The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)

THE COUHIKH-JOUKNAL, LOUISVILLE, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 2, 1939. CLASSIFIED ADVERTIsem*nTS. SECTION 2 8 Behind the Microphone Statistics Tell Story of Life In City Burlcy Sales In Kentucky Charles George Glaser. 923 E. Madison, doing business at 557 S.

Campbell, hereb declares his intention to apply for liceii as retail beer dealer. NOTICE. On and after February 2. 1939. I will not be responsible for anv debts contracted bv mv wife.

Huth Bates. Signed: JOSEPH EDWARD BATES. 3H S. Bayly Ave. Formerly 2212 Payne St.

DRAMA 12:15 P.M. WHAS Road Is Smoothed for "Chichi" 1:15 P.M. WLW -Arnold Grimm's D.iuRhter 5:15 P.M. WHAS Juvenile Land of Make-Believe 10:00 P.M. WAVE Amos and Andy MUSIC 8:30 A.M.

WHAS Buddy Brock's Swingsters 1:30 P.M. WAVE Light Opera Selections 5:45 P.M. WAVE Sweet and Low 9:45 P.M. WHAS Asher and Little Jimmie TALKS 10:00 A.M. WHAS Cooking Hints and Recipes 1:45 P.M.

WHAS College Or What? 5:30 P.M. WAVE Stern's Sports-Scraps 6:15 P.M. WHAS Colonel Torky Shabb VARIETY 6:30 P.M. WHAS Joe Startles Operatic World 8:00 P.M. WAVE Mickey Rooney Headlines Stars 9:00 P.M.

WHAS Doug Fairbanks, Guest Georjre Brent, screen star, will appear on Kate Smith Hour at 7 tonight over WHAS In "Wings of the Navy." Marriajre Licenses James Wolfe. 33. salesman. nd Eabetij M. Grimm.

29. both of Cincinnati. L. A. Schuster.

33, merchant. Muncie, and Florence A. Thomas, 33, of J.1.. Sterling. Mary Horton.

of 3 Hill Top and Dr. Oliver S. Ormsby, of Wlnnetka. 111. James C.

Buckles. 33. and Edna M. Anderson, 23. both of Indianapolis.

Countv Court B. 3. Johnson appointed administrator Of estate of Mrs. Anna Vosselman. Lillian Fulkersor.

anointed administrator of estate of Charles William uikerson. Will rf Emma H. Stevenson probated. Estate $2,500. Will of Gertrude A.

Gray probated. Estate $15,000. Will of Rachel Waterman probated. Estate $4,000. Will of Eugene Donohoe probated.

Indictments Reported Grand larceny Harry Joeph Carroll. Herman Enery. Randell Davis, and John D. Henry. Burglary Nellis Poteet.

Child Desertion Homer Vaught and vV.Ktam Wohischlegel. Bobbery Hundley Rankins. Criminal Court Cases Armed Robbery Edward Coley. two life prison trrm. to run non-concur-rentSy.

and Cart Lockard, dismissed. Grand Larceny John Jaglowicz six rwnntns In jail, probated, and Walter Wcis. three months in Jail, probated. Malicious Cutting Charles Wade, five yesrs. three probated.

Banding Together to Commit a Felony Emmett Higgins. five years. Suits Filed 259543 Aetna Insurance Company et al vs. City of Louisville et al on In Ctawford. Middleton.

Mllner ni Lrelbach. attorneys. 259549 Petition out. 259550 Homer F. Kreke vs.

Ellerbe W. Carter: on contract. W. A. Armstrong, attorney.

25955! Petition for advice. W. F. Clark. attorney.

Thursday Program 5:30 A.M. PRODUCE QUOTATIONS 239552 Irma Rhea Yates vs. Heavrin Yates; divorce. B. B.

Melvin. attorney. 239353 Mattie Fulton vs. William Fulton; divorce. B.

B. Melvtn. attorney. 259554 Lucy Hughes vs. Samuel Hushes; divorce.

P. J. Riley, attorney. 259555 Susie Ernst vs. Jessie T.

Scott; damages. J. M. Pound, attorney. 239556 Transcript.

259557 Bertha M. Williams vs. George T. Williams; divorce. O.

W. Jenkins, attorney. 259558 Lightfoot Land Mortgage Co. et al. vs.

Charles H. Guilford et on contract. O. O. Bader, attorney.

259559 Disaster Loan Corporation vs. Evans T. Bateman et on. note. C.

P. Bornwasser, L. M. Humphrey and C. W.

Grafton, attorneys. 259560 Stella Reynolds vs. Marshall Reynolds; divorce. J. -M.

Huffaker, attorney. 259561 William J. Gering vs. Virgil Hayden; damages. Richard Watts, attorney.

259562 Mae Thomas Stickel vs. Roy Stickel: divorce. Fisher and Seidman, attorneys. 259563 J. W.

Hampton vs. Western Sc Southern Life Insurance on contract. Ednngton and Rremon, attorneys. 259564 Harry Isenberg vs. W.

E. Roberts et on account. C. K. Hel-man, attorney.

Divorees Granted Mrs. Pansy Davis from John T. Davis, cruelty; married Xaecemoer 31, 1935; one child. Mrs. Dora Lee Lanhbrook from Jefferson Lash brook, cruelty; married March 26.

1938; no children. Mrs. Pauline S. Denning from Floyd B. Denning, cruelty; married February 28.

1933: no children. Mrs. Katherine Heinze from Alfred Heinze. cruelty; married September 17, 1937; one child. Mrs.

Lillie Sowders from Nathan Sowders, five-year separation; married April 8, 1922; four children. Mrs. Alleene Wood from Eugene Wood, cruelty; married March 1, 1932; no children. John T. Bright from Mrs.

Lillian Bright, abandonment: married November 6. 1930; no children. Mrs. Marjorie Sharp from Arthur D. Sharp, abandonment; married December 5, 1934; no children.

Mrs. Hazel Bowman from Lee 3. Bow- frigerator standards, October. 19'4C; fresh graded firsts, February, 16'c. NEW YORK.

New York, Feb. 1 (AP) Eggs Receipts. 28.198 cases. Mixed colors: Special packs. standards, 18l'8 firsts.

17rl7uc: seconds. 16'iiQ 1634c: mediums. 15'fi 16c; dirties. No. 1, 16c; average checks.

14ei5c: refrigerator standards, 16ifil7c; firsts, 16(8 16'c. Butter Receipts, 933,053 pounds. Creamery: Higher than extra, 264j extra 192 firsts (88-91), seconds (84-87). 624c. Cheese Receipts, 294.299 pounds.

State, whole milk flats, held, 1937, 20a22c; fresh fancy, ISftlS'c. Dressed Poultry Fresh, Western hothouse: Boxes, chickens, broilers. 15tfj 24c: fryers. 1321c; roasters. 16ifi21c: fowls.

36-42 pounds, 14fa 19c; 48-54 pounds. 16i21c; 60-65 pounds, 17(g22c: old roosters. 13Vii2 16'3C Boxes and barrels: Turkeys. Northwestern, 23i 30c. Frozen: Chickens, broilers, 15 24c: fryers, 15i21c: roasters.

