DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane · DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (2024)

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (1)


ED 092 458 SO 007 565

AUTHOR Burgdorf, JaneTITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS

17 Through 25.INSTITUTION Ninety Six High School, S. C.PUB DATE [73]NOTE 101p.; For related documents, see SO 007 557 and SO

007 566

EDRS PRICE MF-$0,75 HC-$5.40 PLUS POSTAGEDESCRIPTORS *American Studies; Civil War (United States);

Colonial History (United States); Course Content;Course Objectives; Foreign Relatio,ls; Grade 11; HighSchool Curriculum; *Individualized Instruction;Learning Activities; Revolutionary War (UnitedStates); *Social Studies Units; Teacher DevelopedMaterials; *United States History

IDENTIFIERS LAP; *Learning Activity Package

ABSTRACTA set of nine teacher-prepared Learning Activity

Packages for individualized instruction in United States history atthe eleventh grade level includes the following topics: New WorldSettlement and Colonial Growth; American Revolution and the NewNation; Developing an Effective National Government; The Growth ofNationalism and Democracy 1800-1840; Differences That Lead (Sic) tothe Civil War; Reconstruction and Growth in the United States1865 -1890; Reform iv America 1890-1945; United Stater InternationalRelations 1890-1945; and the Cold War and International Relations1945-Present. The materials, written at 11th grade level, areparticularly suited for students who need help on basic skills or whoplan to enroll in vocational courses, business courses ornon-technical school courses. Each unit contains a rationale, a listof behavioral objectives, resources (assigned textbook readings andsuggested film strips), activities, self-evaluation tests andsuggestions for advanced stud7. (KSM)

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DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (3)

I. You selected the level on which you wish to work. 7n selecting that level ynu auto-matically are you will perform satisfactorily on that lTrel.

2. You are urged to work on the highest level of your ability. If you are making lets

than A in your work, you will be encouraged 4-.o work up towards that level. You will

be required to spend the allotted time on a LAP 101,re going to th;.? next LAP. If you

have proven your ability to work on a higher level, you may request to move to ahigher level.

3. Those students working on level 4 and achieving an "A" average may move from LAP to

LAP as rapidly as they wish and receive a units credit when the required work is com-plete. When a student completes the LAP in on unit area, he will automatically

start on the LAPS in the 'text grade level of that subject.

4. No student may advance faster than the allotted time except that covered in the itemsabove. Students are encouraged to do better work in the level of their selection ormove to the next higher level.

S. You must satisfactorily complete all LAPs listed below to receive a unit credit in thesubject.

6. Your parents will be mailed a Deficiency Notice when you:(a) recycle twee times on arly test, (b) fait to move into the next LAP within 2 weeksof the date specified, (c) consistently turn in work which is unsatisfactory for yourlevel.

7. You will automatically be dropped to the next lower level when:(a) you fall one full LAP behind, (b) three Deficiency Notices have been sent.

SUBJECT & LEVEL United States History 112


& CDT. Qt7,;,.. 4 weeks

American Rev. &New Nation 4 weeks

Growth & Change of New Gov, 4 weeks

Nationalism & Democracy

21 Sectional Dif. & Civil War

4 weeks

4 v4leks

22 Reconstruction Years & Gro th 4 weeks

to 1890

23 Reforms in U. S. 1890-1945 4 weeks

24 U. S. Relation. with Foreign 4 weeks

Countries 1890-1945

25 The U. S. -Internationally weeks

Economically, & Pol. 1945Present

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (4)


Emphasis is on the influence of European

culture and factors of American geography on

the colonial development of our way of life.

Special attention is given to motives for

exploration and settlement, colonial socio --

economic conditions (including the introduction

of slavery), factors accounting for British

domination in North America, and the signifi-

cance of this domination to our cultural



DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (5)



(In parentheses at the left of each itcm yry; will find the notationHD or LIB, HD means that the item trill be fl,.11 in the HistoryDepartment. LIB means that it will ha found in ihe library inin the room for special materials. Those are tho forms of furtherreferences in the activities Ecctinn.)

(HD) (HSHMA) A High_School History of Modern America by Shafer

(HD) (ALF) America Land of Freedom by Hartman

(HD) (RAN) Rise of the American Nation by Todd

(HD) (TAS) The American Story by Gavian


(LIB) "The English Settlement and Colonial Conflicts"

(LIB) "New France and the :struggle for North Amarica"

(LIB) "Colonial America"

(LIB) "The Establishment of the Southern Colonies"

(LIB) "Establishment of the American Nation at Home and Abroad"

(LIB) ."The Establishment of the Middle Colonies"

(LIB) "The Establishment of the New England Colonies"

(LIB) "Background to Colonization"


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (6)

Section I Int,wnatir-al Disr"tes and why the English Fsiahliihed Colonies

Behavioral Objective I

After you have finished the activities that the tearhar has suggested,

you will be able on a written test to explain how England became a

world power.


The following pages to be studiel and exercises to be worked

out will help you to achieve this first behavioral objective. You

are not expected to do all of the activities suggested. Your

teacher will tell you which to do, and as you check with her, she

will tell you what additional work you may need to do. Abbreviations

are used for the t .tbooks and materials you will find listed in


1. HSHMA-. Study pri. 15-17 and learn how England became a great

world power under the Tudors and how its merchants built world


2.- HSHM1- Study p. 15 learning how En "land felt they could not

brum:-; a world power and gain great economic strength-unless

they first defeated or checked Spain.

3. HSHMA- Study p. 15 You will find a full explanation of how

the conflict between England and Spain was made sharper:because

of the old hatreds between pennle of different religions --

Protestant England and Cathri, r

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (7)

4. ALF Study pp. 42-44 You will find a full explanation of

Spain's political power and how it was reduced after England

defeated the Spanish Armada.

G. RAN Study pp. 17-19 learning how when Spanish naval power

became less of a danger, other nations - such as the Netherlands

and France tried to build empires.

6. In your small groups, discuss the things you have found out

in these first five activities - View "Background in Colonization"

and this will help you summarize the first behavioral objective.

Behavioral Objective II

After you have finished activities that the teacher has suggested,

you will write a one page essay explaining why the English established



The following activities will help you to be able to do what

Behavioral Objective No. II asks. Again you are not expected to do

all exercises. The teacher will tell you which to do. You will

check with the teacher after each exercise or piece of reading.

1. HSHMA Study pp. 17-20 and learn the ecomonic reasons that

led the Englishmen to leave their homes and make the dangerous

crossing to the New World.

2. View "Background to Colonization" end you will find a full

explanation of how English rulers hoped to make their country

stronger and richer.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (8)


I. Find the answers to the following (You will have 10 minutes

in which to find them)

1. Columbus sailed for

2. Columbus discoveries meant that the Europeans who first ruled

parts of the New World spoke

3. The country which built its naval strength and then challenged

the power of Spain was

4. The ruler of this growing naval power was

5. The Invinsible Armada was a great

II. True or False Place the word true or false beside each statement,

1. Spain's Invinsible Armada was defeated in 1588.

2. Phillip II might have gained control of England if

he had married Elizabeth I.

3. Columbus discovered the New World in 1493.

ith Economic reasons more than any other led Englishmen

to leave their homes to come to the new world.

5. English rulers were not interested in having colonies

in the new world.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (9)

Section II Gcccraphiull Influrnre to Colonization and The French

and Indian War

When you have finished the activities marked by the teacher for

you, you will be able to do these things.

Behavioral Objective No. 1

After you have finished the activities that the teacher has suggested

you will be able to explain how geographical conditions in North

America affected both colonists and Indians.


The following pages to be studied and exercises to be worked

out will help you to achieve this first behavioral objective. You

are not expected to do all of the activities sumested. Your teacher

will tell you which to do. Abbreviations are used for the textbooks

and materials you will find listed in resources.

1. View "The English Settlement and Colonial Conflicts"

2. HSHMA - Study p. 21 learning the geographical advantages

the Englishmen had that settled in th,rth America.

3. View "The English Settlement and Colonial Conflicts" noting

how geographical factors shaped the lives of the American Indians.

Behavioral Objective No. 2

After you have finished activities that the teacher has suggested

you will be able on a written test to explain the French and British

conflict over establishing an emp!re in the New World - economically

and politically.


1. View "The English Settlements and Colonial Conflicts" learning

the economic reasons for the slow development of New France.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (10)

2. HSHMA Study p. 28 learning why the French government did not

allow the country's Protestants to move to New France.

3. View "New France and the Struggle for North America"

'earning how France and England tried to take control of the

Ohio Valley.

4. View "Colonial America" learning why the Albany Plan was

defected and how Pitt's leadership contributed to England's

final victory in the French and Indian War.



DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (11)

Self - Evaluation

I. True or False

Write the word True or False out to the side of each statement.

1. Geographical conditions in North America didn't affect

the colonists or the Indians.

2. The climate was good in North America in the areas

where the Englishmen settled.

3. Geographical factors shaped the lives of the American Indians.

4. Some colonists copied Indian farming methods.

5. Indians living on the western plaine became nomads.

6. New France developed slowly because French merchants were

not well organized.

7. 1The French government did not allow the coun'.ey's Protestants

to move to New France.

8. England was not interested in t.King control of the Ohio Valley.

9. Pitt's leadership was the reason France won the French

and Indian War.

10. When France and England went to war their colonists in the

New World also went to war.

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (12)

Section III Econlmic, Cultural and Governmental

Development of the Colonies

Behavioral Objective No. 1

After you have finished activities that the teacher has suggested,

you will be able in a class discussion and on a written test to

explain the economic, social and cultural development of the

English colonies.


1. View "Colonial America" (56 -6) and learn how the economic

development of the colonies depended on geographic conditions.

