'm in vic and get them all the time. just at woolie or coles in the baking area.

  13. Trying Viral New York Desserts | Finding the Best Bakery in New York City - Dining and Cooking (13)

    @emilyluna1994 3 days ago

    Finally lined up for Lune today and wow definitely nice but the line of people behind us was quite overwhelming

  14. Trying Viral New York Desserts | Finding the Best Bakery in New York City - Dining and Cooking (14)

    @emilyluna1994 3 days ago

    Also i definitely get the 2009 cupcake faze. Was it an aussie thing?

  15. Trying Viral New York Desserts | Finding the Best Bakery in New York City - Dining and Cooking (15)

    @pattyblom 3 days ago

    I can remember these from the cupcake phase indeed, especially magnolia and milk

  16. Trying Viral New York Desserts | Finding the Best Bakery in New York City - Dining and Cooking (16)

    @liss2503 2 days ago

    New Yorkers can be a bit much and come off as rude but the old school core of people there with help you if you need help. They may insult you while doing it but they will have your back. LA people will be nice to your face but insult you behind your back and probably wonā€™t help you. So donā€™t take it to heart. It was nothing towards you personally. Itā€™s just how they are.

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Trying Viral New York Desserts | Finding the Best Bakery in New York City - Dining and Cooking (2024)
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