Baldur's Gate 3: Best Illithid Powers, Ranked (2024)

Players of Baldur’s Gate 3 don’t just have to fight a Mindflayer invasion; they need to stop an Illithid parasite from transforming them into one before it’s too late. With the whole of Faerun at stake and their survival on the line, Baldur's Gate 3 puts players in quite a sensitive predicament. That is, at least, before they discover that their Illithid parasite also provides them with unique abilities.


Baldur's Gate 3: 12 Best Rings You Can Get In Act 2, Ranked

There are plenty more enchanted rings to pick up in act 2 of Baldur's Gate 3 that are sure to give players an edge following on from the first act.

As players learn throughout their Baldur’s Gate playthrough, their time with the parasite allows them to slowly tap into a Mindflayer’s arsenal of psionic abilities without the immediate risk of transformation. However, just which Illithid Powers should players prioritize before their infection finally seizes full control of them?

Updated on April 24, 2024, by Rhenn Taguiam: With Baldur’s Gate 3 winning Game of the Year in the recent BAFTA Awards, the D&D adaptation might intrigue both fans and newcomers as to just what the game offers that other RPGs don’t to become worthy of such an accolade. However, players may soon realize that on top of the game’s rather gripping narrative and take on romantic relationships is a title that explores D&D mechanics in a wildly entertaining manner. Such is the abundance of destructible objects and interactive elements that players can use in a manner of ways - especially when used in conjunction with mechanics such as Illithid Powers that players slowly gain the more they consume Illithid Parasites. Among must-use Powers they can unlock for their gameplay supremacy include the option to give health to allies, a movement with a fierce push, reducing the enemy’s Ability when hit, and incentivizing more risk in combat encounters.

19 Transfuse Health

Emergency Heals With Massive Risks

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Illithid Powers, Ranked (2)


Bonus Action




Per Turn



Surviving a tough encounter in Baldur’s Gate 3 usually falls upon the party members who can provide themselves with healing even if they’re not necessarily Clerics. Sometimes, even the riskiest of healing can turn the tide of combat when used properly - something Transfuse Health demonstrates.

When used, Transfuse Health will take half of the player’s remaining Hit Points to heal a target of the same amount. This effect makes Transfuse Health compatible with tanks or high-HP party members who can probably take the massive Hit Point hit if it means getting powerful glass cannon units into proper shape.

18 Favourable Beginnings

Get The Jump On Enemies In Every Encounter

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Illithid Powers, Ranked (3)






Per Encounter



Getting a good first strike can often spell victory in a Baldur’s Gate 3 encounter, especially when a heavy enough attack can force enemies to retreat or at least get them to 0 HP faster. This principle is followed by Favourable Beginnings, a Passive that is among the first unlockables available among Illithid Powers.

When unlocked, players can apply their Proficiency Bonus to the first Attack Roll or Ability Check they make against a target. Considering how players can likely focus all their buffs on their next attack, the extra guarantee with Favourable Beginnings can lead to devastating first strikes. The nature of this first-of-the-encounter ability can make this extremely useful for Rogues whose ambushes often dictate the flow of battle.

17 Force Tunnel

A Charging Push For Extra Mobility

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Illithid Powers, Ranked (4)






Short Rest



Distances can make combat in Baldur’s Gate 3 extremely sensitive to measurements, especially when attacks can be rendered impossible should enemies make the slightest step away from the player’s range. This makes mobility abilities like Force Tunnel extremely important, as their usage as gap-closers can allow tanks to pummel their way into a comfortable attacking distance.

When cast, Force Tunnel pushes all creatures and objects on the player’s immediate path. This doesn’t provoke Opportunity Attacks, making them extremely useful for repositioning. While its distance doesn’t offer a lot of room for retreating, its Short Rest recovery period can make this an emergency maneuvering tactic for players who want to get an opening to escape or flank a foe.

16 Perilous Stakes

Attacks Give Healing In Exchange For More Damage

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Illithid Powers, Ranked (5)






Long Rest


Transfuse Health

In Baldur’s Gate 3 combat, healing can become essential in ensuring a character’s survival, especially after careful application. It’s this benefit that also makes lifesteal-esque abilities valuable to players. However, just like how other Illithid Powers have a catch, so too does Perilous Stakes. When acquired, Perilous Stakes grants a 3-turn Passive that heals its target for 2d8 Hit Points when attacking in exchange for being Vulnerable to all forms of damage.

At first glance, Perilous Stakes is a nifty buff for a frontline tank who can resist attacks or the Rogue who can dodge them. For players who want more strategic choices, they can cast Perilous Stakes on an enemy (INT Save) and give them the heal-on-attack… if they survive the player’s blows first.