2. View "The Establishment of the Southern Colonies" and you will

receive a full explanation of why economics and geography played

a major role in slavery becoming more common in the Southern


3. View "Establishment of the American Nation at Nome and Abroad"

and learn how the rules and ideas (religious mainly) of the

colonists from England and from other countries influenced the

culture of the colonies that would become the United States.

4. HSHMA Study pp. 51-52 and you will receive a full explanation

of how the culture that developed in the colonies was in-

fluenced by that of England and the rest of Europe.

Behavioral Objective No. 2

After you have finished the activities that the teacher has suggested

you will be able in a class discussion and on a written test to ex-

plain how the colonies were governed.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (13)


1. ALF Study pp. 105 and learn hew the colonists took the rights

of the EnglishmeA.

2. View "The Establishment of the Southern Colonies"

View "The Establishment of the Middle Colonies"

View ."The Establishment of the New England Colonies"

and compare the different types of gover"nment used in the colonies,


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (14)


I. Matching Place the correct letter beside each number.

1. Middle Atlantic Colonies (a) servants

2. Southern Colonies (b) landowning farmers

3. New England Colonies (c) rich planters and merchants

4. Rights of Englishmen (d) the law that limited the powerof colonial governors.

5. Upper class (e) colonies where farming was poor

6. Middle class (f) colonies where planation systemwas used.

7. Lower class (g) colonies that raised large grain

II. True or False Place the word true or false beside each staten..nt.

1. ihe,colonists took for themselves the rights of the


2. Britians trade acts sometimes helped the colonial


3. "The power of the purse" was the control of money spent

by the government of each colony.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (15)

Advance Study

If you should finish your LAP before others in the class you

might like to try for an "A" or a higher grade by doing some of

the advance activities suggested. Talk to the teacher before you

begin one to be sure that the exercises you want to do are approved

by her.

1. Write a report of no more than 200 words on the importance of

the French and Indian War.

2. Prepare a list with four columns. Fill in this information

about the thirteen colonies: (a) name of colony (b) date

founded (c) who founded it (d) corporate of proprietary colony.

3. Draw one of the maps of the thirteen colonies in your book.

Then use different colors to show where the important religious

groups settled. Another copy of the same map can show where

people from different countires in Eurupe settled. Include

a legend for the maps.

4. Hold a debate with a small group and discuss how the colonists

received more benefit than harm from English control before 1763.


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WRITTEN' SY Mrs. Burgdorf

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DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (17)


Emphasis is on the develop-

ment of American democracy. You

are encouraged to examine your

own beliefs concerning the idea

of loyalty. Special attention

is given to the use of protest,

especially civil disobedience

in American society both at the

time of the American Revolution

and today.

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (18)



(In parentheses at the left of each item you will find thenocation HD or LIB, HD means that the item wi-1 be found in theHistory Department. LIB means that it will be found in the libraryin the room for special materials. These are the forms of furtherreferences in th.e activities section.)

(HD) (HSHMA) - A 1-021.1 School history c-F Modern America by Shafer

(PO) (ALF) - America Land of Freedom by Hartman

(HO) (RAN) - Rise of the American Nation by Todd

(h D) (lAS) - The American Story by Gavian

(Pp) (AP) - ft American Pageant


(LIB) "The War From Saratoga to Vadey Forge"

(LIB) "The War at Sea"

(LIB) "The War in the South


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (19)

SECTION I - Causes of the Amer-r

Behavioral Objective I

After you have finished the activities that tho tacher hassuggested, you will be able on a written test to explain how GreatBritian and the colonies disagreed on paying th,2 dOL of the Fre.,:hand Indian War.


The following pages to be studied and exercises to be workedout will help you to achieve this fdrst behavioral objective. You

are not expected to do all of the activities suggested. Your teacherwill tell you which to do, and as you check with her, she will tellyou what additional work you may need to du. Abbreviations are usedfor the tcxtbooks.and materials you will find listed in resources.

1. HSHMA - Study p. 62 and learn why British leaders felt thatcolonists should help pay the expenses of administering andprotecting the c-lonies.

2. HSHMA - Study p. 62-63 and learn the colonial attitudestoward Great Britain's action during the French and IndianWar.

Behavioral Objective II

After you have finished the activities that the teacher hassuggested, you will be able to explain in a one page essay what theMercantile Theory was and how it was a cause of the Revolution.

1. AP - Study p. 87 & 88 and learn what the advantages and dis-

adva:;:ages of mercantilism were.

2. AP - Study p. 89-90. You will understand what the term

"taxation without reprrsentation" was.

Behavioral Objective III

After you have finished activities that the teacher has sug-gested, you will be able on a written test to explain the Parliamen-tary Acts in terms of what they were and how the colonies reactedto them.

I. HSHMA - Study pp. 65 and you will understand the importanceof the Colonial Currency Act (1764).

2. RAN - Study pp. 44-59, noting the steps Grenville followedto pass The Sugar Act (1764).


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (20)



Behavioral Objective III (cont')

3. RAN - Study pp. 44-59 - realizing why the Stamp Act (1765)was passed.

4. RAN - Study pp. 44-59 - and you will understand why thethe Quartering Act (1765) was important.

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (21)


TRUE and FALSE. Write true or false beside

1. The British felt that the colonies shouldn't have

to help pay the debt for the French and Indian War.

2. The military experience during the French and Indian

War made the colonists feel they could take care of


3. According to the practice of mercantilisncoonies

were formed in America for the benefit of Great


4. The colonists felt that if they were going to pay

taxes, they should be represented in Parliament.

5. The Colonial Currency Act (1764) gave the colonies

the writ to issue paper money to pay off debts.

6. The Sugar Act of 1764 helped break t Mega.' colonial

molasses trade.

7. The Stamp Act whir- as placed on busins papers

and newspapers pleased the cH,:ni; y

8. The Quartering Act (1765) was the last of;r;ed

under Grenville's program.

9. Patrick Henry condemned the Stamp A.

10. After the French ar.J. :Alan War, thr iierican colonies

hoped to return to the policy of salut ;ry neglect.

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (22)

SECTION II - The Steps Towara independence

When you have finished the activities nzrkc by the teacher for

you, you will be able to do these things:

Behavioral Objective I

After you have finished the activities that the teacher has sug-gested, you will be able to explain the importance that the 1st add2nd Continental Congresses played in the colonies attempt to drivetowardINDEPENDENC E.


1. IISKIA - Study pp. 81 - learning what the Galloway Plan was.

2. Listen to the ca:sette tape - "The Drive for Independence" -.hy the idea of independence was not yet accepted.

3. HSNW. - -ttiody - learn the importance of the Second Con-tinet..tal i.ongress.

f.:?jective II

After you have finished the activities that the teacher hassuggested, you will be able to write a one-page essay explainingwhy Lexington and Concord was important to the British and to thepeople of the colonies.


1. View - "The War from Lexington to Princeton" - learning howand why Lexington and Concord changed the type of harshfeeling the colonies had toward Britian,

2. ALF - Study pp. 164-166 - and find out if the defeat atBreed's Hill strengthened or weakened the colonies reasonfor fighting.

Behavioral Objective III

After you have finished activities that the teacher hassuggested, you will explain on a test the need for th Declarationof Independence, the advantages of it and the men responsible fordrawing it up.


1. HSHMA - Study pp. 85 - learning what effect Thomas Paine's

Common Sense had on the people of the colonies.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (23)

SECTION II (crrt.)

Behavioral Objective III (cont')

2. HSHMA - Study 85-86 - learning the acvanta:4es 4e Declara-tion of Independence and any disadvantages that it mighthave had.

3. HSHMA - Study pp. 85-86 - and learn the men responsible forthe Declaration of Independence.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (24)


TRUE OR FALSE. Write true or false beside ea-h stater3ent.

1. Galloway's plan was to develop a union between

Great Britian and the colonies.

2. Lexington and Concord aroused harsh feelings

between Britain and the colonies.

3. Ceorga Washington was appointed Command, and

Chief of the colonies army at the Second

Continental Congress.

4. the patriots (American Colonies) won the battle at

Erced's Hill.

5. Thont,s Paine's pamphlet Common Sense convinced the

people of the colonies that thare was a need for


6. The Declaration of Independence was a great polit-

ical document.

7. The Declaration of Independence wls not a piece of


8. The adoption of the Declaration o Independence

ended 170 years of French rule in the American


9. Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence.

10. Paine's Common Sense stands alone in that no other

work in the history of literature had such quick



DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (25)

SECTION I1I - Gaining Our In1-;i=ldenre

Behavioral Objective I

After you have finished activities that the teacher has suggested,you will be able in a class discussion and on a written test to explainthe significance of Trenton and Princeton.

I. HSHMA - Study pp. 89-90 - learning the importance that strongleadership played towards inspiring confidence among thepatriot forces.

2. HSHMA - Study pp. 89-90 - learning how Washington used sur-prise as a military tactic.

3. HSHMA - Study 89-90 - learning how this battle helped liftthe feeling of the patriots.

Behavioral Objective II

After you ha,42 finist.e. activities that the teacher has suggested,you will be Male in a written essay of one page tc explain Burgoyne'sThree-pron3ed Attack.


I. View "Tne Vi,r From Saratoga to Valley Forge". - learning howgeographic difficulties hurt the British.

2. View "The War From Saratoga to Valley Forge" - learning whyFrance didn't enter the war before the America, victory atSaratoga.

3. HSHMA - Study pp. 90-91 - learning 'f Clark's victories wereof importance in leading to the Treaty (:),T P3ris in Y7 ?7::.

Behavioral Objective III

After you have finished activities that the 1-p:i.:Kc r. has suggested,you will be able in a small group discussion to explain the War in theSouth.


