WWE RAW Results, Highlights & Winners (June 3, 2024): The Judgment Day runs Monday Night (2024)



Published at :

June 4, 2024 at 10:18 AM

Modified at :June 4, 2024 at 10:18 AM

WWE RAW Results, Highlights & Winners (June 3, 2024): The Judgment Day runs Monday Night (1)

(Courtesy :WWE)

Akash Dhanagaran

Dom & Liv story continues, Alpha Academy teases split, Judgment Day dominate, McIntyre & Priest took personal and much more!!!

The June 3, 2024 episode of Monday Night Raw is officially over and it is one of the must watch episode in recent times. The show is filled with number of exciting matches and interesting segments. A title is defended on the line, every member of Judgment Day handles business inside the ring, Kiana James made her main roster debut and more happened. Get to know what happened in more detail, as we came out with the complete show summary, highlights, results and winners list for this week’s episode of WWE Raw.

WWE Raw Summary & Highlights

Liv Morgan & Dominik Mysterio

WWE RAW Results, Highlights & Winners (June 3, 2024): The Judgment Day runs Monday Night (2)

Liv Morgan kicked-off Monday Night Raw and claims credits for taking out Rhea Ripley, sending Becky Lynch for an early retirement and for taking Dominik Mysterio. Dom interrupted her and saod that Mami will kill Liv after her return. Liv said that she will kill him too. Liv said that Dom didn’t came to the ring last week to help Becky, but to get close with Liv. She claimed that having Dom is also a part of her revenge tour and got near Dom. Finn Balor ran to the ring and stopped her saying that nobody in the Judgment Day wanted her. But Liv said, what if Dom wanted her and left the stage playing with Dom’s hair.

Sheamus vs Ludwig Kaiser

WWE RAW Results, Highlights & Winners (June 3, 2024): The Judgment Day runs Monday Night (3)

Sheamus while making his way to the ring, Ludwig Kaiser attacked him on the injured leg. The Officials separated them, however called for the match during the commercial. The match began with both Kaiser and Sheamus fighting each other with the momentum swinging. Kaiser targetted Sheamus’ injured leg, but The Celtic Warrior fought him despite limping his legs.

Kaiser during the mid-match kicked Sheamus’ leg to the steel steps. However when they took their fight to the ring, Sheamus hit him with a body slam. Sheamus looked for a Razer Bomb, but Kaiser escaped. Sheamus tried to hit him with the knee, but accidentally hit turnbuckle causing extreme pain. Referee tried to stop the match, but Sheamus stopped the referee and asked Kaiser to fight him.

"Come on ya, bitch."Sheamus to Kaiser #WWERAW pic.twitter.com/lsUskQgAk3

— Fightful Wrestling (@Fightful) June 4, 2024

Sheamus hit the knee to Kaiser’s jaw and looked for a Brogue kick, but his knee gave out. Sheamus took Kaiser on his shoulder to the middle rope, but Kaiser pulled his leg and rolled him down to win the match by pinfall.


— TribaI Wrestling (@TribalMegastar) June 4, 2024

Uncle Howdy teasings

WWE RAW Results, Highlights & Winners (June 3, 2024): The Judgment Day runs Monday Night (4)

On tonight wwe raw a uncle howdy QR code there was some Audio, when the Audio is reversed it plays a clear message, below are the original Audio and reversed audio#WWERaw #unclehowdy pic.twitter.com/lRLmawJLay

— Uncle Wrestling (@uncle_wrestling) June 4, 2024

The Judgment Day

The Judgment Day were on backstage discussing about Dominik Mysterio’s actions. Priest came to ask Dom, but Balor stopped him and said that they will sort it out. Priest asked the status of Rhea Ripley with Dom and then went on to discuss about their matches tonight. Priest asked everyone to show who runs the Monday Night Raw.

Backstage- Ricochet & Ilja Dragunov

Ilja Dragunov met Ricochet before his match with Bron Breakker and said how dangerous Breakker is and checked his condition. Ricochet said that he is fine, but he has his tapes throughout his mid-section. Ricochet said that he will make Breakker know how he is.

Finn Balor vs Dragon Lee

WWE RAW Results, Highlights & Winners (June 3, 2024): The Judgment Day runs Monday Night (5)

The match began with both countering each other’s move. Balor took Lee in control initially, but Dragon Lee took Balor out of the ring with an Hurricanrana and deliverd a suicide dive. As Lee tried to have control of Balor, JD McDonagh came to distract him, however nothing could stop Lee from delivering a powerbomb to Balor. When Dragon went for the top rope, JD distracts the referee and Carlito pulled Lee’s leg. balor used the momentum to hit the Coupe De Grace and picked up the win.