15 Luck Of The Far Realms

Instant Crit On Hit Can Facilitate Powerful Combos

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Illithid Powers, Ranked (6)

Type (Passive/Active)





Once per Long Rest


Favorable Beginnings

Rolling a Critical Hit on an Attack Roll can transform a meager attack into a finishing move in , with Luck of the Far Realms making this a more distinct possibility for gamers as an Illithid Power in Baldur’s Gate 3. Serving as a Passive Feature, triggering this Illithid Power can help players transform a successful Attack Roll into an automatic Critical, doubling all damage dice rolled for that particular Attack.

Given how this Passive is only usable once per Long Rest, this is best reserved for emergencies or combos where players are expected to land a massive hit when executed properly. Ideal ways of using Luck of the Far Realms involve Paladins also imbuing their attacks with any one of their Smites or a Frenzied Berserker Barbarian with the Tavern Brawler Feat.

14 Black Hole

Pull Enemies To A Point For Burst Attacks

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Illithid Powers, Ranked (7)

Type (Passive/Active)





Short Rest


Displace, Astral-Touched Tadpole

On top of damage and healing, area control remains one of the most vital components of effective Spells in Baldur’s Gate 3 - something that Black Hole excels at when used correctly. While this Illithid Power doesn’t deal damage to opponents, its 18-meter range and INT Save almost always guarantee that enemies pulled into its center point are slowed. This alone should be enough of a deterrent to give the team time to regroup or pull off a counterattack.


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However, where Black Hole goes beyond expectations is its extra effect. Upon using it for the first time, players can release up to five more Black Holes before recharging with a Short Rest. When positioned properly, players can surround a group of enemies with slowing points or delay their advance, keeping them in a place where Spells and AOE attacks can hit them more easily.

13 Ability Drain

Reducing Ability Can Greatly Decrease Enemy DPS

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Illithid Powers, Ranked (9)

Type (Passive/Active)





Per Turn


Psionic Overload

Given how a single Ability Score can increase the outcome of a Skill Check in Baldur’s Gate 3, effects that can temporarily lower an Ability Score like Ability Drain can debilitate a target’s combat prowess. When obtained after unlocking Psionic Overload, this Passive Feature affects a player’s target whenever they get hit by an Attack Roll.

Should players with Ability Drain hit an opponent, their Ability Score associated with the Attack is decreased by 1. Depending on the source, melee attackers will affect Strength, ranged combatants will affect Dexterity, and Spellcasters affect the associated Spellcasting Ability. While a melee attacker with Ability Drain will likely debilitate an enemy’s combat prowess, it can be used to pave the way for deadlier effects. For instance, ranged attackers constantly draining Dexterity from afar will leave enemies vulnerable to powerful AOE Spells.

12 Mind Blast

Psychic Attack With Stun Can Delay Enemy Advance

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Illithid Powers, Ranked (10)

Type (Passive/Active)





Long Rest


Cull the Weak, Astral-Touched Tadpole

Sometimes, the best abilities in Baldur’s Gate 3 combat are those that affect enemies in a straightforward manner, such as Mind Blast. When triggered, the player will release a wave of psychic energy that can deal as much as 4d8 + 5 Psychic Damage. Should targets fail their INT Save, they become Stunned for a turn.

While its Long Rest recharge might seem overkill at first, Mind Blast forcing INT Saves means targeting one of the lesser-used Abilities by most creatures in the game. As such, the almost guaranteed single-turn Stun and the potential 37 Damage can easily get rid of mobs before they even try countering the player.

11 Charm

Avoiding Attacks Can Boost Survivability

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Illithid Powers, Ranked (11)

Type (Passive/Active)







Favorable Beginnings

Throughout a player’s journey in Baldur’s Gate 3, their characters will often use their tadpole to establish dominance over others through dialogue. However, Charm is a similar feature that affects enemies in combat, where tadpole-affected players will be able to focus on their newfound psionic abilities to force enemies to stop their hostilities.

As a Passive Feature, Charm allows players to enchant an attacker. If this ability works, that enemy will avoid attacking the player until their next turn, giving players room to run away or strike a counter-attack without fear of retaliation.

10 Mind Sanctuary

Actions As Bonus Actions Can Enhance Overall DPS

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Illithid Powers, Ranked (12)

Type (Passive/Active)





Long Rest


Psionic Backlash, Astral-Touched Tadpole

Players trying to enjoy their Baldur’s Gate 3 session may realize that a large aspect of the game’s combat relies on resource management for their character, especially since some moves not only cost certain resources (Spell Slots, Charges) but also work within the context of Actions, Bonus Actions, and Reactions. Depending on how “heavy” a move is, characters may end up doing more or less in their turn.