1. View "The War at Sea" - Learning now geographic difficultieshurt the British.

2. View "The War in the South" - learning how economics effectedpolitical action.

Behavioral Objective IV

After completing your prescribed course, you will be able on a testto list the important provisions of the Treaty of Paris, 1783, found onpage 94 of A High School History of Modern America.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (26)



1. General William Howe was in command of the patriots

at Trenton and Princeton.

2. Washington was at home for Christmas and was not

in,olved at Tr.2nton and Princeton.

3. The tatt:cs at Trenton and Princeton lifted the

spirits 1) the patriots.

,johl) 1urgoyre's plan for a three-pronged

;_ttacl: vas to gain control of the Hudson Valley.

S. Scrs.lplic conditions hurt the British soldier.; at.

6urcoyne's Three - Pronged Attack.

6. France entered the American Revolution after the

American victory at Saratoga.

7. Clark's victories were importar, lc;:rin to the

Treaty of Fa;-is, 1183.

8. The patriots won several 'Attic; in the fl':-,uth in


9. The Treaty of Paris, 1782 recognized ."yxeric3n


10. The battle of Sara',: influenced both French and

British plans.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (27)


If you should finish your LAP before others in thc class, youmight like totry for an "A" or a higher grade by Oofog son:: of tifmadvanCe activities suggested. Talk to the teacher hcfore you Laogihone, to be sure that the exercises you want to do are approvci byher.

1. One or two students may prepare a bulletin board 11;11strating

the causes of the American Revolution.

2. Write a two pace essay on Loyajty to one's country t,cr'ay.

3. On page 83 of High School History of Modern America, there

is a map routin9 the British and American line; in rela-

tion to Lexington and Concord. Draw this rriA f-z,eha on

poster paper.

4. Make an oral book report to the teacher on trc hook:

geomeaintoresi4ast&nt, 17321799 ry


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (28)










6.1SnriAl STUD 1 ES_J I2_


WRITTEN BY Jane Bur dorf

22773 4

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(c) Xhus At-PA:a z

I'be Ninth P I L L AR erected !"The Ratification of the ConventiJos of nine States, than be fufficient forthe eftablifh-

nient of this Cointitution, betwce.a the States fo ratifying the fame." Art. vs.

INCIPIENT. 1$1/1GICI PROCEDERE MENSES.The AtIrattion vloukIf it is not up, C51, he invriftiblo

it will rife,

S!:1:CSI. PKT4.10 S SIS IiF tSi s50

This cartoon appeared in a Boston newspaper in June, 1788, when nine states 'lad ratified the Con-stitution. Attention then centered on the holdout slates, especially on Virginia and New York. It wasgenerally believed that if these two states refused to ratify, the Constitution would not have a fair trial.

o Xk (bins rx.t Ximn.

(3 0 CNDvir

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (30)


(7q parentheses at the lcrt of each it you will find the notationPE) or LIB, HD means that the item will be found in the HistoryDepartment. LIB means that it will be found in the library inthe room for special materials. These are the forms of furtherreferences in the activities section.)

(J1) (HSHMA) A High School History of Modern America by Shafer

(HD) (ALF) America Land of Freedom by Hartman

(HO) (RAN) Rise of the American Nation by Todd

(Ho) (TASI T11,, Aiaerican Story by Gavian


(LIB) "A 3t 4,e Amlrican People: The Beginnings of theation"

(LB) "A Difficult T'eriod; 1783-1788 (Eye-Gate Series No. 58 A)

(LIB) "Th.a N2W Plan of Government" (Eye-Gate Series No. 58 B)

(LIB) "Problems of the the New World" (Eye-Gate Series No. 58 C)


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (31)

1.wc' on i Article.; of Confederziion


After you have fir.ishe the activities that the teacher :13s suggested,you will be able on a written test to explain the powers that Congresshad under the Articles of Confederation end the Powers that Congressdid not have under the Articles of Confederation.


1. TAS - Study pp. 93-97 and learn why the people feared astrong central government from a economical and politicalstandpoint.

2. TAS - Study pp. 93-97 - learning how the states had toomuch power.

Behavioral Objective II

After you have finished the activities that th.; teacher hassuggested you will explain on a test the different events thatstrengthened the power of ConT'ess.


1. HSHMA - Study pp. 100-101 and you will learn how thetaking of the western land gave Congress power.

2. HSHMA - Study pp. 101-102 - learning how the Ordinanceof 1785 strengthened Congress power under the Articlesof Confederation

3. HSHMA - Study p. 102 - and you will learn how theNorthwest Ordinance of 1787 gave Congress more strength.

Behavioral Objective III

After you have finished the activities that the teacher hassuggested you will explain in a one page essay what the economy orthe United States was like under the Articles of Confederation.


1. HSHMA - p. 103 - Learning what the difference in debtorsand creditors are.

2. HSHMA - p. 103 - You will see how Shay's Rebellion playedan important part in the American Economy.

3. HSHMA - pp. 103-104 - Learning what the economic recoverywas under the Articles of Confederation.

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (32)

5E0104 I

Articles of Confederation (cont')

Behavioral Objective IV V

After you have finished the activities that the teacher hassuggested you will explain on a test why the Articles ofConfederation failed.


1. HSHMA - pp. 103-104 - Learning if it failed because oftrouble within the United States.

2. HSHMA - Study pp. 104-105 - Learning if it failed becauseof trouble with other countries.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (33)


fkUE OR FALSE - Write true or false (--ach F L'jlc!It<

1. Under the Articles of Confederation, Congress had

the power to borrow money.

2. A creditor is e person who owes money.

3. A debtor is a person to whom money is owed.

4. Congress placed heavy taxes on peonle under the

Articles of Confederation.

5. Congress had the power to Jeclare was and sign


6. The Ordinance of 1785 ga,!e Congress the right to raise

money by selling land.

7. The Northwest Ordinance :;et up a plan for governing

new lands.

8. The people were not interested in a strong central

government under the Articles of Confederation.

9. Under the Articles of Crifederation there was a


10. Shay's Rebellion was an important factor in the

American economy under t1-.0 Articles of Confederation.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (34)


The Constitutional Convention

behavioral Objective I

After you have finished the activities that the teacher has sug-gested you will be able to discuss on a test the need for the Constitu-tional :'invention.


I. RAN - Study pp. 150 - middle 152 learning exactly what theConstitutional Convention was.

2. RAN - Study pp. 150-middle 152 - learning Asitv there was aneed for the Constitutional Convention.

Behavioral Objective II

Afte;- you :.)ve finished the activities that the teacher has suggestedyou will be able to discuss in a small group discussion the AnnapolisConntirm of 1786.


1. .rAiiMA - pp. 106-107 - learning who were the people at theAnnapolis Convention,

2. HSHMA - pp. 106-107 - and yvu will learn exactly what theydid at this convention,

Behavioral Objective III

After you have finished the activities that the teacher has sug-gested you will he able to explain on a test the Constitutional Conven-tion in Philadelphia 1787.


1. HSHMA - Study pp. 107-109 learning who was at the ConstitytionalConvention.

2. HSHMA - Study 109-110 - Learning what part "The Virginia Plan"played in the Constitutional Convention.

3. HSHMA - Study 110-111- Learning what agreements and amendmentswere made at the Constitutional Convention.

Behavioral Objective IV

After you have finished the activities that the teacher. has suggestedyou will explain on a test the difference in the new Constitution andthe Articles of Confederation.


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Aj.iiVITIES: (for Objective IV)

1. View "A Difficult Period" and "A New Plan of Government"learning what power each had.

2. View "A Difficult Period" and "A New Plan of Government" rlearning how close the states were under each.

3. View "A Difficult Period" and "A New Plan of Government" -learning the make-up of each document.

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (36)


TRUE OR FALSE - Write the word trice or false :2.7:si-14.!

1. The Constitutional Convention met in Philadelphia, 17.',7

2. John Adams, Thoos 'Afferson, and John Jay I:ere r:unders

of the Constitution.

3. It was felt by many that there was a neec, fry,' a mn-e

central government and this t,,as the

Constitutional Convention.

4. The Constitutional Convention was a secret meeting.

5. Alexander Hamilton wanted a strong cent.v11

6. People from North and South Carolina met dt Washington's

home at Mt. Vernon for the Annapolis Convention.

7. The purpose of the Annapolis Convention Wit3 to discuss

shipping on the Potomac River.

8. The Virginia Plan was a shock for the men who had come

to change the Articles of Confederation.

9. The Constitutional Convention was called for the purpnsa

of revising the Articles of Confederation.

10. James Madison is known as the "father c f the (7.glti1Jition.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (37)


Ad! 1 .,VS 1(:;:

Behavioral Objective I

After you have finished the activities that the teacher h:ts cnp-gested you will explain on a test the ideas that the peaple had cn Mr,new Constitution.


1. HSHMA - Study pp. 112-113 - learning how the Anti-federalistfelt about the Constitution.

2. HSHMA - Study pp. 112-113 - learning hot: the .:06erailst feltabout the Constitution.

Behavioral Objective II

After you have finished the activities that t.h..; tiJ.!her has sqq-gested you will be able to explain the advantages and nisadvantces ofthe Constitution.


1. View "The New Plan of GovertiMent" learnign the advantages anddisadvantages that the Federalist saw inthe new Constitution.

2. View "The New Plan of Government" - learning U. advantagesand disadvantages that the Anti-Federalist smi in the newConstitution.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (38)



1. The people who were in favor of the Constitution tqere

called Federalist.

2. The people who were against the Constitutini were

called Anti-Federalist.

3. The unskilled workers and debtor farmers were opposed

to the new Constitution.

4. Many Anti-federalist felt that the form of govern-

ment sounded good for the coli.non people.

5. Tne Federalist as a paper written w;.ich best explains

what the Constitution means.

6. The small states were in favor of the new Constitution.

7. Pennsylvania was the first large state to approve the

new Constitution.

8. New York was the hardest state to convince that there

was a need for the new Constitution.