Finn Bálor se lleva la victoria sobre Dragon Lee con el Coup de Grace gracias a la distracción de Carlito, con Dragon Lee quedando bien parado tras un combate en el que se ha lucido.Después, Braun Strowman sale con Rey Mysterio a por Bálor y Carlito. #WWERAW pic.twitter.com/kjWhx0GmHF

— LuigiWrestling (@LuigiWrestling) June 4, 2024

After the match, The Judgment Day jumped on Dragon and started attacking him, however Rey Mysterio and Braun Strowman urged to the ring and made them retreat.

هذا ياهو صاير غثيث بشكل مو طبيعي #WWERaw pic.twitter.com/HqjXOFzFO2

— ريـّان 🐍 (@RKO_118) June 4, 2024

The Judgment Day, Carlito & Awesome Truth

The Judgment Day discussed about Braun Strowman problem and asked Carlito to handle him tonight, if he wants to hangout with Judgment Day. Carlito isn’t happy about it. R-Truth met Carlito and said that’s how things work in Judgment Day and said that his time with the faction is the best day of his life. Miz claimed that they are champs now and this is their best day. Truth went claiming Miz is obsessed with him.

R Truth will forever be funny man 😭😭😭😭#WWERaw pic.twitter.com/umqAZz1p9U

— Nav (@Navtreaks) June 4, 2024

Sami Zayn & Alpha Academy

Sami Zayn came to the ring and called out Chad Gable to settle things between them. Alpha Academy music played, but except Gable the other members of the Academy came to the ring. Maxxine told that Gable told that he doesn’t want to waste his time talking with Zayn and instead wanted a title shot. Maxxine brought a letter from Gable, which insults all the Academy and Zayn. Zayn stopped them and asked them not to follow the orders of Gable, as he is misleading them.

However Gable came from nowhere and attacked Zayn from the back. He hit a German Suplex on zayn and asked Otis to attack him, but Otis hesitated. Gable slapped Otis, Tozawa stopped him, Gable yelled Tozawa and Maxxine stopped him.

He asked Maxxine and Tozawa to leave insulting them, but Otis confronted Gable. Sami fought Gable, where accidentally hit Otis, making Maxxine and Akira fall down. Otis got pissed and hit Zayn with a Powerslam and carried Maxxine and Akira backstage.

This Chad Gable/Sami Zayn/Alpha Academy segment was SO WELL DONE.The WWE crowds are begging for Otis to snap at Chad Gable. #WWERAW pic.twitter.com/JBA4atfXsq

— Fightful Wrestling (@Fightful) June 4, 2024

Gable met Academy members backstage, where Maxxine and Tozawa is hurt, but he cares none and focuses only on the title. He wanted them to help him win the title.

Master @WWEGable is proud of his team #WWERaw pic.twitter.com/uN5qc9PXfQ

— Sonya Bayley – WWE Fan 🐑🌈 (@SDevilleLive) June 4, 2024

Ricochet vs Bron Breakker

WWE RAW Results, Highlights & Winners (June 3, 2024): The Judgment Day runs Monday Night (6)

The match begin with Ricochet slapping Bron and using his quickness as the advantage to take Bron in control. Talking about quickness, Bron speeds up and took the Speed champion down with a clothesline. Breakker took Ricochet out and thre him over the barricade, targetting the injured ribs.

Ricochet fights back and took Breakker down with a Tornado DDT, springboard knee strike and a moonsault from the middle rope. Bron looks for a spear, but Ricochet hit him with a super kick and recoil. Ricochet wnt for the top rope, but Breakker took him down with a Hurricanrana and delivered a spear to win the match.

Bron Breakker defeats Ricochet after cutting him in half with a brutal Spear.I have really enjoyed Breakker’s booking on the main roster since his call-up, he truly feels like an unstoppable/uncontrollable force ready to kill absolutely anyone.#WWERaw pic.twitter.com/SVZIqmqMMZ

— PW Chronicle (@_PWChronicle) June 4, 2024

After the match, Breakker continued his assault on Ricochet, taking him out, pushing him to the steps. Breakker tried to hit Ricochet with the steps, but Ilja Dragunov took him out and securities separated them.