15tft 25'2c: fowls. 36-42 pounds, 14jil9c; 48-54 pounds. 16i21c: 60-65 sounds. 17(3 22c: old roosters, 13''S 16'ic. Boxes and barrles: Turkeys.

Northwestern. 23e 31c: Southwestern, life 27c. Barrels: Ducks. 16c. Live Poultry By freight: Chickens, Rocks.

20c; colored, 16c; fowls, colored. 21 (fa 22c. Leghorns, 18c; pullets. Rocks, 24c: old roosters, 14c: ducks. 14c.

By express: Chcikens, Rocks, fancy. 20c; Southerns. 17c; crosses, 20c; colored. Southerns. 15c: Reds.

18c: broilers. Rocks. 17tf721c, extra fancv. 22c; crosses, 17jl9c: Reds. 17y 18c; fowls, colored, 21i22c: Lechorns.

20c: pullets. Rocks, large. 2527c: small to medium. 24Q 25c; crosses, large, 24(5 26c: small, 20tti 22c; Reds, 24tfr25c; fancy. 26c: old roosters.

i4c; turkeys, young toms, 25c; ducks, 14 15c. INDIANAPOLIS. Indianapolis, Feb. (UP) Heavy breed broilers. 4'a pounds and over.

13c; hens, under 4'i pounds. 13c; Leghorn iiciia. uu 1 1 trvi miiu nunc niM-N api iiig- ers. lj pounds and over. 13c: colored springers, l'i pounds and up, 12c; Leghorn broilers, l'j pounds and over, 11c: heavy breed hens, 14c; spring chickens, 2 pounds and over.

13c; old roosters. 9c. No 1 strictly fresh country-run eggs, 12c: each full case must weigh 54 pounds gross; a net deduction of 15c for each full case under 54 pounds will be made. Butter No. 1.

23(fi28Vjc: No. 2. 25fo26c. Butterfat No. 1.

23c; No. 2, 21c. CINCINNATI. Cincinnati. Feb.

I (AP) Butter tub lots) Creamery, as to score. 29 30c. Butterfat. No. 1.

22c: No. 2. 20c. Eggs (cases included): Extra firsts. 18c: seconds.

15c: nearby ungraded, 17'2C Poultry: Fowls, colored, 3 pounds and over, 14c: four pounds and over. 17c: five pounds and over, 17c; Leghorns. 3 pounds and over. 14c; roosters. 11c; stags.

Rocks, 15c; colored, 15c: Leghorns. 10c; White and Plymouth Rock springers: l'j pounds and over, 20c; 2 pounds and over. 21c; 3 pounds and over, 21c: 4 pounds and over. 20c; colored springers, l'i pounds and over, 18c: 2 pounds and over. 20c: 3 pounds and over.

20c; 4 pounds and over, 20c; Leghorn, Orpington and Mediterranear springers. Impounds and over, 15c: 2 pounds and over. 15c; partly feathered and black springers. ISc: turkeys. No.

1 young toms, 12 to 16 pounds. 23c: over 16 pounds. 23c: old toms. 18c: No. 1 young hens.

8 pounds and over. 24c: No. 1 old hens. 18c: No. 2 turkeys.

12c: crooked breasted. 15c; ducks, white. 3 pounds and over, 10c: 4 pounds and over. 12c; colored. 3 pounds and over.

8c; 4 pounds and over. 12c; geese, choice. -8 to 12 pounds and over, 12c; over 12 pounds. 10c: common. 8c: old.

8c. TIME WiAS (830) WAVE 940) WSM 6.M WLW (700) TIME 5:30 Early Risers' Round-up Top o' the Morning 69 5:45 Early Risers' Round-up News 8:45 Anbury College Devotions Church In Wlldwood Family Prayer Period 6:15 Aabury College Devotions Modern Hillbillies Drifting 'tourers 1 .1 Tobacco Market-) Early Bird iet-Tog ether Vaughn Quartet The I.amplli hters 6:43 Cousin Emmy's Klnfolks Early Bird tiet-Togetlier Vaughn Quartet Henfro Valley Folk :43 7:00 Early Morning Jamboree Omar Herth Almanac Time to Shin 7:00 7:15 Early Morning Jamboree Gene and Glenn Time to Shine News 7:15 7:30 Early Morning Jamboree Swing Serenade News Musical Churk Wagon 7: NO 7:45 Early Morning Jamboree Jack and Lorrtta Jack and Loretta Musical Chuck Wagon 7:45 8:00 Jackson Family News: Breakfast Club Breakfast Club Paul Allison, Poems 8:15 World News Breakfast Club Breakfast Club Mvrt and Marge 8:15 8:30 Buddy Brock's Swingsters Breakfast Club Breakfast Club Hilltop House 8:30 8:43 Bachelor's Children Breakfast Club Breakfast Club The Gospel Singer 8:45 9:00 Monticello Party Lino Pepper t'ppers Story of the Month The Wheels Go Around 8:00 9:15 Myrt and Margo Xavirr C'ugat WSM News Human Side of I'ncle Sam 9: to Hilltop House Mr. Eixit Singer and His Song Ed McConnrll 9:30 9:45 Stepmother Sweethearts of the Air Sweethearts of the Air The Goldbergs 9:45 10:00 Mary Lee Taylor The Editor's Daughter Viennese Ensemble Linda's First Love 10:00 10:15 '-Scattergood Baines" Sophisticated Swing Jack and His Buddies Vic and Sade 10:15 10:30 Big Sister Paul Page The Ranch Bovs News; Livestock; River 10:30 10:45 Aunt jenny's Stories L'st'k; News; Programmer The Road of Life Road of Life 10:15 11:00 Airlines; Melodies Dan Harding's Wife Dan Harding's Wife The Editor's Daughter 11:00 11:15 "Her Honor, Nancy James" Singing Sam Credit Interview The O'Neills 11:15 11:30 Romance of Helen Trent Farm and Home Hour Farm and Home Hour News; Livestock; River 11:30 11:45 Our Gal Sunday Farm and Home Hour Farm and Home Honr Farm and Home Hour 11:45 The Goldbergs Farm and Home Hour Farm and Home Hour Farm and Home Hour 13:00 13:15 Life Can Be Beautiful Farm News State Dept. of Agriculture News 13:15 12:30 Road of Life Say. L'st'k; S.

Morris Voice of the arm Words and Musie 13:30 13:43 This Day Is Ours Skeets Morris Noontime News Those Happy Gilmans 13:43 1:00 Sav. L'st'k; W'th'r; Riy. Man On the Street Social Science Betty and Bob 1:00 1:13 College of Agriculture Luncheonette Matinee Social Science Arnold Grimm's Daughter 1:1.1 1:30 Concert Miniature Light Opera Selections Light Opera Selections Valiant Lady 1:30 1:45 College Or What? Light Opera Selections Light Opera Selections Hymns of All Churches 1:43 2:00 Betty and Bob Dtrlrne Story of Mary Marlin Story of Mary Marlin 2:00 2:1.1 Hymns of All Churches Jhe Rev. Ceo. Swan.