9. The Federalist didn't succeed in their plans for a

new Constitution.

10. Ratification of the Constitution is the same as

approving it.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (39)


The Constitution at tort

30,-vioral Or ective I

After you have finished the activities that the teacher has sug.;;CAI will explain in a one page cnsay - George Washington's



1. HSHMA - Study pp. 123-125 learning the three major problemsthat faced Congress under Washington's administration and howthey were solved.

HSHMA - Study r. 127 - learning the members of Washington'sFirst Cabinet.

Re,;v7oral ObiE7eve II

,ter you have finished the activities that the teacher has sug-stad you will explain on a test Hamilton's ideas and Jefferson's

ideas on the Constitution.

1. HSHMA - Study pp. 127-129 - and compare Hamilton's andJefferson's ideas of the Constitution.

2. HSHMA - Study pp. 129 - learning the effects that their viewshad on the United States under the new Constitution.

Behavioral 0:)jective III#

After you have finisned the activities that the teacher has sug,gested you will be able in a group discussion to explain Hamilton's econ-omic policy.


1. HSHMA - Study pp. 129-130 - learning what Hamilton's feelingswere on the national and st7t-e debts.

2. HSHMA - Study pp. 130-131 - le( what Hamilton's idea ofthe National Bank itself was.

3. HSHMA - Study pp. 131-132 - learning how Hamilton's economicpolicy influenced the passing of the Excise Tax and theWhiskey Rebellion.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (40)

SE 7703 IV


;c-ont' frli Behavioral Objective III)

HSHMA - Study pp. 132-133 - learning how economicpolicy influenced the Federalist and Republican disputes.

S. HSHMA - Study p. 133 - learning how Hamilton's economicpolicy influenced the Presidential Election of 1792.

Behavioral Objective IV

After you have finished the activities that the teacher has sug-gested you will explain on a test the UfliLed States elationship withether countries while George Washington was PresideNt.


1. KAN - Stud; p. 208 - learning what the French Revolution of17:)

?al Study p. 208 - learning what the Neutroliiy Proclamation,1793 was.

'4'; - Study p. 208 - learning what citizen Get Affair, 1793

4. RAN - Study pp. 208-210 - learning what Jay's Treaty, 1794 was.

5. HSHMA - Study p. 136 - learning what Pinckney's Treaty, 1795 was.

Behav'oral Objective V

After you have finished the activities that the teacher has sug'Jested you will explain in a one page essay the different views thattre Federalists and Republicans had on different issues between 1796-1800.


1. HSHMA - Study pp. 137-138 - learning the importance of thePresidential Election of 1796.

2. HSHMA - Study pp. 138-139 - learning the importance of theXYZ Affair, 1797.

3. HSHMA - Study p. 139 - learning the importance of theUndeclared War with France, 1798-1800.

4. HSHMA - Study p. 139 - learning the importance: of the Alienand Sedition Acts, 1798.

5. HSHMA-- Study p. 140 - learning the importance of theVirginia and Kentucky Resolutions, 1798.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (41)


OR FAISE - Writ,: true or false beside each ,At...-

1. The new government had to raise enough money to cover

its day-to-day expenses,

2. The executive department of the new government had to

be formed under Washington.

3. Congress had to prepare the bill of rights that had been

prom;sed the people.

4. The f i C Secretary of the Treasury under Washington was

Thomas Jefferson.

5. The first Secretary of State under Washington was

Ale' ander Hamilton.

6. The difference of opinion of Hamilton and Jefferson

led to the rise of political parties in America.

7. Hamilton didn't feel that the people should have much

say in the government.

8. It was Jefferson's idea that there was a need for a bank

to be organized in the United States.

9. Jefferson was responsible for the exise tax.

10. The Whiskey Rebellion took place in South Carolina.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (42)


1. For class display; Prepare a chart showing how

the Constitution corrected the weaknesses of the


2. Write at least a 2 page essay in which you will

explain hu the Founding Fathers provided for

separation of powers in the Constitution of the

Uh:Led Mates.

3. In a small panel (group) discuss "The Virg;nia

Plan" of Edmund Randolph in terms of its appli-

cation in our modern Federal Government.

4. One of the moSt significant provisions of the

Constitution and all laws made in accordance

with it are "the supreme law of the land." In

a 2-4 page essay explain ILPI,y. this clause is so

important today.




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1800 - 1840


WRITTEN BY Jane Burgclorf


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (44)


Emphasis is on the development of nationalism in the

United States. Special Attention is given to factors in-

fluencing the growth of nationalism and the extension of

democracy. There is an emphasis on the nature of the

American free enterprise or market economic system.

Special consideration is given to economic issues of the

Period, 1800 - 1840.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (45)



(In parentheses at the left of each item you will find the notation

ND or LIB, HD menas that the item will be found in the History

Department. LIB means that it will be found in the library in

the room for special materials. These are the forms of further

references in the activities section.)

(HD) (HSHMA) A High School History of Modern America by Shafer

(HD) (ALF) America Land of Freedom by Hartman

(HD) (RAN) Rise of the American Nation by Todd


(LIB) "The War of 1812," Eyegate Series 58-0

(LIB) "Andrew Jackson and Texan Independence" Eyegate 58G


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (46)

Section I National Spirit


After you have finished the activities that the teacher has suggested,you will be able on a written test to explain Thomas Jefferson's policies.


The following pages to be studied and exercises to be worked out willhelp you to achieve this first Behavioral Objective. Abbreviations areused for the textbooks and materials you will find listed in resources.

1. HSHMA - pp. 145-146 and learn what the Republican Program was.

2. HSHMA - pp. 146-147 learning how the Federal Courts were organizedunder Jefferson.

3. HSHMA - pp. 148-149 learning what the Barbary Pirates were.


After you have finished the activities that the teacher has suggested,you will be able in a group discussion to explain the Louisiana Purchase.


1. HSHMA - pp. 150-151 and learn how the U. S. acquired Louisiana.

2. HSHMA - pp. 151-152 learning who explored Louisiana.

3. HSHMA - p. -152 learning what effect the Election of 1804 had on theLouisiana Purchase.

4. HSHMA - pp. 152-153 learning what effect the Burr Conspiracy hadon the Louisiana Purchase.


After you have finished the activities that the teacher has suggested,you will write a one page essay on Neutral Rights.


1. HSHMA - p. 154 learning what the Chesapeake - Leopard Affair of 1807 was.

2. HSHMA - pp. 153-155 learning what the Embargo Act, 1807 was.

3. HSHAM - p. 155 learning how the Election of 1808 influenced the NeutralRights.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (47)


After you have finished the activities that the teacher has suggested,you will discuss in small groups the War of 1812.


1. View "The War of 1812" - learning what Madison's views were on theWar of 1812.

2. View "The War of 1812" - learning about the Indian Warfare.

3. HSHMA - pp. 155-162 learning how the country was divided.

4. HSHMA - pp. 155-162 learning what the principle campaigns during thewar were.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (48)

Self Evaluation Section I


Thomas Jefferson A. First Republican President

James Madison B. Men who ruled North African States

John Marshall C. Jeffersons's friend who he namedSecretary of State

Barbary PiratesD. The new Chief Justice of the Supreme

Aaron Burr Court

"War Hawks" E. Congressmen ready to fight England

Talleyrand F. hoped to be governor of New York

Chesapeake G. The closing off of trade

Leopard H. British man-of-war

Embargo Act I. A ship which belonges to theUnited States Navy.

J. French foreign minister.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (49)

Sect73n It The Nationalistic Period


After you have finished the activities that the teacher has suggested,you will be able on a written test to explain nationalist legislation.


1. HSHMA - pp. 166 learning what the United States' National Defensepolicy was.

2. HSHMA - pp. 166-167 learning what tariffs were passed during thenationalist legislation.

3. HSHMA p. 167 learning why the second Bank of the United Stateswas founded.

4. HSHMA - pp. 169-171 learning the importance of the Supreme Courtand John Marshall


After you have finished the activities that the teacher has suggested,you will be able in a small group discussion to explain the United Statespolicies with other countries during this Nationalistic Period.


1. HSHMA - pp. 171-174 learning what the Anglo-American Relationship was.

2. HSHMA - pp. 171-174 learning what the Hispano-American Relationship was.

3. HSHMA - pp. 171-174 learning what the Monroe Doctrine was.


After you have finished the activities that the teacher has suggested,you will be able in a 1-page essay to explain "corrupt bargain."



1. HSHMA - pp. 186-187 learning the importance of the Splitting ofthe Republican Party.

2. HSHMA - pp. 186-187 learning the importance of Adam's NationalisticProgram.

3, MHMA - pp, 187-183 1Parning the importanro of thP "Tariff of


4. HSHMA - pp. 187-189 learning the importance of the Theory of Nullification."


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (50)

Self Lvaluation


1. Henry Clay

2. John C. Calhoun

3. John Q. Adams

4. John Marshall

5. Jamgs Monroe

6. Henry Clay

7. Nullification

8. "Corrupt Bargain"

9. Nationalism

10. Tariff of Abominations

Section II



DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (51)

The Jacksonian Era


After you have finished the activities that the teacher has suggested,you will be able on a written test to explain Jackson's plan of democracy.


1. HSHMA - pp. 193 learning his policy on suffrage.

2. HSHMA - pp. 193-195 learning his policy on election of thepresident.

3. HSHMA - pp. 193-195 learning his plan for government organization.

4. tiSHMA - p. 195 learning what Jackson's Spoil System was.


After you have finished the activities that the teacher has suggested,you will be able in a 200 word essay to explain tariffs and what nullificationwas during Jackson's administration.