Ilja Dragunov sale para evitar que Bron Breakker masacre a Ricochet. Dadme un Bron vs. Ilja en Escocia, anda. #WWERAW pic.twitter.com/mnKbpXvfHn

— LuigiWrestling (@LuigiWrestling) June 4, 2024

Natalya vs Kiana James

WWE RAW Results, Highlights & Winners (June 3, 2024): The Judgment Day runs Monday Night (7)

The match began with Natalya taking Kiana James down with a quick takedown. James tries to fight back and both counter each others moves too quick. The countering game leads to James locking Natalya in the corner and targetting Natalya’s mid section. Sooner Natalya hit a clothesline, ran over her and took James down with a suplex. Natalya looks for the Sharpshooter, but Kiana counters and hit a 401K to win the match.

Natalya vs. Kiana James#WWERaw #WWESpeed pic.twitter.com/xSYUX3I464

— GIFSkullX (@GIFSkullX) June 4, 2024

Backstage Interview- The New Day & Karrion Kross

The New Day is interviewed backstage. They address their upcoming match against AOP. Karrion Kross met them and says that the Power of Positivity is dead. Kofi claims thar their guys will come to know about it soon. New Day walked away, but Kross stopped Woods saying that he no longer want to follow Kofi after tonight.

chills when big e returns to kick karrion kross' ass #WWERaw pic.twitter.com/JCjpB9RL30

— ✰rey🇵🇸✰ (@thejudgementgay) June 4, 2024

Braun Strowman vs Carlito

The match bagan with Carlito trying to use his quickness to take down Braun, but The Monster ran on him and Calrlito got his hands. Strowman threw Carlito across the ring. Finn & JD came to distract Braun, but Strowman took both down and hit a reverse Chokeslam to win.

Braun Strowman aniquila a Carlito, aunque el Judgment Day se ceba con Braun después de la lucha. Aunque Strowman puede con todos, brother, hasta con la silla de Dominik. #WWERAW pic.twitter.com/EXPzVfaHZI

— LuigiWrestling (@LuigiWrestling) June 4, 2024

After the match, Judgment Day attacked Braun Strowman, but he took everyone down. Dominik Mysterio came to hit him with the chair, but Strowman went chasing him.

Liv Morgan back out here protecting Dom. #WWERAW pic.twitter.com/cGat4CNqhy

— 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐕𝐞𝐧 (@WrestlingCovers) June 4, 2024

Liv Morgan stopped Strowman from attacking Dom. Strowman while trying to focus on other members, JD McDonagh with brutal chair shots took The Monster lay down. Outside the ring, Liv tries to get near Dom, but Balor stopped her.

Finn Bálor llegando de nuevo para separar a Dominik y a Liv Morgan. Esto es inevitable. #WWERAW pic.twitter.com/sL9lRCM1RZ

— LuigiWrestling (@LuigiWrestling) June 4, 2024

WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship Match- Bianca Belair & Jade Cargill vs Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark

Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill arrived to the ring following the invitation of Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark. They called out their challengers and both Baszler and Stark claimed that they will dethrome them as the champions. Jade said that if they are so confident, why don’t they have their match right now. Adam Pearce made the match official for the title.

Belair and Baszler started the match with Baszler twisting Belair’s hand and Belair slamming Baszler down. The momentum swings either side, but Belair and Jade’s quick tag-ins took Baszler in control. Jade and Zoey got tagged in and Jade continues to dominate. No sooner, all the four got involved, where Belair and Jade took their opponents for a vertical suplex.

After the commercial, Jade tagged Belair in and she was fired up. Belair took Baszler and Zoey sinhle handedly. Belair hit ten puncjes to the face and hit a springboard lionsault on Belair. Baszler stops the fall and hit her with a knee strike.

Cargill took Baszler out of the ring, but Baszler sent her to the steps. Belair is concerned about Jade, and Zoey looks to roll her down. Baszler hit her with a KOD. Going for the pin, Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn came to the ring and attacked Belair to end the match.Alba Fyre, Isla Dawn, Baszler and Stark took th champs down and teased a triangular feud for the title.

Alba Fyre & Isla Dawn finally get some TV time and just attacked Bianca Belair & Jade Cargill. 👏 Give Fyre and Dawn a shot at the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship in-front of Fyre and Dawn’s home country at #WWECastle. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 #WWERaw pic.twitter.com/ylXakmvhJo

— PW Chronicle (@_PWChronicle) June 4, 2024

Backstage Interview- Damian Priest & Drew McIntyre

Damian Priest was interviewed backstage about his upcoming match with Rey Mysterio, where Drew McIntyre met him. Drew told that things got personal after Priest involved his wife in the promo. He looks to end Priest in Glasgow, however wished good luck for his match on Raw.