Ma Perkins Ma Perkins 2:15 2:30 Musie Hour Musical Album Pepper Young's Family Pepper Young's Family 2:30 2:45 Musie Hour News Th-s Guiding Light The Guiding Light 2:45 8:00 Home Folk Jamboree Club Matinee A Woman Looks At News Mad Ilatterf telds 8:00 3:1.1 Home Folk Jamboree Stella Dallas Stella Dallas Midstream Drama 8:15 Home Folk Jjmborea it's Fun to Keep House Those llappv Gilmans Life Can Be Beautiful 3:30 3:45 Home Folk Jamboree Club Matinee Swing and fiance Kitty Keen, Inc. 8:45 Thursday9 Program 4 P.M. to 1 A.M. TIME WHAS (830) WAVE (940) WSM S30 WLW (700 TIME 4:00 Rev. Albert Wildman Once I'pon a Time Favorite Melodies Houseboat Hannah 4:00 4:13 Let's Pretend Your Family and Mine Your Family and Mina Jamboree Preview 4:13 4:30 Let's Pretend I.andt Trio Landt Trio Jack Armstrong 4:30 4:45 Songmaster "Hit Revue" Market Reports News 5:00 Tobacco Mel.

"Hit Revue" Rhythm Time; Pan-Am. Don Winslow 3:00 5:15 Howie Wing Patricia Gilmore Dick Tracy Patricia Gilmore, Songs 8:15 5:30 Asher and Little Jimmie Bill Stern's Sport-Scraps News Nixon Denton, Sports 5:30 5:45 Government Agency Talk Sweet and Low Sweet and Low Lowell Thomas, News 5:45 6:00 World News Easy Aces Easy Aces Amos 'n' Andy 6:00 6:15 Tang of the South Mr. Keen Mr. Keen Voval Varieties 8:15 6:30 Jo Penner Dinner Concert Sunny South Minstrels Don't You Believe It 6:30 6:45 Joe Penner Dinner Concert Sunny South Minstrels Inside of Sports 6:45 7:00 Kate Smith Hour Rudy Vsllee and Guests Rudy Vallee and Guests Rudy Vallee and Guests 7:00 Kate Smith Hour Rudy Vallee and Guests Rudy Vallee and Guests Rudy Vallee and Guests 7:1.1 7:30 Kate Smith Hour Rudy Vallee and Guests Rudy Vallee and Guests Rudy Vallee and Guests 7:30 7:43 Kate Smith Hour Rudy Vallee and Guests Rudy Vallee and Guests Rudy Vallee and Guests 7:15 8:00 Major Bowes Good News of 139 Good News of 1939 Good News of 1339 .8:00 8:1.7 Major Bowes Good News of 1939 Good News of 1939 Good News of 1939 8:13 8:30 Major Bowes Good News of 1939 Good News of 1939 Good News of 1939 8:30 8:4.7 Major Bowes Good News of 1939 Good News of 1939 Good News of 1939 8:4.7 9:00 Tune-l'p Time Bing Crosby Bing Crosby Bing Crosby 9:00 9:15 Tune-l'p Time Bing Crosby Bing Crosby Bing Crosby 9:1.1 Tune-L'pTime Bing Crosby Bing Crosby Bing Crosby 9:30 9:45 Asher and Little Jimmie Bing Crosby Bing Crosby Bing Crosby 9:45 10:00 World News Amos 'n Andy Amos 'n' Andy News 10:00 10:15 Bob Hutsell's Orchestra Benny Strong World In Review Sweet Adeline 10:15 10:30 Earl Mellen's Orchestra Jimmy Ainscough's Orch. Sports; Joe Rines Ted Travers' Orchestra 10:30 10:45 Earl Mellen's Orchestra Larry Clinton's Orchestra Joe Rines' Orchestra Griff Williams' Orchestra 10:43 11:00 Cecil Golly's Orchestra Geo.

Hall's Orchestra Evening Fantasy Moon River 11:00 11:15 Cecil Golly's Orchestra- Geo. Hall's Orchestra Lee Shelly's Orchestra Moon River 11:13 11:30 Dream Serenade Herbie Kay's Orchestra Francis Craig's Orchestra Twenty-Four-Hour Review 11:30 11:45 Dream Serenade Herbie Kay's Orchestra Francis Craig's Orchestra Joe Reichman's Orchestra 11:45 12:00 Twelve to One Club Freddie Ebner's Orch. Freddie Ebner's Orchestra 13:00 12:15 Twelve to One Club Freddie Ebner's Orch. Freddie Ebner's Orchestra 12:1.1 13:30 Twelve to One Club, Paul Burton's Orchestra Paul Burton's Orchestra 13:30 12:45 Twelve to One Club Paul Burton's Orchestra Paul Burton's Orchestra 13:45 to 4 P.M. 5:15 P.M.

WGRC 1310) 2:1.1 N. A. Devotional 3. (Ml Down the Ohio 3:1.1 Down the Ohio 3:30 Jam For Supper 4:00 Central Labor Union 4:15 Evening Sonata 4:30 Hawaiian Swingster 4:43 To be announced The Weather SZo. Stations.

i 6J fc. I flj fc- man, abandonment; married June 10, 1922; no children. Harrison Lynch from Mrs. Pearl Lynch. live-year separation; married February 14.

1924; no children, Keith Greene from Mrs. Mildred Greene, abandonment; married February 22, 1927; no children. Mrs. Anna L. Payton Burks from Dannie Burks, cruelty; married June 13.

1931; no children. Mrs. Marian Ulrich Palowada from Walter D. Palowada. cruelty; married April 28, 1937; no children.

Deaths Amanda Morgan. 88, 1117 W. Oak, January 30, pneumonia. Charles O. Miller, 53.

1420 St. Anthony January 30, coronary thrombosis. Gertrude Hill, 19. 1225 W. Broadway, January 29, tuberculosis.

Clell Horsman. 50, 1700 W. Market, January 29, coronary occlusion. Albert Finck. 63, 1221 Schiller, January 30, nephritis.

Louis Baderman, 52. 314 E. Breckinridge. January 31. pneumonia.

Estella M. Welsh. 49, 213 S. Clay, January 28. nephritis.

William M. Otter. 59, 2201 Speed, January 25, carcinoma. Emma L. True.

73, 38 James January 24, carcinoma. Births Chris and Alvina T. Schwab, 603 E. Chestnut, girl, January 25. Charles W.

and Lola M. Isenberg, 902 Racine, boy, December 16. William A. and Freda R. Crowdus.

boy, January 12. Dave and Elizabeth G. Naiser, 233 E. Madison, girl. January 23.

Real Estate Transfers Lloyd -Boklage to E. C. Carpenter, tract. New Cut Rd $1. J.