1. HSHMA - pp. 196-197 learning the importance of the Hayne-WebsterDebate, 1830.

2. HSHMA - p. 197 learning Jackson's feeling on the Union.

3. HSHMA - pp. 197-198 learning the feeling between Jackson and Calhoun.

4. HSHMA - p. 198 learning the crisis that was created by nullification.

5. HSHMA - p. 198 learning what Clay's Compromise Tariff of 1833 was.


After you have finished the activities that the teacher has suggested,you will be able in a group discussion to explain the Bank Crisis duringthis period of history.


1. HSHMA - pp. 199-201 learning the big controversy over the bank.

2. HSHMA - p. 201 learning about the Panic of 1837.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (52)


After you have finished the activities that the teacher has suggested,you will be able on a written test to explain the controversy between theWhigs and the Democrats.


1. HSHMA - pp. 202-203 learning the importance of the PresidentialElection of 1836.

2. HSHMA - p. 203 learning what the Independent Treasury System was.

3. HSHMA - pp. 203-204 learning the importance of the PresidentialElection of 1840.


After you have finished the activities that the teacher has suggested,you will be able in a small group discussion to explain the relationshipthe United States had with foreign countries from 1828-1844.


1. HSHMA - pp. 206-207 learning what relationship Jackson had withFrance and England.

2. HSHMA - pp. 206-207 learning what the Caroline Affair was

3. HSHMA - p. 207 learning what the Webster-Ashburton Treaty was.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (53)

Section III Self Evaluation

1. Who was Jackson's Secretary of State?

2. Name the first party to have a national nominating convention.

3. Why did many Americans feel that Jackson was "their own president"?

4. How did Clay end the crisis of 1833?

. Why did Westerners dislike the Bank?

6. How did Jackson's veto of the bank bill help him win the electionof 1832?


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (54)


1. From one of the following conflicting themes write an essay

of at least two pages:

A. The 1829 Tariff was a Tariff of Abominations.

B. The 1828 Tariff was abominable to a select group.

2. Debate - Resolved: The Moncre Doctrine is Inapplicable Today.

3. In a small group discuss the growth of Sectional Rivalry in

the United States.

S T O P !!!!



DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (55)









WRITTEN BY Mrs, Burgdorf

3573 4

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (56)


Special emphasis is given to the development

of nationalism and democracy. The factors and

issues of Westward expanison and the socio-eronomic

differences of the North and the South are stres-

sed. The Civil War is considered in terms of

the relative advantages of each side and its

significance to our way of life today.

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (57)



(In parentheses at the left of each item, you will find the

notation HD or LIB, HD means that the item will be found in the

History Department. LIB means that it will be found in the library

in the room for special materials. These are the forms of further

references in the activities section.)

(HD) (HSHMA) - A High Sclinol History of Modern America by Shafer

(HD) (ALF) - America Land of Freedom by Hartman

(HD) (RAN) - Rise of the American Nation by Todd

(HD) (TAS) - The American Story by Gavian

(HD) (AP) - The American Pageant


(LIB) "Westward do" Eyegate Series 58E

(LIB) "Sectional Conflicts" (973.7)

(LIB) "The War Between the States"


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (58)

Section I Manifest Destiny


After you have fini,,hcO the activities that the teacher hassuggested, you will be able on a written tcst to explain the ex-pansion of the United States.


1. HSHMA pp. 233-245 and viewing "Westward Ho" Learning the move-ment which moved sett7crs into i.he Southwest.

2. HSHMA pp. 233-245 and Viewing 'IJestward Ho" Learning the move-ment which setZle-s into the Northwest.

3. HSHMA pp. 233-24!':, alc! "Westwrd Ho" Learning the move-ment which moved cet :ler into the !West.


After you have fir,si;suggested, Cuy wili the Mexican War.

._tivites that the teacher has

1. HSHMA p. 245 Learning khe oackground of the war.

2. HSHMA p. 246-248 Learnino what the actual military activityof the war was.

3. HSHMA pp. 248-219 Learning what the Treaty of Guadalupo Hidalgo,1848 was.


After you have finished the activities that the teacher hassuggested, you will explain on a test Manifest Destiny.


1. HSHMA p. 233 Learning what Manifest Destiny was.

2. HSHMA p. 233 Learring how it contributed to "Expansionism."

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (59)

Self Evaluation

I. True or False:

Section I

1. O'Sullivan was responsible for the saying "Manifest


2. Deseret later became the Utah Territory.

3. Nebraska is known as the Lone Star State.

4. Astoria was the name of the Astor's Tea Company.

5. Expansionists believed in "Manifest Destiny."

II. Matching:

Sam Houston

James K. Polk

Marcus Whitman

Santa Anna

A. President of the Lone Star Republic

B. Had a war named for him

C. Attacked the Alamo

D. American Missionary


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (60)

Section II Socio - Economic Systems


After you have finished the activities that the teacher hassuggested, you will be able to discuss on a test the differences ofthe North and South on the slavery question.


1. TAP Chapter 19 Learning the social and economic systems of theNorth.

2. TAP Chapter 19 Learning the social and economic systems of theSouth.


After you have finished the activities that the teacher hassuggested, you will be able to discuss in a 2 page essay the completeSocio- Economic System of the South.


1. TAP Chapter 19 - HSHMA pp. 253-259 Learning what the statusof situation of the white slave holder was and how the organizationof his society locked him into his position.

2. TAP Chapter 19 - HSHMA pp. Z53-259 Learning how the Southwas not a "closed system" emphasizing how slavery migh have workedwithin the frame of the "Southern System."


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (61)

Self Evaluation Section II


1. What were the feelings of the North on the slavery question?

2. What were the feelings of the South on the slavery question?


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (62)

Section III Disunity Between the North and South


After you have completed the activities that the teacher has pre-scribed, you will be able on a test to discuss the Abolitionist Movement.


1. HSHMA pp. 254-259 Learning what the abolition movement was.

2. HSHMA pp. 245-259 Learning who the men were that were responsiblefor it.


After you have completed the activities that the teacher hassuggested, you will be able to discuss in small groups what theCompromise of 1850 was.


1. HSHMA pp. 259-261 Learning how the crisis in California led tothe Compromise of 1850.

2. HSHMA pp. 259-261 Learning all the parts of the Compromise of 1850.


After you have completed the activities that the teacher hassuggested, you will be able to explain in a two-page essay the eventsthat led to the Civil War.


1. HSHMA p. 270 Learning the importance of the Lincoln- DouglasDebates 1858.

2. HSHMA p. 271 Learning the importance of John Brown's Raid, 1859.

3. HSHMA p. 271-272 Learning the importance of the Election of 1860.

This essay will be handed into your teacher.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (63)

Self Evaluation Section III

Place the following events in order of events.

John Brown's Raid

Dred Scott Decision

Compromise of 1850

Lincoln - Douglas E,Pbates

Kansas - Nebraska Act

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (64)

Section IV The Civil War


After you have completed the activities that the teacher hassuggested, you will explain on a test Secession.


1. HSHMA pp. 276-277 Learning what the Crittendon Compromise was.

2. HSHMA pp. 278-279 Learning of the firing of Fort Sumter andreactions.

3. HSHMA pp. 277-278 Learning the effects Abraham Lincoln'selection and inauguration had on secession.


After you have completed the activities that the teacher hassuggested, you will explain in a two-page essay the Civil War.


1. Veiw "The War Between the States" Learning the effects of theConfederate and Union strategy.

2. HSHMA pp. 279-296 Learning what the importance of the War ofthe East was.

3. HSHMA pp. 296-299 Learning the importance of the War fromFredericksburg to Gettysburg.

4. HSHMA pp. 296-299 Learning the importance of the lastcampaigns of the war.


After you have completed the activities that the teacher hassuggested, you will explain on a test the action of the war frombehind the scenes.


1. HSHMA pp. 300-305 Learning the financing of the war on both sides.

2. HSHMA pp. 300-307 Learning the politics of the Confederates andthe Union.

3. HSHMA pp. 300-307 Learning the importance of the Election of 1864.

4. HSHMA pp. 300-307 Learning the importance of the PresidentialAssasination of 1865.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (65)

Self Evaluation Section IV

I. True or False

1. The first shots of the Civil War were fired by the North.

2. The North had more man power than the South.

3. The South never accepted black soldiers in the war.

4. The North paid for most of the war.

5. The North and the South had the same political views.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (66)


1. Make a book report on Secret Missions of the Civil War by

Philip Van Doren Stern.

2. After studying one important battle of the Civil War, pre-

sent a poster board iilustration and an explanation of the

tactics invulved ir, the waging of the battle.

3. Prepare a biographical sketch of the man you consider to be

the most important man in the Civil War. Defend your choice

against other contenders.

4. Prepare freehand drawings for class display depicting Presi-

dent Abraham Lincoln 4 the start of the Civil War and again

at its close. (Illustrate the strain and drain on a man after

4 years of conflict).




DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (67)









1865 - 1890


32173 4

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (68)


Reconstruction and Growth in the United St,stes: 1865-1890.


!iir.,S1r1Q Of the Frontier

of hiq Industries

, on :r ,..=! of

rndi:_ t . . ;hr..' United

1,riod fro!. -1c,!-J1)

q!ven to the ef,-.Jct o' ReconArJction on

people, fa,Itor ccntribuf_ing to

tne frontier.

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (69)



(In parentheses at the left of each item, you will find the

notation HD or LIB, HD means that the item will be found in the

History Department. LIB means that it will be found in the Library

in the rc,c.:; for special materials. These are the forms of further

reletwces in the activities section.)

(HSHMA) A Hip 'school History of Modern America by Shafer

(f!!: - America Land :;f Fraedcm by Hartman

(('.''N) Rise of the American Nation by Todd

v1' ,), - The American Story. by Garian

The American Paigant




"The Nation Heals Its Wounds" Pictorial Film

Encyclopedia of American History, Pt. 1 and Pt. 2.