Thanks to Mind Sanctuary, a player with this Illithid Power creates a magical nexus that allows the interchangeable use of Actions and Bonus Actions. This effectively lessens the burden of using heavier moves that otherwise cost Actions, allowing players to use more powerful features at a fraction of the resources required.

9 Displacer Beast Shape

Extra Form Can Enhance Melee Prowess

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Illithid Powers, Ranked (13)

Type (Passive/Active)





Long Rest


Stage Fright, Astral-Touched Tadpole

One of the most frightening prospects of players not getting rid of the Illithid parasite in their Baldur’s Gate 3 playthrough is the notion of becoming a Mindflayer. Until they do so, they can enjoy their roster of psychic abilities in combat, one of which is to turn into a horrifying Displacer Beast via Displacer Beast Shape.

When transformed, players remain in the Displacer Beast Shape until they take a Long Rest or if they run out of its 85 Hit Points. Players retain their INT, WIS, and CHA scores, making this form ideal for spellcasters. Aside from being a more alien Wild Shape equivalent, Displacer Beast Shape technically gives players access to 85 Temporary Hit Points in the guise of an alternate form.

8 Fracture Psyche

Reduced AC Always Enhances Offense

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Illithid Powers, Ranked (14)

Type (Passive/Active)





Short Rest


Ability Drain, Astral-Touched Tadpole

Armor Class remains an integral part of Baldur’s Gate 3 gameplay, especially since they can only damage an opponent after their Attack Roll bypasses the enemy’s AC. Any effect that either buffs an Attack Roll or grants it Advantage can boost the chances of damaging opponents successfully. However, Fracture Psyche aids players by giving a -1 AC penalty to the enemy.


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Managing one's inventory in Baldur's Gate 3 is essential. These easy tips are worthwhile to keep in mind.

This debuff lasts for five turns, giving the caster and their allies ample time to eliminate the enemy in question, regardless if they’re using spells or reliable Versatile Weapons. If this is successful, the caster can then use Fracture Psyche on another target. Since Fracture Psyche can be used once per Short Rest, it’s recommended for players to kill enemies during the effect’s duration.

7 Shield Of Thralls

Temporary HP Always Boosts Defense

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Illithid Powers, Ranked (16)

Type (Passive/Active)





Short Rest


Transfuse Health

With Armor Class determining how high attacks should roll to hit Baldur’s Gate 3 characters, players need a substantial amount of Hit Points to ensure their character’s survival. Thankfully, some spells and abilities give them access to Temporary HP, practically a “buffer” that shields its owner from attacks until emptied. Only one source of Temp HP can affect characters at a time, with Shield of Thralls being the most efficient among them.

At its core, Shield of Thralls gives 10 Temporary HP to the caster or their ally. While this seems straightforward enough, this Temp HP ability is the only one that comes with a spell-ending effect, wherein depleting the 10 Temp HP releases a blast that can Stun foes if they fail an INT Save. What makes Shield of Thralls attractive is its INT Save requirement, as most creatures except spellcasters have INT as a dump stat. In turn, it’s best to cast Shield of Thralls as a character with high enough INT, making the Stun after-effect practically a guarantee.

6 Stage Fright

Forcing Attack Disadvantage With Damage Penalty Can Punish Enemy Offense

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Illithid Powers, Ranked (17)

Type (Passive/Active)





Short Rest


Psionic Overload

Debuffs that impose Disadvantage on attacks become a big deal in Baldur’s Gate 3 combat, especially since this forces attackers to roll two dice and get the lower result - almost always resulting in a miss. Among Illithid Abilities, Stage Fright serves as the equivalent of such a debuff. Unlike other variations, Stage Fright lasts for 3 turns and may end prematurely when the target finally succeeds in its attack.

However, Stage Fright’s other technical components make it a fearsome weapon. It has an 18-meter range as well as a 2d6 Psychic Damage punishment to foes who miss their attacks. Should they not hit at all across those three turns, they get a total of 6d6 Psychic Damage spread across that duration.

5 Psionic Dominance

Stop A Foe’s Stronger Spells

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Illithid Powers, Ranked (18)

Type (Passive/Active)







Charm (Illithid Power), Astral-Touched Tadpole

Despite its hefty status as a 3rd-Level Abjuration spell, Counterspell remains one of the most essential tools in a spellcaster’s toolkit, especially since it can be used to nullify a spell of an equal level or lower as a Reaction. With most heavy-hitting spells occurring beyond 2nd-Level, Counterspell can ruin an enemy mage’s repertoire of magical abilities.