E. Harvey to J. T. Price. 30 feet north side of Market, between 20th and 21st.

$1. Liberty National Bank Se Trust Company to J. B. Wilson, 5 lots in Astoria Place, $1. Commonwealth Life Insurance Company to D.

R. Schneider, lot in Parkway Gardens, $1. Fannie L. and Charles E. Hokenson to City of Louisville Municipal Housing Commission, 17 9-12 feet north line of Cedar, east of 12th, $535.

Ella N. Walsh to City of Louisville Municipal Housing Commission, 24 4-5 feet, beginning 85 3-12 feet south side of Cedar, on east side of Bowser Alley, $395. Gertrude S. Kissell et by commissioner, to Home Owners Loan Corporation, 30 feet east side 3d, south of $2,067. N.

C. Campbell et by commissioner, to Home Owners Loan Corporation, 50 feet north side Virginia, east of 32d, $2,500. J. C. King to Mrs.

Lorena K. Koch. 50 feet south side Story, east of Frankfort, $1. Chesley Compton to Alice Johnson, 60 feet south side Adair, east of 3d, G. W.

Howard. to Louisville Title Insurance trustee, 63 8-12 feet east side Preston, north of Kentucky. $1. Riley Gutermuth to M. E.

Cantrell, tract in county, $1. The Art Center of Louisville to Marion Long, 30 8-12 feet east side 1st, south of Barbee, $1,333.33. Bank of Prospect to R. L. Durning.

tract on Brownsboro Pike, 1. R. C. Cave to C. P.

Lasshafft. tract in county, $1. Charles Metz. executen to J. F.

Drane, 25 feet northeast side Schiller, northwest of Highland $1. Mary F. and A. Mooser to Minnie L. Branch, part of lot 32, Kiedionn ud division, $1.

Naniene D. and F. F. Kremer to Com. monwealth Life Insurance south.

west one-half of lot 15, Douglas Park Subdivision, $1. Bessie C. and J. F. Patteson to City of Louisville Municipal Housing Commission, 3234 feet southwest corner of Cedar and 10th, $1,300.

T. F. Joiner to J. D. Johnson, tract in county, $1.

Max Abroms to Morris and Amelia Ravitz, 77 feet, 7Va inches northeast corner 3d and Lee, and 50 feet north line Lee, east of 3d, $1. W. M. Roggenkamp to E. H.

Schaffner, lot in Roggenkamp Place, $1. Everette Wooldridge to T. B. Riggs. lot in Beechmont Addition, $1.

S. Goodman 8c Sons to L. A. and Harry L. and L.

A. Goodman, 40 feet south side Market, east of Brook, $1. Everett E. Bridwell et to L. Russell.

47 feet south side Franklin, east of Wenzel. $1. Annie King to Mary W. Wilson, lot 667 and east 5 feet of lot 668. lennant Land Company Subdivision.

$1. Building Permits Miss L. L. Dorsey. brick veneer dwelling, 4502 S.

2d. $4,100. Erie Reorganization Hearings Concluded Washington, Feb. 1 OP) Hearings in the Erie Railroad reorganization proceedings were completed today by the Interstate Commerce Commission. Commis sioner Claude R.

Porter, who presided, called for briefs by March 20. William Wyer, witness in behalf of the Chesapeake Ohio Railway, which has a $25,000,000 investment in the Erie, testified today in favor of the Erie's reorganization. He suggested several changes which would not affect major features. S. Wrath S.

Flogged 4. Barred enclosure 5. Hail 6. Musical note 1. Fear 8.

Sport 9. Pronoun 111. Cold 14. Lays turf I. Object 18.

About 21. Aquatic bird 22. Bed 23. To dclre 24. To hasten 25.

Cone-bearing tree ike-1 18. Rabid 29. To use with diligence 31. Vehicle 33. Paddle 33.

To be Indebted to 34. Marsh 35. To cook 37. Serpents 38. Domestie animals 39.

To join 40. Worries 41. Insect 43. Spanish article 44. Flat-bottomed river boats 46.

Affirmative 47. Constellation 48. French for king" 4f. Japanese coin 51. Former spelling of awe 53.

Aloft Puzzle Solved. Burley sales in Kentucky continued to fall off Wednesday as the handling season neared its close. Four markets reported sales totaling 563,871 pounds for an average of $16.54, down 36 cents from Tuesday's Statewide average. Glasgow, Bowling Green and Richmond will close Thursday. At Lexington 295,890 pounds sold for $53,465.64, an average of a gain of 11 cents.

Owensboro sold 40,492 pounds for $5,237.37, an average of a drop of 11 cents. At Glasgow small sales on five floors totaled 153,828 pounds for $22,865.58. an average of $14 92. a drop of $1.52 a hundred in average. Maysville reported sales of pounds for $11,700.44.

an average of $15.88, a drop of 99 cents from Tuesday. Nanny Has Four Kids. Muncie, Feb. 1 (7P) O. M.

Odlc, operator of a farm for pedigreed goats near here, said today four normal and healthy kids were born to a prize nanny at the farm. Dismey Appeake. 1030 Garvin Place, doing business at 1030 S. 28th hereby declares his intention to apply for license as retail beer dealer. PROCUREMENT DIVISION.

Public Buildings Branch. Washington. D. C. Jan.

26. 1939. Sealed bids In duplicate will be publicly opened In this office at 10 a.m. Feb. 9, 1939, for alterations on fifth floor at the U.

S. P. Court House and Custom House, Louisville, Ky. Drawings and specifications, not exceeding one set, may be obtained from the custodian of the building or at this office in the discretion of the Assistant Director of Procurement, Public Buildings Branch. W.

E. Reynolds, Assistant Director. I32.1.0OO COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY BRIDGE REVENl'E BONDS PROJECT NO. SIXTEEN NOTICE OF SALE The Commissioner of Highways of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, at his office in Frankfort, Kentucky, on the 23rd day of February, 1939. at ten o'clock a.m..

Central Standard Time, will receive and public.y open sealed competitive bids for the purchase of Commonwealth of Kentucky Bridge Revenue Bonds in the principal amount of $325,000.00. to be issued by the Department of Highways, an agency of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 172. Arts of 1928, and Chapter 15T, Acts of 1930, General Assembly of Kentucky, to provide funds together with a P.W.A. grant in the amount of $206,535.00 to construct a bridge crossing the Green River at or near Livermore. Kentucky.

The bonds of this Issue will be dated January 1. 1939: will be issued In the denomination of $1,000 each and numbered consecutively from "One" upwards; will mature on January 1. 1959: and will be redeemable in whole or when selected by lot. in part, at the option of the Department on Januarv 1, 1940. or on any interest payment date thereafter prior to maturity on thirty days' notice at par and accrued interest, together with a premium of 2ii of the principal amount thereof if redeemed on or prior to January 1, 1944: 2r; if redeemed thereafter and on or prior to January 1, 1946: if redeemed thereafter and on or prior to Januarv 1, 1948; if redeemed thereafter and on or prior to January 1.