"New Inventions and Industrial Development"

1865-1900 Eye-Gate Series 80C.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (70)

Section I Reconstruction


After you have finished the activities that the teacher has sug-gested, you will be able on a written test to define or identify somewords.


1. (HSHMA) pp. 311-312 learning what the Freedmen and Freedman'sBuree,u was.

(hSHn) pp. 309, 316-320 learning the importance these termsduring the reconstruction period.

Nuedy shirt E. Scaaviags1acl: :odes F. Sharecropper

Klux Klan G. Grandfather Clauseieepetbzggers H. Poll Tax


fr yoJ 1-ave finished the activities that the teacher has sug-e::c., will explain in a small group discussion, Andrew Johnson.

(HSWA) pp. 310-311 learning the contributions he made as apresident of the United States.

2. (HSHMA) pp. 310-316 learning the importance of his impeach-ment in 1868.


After you have finished the activities that the teacher has sug-gested, you will be able to discuss in a two-page essay the radicalreconstruction.


1. (HSHMA\ pp. 312-313 learning what the plans for reconstructionwere after the Election of 1866.

2. `HSHMA) pp. 313-316 learning the importance of the years from1868-1878 in reconstruction.

3. (HSHMA) pp. 313-318 learning the views of the Southern whitesand reconstruction.


After you have finished the activities that the teacher hassuggested, you will be able to discuss on a test the economic sit-

uation in the South during the Reconstruction.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (71)


1. (HSHMA) pp. 318-319 learning how agriculture recovered duringthis period.

2. HSHMA pp. 319-320 learning how industry recovered during thisperiod.


After ylu have finished the activities that the teacher has sug-gested, you will be able in a small group to explain U. S. Grants'years as president.

1-1SH:VA) pp. 320-324 learning the political corruption of his111,Aistration.

(FIAP.) op. 324-325 learning the Unitdd States status onCOCEi:


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (72)

self Evaluation I

True or False

1. A bloody shirt was another name for a soldier duringthe Civil War.

2. The Freedman's Bureau was an organization set up forfreed blacks.

3. Andrew Johnson never learned how to get Congress topass laws in which he believed.

The Radicals controlled most of the South until 1877.

The men from the South who h..21ped the North during thewar were known as carpetbaggE,-s.

Johnswiacked one vote of hen: impeached.

To impeach a president means to remove nim from office.

The plantation system in the South changed duringthe reconstruction.

inJus'cry grew in the South after the Civil War.

Grant :vas able to lead the nation very well.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (73)

S,ction II Ending the Frontier


After you have finished the activities that the teacher has sug-gusted, you will discuss in a small group the Indian problem.


1. (HSHMA) pp.

problem.335-339 learning the beginnings of the Indian

2. ; HSHMA) np. 337-339 learning the importance of the Indian



338-339 learning how tht government has helped

it E

f3u hat! (inished the activities that the teacher haswill discuss in a small group the Indian problem.

335-339 learning tht beginnings of the Indian

2 ( HSHMA)

war.pp. 337-339 learning the importance of the Indian

3. fH.SHMA) pp. 338-339 learning how the government has helped;le Indians.

B1:11..1.V0:-tAL OBJECTIVE II:

0-ter you have finished the activities that the teacher has sug-gestcd, you will discuss on a test the frontier.

A, tivities:1. ( HSHMA) pp. 339-340 learning what the life on the mining frontier

was like.

2. ' HSHMA) pp. 341-343 learning what the life on the cattle frontierwas like.


After you have finished the activities that the teacher has sug-T2std, y5i will explain in a one-page essay the farmilg frontier.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (74)


1. (HSH'1A) pp. 343-346 learning how the farming frontier rose.

(HSHMA) pp. 343-346 learning the period of growth and the passingaway of the frontier.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (75)

Self Evaluation Secticn II

True or False:

1. The Indians were pushed out of their lands by miners.

2. The Indians finally had to completely surrender in1866.

3 Many Indians were butchered at the Battle of WoundedKnee, 1890.

4. The government has tried to teach the Indians to rulethemselves in democratic ways.

5. All of the miners became waalthy.

Many gangs were formed in the mining country.

7. The "open range" was very important to the cattlemen.

2 Th2 cattle industry grew too fast.

The cattle industry helped develop the Great Plains.

life on the farming frontier was very easy.

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (76)

`nction III Rising of Big industries


After you have finished the activities that the teacher has sug-gested, you will explain on a test the rise of big industries.


1. (HSHMA) p. 377 learning the importance of the term "laissez-faire."

(hSHMA) p, 385 learning what a "holding company" is.

3 .H:livt,A) pp. 384-385 learning what a "(0,it" is.

4. HiiMA) pp. 385

p. 36

learning what a "pool" is.

It:Ai-cling what "trust' relationsniti to


iU nave finished the activities that the teacher has sug-.!.., will discuss in a two-pane essa;. America's Industrial

1. (HSHIliA) pp. 375-378 learning what the two major industries were.

WSHMA) pp. 378-382 learning who the major industrialists offinis period were.


;.-tcc you have finished the activiLies that the teacher has sug-gested, you will discuss in a small group the structure of big business.


1. IHSHMA) pp. 382-385 learning the philosophy of big business.

2. (HSHMA) pp. 382-385 learning the importance of corporationsin "big business" structure.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (77)

elf Evaluation Section III

True or False:

1. The railroaas helped the country become more industrilized.

2. "Laissez-faire" means to leave alone.

3. The petroleum industry was one of the major industries.

4. rq;ckefeller was responsible for thLI petroleum industry.

5. Another important industry rvAring the reconstructioiyears was the steel indust:,..

6. AArew Carnegie was the m3n r;-4onsible for the steel

A -holding company" took the place of many trusts.

S. A "trust" is a way of ccritrcling many companies.

A "pool" is an agreem,:nt between two or more companies.

IC. Captains of industry used Darwin's theory to excusethe ways in which they rose to power.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (78)


Explain in a two-page essay the Federal government's policy

twat% the Indian from the late 130 ':, tint` the present time.

Mike a di4lay showing the prir.ciple between

and congressional reccnstruction.

;.-ite 3 biographical sketch of Ulysses S. Grant, comparing

h, a general and a President.

4. In a 2 page essay explain what Social Darwenism means to you.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (79)









WRITTEN BY Mrs. Bu mid° rf

41773 4

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (80)


Reform in Ale-ica: 1890-1945

A. The Farm and Labor Protest

B. The Progressive Era

C. The Prosperity of the 1920's and theDepression of the 1930's

D. The New Deal

Emphasis is on the factors motivating the Federal,

state, and local governments to take greater responsibil-

ity for correcting adverse socio-economic conditions in

the United States. Special attention is given to the

role of the Industrial Revolution in America as one of

the major factors and the centralization of responsibility

at the Federal level for correcting these conditions.

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (81)

I ; :It the yOu will find the

notlterl HD ,jr trio: t t I 1 be feJnd in the

HiSt;')ry epartment. L1.2 means that it will be found in the Library

in the fc:;7 special materials. These are the forms of further

references in the activities section.)


(HD) (ALF)

(HD) (RAN)

(HD) (TAS)

(HD) (AP)




- A High School History of Modern America by Shafer

- America Land of Freedom by Hartman

- Rise of the American Nation by Todd

- The American Story by Garian

- The American Pageant

"Labor Problems and New Areas of Industry"

- "A History of the American People - Changes in

American Life 1865-12C"

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (82)

After yo.: hive (i.opleted the d-t that the teacher has

suggested, you will :)e able to 'dent ' y .uvecal terms that applyto laborers and tarTers on a test.


1. HSHMA pp. 402-403 - learning what The Grange" was

2. - learning the purpose of the "AFL"

3. HSHMA pp. 399-402 - learning the .,lortance of Civil Service

4. HSHMA p. 403 - learning what the Grange Laws were

5. HSHMA p. 403 - learning what the Farmers' Alliances were


After you have completed the activities that the teacher hassuggested, vou will be able in small group discussion to explainthe dissatisfaction among workers during this period.


1. HSHMA pp. 393-394 - learning why thp farmers were dissatisfied

2. HSHAA pp. 393-394 - learning why the city workers were dissatisfied


After you have completed the activities that the teacher hassuggested, you will be able on d test to explain some of the firstreforms.


1. HSHMA pp. 400-402 - learning how the money question was solved

2. HSHMA p. 402 - learning how reforms effected the railroads

3. HSHMA pp. 402-404 - learning how the Grange and The Farmer'sAlliancies helped the farmers


After you have completed the ;y:.' -he teacher has

sL4nested, y-;u 4ill be able t. labor in the


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (83)

H.HM!' pp. 4organized

n 1-Irst labor unions were

2. HSHMA pp. 404-407 - learning what the labor setbacks were

3. HSHMA pp. 404-407 - learning the importance of the AmericanFederation of Labor


After you have completed the activities that the teacher hassuggested, you will be able on a test to discuss two importantlabor movements.


1. HSHMA pp. 404-407 - learning the differences between the Knightsof Labor and the American Federation of Labor

2. HSHMA p. 407 - learning why the Knights of Labor fell andwhy the American Federation of Labor rose


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (84)

I. Matching


Knights o-F Lor


sound money

II. True of False

Pnny of the Republic

B. backed by gold

C. Samuel Gompers

D. Uriah S. Stevens

1. The Knights of Labor favored private ownership ofall utilities.

2. The Patrons of Husbandry later became known as the Grange.

3. The two farmers's WHiances were in the South.

4. The American Federation of Labor faded out in thenineteenth century.

5. The city workers and the farmers cooperated verywell together.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (85)

Al ter yo,J `3ve ccAl!Hte: !1.e teacher hassuggested, -11 c able :3 rogr.-.!sivisn rose on a test.