Players having trouble with Counterspell’s hefty cost might consider grabbing Psionic Dominance as an Illithid Power. When a spellcaster within 18 meters of a player targets them with a spell lower or equal to their Proficiency Bonus, they can immediately nullify the spell with their Reaction. While this might not be as useful against multiple spellcasters, Psionic Dominance acting as a free Counterspell can give major advantages to players.

4 Psionic Backlash

Discourage Foes From Casting Spells

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Illithid Powers, Ranked (19)

Type (Passive/Active)





Per Turn


Concentrated Blast

Spellcasters can become some of the most challenging enemies to deal with in the D&D game, especially when their low health is often contrasted with an array of powerful spells. Such is the threat level that the Mage Slayer Feat exists, allowing its users to use their Reaction to make an attack on a mage casting a spell within melee. With Psionic Backlash, this Feat just got a ranged equivalent.


Baldur's Gate 3: Hardest Achievements

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Thanks to Psionic Backlash, players can use their Reaction to inflict 1d4 Psychic Damage to an opponent casting a spell within a 9-meter radius. Not only that, the Damage increases by 1d4 per Spell Level, practically punishing the usage of powerful spells with the equivalent of a Bonus Attack.

3 Cull The Weak

Destroy Enemies Instantly At Half-Health

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Illithid Powers, Ranked (21)

Type (Passive/Active)







Concentrated Blast

As an Illithid Power, Cull The Weak serves as an upgrade of Concentrated Blast, this time instantly killing an enemy should the user bring down said opponent to Hit Points fewer than their existing Evolved Illithid Powers. Not only that, this insta-kill move will also release an attack that damages nearby creatures with 1d4 Psychic Damage.

Despite Cull The Weak activating at such a small threshold, this ability can become an asset in a game adapting D&D 5e mechanics. Unlike other RPGs, an enemy down to 1 Hit Point can still fight like a regular foe. With players always having the chance to miss foes, an insta-kill ability targeting lower-health foes can negate the need to waste another attack.

2 Concentrated Blast

Trade Concentrated Spell For A Powerful Attack

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Illithid Powers, Ranked (22)

Type (Passive/Active)





Per turn



Spellcasters, like Wizards, in Baldur’s Gate 3 gameplay often need to Concentrate on spells with interesting effects, placing them in a precarious position as the spell ends as soon as they break Concentration. For players who know they’re potentially on the receiving end of a Concentration-breaking attack or want to transition to another Concentration spell, Concentrated Blast becomes a neat punishment against attacking foes.

Concentrated Blast is only usable during Concentration, releasing 3d6 Psychic Damage towards a target that heals for damage dealt when attacking a Concentrating foe. Using this Illithid Power immediately ends the player’s current Concentrated spell. However, this Action becomes a neat damaging “transition” to a new spell, making Concentration breaks more meaningful in the action economy.

1 Freecast

Extra Casting Can Vastly Improve DPS

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Illithid Powers, Ranked (23)

Type (Passive/Active)







Shield of Thralls, Astral-Touched Tadpole

While more of a Feature than an active Illithid Power, Freecast remains one of the most efficient abilities in Baldur’s Gate 3 gameplay courtesy of its inherent effect. When activated, Freecast will remove all resource costs for the player’s next Action - be it an attack, an ability, or a spell. Not only that, Freecast refreshes after a Short or Long Rest, giving players the freedom to use it at least twice before retreating for the day.

Freecast can become an invaluable resource for conserving Spell Slots and building towards efficient combos. Theoretically, using Freecast as a Fighter can make Action Surge a free Action. Instead of just using an Action to cast Action Surge to get another Action the next turn, Freecast gives players two free Actions to use.

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Illithid Powers, Ranked (24)
Baldur's Gate 3
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August 3, 2023
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Baldur's Gate 3: Best Illithid Powers, Ranked (2024)


Baldur's Gate 3: Best Illithid Powers, Ranked? ›

Freecast is a must-have illithid power for any spellcaster in Baldur's Gate 3 as it allows the character to remove any resource cost for their next action, such as using a spell slot, using Channel Divinity, or using an Action Surge. This passive feature can be toggled on or off and can be used only once per long rest.

What is the best illithid power in BG3? ›

Freecast is a must-have illithid power for any spellcaster in Baldur's Gate 3 as it allows the character to remove any resource cost for their next action, such as using a spell slot, using Channel Divinity, or using an Action Surge. This passive feature can be toggled on or off and can be used only once per long rest.