1950, "2 of if redeemed thereafter and on or prior to January 1, 19.i2; and without premium if redeemed thereafter and before maturity Both principal and interest of the bonds will be payable in lawful money of the United States at the Chemical Bank Trust Company, 165 Broadway, New York City, or at the office of the Kentucky Title Trust Company in the City of Louisville, Kentucky, or at the office of the State Treasurer in Frankfort. Kentucky, at the option of the holder. The bonds will be subject to registration in the names of the holders as to principal alone. All bonds of this issue will bear interest at the same rate, not exceeding 3T in a mu'tiple of of lr'c, such interest being payable July 1, 1939, and semi-annually thereafter on the first days of January and July in each year, and each bid must specify the rate of interest and the price bid for the bonds of this issue, however, no bid for the purchase of the bonds of this issue at a price of less than S9R0 per bond plus accrued interest will be considered for the reason that it is necessary that the sum of $319,161.45 be made available to insure the completion of the proposed bridge across the Green River at or near Livermore, Kentucky, and approaches thereto, and to insure the payment of interest on the bonds of this issue during the construction of the bridee and approaches. Of this amount $206,535 has been made available through a P.W A.

grant, leaving a balance of $312,626.45 to be made available through the sale of bonds. In considering the relative merits of the bids submitted the Commissioner will estimate the date on which the bridge will be cpen to traffic to be January 1. 1940. and the future annua revenue from this project to be $35,000.00. and will also assume that the revenu in excess of interest requirements will be used for the purpose of retiring bonds on each interest payment date to the fullest extent possible under the terms of the Trust Indenture.

No bid will be considered unless accompanied by an unconditional certified check in the amount of $6,500.00 on a bank or trust company considered by the Commissioner of Highways to be financially responsible, pavable to the order of the State Treasurer of Kentucky. Award or rejection of bids will be made on the date above stated for the receipt of bids, and the checks of the unsuccessful bidders will be returned immediately. The check of the successful bidder will be held uncashed as security for the performance of his bid. but in the event the successful bidder shall fail to comply with the terms, covenants and conditions of his bid. the check may then be cashed and the proceeds thereof retained as and for full liquidated damages.

Whenever such terms, covenants and conditions shall have been complied with, or when it shall be found impossible hv the Commissioner of Highways to Issue and deliver the bonds the check will be returned. The bonds will be delivered and payment therefor must be made in accordance with the hid of the successful bidder tt the Fidelity and Columbia Trust Company in the City of Louisville. Kentucky, on or before March 10, 1939. at eleven o'clock a.m.. Central Standard Time.

The bonds will be secured by a trust indenture to be executed by and between the Department of Highways, an agency of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, and a trust company qualified to act. and hereafter to be selected by the Department of Highways as Trustee, as provided by Chapter 157. Acts of 1930. which Trust Indenture will contain substantially the same provisions and covenants as the trust indenture heretofore executed by the Department of Highways, dated July 1, 1938. securing the Commonwealth of Kentucky Bridge Revenue Bonds of Project No.

Fifteen, insofar as such provisions and covenants are applicable. If the definitive bonds shall not be prepared and readv for deliverv on March 10. 1939. the Department of Highways will issue temporary printed bonds of the same denomination, which will be exchangeable for definitive bonds when the latter are ready for issuance and delivery. All bidders must agree to furnish and pay for the cost of printing the trust indenture and the lithograDhing of the bonds as furnished by the Department of Highways, the forms id terms of which will be substantially same as the outstanding Commonwc of Kentucky Bridge Revenue Bonds of Project No.

Fifteen, with such changes as may be necessary to conform with the provisions of this Notice of Sale, and all bidders must agree to pay the fees and expenses of Masslich and Mitchell, 120 Broadway. New York City, for the preparation of the trust indenture and their legal opinion approving the validity of the proceedings, sale, execution and delivery of the bonds. Each bid must be Inclosed In a sealed envelope marked "Bid for Commonwealth of Kentucky Bridge Revenue Bonds of Project No. 16," and delivered to the Commissioner of Highways in Frankfort, Kentucky; and no bid will be received after the hour and daffc first above stated and no bid may be withdrawn after said hour and date. The right to reject any and all bids is reserved.

The plans, specifications, traffic survey and engineers' estimate of cost of the bridge may be examined at the olfices of the Department of Highways, Frankfort, Kentucky. COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY. By THE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS as an aRency thereof. By ROBERT HUMPHREYS. Commissioner of Highways.

Dated at Frankfort, Ky. January 31, 1939. LEGAL NOTICE. By virtue of Kentucky Sta'u 2739 12. we shall offer for sale Friday.

February 10th. the following described cars for storage and labor: 1 Willys sedim. motcr No. 7291. license Kv.

5K307, nroperty of Romar Mul Childers. 1 Chevrolet 8 coach. motor No. 5964050, Ky. license 5M388.

property of Tri Ci'v Oldsmobile. 1 Nash sedan, motor No. 388597. Ky. license 3M48H.

property of Alfred Pierce. 1 Ford V-8 l'i ton truck, motor No. BB18-3870712. Tenn. license 2 56902.

property of L. A. Dotson. 1 Ford coupe, motor No. 1129558, Ky.

license No. 1N831. property of Albert Frazees. 1 Chevrolet 6 coach, motor No. 4027742.

Ky. licerse 6M011. property of Paul Meredith. 1 Essex six sedan, motor No. 3600.V), Ky.

license 9M90. property of Leroy Steinmet. 1 Wlllvs Knloht six Syrian, motor No. 127437. Kv license 5J372.

property of Evelvn E. Zobcl. 1 Ford A sedan, motor No. Kv. license 7K310.

nropertv of RhmI 1 Ford A coupe, motor No Calif, license 17N460. abandoned 313 Street. I Ford roadster, no motor number. W. Va.

license 142984. abandoned 24 and Gray. 1 small trailer, abandoned 4210 Southern Parkway. 1 DrSoto six sedan, motor No 27.16?. Ky.

license 8L068, property of Geo. B. Sears. 1 Ford ton Model A. panel truck, motor No.

3962799. Kv. license 4878D. piopertv of Clvde Wlikins. 1 Nash Eight cabriolet, motor No.

385212, Ky. license No. 1N80. property of Elmo Beason. G.

W. MUN7. GARAGE. 710 West Broadway. Louisviile.

Kv. THE COURIER-JOURNAL AND THE LOUISVILLE TIMES Classified Ads Indexed fot Quick Sarvie CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES EflecUva Juna 5. 1933. Covering insertion both papers ot week days or in The Courier-Journal alone on Sunday LOCAL RATES jUOTED GROSS Applying to all ol Kentucky and Nrw Albany and JeffersonviUe. Ind.

Subject to 10 discount for cash or Immedlata payment of memorandum statement. Rates for or more days ara for con secutive insertions. Those not consecu tive each take I day rata. All classifications, except as otherwisa noted. Set Solid.

I tlma 3 Vic a word. 3 times 4Vio a word a day. 7 times 4o a word a day. With display effects 33c, 27c and 24 per Una per day for 1, and 7-day orders. Situations Wanted prica ipayabia In advance).