1. HSIA pp. 431-433 - learning the faith that the American peoplehad in progress

2. HSHMA pp. 431-433 - learning what views the Progressives had

3. HSHMAwas.

pp. 431-433 - learning what the source of Progressivism


After you have completed the activities that the teacher hassuggested, you will be able to explain in a two-page essay the rolethat government played during this period.


1. HSHMA pp. 433-436 - learning the role of progressivism ingovernment

2. HSHMA pp. 436-441 - learning the role that government playedin business from 1900-1912


After you have completed the activities that the teacher hassuggested, you will be able to explain in a small group discussionwhat the "New Freedom" from 1912-1916 was.


1. HSHMA pp. 441-446 - learning who the men were that wereinvolved in the "New Freedom"

2. HSHMA pp. 441-446 - learning the Laws and Acts of the "NewFreedom"

3. HSHMA pp. 441-446 - learning what the social and laborlegislation of the "New Freedom" were

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (86)

Truce of False

I.'',vism didn't 07.,y cha-Iges in our society

ani overnment.

2. ;lany reforms during the Progressive Era later becamela4s.

3. By 1917 the United States was a world power withworld responsibilities.

4. hany people felt that an honest, well-run governmentwould solve many of the country's problems.

5. Theodore Roosevelt was responsible for the programcalled "New Freedom."

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (87)

After comeietel t the teacher hassuggested, you 4'1 discus.:, the .2encv Warren G. Harding ina small gro::: 1.


1. HSHMA pp. 529-531 learning wLat Warren G. harding's policy was

2. HSHMA pp. 529-531 - learning what we mean when we say the UnitedStates returned to Normalcy.


After you have completed the activities that the teacher hassuggested, you will discuss the era of Calvin Coolidge on a test.


1. HSHMA pp. 531-532 - learning the importance of his election

2. HSHMA pp. 532-536 - learning the main issues during the timethat Calvin Coolidge was president

3. HSHMA pp. 534-536 - learning where the United States stood intheir relationship to other countries


After you have completed the activities that the teacher hassuggested, you will discuss life in the 1920's in a two-page essay.


1. HSHMA pp. 536-538 - learning what progress the United Statesmade in the field of science and technology.

2, HSHMA pp. 538-539 - learning what the recreation schools were

3. HSHMA pp. 539-540 - learning the role that churches played inpeople's lives

4. HSHMA p. 541 learning the changing status of women, crime,and nunishment

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (88)

t-e teal pier has

7.: le 20's ended

4ith Hoover and the Depressio.


1. HSHMA pp. 541-E12 - learning the importance of the Election of


2. HSHMA pp. 542-545depression

learning the causes and effects of the

3. HSHMA pp. 542-545 - learning the Congressional and Presidential

action of the depression


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (89)

e. in laissez faire.

2. Af-_e- the first +,101d ..!Ar the coulAry turned quicklyfrc a .v!artime to a P. co time economy.

3. Calvin Coclidge a very conservative man.

4. Taxes were raised during Coolidge's administration.

5. The cities grew very rapidly in the 20's and 30's.

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (90)

suggested,r:`tEr Hc"1C.

you be able: teacner has

on te.:, to liruss the New Deal.

1. HSHMA p. 551 - learning ',.rain trustees" were

?. HSHMA pp. ::51-552 - learning what was the importance of the CCC

3. HSHMA p. 551 - learning the importance of Roosevelt's"Fireside Chats"

4. HSHMA pp. 549-552 - learning the importance of the WPA, TVA,CWA and AAA


After you have completed the activities that the teacher hassuggested, you will discuss in a two-page essay, Roosevelt's electionGird the importance of his program.


1. HSHMA pp. 551-557 - learning the importance of the election of1932

2. HSHMA pp. 551-557 - learning the importance of the New Deal of1933-1936

3. HSHMA pp. 557-573 - learning the importance of the New Dealof 1936-1939

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (91)

of i-a7

,,,embers of his

s Adviors of Pcoe!elt were called thebrain t!ustees."

3. The first action of the New Deal was to meet thebanking crisis.

4. Roosevelt wasn't interested in improving the courts.

5. Everyone was in favor of the New Deal.

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (92)

DV: .

1. Prenare a cha,: :or class display Irsting the arguments for

and against Civil Service Reform.

2. Prepare a chart for class d:splay showing which of the reforms

advocated by the progressives in 1900 lnad been enacted into law

by 1916.

3. Explain in a 2-page essay the argument that developed between

Theodore Roosevelt and William H. Taft.

4. Draw freehanded a picture of Herbert Hoover.

J. Draw freehanded a sketch of Fr,Inklin Delano Roosevelt.

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (93)








L11, NUMBER 2/1

WRITTEN BY Mrs. Burgdorf

5773 4

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (94)


United States International Relations

1890 - 1945

A. From Isolation to Imperialism

B. World War I

C. From Isolation to Involvement: 30-1945

D. World War II

Emphasis is on the factors influencing the development

of the United States into a leading world power. Special

consideration is given to the nature, cause, and effect of

(1) American Imperialism (2) American involvement in World

War I (3) Isolationism in 4he 1920's and 1930's and (4)

American involvement in World War II.

Particular attention is given to relationships be-

tween our domestic and foreign policies of the period and

the effect of modernization for world war on the American



DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (95)



(In parentheses at the left of each item, you will find the

notation HD or LIB, HD means that the item will be found in the

History Department. LIB means that it will be found in the Library

in the room for special materials. These are the forms of further

references in the activities section.)

(HD) (HSHMA) A High School History of Modern America by Shafer

(HD) (ALF) America Land of Freedom by Hartman

(HD) (RAN) Rise of the American Nation by Todd

(HD) (TAS) The American Story by Garian

(HD) (AP) The American Pageant


(LIB) Pictorial Film Encyclopedia of American History:Unit 14; global War for a Free World, Pt. 1

1940-1942; Pt. 2 1942-1943; Pt. 3 1944-1945

(LIB) A History of American People: World War II Overseas

(LIB). A History of American People: World War II, Home Front

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (96)

Section I Imperialism


After you have copieted, the activities that the teacher hassuggested, you will explain the United States' beginning in imperi-alism on a test.


1. HSHMA pp. 485-486 - learning how the United States becameinterested in world affairs.

2. HSHMA pp. 486-490 - learning how the United States becameinvolved in world affairs.


After you have completed the activities that the teacher hassuggested, you will explain the Spanish-American War in a two-pageessay.


1. HSHMA pp. 490-495 - learning the importance of the Cuban Rebellion.

2. HSHMA pp. 490-495 - learning the reason for the outbreak ofthe war.

3. HSHMA pp. 490-495 - learning the military operations.

4. HSHMA pp. 490-495 - learning what the United States role asan imperial power was.


After you have completed the activities tha the teacher hassuggested, you will explain the increasing involvement of the UnitedStates in world affairs.


1. HSHMA pp. 495-496 - learning what the "Open-Door" policy in Chinawas.

2. HSHMA pp. 497-498 - learning the Panama Canal and Roosevelt's"Big Stick

3. HSHMA pp. 499-500 - learning h'w the Monroe Doctrine applied toLatin America.

4. HSHMA pp. 500-501 - learning the importance of the Asian andEuropean Negotiations


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (97)




you have completed the activities that the teacher hasyou will discuss Mexico.


1. HSHMA pp. 501-502 - learning what the disorder in Mexicowas

2. HSHMA pp. 501-503 - learning what the American Involvementin Mexico was


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (98)

True of False


1. Imperialism is the interest of one country wantingto control another country.

2. Until the 1890's only the Secretary of State wasinterested in the needs and problems of othercountries.

3. The United States military forces occupied Cubauntil 1902 with orders to prepare Cuba for in-dependence.

4. The British battleship Maine was destroyed inHavanna.

5. The great powers of Europe all wanted colonialpossessions and trade.

II. Matching:

1. Sig Stick Policy A. Hawaiian Queen

2. Lilinokalani B. NPval base in Cuba

3. Joseph Pulitzer C. Theodore Roosevelt

4. Guantanama D. newspaper publisher

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (99)

Section II World War I


After you have completed. the activities that the teacher hassuggested, you will discuss the United States' involvement inWorld War I.


1. HSHMA pp. 507-508 - learning what the background of World

War I

2. HSHMA pp. 507-510 - learning about how war was declared andthe United States' reaction and involvement in the war

3. HSHMA pp. 510-512 - learning the details of sdbmarine warfare


After you have completed the activities that the teacher hassuggested, you will write a two-page essay explaining how this warwas very mob: e.


1. HSHMA pp. 513-'515 - learning the role industry played inthe war

2. HSHMA p. 514 - learning how agriculture was important

3. HSHMA pp. 514-515 - learning how the war was financed

4. HSHMA p. 515 - learning the American's involvement in the14 points


After you have completed the activities that the teacher hassuggested, you will be able to explain how the war was Actuallyfought.


1. HSHMA pp. 515-516 - learning how the United States prepared

for the war.

2. HSHMA p. 516 - learning the importance of the war on theocean

3. HSHMA pp. 516-517 - learning the importance of the war at home.

4. HSHMA pp. 517 -518. - learning what the war was like on thewestern front

5. HSHMA pp. 519 -520 - learning how the Americans were involved

in the war and their contributions and losses


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (100)

True and False:


1. When Italy and Germany became unified the problem ofbalance of power arose.

2. The German's decision to use submarine warfare wasone reason for the United States entering the war.

3. A nation must be totally mobilized for a modern war.

4. The first World War was very expensive to the UnitedStates.

5. The war on the ocean was mostly a submarine war.

6. Woodrow Wilson was responsible for the 14 points.

7. Wilson felt all countries should join together tohelp protect peach.

. The war in Europe was fought chiefly in France.

9. The United States had to produce agriculturalproducts for its own people and the Allies.

10. Raising taxes was one way in which the war was paidfor.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (101)

Section III Isolation to Involvement


After you have completed.the activities that the teacher hassuggested, you will be able in small group discussions to explainthe American foreign policy from World War I until 1933.