“Main Event” Jey Uso

Jey Uso showed up on the audience area and announced that he sets his sights on winning the Money in the Bank and become the singles champion.

Jey Uso is in money in the bank?#WWERAW pic.twitter.com/1bf6uPq4iW

— s e t h (@futurafreesky) June 4, 2024

Lyra Valkyria & IYO SKY

Lyra Valkyria is interviewed backstage addressing Becky Lynch’s mind state after loss. She believed Becky will be back after the set back. Valkyria then said that she is having her eyes on winning the Money in the Bank. However got attacked by the previous Miss Money in the Bank, IYO SKY laying Valkyira down.

Iyo still crashing out lmfao #wweraw pic.twitter.com/7SIn7qOPSC

— Phyz ✨️🧎🏽‍♂️🙏🏽 (@Physics_wrestle) June 4, 2024

The New Day vs The Authors of Pain

WWE RAW Results, Highlights & Winners (June 3, 2024): The Judgment Day runs Monday Night (8)

Woods and Rezar started the things off with AOP taking control after Woods initial strikes. Woods tries to fight back and Akam gets tagged in. Scartlett and Kross distracts. Kofi is busy confronting Kross, where Woods looking for a tag, but Kofi is not on his corner. AOP then delivered their finisher to win the match.

Backstage Interview- Alba Fyre & Isla Dawn

Alpha Fyre & Isla Dawn were interviewed backstage and they set their sights on the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship targeting Clash at the Castle.

Rey Mysterio vs Damian Priest

WWE RAW Results, Highlights & Winners (June 3, 2024): The Judgment Day runs Monday Night (9)

Rey Mysterio went to use his quickness and sneak technique to esacape Priest’s attack, but Priesr hit a Big Boot and a Slam. Rey took Priest out of the ring and back in the ring, Priest took control with a Flatliner. After the commercial, Priest hit a side slam on Priesr and hit a big right hand on Rey to send him out of the ring. He asks Rey to stay out for the sake of him, but Rey beat the count to enter the ring. Rey hit a spinning heel kick and a step up enzigiri. Peirst hit his face on the ring post and turnbuckle.

Priest tried to chokeslam Rey on the apron, but Rey escapes and hit a seating senton and springboard cross body. Rey took Priest to the corner and hit ten punches to the face. Rey hit Priest with a Tornado DDT and looks for the fall, but Priest kicks-out. Rey sent Priest to the ropes seeking for a 619, but Priest took him with a big boot followed by a Clothesline.

Priest takes Rey to the top rope, Rey fights back, Priest looks for a Razer’s Edge from tope rope, but Rey counters it with a Hurricanrana. Rey followed up with a 619 and a springboard splash. Carlito came to distract and Dragon Lee came to take him out. Judgment Day attacked Dragon Lee and Rey hit a suicide dive to take everyone down. While entering the ring, Priest hit the South of Heavens Chokeslam to win the match.

Damian Priest vence a Rey Mysterio con el Sound of Heaven después del salto de Rey sobre el Judgment Day. Lo lógico, con el campeón ganando. #WWERAW pic.twitter.com/yJOEcbZzlV

— LuigiWrestling (@LuigiWrestling) June 4, 2024

After the match- Damian Priest & Drew McIntyre

Drew McIntyre attacked McIntyre from the back and hit him with the Future shock DDT. Finn Balor and JD tried to stop Drew from hitting the Claymore on Priest. Drew took them down. Priest scrolls out. Drew changes his focus yelling with Michael Cole and clearing the table. This made Priest to hit the South of Heavens Chokeslam on Drew McIntyre breaking the table. Damian Priest stands tall and Raw comes to an end.


— Pat McAfee (@PatMcAfeeShow) June 4, 2024

WWE Raw Results

  • Ludwig Kaiser defeated Sheamus by pinfall.
  • Finn Balor defeated Dragon Lee by pinfall.
  • Bron Breakker defeated Ricochet by pinfall.
  • Kiana James defeated Natalya by pinfall.
  • Braun Strowman defeated Carlito by pinfall.
  • WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship match ended up in no contest.
  • The Authors of Pain defeated The New Day by pinfall.
  • Damian Priest defeated Rey Mysterio by pinfall.

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WWE RAW Results, Highlights & Winners (June 3, 2024): The Judgment Day runs Monday Night (2024)
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