Non-commercial offers under Rooms for Rent, Lost and Found. InstrucUona. Articles or Livestock for Sala or Wanted (set solid). I time So word. 3 times 4c a word a day.

7 times 3c a word a day. (Minimum II words or 2 seats Ads ordered by teiepnona ara accepted from patrons listed in the telephone or city directory on memorandum charge only. NATIONAL RATE iQUl'TED NET Applying to all but local territory. (Minimum 3 agata lines or 13 words. Set Solid.

With Display Effects. (Per Day. 1 (Per Day. I time 7c a word. 42c per lino.

3 times 14c a word. 84c tvr une. 7 times 28c a woro. 68 per line. Cash must accompany all orders sent by ma i CLOSING TIME Classified Ads accepted until 9:30 m.

for The Courier-Journal; 11 a.m. for Hie Louisville Times: 9 pm. Saturday for The Sunday Courier-Journal Ads in appear in Sunday mall editions snouid be received by 9 Friday Ads ordered for seven insertions out canceled before expiration date, ara charged at the rate earned for the actual number of days they appeared The Courier-Journal and Times will not be responsible for more than ma incorrect insertion of an advertisem*nt. Notice of ertors must be given in tima for correction before next insertion YEARLY CONTRACT RATES FURNISHED BY REQUEST Annoiinrnnents Deaths. BECK LEY Tuesday, January 31, 1939, at 8:14 a.m..

at St. Mary and Elizabeth. Hospital, Irene Beckiey (nee G.idlase', age 29 years, beloved wife of Edward J. Beckiey and mother of Edward and Norma Lee Beckiey. and daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. John Gadlage, and sister of August, Norbert. and Theresa Gadlage, Mrs. Gilbert Arnold. Residence.

Bucchel. Ky. Funeral from the residence of her parents. 1058 E. St.

Catherine. Friday morning at 8:15 and from St. Francis of Assist Church at 9. Interment in St. Michael's Cemetery.

BOH ON Wednesday, February 1. 1939. at 6:45 p.m. at the residence. 317 Wampum Street, Mrs.

Virgie Bohon (nee Ferguson age 68 years, beloved wife of Thomas A. Bohon. Funeral from the McDaniel Funeral Home. 4339 Park Friday, February 3, at 9:15 am. and from St.

Leo's Church at 9:30 a m. COLEMAN Wednesday. February 1. 1939. at 11 a.m.

at his residence. 2054 Douglass Victor Hugo Coleman, beloved husband of Bernice Field Coleman and father of Mrs. Henly W. Middleton. Miss Barbara F.

Coleman and Victor Hugo Coleman, Jr. Funeral from Pearson's, 1310 S. 3d (this) Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Remains to be cremated. FORD Tuesday, January 31, 1939.

at 11:50 p.m., at his residence, 918 E. Gray Thomas Ford, in his 64tii year, beloved husband of the late CUra Wittenauer Ford, beloved brother of the late Mrs. Edward N. Kippes. Funeral Friday morning at 7:30 o'clock from the Carl E.

Herbold Funeral Home. 20th and Broadway, and 8 o'clock at St. Peter's Church. 17th and Garland Sts. Interment in St.

-John's Cemetery. GRl'NDER At New York City, Monday, January 30. 1939. Anthony G. Grunder, ai? 36 years, devoted father of Anthony Grunder.

beloved son of Catherine Lehman Grunder and the late Charles Grunder, brother of Mrs. John J. King. Mrs. Thomas F.

Fil-burn and Mrs. Lee N. Rhodes. Funeral Friday morning at 8:30 from the Boss Funeral Home. 600 E.

Broadway, and 9 o'clock St. Boniface Church. Interment. Calvary Cemetery. HAMMOND At her residence.

1332 Rufer Tuesday, January 31, 1939. at 4:55 p.m.. Irene McCormick Hammond, beloved wife of the late Joseplt Hammond: sister of Theresa Cooper. Funeral Friday. February 3.

1939. at 8:30 from the Barrett Funeral home. 1230 Bardstnwn Road, and at St. Brigld's Church at 9 a.m. Interment in St.

Louis Cemetery. The members of St. Brigid's Altar Society will meet Thursday. February 2. at 7:30 p.m.

at the funeral home to recite the rosary. LINCOLN February 1. 1939. at 5:28 p.m.. afe his residence.

1137 Garvin. Place. Judee Walter Pierce Lincoln, beloved husband of the late Ida Adams Lincoln, father of Mrs Morris B. Mitchell, grandfather of Morris and Lincoln Adams Mitchell, brother of Miss Catherine Lincoln. Mrs.

Mary E. Nohin and Dennis Lincoln. Funeral from the residence Friday February 3, at 8 o'clock and at St, Louis Bertrand Church at 8:13 o'cl -'t. Interment private at Mt. Vernon.

K-. PARSONS January 31. 1939. at 9:50 p.m., at the Kentucky Baptist Hospital. Capt.

Roy F. Parsons, age 50 years, beloved husband of Jessie Payton Parsons and father of Kenneth Parsons. Funeral from Dougherty Sc Son Funeral Home. 1230 S. 3d Friday afternoon.

February 3. at 2 o'clock, and at the Crescent Hill Methodist Church. Peterson and Frankfort at 2:30. Interment Resthaven Memorial Cemetery. Spanish American War veterans.

Veterans of Foreign Wars. Legionnaires and D.A.V., are requested to assemble at 1:45 p.m. Friday at the funeral home. RAQI'E Wednesday. February 1.

139. at 7:40 Catherine Gerwing Rjque, age 67 years, beloved wife of John Hnue. Sr. Funeral Saturday morning, February 4. at 8:30 from the residence.

Newhuig Road aiid Tile Factory Lane, and 9 o'clock. St. Agnes Church. Interment, St. Michael Cemetery.

RYAN Wednesday. February 1. 19.19 at 9:40 a.m.. Agnes Catherine Rvan (nee Hlghlandi. beloved wife of William P.

Rvan and mother of William F. and Martin E. Ryan. Mrs. George H.

Koppcr and sister of Patrick Hiah-lnnd of St. Louis. and John George and James Highland; niece of Miss Agnes Connlff. Funeral from the residence, 619 Floral Terrace. Saturday morning, February 4.

at 9:30 a.m.. and from St. Louis Bertrand's Church at 10 o'clock. Interment in St. Louia Cemeterv.

Members of the Altar Society will meet at tha residence Fridar at 7:30 p.m. to recite the Rosary. Program 6 A.M. to 13:1.1 I.ucky'street and Aye. 12:30 News: Lost and Found 13:43 Kweries 1:00 20th Century Serenade 1:15 Edna Stringer Nay 1 :30 Take It Easy 1:45 Take It Easy 2:00 Good Music Hour 2:1.1 Good Musie Hour 2:30 Good Music Hour Weather: Traffic for Thought Invitation to Romance Piano Ladv Traffic School Carnival Carnival the Farmer Farm: L'st'k, Mkt.