1. HSHMA pp. 577-579 - learning what the Good Neighbor Policy was

2. HSHMA pp. 579-585 - learning what Nazism was

3. HSHMA pp. 579-585 - learning what Fascism was

4. HSHMA pp. 579-585 - learning what Communism was.


After you have completed the activities that the teacher has sug-gested, you will be able on a test to explain the rise of Authoritativepower.


1. HSHMA pp. 579-585 -

2. HSHMA pp. 579-585 -

3. HSHMA pp. 579-585 -

4. HSHMA pp. 579-585 -

learning how Russia was authoritative

learning how Italy became authoritative

learning how Germany became authoritative

learning how Japan became authoritative


After you have completed the activities that the teacher hassuggested, you will discuss the tensions that lead to the war.


1. HSHMA pp. 585 - discuss the action in the United States leadingto World War II

2. HSHMA pp. 588-593 - learning the reaction in the United Statesleading to World War II.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (102)


True or False:

1. The Good Neighbor Policy's aim was to promote betterrelations to defend one another among the nations ofthe Americas.

2. Hitler was responsible for Nazism.

3. Italy was on the winning side in World War I.

4. Mussolini was the man responsible for Fascism.

5. Communism puts all people on the same level.

6. The Uniteu States remained neutral at the beginningof World hut' II.

7. The majority of Americans wanted to stay out ofWorld War II.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (103)

Section IV World War II


After you have completed the activities that the teacher has sug-gested, you will discuss the wpr in the early stages on a two-page essay.


1. HSHMA pp, 601-605 - learning thePearl Harbor

2. HSHMA pp. 601-605 - learning theand her Allies.


importance of the bombing of

reverses of the United States

After you have completed the activities that the teacher has sug-gested, you will be able on a test to discuss the highlights of the war.


1. HSHMA pp. 618-621 - learning the importance of the A-bomb

2. HSHMA p. 617 - learning the importance of V-E Day.

3. HSHMA pp. 614-617 - learning the importance of D-Day

4. HSHMA pp. 614-615 - learning the reason of the Second Front

5. HSHMA p. 621 - learning the accomplishments of the Big Three


After you have completed the activities that the teacher hassuggested, you will be able to discuss the actual action of the war.


1. HSHMA pp. 611-612 - learning the importance of the War inEurope from 1942 to 1944

2. HSHMA pp. 612-614 - learning the importance of the war inthe Pacific, 1942-1944

3. HSHMA pp. 614-617 - learning the importance of the invasionof Western Europe.

4. HSHMA pp. 618-622 - learning the victory Japan

5. HSHMA pp. 620-621 - learning what the actual cost of the war was


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (104)


After you have completed the activities that the teacher hassuggested, you will be able on a test to explain the end of the war.


1. HSHMA pp. 617-618 - learning the importance of Franklin Roosevelt'srelection in 1944 until his death in 1945

2. HSHMA pp. 621-624 - the peace after the war and hew it wasboth settled and unsettled


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (105)


True of False:

1. The bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 wasthe incident that actually brought the United Statesinto the war.

2. The year 1942 was a time when the United States andits allies suffered defeat after defeat.

3. The British were very weak at the beginning of WorldWar II.

4. Germany was the strongest of the Axis powers.

5. The "second front" was a term used which would forcethe Germans to pull some of their troops oui.; of France..

. General Eisenhower was the Supreme Commander of theD-Day invasion.

7. When V-E Day was declared the war was over all overthe world.

8. The first A-bomb was dropped on Hiroshima.

9. Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin were considered the"Big Three."

10. The second World War was much cheaper than WorldWar I.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (106)


1. For class display draw of the Pacific Ocean and the

territories in and around it. Locate and mark those places

in which the United States had an active interest before


For class display make a map of the battle lines in France

in September, 1914, and in November, 1918.

3. For debate: Resolved, That the United States should have

entered the League of Nations.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (107)









WRITTEN BY Jane S_ Rurgdnrf

51673 4

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (108)


The "Cold War" is the name given to the struggle

between the Communist nations and the democratic nations.

After World War 11 democratic nations wanted to stop

Communist expansion without resorting to a full scale

war. The continuous threat of war, the accusations

between nations, and the many minor skirmishes since

that time present evidence of the lasting existence

of the "Cold War".


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (109)



(In parentheses at the left of each item, you will

find the notation HD or LIB, HD means that the item will

be found in the History Department. LIB means that it

will be found in the Library in the room for special

materials. These are the forms of further references

in the activities section.)

(HD) (HSHMA) A High School History of Modern Americaby Shafer

(HD) (ALF) America Land of Freedom by Hartman

(HD) (RAN) Rise of the American Nation by Todd

(HD) (TAS) The American Stoi by Garian

(HD) (AP) The American Pageant


(LIB) "Korean War" Eye - Gate

(LIB) "Communist World"

(LIB) "The United States and its Alliances"


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (110)

Sect-vo ;d


After you have completed the activities that the teacher has suggested,you will be able to define the foilcminc. terms on d test.

1. satellite2. Iron Curtain3. Cold War

4. N. A. T. 05. S. E. A. T. O.


10 Study HSHMA - Chapter 27 - learning what "satellite" means.

2. HSHMA - Chapter 27 - learning what the Iron Curtain was.

3. HSHMA - Chapter 27 - learning what we mean by the term "Cold War."

4. View "Communist World" - learning what N. A. T. O. is.

5, View "Communist World" - learning what S. E. A. T. O. is.


After you have completed the activities that the teacher has suggested, youwill be able on.a test to explain America's Foreign Aid during the Cold War years.


1. HSHMA - Chapter 27 - learning what the Truman Doctrine was.

2. HSHMA -sChapter 27 - learning the importance of the European Recovery Plan.

3. HSHMA - Chapter 27 - learning the importance of Truman's Point Four Provo-.

4. HSHMA - Chapter 27 - learning the importance of the Airlift to Berlin.


After you have completed the activities that the teacher has suggested, youwill discuss two important doctrines during this period in a two-page essay.


1. HSHMA - Chapter 27 - learning the contents and importance of the Truman doctrine.

2. HSHMA - Chapter 27 - learning the contents and importance of the Eisenhowerdoctrine.

3. HSHMA - learning how the two doctrines were different.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (111)



1. S.E.A.T.0

2. Iron Curtain

3. Cold War

4. N.A.T.O.

5. satellite

True or False:

Section !

1. The Truman Doctrine was inspired by West Germany.

2. West Germany is a satellite of Rusia.

3. The European Recovery Plan was formally called the "Berlin Airlift."

4. Eisenhower was the author of the "Point Four Program."

5. The Eisenhower Doctrine was introduced because of Hungary's revolt.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (112)

Section II Intrnationa Co-operation

OEHAVIPn 0"lrfTlur T'

After you have completed the a.:tivites t:lat the teacher has suggested,you will be able to discuss on a test some important policies during this time.


1. HSHMA - pp. 485-500; pp. 578, 664- learning the importance of the MonroeDoctrine.

2. HSHMA - pp. 485-500; pp. 578, 664- learring the importance of the GoodNeighbor Policy.

3. View "The United States and its Alliances" - learning the importance ofthe Alliance for Progress.


After you have completed the activities that the teacher has suggested, youwill be able in small groups to discuss the Common Market.


1. HSHMA - pp. 485-500; pp. 578, 664 - learning how the United States may benefitfrom it.

2. HSHMA - pp. 485-500; pp. 578, 664 - learning how other countries may benefitfrom it.


After you have completed the activities that the teacher has suggested, youwill be able on a test to discuss the influence that the United Nations nad duringthe Cold War years.


1. View "Near East Powder Keg" - learning how the United Nations intervened intothe Korean Conflict.

2. View "Near East Powder Keg" - learning how the United Nations intervened intothe 1956 Suez Canal Crisis.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (113)


True or False:

1. France did not belong to tne Common Market.

2. The United States hasn't benefited from the Common Market.

3. The Alliance for Progress was a program designed to help thepeople of Korea,

4. North Korea invaded South Korea in 1950.

5. The Marshall Plan was a policy of not exchanging information withthe Western World.

6. The Good Neighbor Policy was another step toward lasting peace.

7. Eisenhower said, "The United States will not allow any furtherconquests in the Middle East by the Communists."

8. The Good Neighbor Policy and the Alliance for Progress were exactlythe same.

9. General Douglas McArthur was the first leader of the United Nations'troops in Korea.

10. The United States didn't want to become involved in the Suez CanalCrisis.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (114)

Abi;CF1 s,unicc,

1. After reading your text and other mete,-ill Resource Center,

show evidences' of how Cmmurii':,,.1 has chal'._ AeA th Onited States in

Asia. What steps did each of the following take:

(1) Truman (2) Eisenhower (3) Kennedy

What did each man do to meet these challenges?

2. Take one of the following men and write a biography sketch of him.

Explain what role he played in the Cold War.

1) Paul Hoffman 2) George Marshall 3) Bernard M. Baruch

4) Dr. Ralph J. Bunch 5) Trygue Lie

3. Draw a map of the world showing the Communist countries in one color

and the countries associated by another color. Use another color to

emphasize the current tension spots in the world today. This should

be handed in to your teacher for a grade.

4. For class display, draw a map of Europe on poster paper and color the

countries of the Common Market.

5. Prepare a biographical sketch on one of the following:

1) Adlai Stevenson 2) Fidel Castro

6. For class display make a chart showing alliances that the United States

belongs to; also the one it supports.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 Burgdorf, Jane · DOCUMENT RESUME ED 092 458 SO 007 565 AUTHOR Burgdorf, Jane TITLE Learning Activity Package, Social Studies 112, LAPS - [PDF Document] (2024)
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