Are the illithid powers worth it? ›

The short answer is yes, you should use your Illithid powers, but there is a caveat. While your Baldur's Gate 3 companions worry over the disastrous consequences of giving Mind Flayer tadpoles some influence over you, there's not actually anything to worry about until Act 3.

Should I give Astarion illithid powers? ›

As useful as they are, the decision over whether to give companions Illithid Powers is entirely up to the player. They may choose to avoid imposing this burden on characters who are explicitly averse to it, like Lae'zel, or grant it to those who want it most, like Gale and Astarion.

What is the strongest ability in BG3? ›

1 Charisma (Cha)

Taking the top spot is Charisma — a spell casting ability used by Bards, Paladins, Sorcerers, and Warlocks. In addition to increasing the effectiveness of spells, this ability can be used to convince or deceive characters encountered on your journey. This is an incredibly powerful asset.

Can you max out illithid powers? ›

At maximum, 25 illithid powers can be unlocked, which makes it easy to see just how powerful the ability can be. Eight of these are attached to a tier that can't be unlocked until the beginning of Act 3, limiting things to 17 up until that point, but that's still a significant number in any context.

What happens when you unlock all illithid powers in BG3? ›

Your character will be able to destroy the Nether Brain and your companions will be rid of their infections, but your character will lose its mind and memories and come close to controlling and murdering your former companions. So... great for everyone else, just not you.

What happens if you use Illithid powers too much in BG3? ›

Therefore, overuse of Illithid Powers can actually be helpful in developing certain relationships with Baldur's Gate 3 NPCs - but still, it's not without its drawbacks. More importantly, overusing Illithid Powers can lock the player into one of the bad endings of Baldur's Gate 3.

Does becoming half-Illithid affect the ending? ›

You'll actually be presented with the decision to evolve into a half-illithid, and later, if you play your cards right (or wrong) a full-illithid. Both decisions are unequal, with one having no impact on your playthrough, and the other resulting in an alternative ending.

Should I remove Illithid tadpoles? ›

You would just lose your powers and mind reading abilities. Which is great option for someone who doesn't want to be wormbrain at all costs.

Should you let Astarion bite you? ›

Should you Let Astarion Bite You? Letting Astarion bite you is an easy way to get approval with him. The simple answer is yes, as the only downside is gaining the Bloodless debuff, while Astarion gains the Happy buff and his approval rating of you increases.

Is Charm a good illithid power? ›

Avoiding Attacks Can Boost Survivability

However, Charm is a similar feature that affects enemies in combat, where tadpole-affected players will be able to focus on their newfound psionic abilities to force enemies to stop their hostilities. As a Passive Feature, Charm allows players to enchant an attacker.

Can illithid powers be reset? ›

This mod allows you to respec and refund all Illithid Powers you've assigned in the Illithid Power skill tree. It fully refunds all skill points, allowing you to re-assign them. Install with BG3 Mod Manager. Remember to also install Norbyte's Script Extender (see above)!

What is the highest DPS spell in BG3? ›

Fireball is the best spell in Baldur's Gate 3 because it provides unprecedented area damage and can wipe out an entire team with one spell. Combine this with Sorcerer Metamagic, using a bonus action, you can cast this twice in one turn and have the most damage possible in an opening turn.

Can you be overpowered in BG3? ›

BG3 offers various class builds for overpowered characters, from Battle Master Fighters to College of Valor Bards. Multi-classing can enhance any BG3 build further, allowing players to experiment with deadly combinations.

What is the most useful skill in Baldur's Gate 3? ›

Of all the skills available in Baldur's Gate 3, no matter what class a player has chosen, they should always be proficient in the Wisdom-based skill Perception. This is one of the most important skills in the game, as it allows the player to be aware of their surroundings at all times.

What are illithid powers used for in BG3? ›

The Baldur's Gate 3 Illithid Powers are unique abilities that you can unlock for your team. It emphasizes the use of your mind (i.e. psychic force). However, you do need to gain points to make use of these abilities.

Do illithid powers affect ending? ›

With illithid powers having no bearing on how your playthrough of Baldur's Gate 3 concludes, you might instead want to make the decision based on how they fit into the story.

What are the awakened illithid powers? ›

Understanding the Awakened Illithid Powers bonus: The bonus allows the player to cast the Illithid abilities as a bonus action instead of an action. It opens up more combat strategies and will undoubtedly make your character more powerful if you plan to use and invest points into this special skill tree.

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