Merry-Go-Round Louisville buying prices averaged by members of the Louisville Mercantile Exchange: EGGS Ungraded. 55 pounds and up 14c K. 1 candled 15c 2 candled 12c Pullet 10c All eggs bought rots off. COLORED FOWLS 3 pounds and up 14c 4 pounds and tip 15c 6' a pounds and up 15c leghorns, 3 pounds and up 9c Roosters 9c Leghorn roosters 8c COLORED SPRINGERS 19.79 hothouse broilers 2 pounds and up FALL CHICKENS Under Zxt pounds Over 2'i pounds -17c -13c -18c -22c -12c -14c -18c TURKEY! No. 1 young toms.

14 pounds up No. 1 young bens, 8 pounds up No. 2 Old hens Old toms 15c DUCKS Spring. 4 pounds and up. white Old ducks Under 4 pounds and colored Geese.

8 pounds and up CAPONS 8 pounds and up 7 to- 8 pounds Under 7 pounds and slips GUINEAS 2 pounds and up. each llcj -16c -25c Creamery Butter (wholesale and jobbers- selling prices in Louisville i First grade, 25c pound. Butterfat I buying prices in Louisville First grade 22c pound; second grade. 20c pound. The Southern Indiana Hatcherymen's Association offers the following prices i for hatching eggs weighing 23 ounces or better: White.

Buff and Brown Leghorns and Anconas. 20c dozen; Barred, Buff ar-d White Rocks, 5. C. Keas. wnne Wvancottes, Black Minorcas.

White and Black Australorps. 22c dozen: Buff Orpingtons. Columbia Wyandottes. R. C.

Reds. N. H. Reds. Black Giants.

White and Buff S. L. Wyandottes, 24c dozen: White Giants and Brahmas 2c dozen. Walnuts Wholesalers" and dealers buy ins prices in Louisville: Black walnuts, drv and sacked, per 100 pounds. $1.10: No.

1 black walnut kernels, free of screenings and shells, per pound 20c CHICAGO. Chicago. Feb. I (AP) Poultry, live. 23 trucks; hens, over 5 pounds, 18c: 5 pounds and under.

20c: Leghorn hens, ISc: broilers, colored. i6'sc; Plymouth Rock. 18c: White Rock. 17c: springs. 4.

pounds up. colored. Plymouth Rock, 20l2c; White Rock. 20hic: springs, tinder 4 pounds, colored. 16l-4c; Plymouth Rock.

18'jc White Rock. 17'2c; Leghorn chickens, roosters. 13c: Leghorn roosters. 12c; ducks. 4 'is pounds up.

colored. 15c; white, 15c: small colored. white, 12'ac: Reese. 14c: turkeys, young toms. 20c: old.

16c: hens. 21c. Dressed Turkeys Barrel Packed: Young tnms, 27c; old. 22c: young hens. 27c; old.

25c. Box packed: Toms. 27ri271-jc: hens, 23c: Southwestern toms, 26c: hens, 27c. 1 1 569.770 pon-ids. Creamery: Specials 93 score).

2541 26c. extras (92. extra firsts "90-Si. 25ft254C: firsts 188-89 1. 24V? 244c: seconds 84-871i.

23'ic; standards (90 centralized carlots). 25c Eggs Receipts. 14.55S cases. Fresh graded extra firsts, local. 16' tc; cars.

16Sc: firsts, local. lSc; Cars, lSUc; current receipts. 15' ic. Butter futures. storage standards.

February. 231c; November. 22Bc: fresh standards. May. 21Vc Egg futures, re- ALCOHOLISMS SAFELY CONQUERED FOR THOUSANDS And Samaritan is the one safe, scientific, proven method thit has reclaimed health, happiness and success for thousands of families.

Mail Cotioon Now for FREE Booklet or Phone MA 6240 for Full Confidential Information Day and Night Service 7 Days a Week. 41 4 41 A 4 4l tflS W. ORMSBY, LOUISVILLE, KT. 1 V. 4 S.

Bk a av av SW Bt AT 9 P.M. ON WHAS TUNE-UP TIME presented by ETHYL GASOLINE CORPORATION featuring WALTER O'KEEFE ANDRE KOSTELANETZ and his orchestra KAY THOMPSON and her Rhythm Singers with Hollywood Gaett Star DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS. Jr. Street City (C.) i i Crossword Puzzle HORIZONTAL. 1.

Arm of crane 45. Musical not (var.) 46. Beverage 47. Blood vessel 50. To stop 53.

Asiatic 34. Fish eggs Sheep Health resorts 37. Evil deed VERTICAL. 1. Opening 4.

Pasteboard 8. Pear-shaped fruit 11. Land measure 12. To state 13. Indians 15.

Hair covering 17. Vast period 19. Look JO. To knot 21. Woodland Yesterday's IaIrIdI Amarillo.

Texas 50 32 .00 Atlanta, Ga. 52 .00 Buffalo. N. Y. 30 18 .00 Cairo.

111. 56 38 .00 Chicago, 111. 40 24 .02 Cincinnati, Ohio 50 28 .00 Dallas, Texas 60 60 .04 Davenport. Iowa 44 26 .00 Denver, Col. 30 16 .00 Detroit, Mich.

32 14 .00 Dodge. Kan. 40 30 .00 Duluth. Minn. 28 22 .58 El Paso, Texas 50 38 .00 Galveston.

Texas 66 60 .00 Helena. Mont. 26 10 .00 Kansas City. Mo, 50 36 .00 Knoxville, Tenn. 48 34 .00 Little Rock.

Ark. 60 36 .06 Louisville, Ky. .16 34 .00 Memphis. Tenn. HO 44 .00 Miami.

Fla. 74 .00 Montgomery. Ala. 68 44 .00 Nashville. Tenn.

56 36 .00 New Orleans. La. 72 52 .00 New York. N. Y.

38 16 .00 North Platte. Neb. 20 14 Oklahoma City, Okla. 54 46 .00 Omaha. Neb.

40 34 .00 Paris, Tenn. 58 .00 Pikeville. Ky. 60 30 .00 Pittsburgh. Penn.

40 18 .00 St. Louis. Mo. 52 34 .08 San Antonio, Texas 72 62 .00 Santa Fe, N. M.

26 8 .00 Sheridan. Wyo. 16 8 .00 Shreveport, La. 66 56 .16 Stearns, Ky. 52 .00 S.

Ste. Marie. Mich. 46 8 .04 Springfield, Mo. 58 36 .00 Vicksburg, Miss.

66 52 .00 Washington. D. C. 44 26 .00 Williston, N. D.

0 2 .06 Winchester. Ky. 54 .00 WGRC (1370) Thursday9 6:00 Minute Man 7:00 Minute Man 7:30 Minute Man; News 8:00 Happy Ray's Farm Boys 8:15 Happy Ray's Farm Boys 8:30 Stamps Quartet 8:45 Almanac 9:00 Rhythm In Rhyme Time 9:1.7 Rhythm In Rhyme Time 9:30 Town Crier Mrs. Roosevelt Thinks National Song Overdone Washington, Feb. 1 (U.R) Mrs.

Franklin D. Roosevelt revealed today that she opposes constant playing of the "Star Spangled Banner" in theaters and other public places, fearful that it may become a bore instead of a representation of "certain high moments." "I have the very strong feeling," she said, "that the national anthem should be played at times when you show respect for what it stands for, and that every one should always stand at attention." Kentucky Represented At Texas Ceremony Special to The Courier-Journal. Waco, Texas, Feb. 1. Kentucky was represented at Founders' Day exercises of Baylor University here today by the Rev.

O. W. Baylor of Springfield, a di rect descendant of the late Judge Robert E. B. Baylor, founder of the Judge Baylor was a native Kentuckian, born in a wil derness log cabin on Dix River in Lincoln County.

Appointed by Governor Chandler to represent the State at the ceremonies, the Rev. Mr. Baylor pointed out that many Kentuck-ians played important roles in the early history of Texas. Town's Water Supply Restored After 3 Days Bayfield, Feb. 1 OP) For the first time in three days, Bayfield residents had drinking water at the turn of faucet tonight.

The town's water supply reservoir was drained Monday because some of the 277 users let their faucets run to prevent the pipes from freezing. The intake ditch was blocked with ice. Water was turned into the mains tonight after C.C.C. workers had opened the 7V2-n7ile ditch. Loss Is $214,232 New York, Feb.

1 OP) Devoe Raynolds, paint manufacturers, reported today for the fiscal year ended November 30 net loss of $214,232, including inventory adjustments of $368,584, compared with net income of $609,683, equal to $4.05 a share on the and common stocks in the preceding fiscal year. 9:1.1 10:00 Time 10:15 10:30 10:4.1 11:00 11:1.1 11:30 Meet 11:4.7 Meet 13:00 lies fs" A 0 A fcTR" 0 0 31 EB.UTTAL cAn3 e21A.1e2.2 3 elk LH.ANT0 2s NAP Ar" A 3 A KlA SlAlC 3 A 2 A EIDl AT0MMO3SCOL "ififl T0LSRAT15 A 0 es Ir 3 A 2IDI I N. RJ 1r a In IslElElar deity VI. Spanish hero 23. Son of Noah 25.

Dined 26. Poles 27. Help 38. Wire measure 39. To place SO.

Pronoun 31. Light vehicle 13. From 3-5. Whim 36. Sandy islet '37.

Fear an. rh-rt 38- Cheek 40. Distant Arabia! 41. Arabian seaport 42. Some 43.

Eagle 44. In addition State General Fund At Vanishing Point Frankfort, Feb.a OP) The State ended January with a cash balance of $6,965,240.87, exclusive of $119,085.04 in Federal aid money for highways, and outstanding warrants totaling Treasurer J. E. Buckingham reported today. The general expenditure fund's balance was listed as but this was before deduction of the $1,309,655 January school per capita for which checks were drawn yesterday.

The January State payroll has not yet been met. 4 Are Killed, 2 Hurt In Cleveland Fire Cleveland, Feb. 1 (JP) Four persons burned to death and two others were burned seriously in a fire which destroyed a two-and-a-half story frame rooming house on Cleveland's west side early today. The dead: Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, 23; her two sons, Clate, 2, and Everett, 5, and an unidentified youth about 17.

The injured were Benjamin H. Brand, 51, W.P.A. worker, and Steve Toth, 32, a roomer. Accused of Counterfeiting. Peru, Feb.

1 (JP) Federal officers arrested today Robert Zimmerman, 25, Peru factory worker, on charges he made counterfeit nickels which he used in vending machines. River News (Reported by U. S. 'Weather Bureau.) Louisville, Feb. 1, 1939 t6 a.m.! Precip- Flood Pres't 24-hr.

lta- Stations Stage Stage Ch'ge tion (feet) (feet) Pittsburgh 25 20.6 2.3 .12 Parkersburg 36 24.1 4.4 Pt. Pleasant 40 33.3 Dam No. 29 51 40.1 5.9 Portsmouth 50 37.8 6.2 Dam No. 33 50 36.2 7.4 Cincinnati 52 36.4 6.3 Dam No. 37 50 36.0 6.0 Dam No.

39 48 31.8 5.1 LOUISVILLE Upper gauge 28 16.6 Lower gauge 55 37.0 5.4 Dam No. 43 57 38 4 6.6 Dam No. 44 53 37.7 7.0 Dam No. 45 47 31.7 6 4 Dam No. 46' 41 2S.2 4.8 Dam No.

47 38 28 4 5 2 Kvansvllle 35 26.0 4.7 Dam No. 48 38 26.0 3.5 Dam No. 49 37 23.4 3 8 Dam No. 50 34 25.1 3.8 Dam No. 51 40 24.5 3.3 Dam No.

52 37 25.2 3.3 Dam No. 53 40 28.6 2.8 Cairo .40 26.8 2.8 KANAWHA RIVER Charleston 34 21 0 2.5 KENTUCKY RIVER Frankfort 31 19 2 2 8 St. Louis 30 1.3 1.2 Memphis 34 12.3 0.8 Vicksburg 43 11.7 06 New Orleans 17 3.8 0.1 Increase. Decrease. River Forecast: Madison.

Louisville. Cloverport, Dam 43. rise sharply next 24 hours. METEOROLOGICAL DATA (Official.) Louisville. Feb.

1, 1939. (Copyright) 7 a.m. Noon. 7 p.m. 30.15 29.92 35 51 52 32 45 43 29 40 31 76 66 44 10 lb I I 9 lid IT" 12 13 25 2i Ip izlr Tl 53 35 S33 IP37 3T-p 52 43 r4 48 149 IBT 55 52 jj Temperature (dry bulb i Temperature (wet bulb I Dew point Wind velocity State of weather Cl'dy.

Cl'dy. Cl'dy. Temperatures and Precipitation Maximum temperature, 56; minimum temperature. 35; mean temperature, 46: normal temperature. 35; departure for day, 11; departure for month, 11: departure since March 1.

613; prevailing winds, east; mean barometer, 30.04; mean relative humidity, 62: character of day, cloudy; total precipitation, normal precipitation, departure for day, .12: departure for month, departure since March 1, 1.56. On and after this date. February 2, I will not be responsible for any debts contracted bv anyone but myself. (Signed) JOHN R. KLINK.

3OO0 A I ford Ave. FEYNOIDS METALS COMPANY riDtlAI. SESESVE BANK SUIL0IN0 Richmond, Virginia PREFERRED DIVIDEND The regulsr dividend of one dollar thirty -seven and one half rents ($1,375) a share on the outstanding S'iCo cumulative convertible preferred stock has been declared (or the quarter ending March 31, 1939. payable April 1, 1939. to the holders of record at the close of business March 21, 1939.

The transfer books will not be closed. Checks will be mailed by Bankers Trust Company. WM. 8. D.

WOODS Dsttd January 27. 1939 Auuiant Seaetsrf.

The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)
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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

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Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.